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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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As a healing operative the availability of abilities requiring TA and when in low energy states are not visible because of this new global cooldown effect.


In short I'm unable to see if I can use my abilities in some circumstances untill the global cooldown has gone.


I have no issue with regular cooldowns being shown this way but continually having the effect shown with the global cooldown is not helping its hiding information.

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I see the new GCD effect also as step back. Even my toggle skills show the flashing effect lol. But the annoying part is that during GCD its very difficult to see if some situational skills are available. They already chose for a GCD (of which Im not a fan of) and now they made it even worse.


As for the people who say that you just need to get used to this new effect. The GCD is a constant cooldown. So any decent player already gets used to the rhythm of the GCD. It doesnt need an over the top flashy effect to show it exists. Especially not one that makes individual skill cooldowns/availability more difficult to see.

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The theme continues - there are two problems here. A genuine one and and 'whiners' one.


The genuine one is that GCD is being treated the same as CD, and simply they shouldn't. Classes using Rage, Focus etc (more than others) are unable to tell what casts to queue next since they can't differentiate between ones which will be available when the GCD finishes and ones which won't.


People who say that you should know which ones are available must stick to an inflexible cast rotation and don't take new players into account at all.


As for the other which really should be a different thread... people complaining about flashing lights in a video game... not even going to bother with that.

Edited by originalpodster
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The theme continues - there are two problems here. A genuine one and and 'whiners' one.


The genuine one is that GCD is being treated the same as CD, and simply they shouldn't. Classes using Rage, Focus etc (more than others) are unable to tell what casts to queue next since they can't differentiate between ones which will be available when the GCD finishes and ones which won't.


People who say that you should know which ones are available must stick to an inflexible cast rotation and don't take new players into account at all.


As for the other which really should be a different thread... people complaining about flashing lights in a video game... not even going to bother with that.


^+1 WOW someone that gets it!!

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I'm not a fan of the new one. I'd rather had the old one with a cooldown timer shown on the abilities itself. Wasn't this asked by most people?


Why do a complete overhaul instead. I often feel on my sniper when switching into cover there is some sort of delay due to this next-gen flashy crap.

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If you are having problems recognising the icons with the faded effect then you really do have a problem with your eyesight. My wife is anything but the avid gamer and she has no problems with the new graphics on the hotkey bar at all, and she's a clicker too!


Of course she has no problems mate.

Aside from the few people that have a genuine problem with this by having headaches the rest of the thread is filled by whiners who couldn't wait for something to happen so they could jump on the hate/whine band wagon, and just can't stand this change.Fact of the matter is their reaction would be pretty much the same if any change was being made.


On my server when i asked about this on the fleet no one really had a problem, some didn't even notice the change until it was mentioned, some said they liked the old style better but that it's alright because they will get used to this in no time, some liked the new style better.

Not a single soul on a packed fleet wrote that he will quit over this, and we have posts like that on every page here almost.

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The theme continues - there are two problems here. A genuine one and and 'whiners' one.


The genuine one is that GCD is being treated the same as CD, and simply they shouldn't. Classes using Rage, Focus etc (more than others) are unable to tell what casts to queue next since they can't differentiate between ones which will be available when the GCD finishes and ones which won't.


People who say that you should know which ones are available must stick to an inflexible cast rotation and don't take new players into account at all.


As for the other which really should be a different thread... people complaining about flashing lights in a video game... not even going to bother with that.


THIS is exactly what i have been trying to get across :) I don't care for the flashing lights.. its a video game. But the global cool down issue is simply unacceptable, it's basic mmo law that you should be able to see ready for use abilities lighter up, even during global cool down !

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First - The original hotbar type was the best. Sure some like the newer stuff yet, but I don't think anyone threatened to quit in beta because of getting headaches etc. It wasn't broke, so it didn't need to be fixed.


I agree with this. I'm not sure why they changed it in the first place, since the way it worked during EA and the first week or two (until the FIRST change) seemed completely obvious and intuitive to me.

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Not a fan of this myself as i indicated in the previous thread. However after trying this last night on my Sentinel it took only ten minutes of play before i ran to the forums to have my say :p


However i then tried alting out to my Sage- no problems at all, barely even noticed the disco show firing of on my screen.


So personaly i think the divided opinion on the merits of this new system IS effected by Class, as i said no issues on my Sage, a nightmare on my Sentinel


That said i still dont want a flashing light show and to my mind the solution is simple-


Player Base + Option to customize our UI = 1.7 million happy people




I would like to add that two threads and counting on this topic, the total lack of response from Bioware on such a vocalised topic is disgusting frankly. Guys you even have a blurb on the main page claiming the 1.7 million player base was reached in part due to your excellent customer service *cough* come on guys some kind of response is well overdue now.



Edited by DarthKaine
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I think the thread name says it all...


the point is GCD and CD are being treated as one.


No one is complaining about being able to tell if an ability is cooling down or not. That is obvious.


The REAL issue is not being able to determine if an ability can be queued during the GCD because they are ALL blackened. If i have the resources and im within range, and its NOT on CD...it is still black during the GCD. Negates the ability queue entirely.

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The genuine one is that GCD is being treated the same as CD, and simply they shouldn't. Classes using Rage, Focus etc (more than others) are unable to tell what casts to queue next since they can't differentiate between ones which will be available when the GCD finishes and ones which won't.


THAT nailed it... Can someone please wake up the Devs? Sticking the Heads in the Sand and waiting for the storm to calm down isn't a good solution ;)

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I would like to add that two threads and counting on this topic, the total lack of response from Bioware on such a vocalised topic is disgusting frankly. Guys you even have a blurb on the main page claiming the 1.7 million player base was reached in part due to your excellent customer service *cough* come on guys some kind of response is well overdue now.




You might not have notices it but BW did respond with this:




I will add that normally I play the game in windowed fullscreen mode, but, as I have been sick for several days and had a headache before I even saw this change implemented, I had to change the game to fullscreen mode. What this did was take out some screen tearing and actually made the quickslots more tolerable.


Now, I don't play force-users so much so I cannot comment on how annoying or not annoying their bars are. I have adapted to the change.


I do think that the white border on the bars could be removed, the transparency changed everywhere else.

Edited by missy_phoenix
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This latest change is awful just go back to the original already and stop messing about with it... each time a new effect comes along they add a delay somewhere.. an ability that's off cooldown but looks like it isn't for a second or so very irritating... and no I don't want a numerical timer thanks but as an option for those who do fine.... Just put it back what next flashing neons?
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