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BioWare's Gabe Amatangelo speaks on faction imbalance.


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My one and only possible suggestion for the imbalance it to give the power to the players. Make it so that republic can <capture> lvl 50 empire people. Make a warzone with absolutely insane rewards for empire side if they win, and the possibility for republic side, if they win, to capture the whole empire team and convert it to republic side. Russian roulette FTW !!!
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I thought WoW still had this problem? Everybody and their brother I know plays on the Horde side. Also, all of the major guilds I have heard primarily play on the Horde side.


And BTW, you cannot say everybody is on the empire side because the rep side has horrible story. I love the jedi knight's story. Personal taste!

Edited by Nighthawked
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People will reroll, and try both sides eventually. It seems many people forgot about the coming Legacy system? How it's phylosophy is to encourage people to roll new characters, very possibly even characters on another faction?


If they stick with the idea of unlocking certain faction/species combinations, things could get very interresting. Half the former KotOR players I've heard want a Miraluka Inquisitor for some reason that's beyond me (not really). If they have to roll a Republican to unlock that option, they definitely will. Same with certain other species that are currently unavailable on the Republic side.


And we haven't even seen any of the upcoming companions yet. Those are in the works as well, and guess what? The rest of the Imperial classes could end up with their own version of Kaliyo as well, while giving some much more appealing variations to the Republic side.


People figured out by now that the Lightside/Darkside effect isn't as big as they expected, many darkside Republicans can tell you that Republic Darkside choices have a tendency to be fun, while Empire Darkside choices overall are pretty standard and predictable. Republic Lightside is indeed very often "goody goody", but is Empire Lightside really interresting? At most it gives you a feeling of "I hope I don't regret this at the debriefing" or "I hope they don't kick me from the group for that".


Bioware could make the implications of some choices more obscure and more long-term, and make one faction more appealing than the other that way. That, the Legacy system and the design of new Companions has the potential to ballance the factions. And maybe sometime people will figure out that there's no reason not to roll characters of different factions on the same server. That your Sith Warrior can't stop you from enjoying to play a Trooper as well.

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People will reroll, and try both sides eventually. It seems many people forgot about the coming Legacy system? How it's phylosophy is to encourage people to roll new characters, very possibly even characters on another faction?


If they stick with the idea of unlocking certain faction/species combinations, things could get very interresting. Half the former KotOR players I've heard want a Miraluka Inquisitor for some reason that's beyond me (not really). If they have to roll a Republican to unlock that option, they definitely will. Same with certain other species that are currently unavailable on the Republic side.


And we haven't even seen any of the upcoming companions yet. Those are in the works as well, and guess what? The rest of the Imperial classes could end up with their own version of Kaliyo as well, while giving some much more appealing variations to the Republic side.


People figured out by now that the Lightside/Darkside effect isn't as big as they expected, many darkside Republicans can tell you that Republic Darkside choices have a tendency to be fun, while Empire Darkside choices overall are pretty standard and predictable. Republic Lightside is indeed very often "goody goody", but is Empire Lightside really interresting? At most it gives you a feeling of "I hope I don't regret this at the debriefing" or "I hope they don't kick me from the group for that".


Bioware could make the implications of some choices more obscure and more long-term, and make one faction more appealing than the other that way. That, the Legacy system and the design of new Companions has the potential to ballance the factions. And maybe sometime people will figure out that there's no reason not to roll characters of different factions on the same server. That your Sith Warrior can't stop you from enjoying to play a Trooper as well.


That's not a fix, rolling a republic alt to unlock imperial side options to go back to imperial side isn't a fix.


With the dropping republic numbers at this point a beterr ( although unrealistic ) fix would be 'free subs for Repubs'.

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That's not a fix, rolling a republic alt to unlock imperial side options to go back to imperial side isn't a fix.


With the dropping republic numbers at this point a beterr ( although unrealistic ) fix would be 'free subs for Repubs'.

I guess I'm really lucky with my server then. Guild is still as big as it was a month ago, Rep Fleet vs Imp Fleet is at a steady 150:150 during afternoons (not even peak hours), Rep even wins some Ilum and WZ battles, Rep vs Rep Huttball fights. Most people are still merrily leveling up their characters though. Quesh is pretty crowded these days.

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In regards to the video.. its basically 25 minutes of "we're working on it".

The most interesting part of that video was discussing karagga's palace story arc.



All in all, that interview made me a lose a bit more faith in the game. I do not feel reassured that the problems in the game are going to be addressed properly at all. Given the ambiguous responses by Gabe, I do not expect to see any real changes to the game until June/July.

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I guess I'm really lucky with my server then. Guild is still as big as it was a month ago, Rep Fleet vs Imp Fleet is at a steady 150:150 during afternoons (not even peak hours), Rep even wins some Ilum and WZ battles, Rep vs Rep Huttball fights. Most people are still merrily leveling up their characters though. Quesh is pretty crowded these days.


After the first couple of weeks the number for my server in zones Quesh and above have dropped to 15 people and lower as you go up. I've worked on alts in zones and glanced up at the number for kicks, and seen 1.

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After the first couple of weeks the number for my server in zones Quesh and above have dropped to 15 people and lower as you go up. I've worked on alts in zones and glanced up at the number for kicks, and seen 1.


On your ship?


But seriously, Quesh is a small zone that people typically don't spend a lot of time on. There were maybe 10 - 15 people (Republic side) on Quesh while I ran through on my character, but it constantly fluctuated. A buddy of mine arrived and left the zone in about 40 minutes. Even that might be long if you only do the class quests.


Then I went to Hoth, which had a steady 40 - 50 people.


Though, I am on The Fatman, which is considered one of the servers with a healthier population.

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Gabe answers it perfectly. The story comes first. Pvp is secondary. Deal with it. He thinks there are ways to balance it out. I think if you need rewards to roll one side or the other, why are you playing? Story is king in BioWare games. If you aren't a story person, play another game.
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In regards to the video.. its basically 25 minutes of "we're working on it".

The most interesting part of that video was discussing karagga's palace story arc.



All in all, that interview made me a lose a bit more faith in the game. I do not feel reassured that the problems in the game are going to be addressed properly at all. Given the ambiguous responses by Gabe, I do not expect to see any real changes to the game until June/July.


...and yet there have already been changes, new content & bug fixes since this video was released...heh :rolleyes:

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They should just make republic cooler. Simple fix :


Opinion stated as fact

- Stories are boring as hell for the most part.


Opinion stated as fact


- End-game gear is so ugly, it makes my eyes bleed.


Opinions stated as fact


- Mirrored abilities for the most part are flashier and cooler on empire side. Plus ability delays on republic side are worse than the mirrored empire versions.


Flashier and cooler is again opinion stated as fact. Only non mirrored ability ive seen between rep and emp is rock throw vs lightning shock. I actually prefer the pebble stream to the lightning stream in pvp cause the lightning stream is a big fat "come kill me" indicator.




I planned to play republic untill i tried beta. Tried a Jedi consular, jedi knight, and trooper. Prologue story and beginning of chapter 1 are boring as hell. Tried Sith inquisitor and leveled her to level 50, and i have a level 32 BH alt. Never turned back to republic side.


It honestly feels like they seperated Republic and empire content into two different dev teams, and empire got the most ambitious one.


Why oh why do people still think their opinions are fact ....

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Gabe answers it perfectly. The story comes first. Pvp is secondary. Deal with it. He thinks there are ways to balance it out. I think if you need rewards to roll one side or the other, why are you playing? Story is king in BioWare games. If you aren't a story person, play another game.

I LOVE stories in games. I love playing Mass Effect and similar types. But this is MMO. I expect something different from MMO. Sure, the story in SWTOR is cool but if that is the only selling point I am not going to keep it subscribed for months/years like they wish we do. Not unless they release a new chapter of story each month which is unrealistic to expect.

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I LOVE stories in games. I love playing Mass Effect and similar types. But this is MMO. I expect something different from MMO. Sure, the story in SWTOR is cool but if that is the only selling point I am not going to keep it subscribed for months/years like they wish we do. Not unless they release a new chapter of story each month which is unrealistic to expect.


Considering SWTOR is the first REAL MMORPG will REAL rpg elements, I would say that's a great selling point and great storylines so far IMHO.

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When vast majority of people agrees on a topic that can be only subjective (you cannot score how good the storyline is in any objective matter) than it's not an opinion anymore but commonly accepted fact.


Who's the majority? The 50-100 or so out of 1.7mllion who play the game? If you take a look around you will see its the same people day in and day out posting nothing but hate in the forums and the majority of it is opinionated and unconstructive criticism.


...back on Topic, I can't wait to see what they have in store for Republic :)

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I LOVE stories in games. I love playing Mass Effect and similar types. But this is MMO. I expect something different from MMO. Sure, the story in SWTOR is cool but if that is the only selling point I am not going to keep it subscribed for months/years like they wish we do. Not unless they release a new chapter of story each month which is unrealistic to expect.


This is an MMO by Bioware, though. It has different goals than other MMOs, including the use of story. This is a good thing, there should be different styles of MMO out there to suit everybody, instead of trying to make them all the same 'because that's what an MMO is'.

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That worked to balance factions in WoW. The Alliance could run 3 BGs before the Horde could even run one. Anyone serious about PvP re-rolled for faster queues.


No offense, but on what moonland of a server did you play?

I played on a lot of different ones in my time and NEVER have I seen one where the Alliance didn't have more people than the horde, thus get longer queues for pvp. But maybe I just got (un-)lucky


I think they foresaw the inbalance and therefore implemented huttball. Which is great for me as an Empire's man, but I can see that this is somewhat disheartening for the republic if they don't even get shorter queues for pvp.

Edited by Turkman
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No offense, but on what moonland of a server did you play?

I played on a lot of different ones in my time and NEVER have I seen one where the Alliance didn't have more people than the horde, thus get longer queues for pvp. But maybe I just got (un-)lucky


I think they foresaw the inbalance and therefore implemented huttball. Which is great for me as an Empire's man, but I can see that this is somewhat disheartening for the republic if they don't even get shorter queues for pvp.


Before Blood elvs I think 2/3rd of servers had more alliance than horde due to the fact that women didn't want to play ugly characters lol. On Eredar there was a 2-1 2.5-1 alliance to horde ration for a long...long time.

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Before Blood elvs I think 2/3rd of servers had more alliance than horde due to the fact that women didn't want to play ugly characters lol. On Eredar there was a 2-1 2.5-1 alliance to horde ration for a long...long time.


There still is unbalanced factions on their servers. Even Blizz couldn't figure out what to do so they added cross realm ques and LFD tool. All that did was empty the leveling zones even more because everyone knows leveling through LFD is the fastest way if you're a Tank, Healer or you're DPS with Tank/Healer friend...imo

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Ways to entice more people to roll Repub:


---New Republic only race. This should be a no brainer because currently, the Empire has 3 unique races and the Republic only has 2, and the Repubs 2 races are dirty green hippies and blind people. You can forget whatever the heck Yoda is, and probably Wookiees or Ewoks, because of the language thing, but Togruta, Kel-Dor, Cathars, Bothans, Rodians, or something similar would probably draw interest.


---Better looking Republic gear. Yes I know Jedi in the movies wore drab robes in various shades on brown, but the Sith wore black, black, and....black, yet somehow managed to get a lot better looking gear.


---Fix *ALL* the non mirror abilities that somehow all favor the Empire so they are truly mirrors. For some people, this is a HUGE issue.


---Access to "rare" color crystals for the Republic. I'm thinking mainly silver and purple.


---Republic only breast sliders. 'Nuff said.

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