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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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So what's your explanation then?


If they closed the other one to shut us up why would they open another thread? They'll probably close this one and open another when a mod comes around and notices.


It's not that difficult to imagine that extremely large threads can cause problems, but it's not like there's a hard number.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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If they closed the other one to shut us up why would they open another thread? They'll probably close this one and open another when a mod comes around and notices.


It's not that difficult to imagine that extremely large threads can cause problems, but it's not like there's a hard number.


If I was competently designing a forum, it wouldn't be difficult to have things lock at a hard limit if it indeed causes problems.


Gamefaqs, for example, does this.

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i'm kind of baffled at what is making this UI so difficult to manage. it's a pretty simple thing to get right, but they've gotten it wrong so many times already. there are simple rules for this that any experience with player-created mods will illustrate.


1) a vertical or horizontal sliding bar indicating CD time is not as effective as a circular pie-like countdown. with long CDs, a vert/horiz bar can disappear at the bottom of the icon, making it difficult to gauge how much time is left on the CD. with a circular countdown, you always see it until the CD is over. and none of the previous methods are as effective as a visual timer, with numbers on it.


2) having the icons flash or momentarily get larger when they're off CD is fine, as long as the GCD never procs this effect. right now, the issue seems to be that every ability is constantly flashing, and you can't tell what's coming off CD and what's just coming off the GCD. you could also just make this effect only activate for CDs longer than 3 seconds, because nobody cares about CDs shorter than that. we don't need to be alerted that our bread-and-butter free move just came off its 1.5s CD.


3) an ability should only be dark if it cannot be used. this sounds like such a simple rule, but we've now gone through 2 iterations where this is not the case. right now, when an ability comes off CD, it flashes, then remains dark for about 0.5-1.0 seconds, then it lights back up again. why? is this all part of the effect animation?




This is a really good explanation. The biggest issue for me is #3. I can't stand that abilities that are able to be used are dark.

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I used the toolbar last night, and this morning and I like it. Seems way more obvious what can and cannot be used. I don't mind the "flash" at the end of the global cool down at all since I intuitively understood that the ability was usable during that flash, and timed its usage accordingly.
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In SWG back when the NGE launched and SOE adding expertise trees to 2 classes per patch, I remember how freaking annoying medic's bacta bomb was with this massive flash (along with that LOUD over 9000 dB bang), and when smuggler got their's, the melee attacks all flashed on impact, shortly after SOE toned down all the flashy effects.


I quit shortly after NGE. I could kind of handle CPU, but NGE...... Yeah. That's for another thread lol

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I'm really struggling with this new GCD effect. Example I click Ravage and all the buttons get that white effect. It's so offputting when trying to use the next ability. It makes the interface less clear.


The original effects when the game launched were fine. Please can we have options to revert back.

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If I was competently designing a forum, it wouldn't be difficult to have things lock at a hard limit if it indeed causes problems.


Gamefaqs, for example, does this.


Oh stop with your dramatic conspiracy theories.

Edited by Varteras
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They are bringing the servers down tonight for an ilum fix. I hope they also revert the action bars so i can play without dizziness.


Something. I'd like to be able to play this weekend without my head hurting and my eyes hurting.


What really burns me right now is I had finally found a class I can't get enough of, was leveling WITH someone so it was even more entertaining, and it's like they ripped it away from me yesterday.




Hotfix aannnnddd go.

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I'm sure it's been said before, but i'll say it again. As a bounty hunter, the new effect makes is near impossible to see if my rail shot has procced.


It's very difficult in general to see what abilities I am able to use with the available heat I have left.


There was nothing wrong with the way it was before. absolutely nothing.

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I wouldn't mind the flashing if it didn't light up everything on your bar on every GCD. It kind of defeats the purpose--if everything flashes, even when you can't use it, it's nothing but distracting visual noise that makes it harder to tell when things are actually ready, especially things like Retaliate and Rail Shot, which aren't always up even when they're not on cooldown. Retaliate is a priority ability for me as a Tanking Juggernaut, so this is a big deal.


Here's an easy fix: if something is in range and you meet the pre-requisites to use something, but it's on cooldown, make the filled-in part of the button faded in only halfway! Hell, make it fully lit but in black and white while it's on cooldown, and then make it colorful again when it's ready to use. So much more elegant and less strain on the eyes. If you want to improve readability, that's the best way to do it!


The second version (the last one we had) was good, it was just confusing at a glance with things that had long cooldowns. This new version is now unreadable on everything with short cooldowns. I didn't even complain about the last one because I could get used to it and all it needed was half-fading/desaturation for things still on cooldown. Hell, this flashing thing could work. Flashing would help on everything that wasn't just the Global Cooldown. Flashing would help if, say, Riposte became ready, or Saber Ward became ready. Flashing does not help me when everything on my toolbar does it every time I use an ability.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I'm sure it's been said before, but i'll say it again. As a bounty hunter, the new effect makes is near impossible to see if my rail shot has procced.


It's very difficult in general to see what abilities I am able to use with the available heat I have left.


There was nothing wrong with the way it was before. absolutely nothing.


Agreed. The game is unplayable to me right now because of the 1.1.2 ability-cooldown change. I can no longer tell what abilities are available straight after the cooldown. I stopped playing after about 45 minutes yesterday.


Probably best if they offered us the option (preferences) to toggle this on/off, given some people seem to like the new cooldown system. I hope they do that soon.

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After readin a bunch of these posts yesterday iI gave it another shot with my trooper because I didnt notice an issue until I started to read the posts.


I didnt have any issues and actually like the cool down timers as they are now.


However i know some of the complaints stem from certain classes so tonight i will try my rage peep and see how that changes things.


Otherwise as i wait for the tomatoes being thrown my way....I dont see an issue! ;)

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I dont generally like to complain but this change is making things difficult in pvp especially when you need to be on top of your game, it feels un responsive and awkward. It feels like eveything is on cooldowns all the time, I cannot tell what's readyto use. Edited by Kaesoron
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I have to pitch in and agree: this new display is making it extremely hard to see what is actually comming off CD and what is not.


That being said, if you are getting a headache/nausea because of it... dude, toughen up ffs!


Do you go up to lactose intolerant people, shove milk in their face and yell, "TOUGHEN UP!"?


Cause that's what you just did to people that have different visual accuities than you do.

Insensitive meanie-head.

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That being said, if you are getting a headache/nausea because of it... dude, toughen up ffs!


Getting ill has nothing to do with "toughening up." Do you also say that to others?


I have asthma.

Dude, toughen up and just start breathing normal


I have epilepsy.

Dude, toughen up and just stop having stupids seizures


I'm blind.

Dude, toughen up and learn to see


I have cancer.

Dude, toughen up and just tell it to go away


I have emergency appendicitis

Dude, toughen up and shrug off the toxic poison

Edited by ToliverGrey
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