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SOA random aggro P3? (bug)

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Just adding that this happened to us as well. As a tank who got chewed out in mumble because we almost lost our infernal titles I am not happy about this at all. Mind traps cost us infernal last week and this stupid agro bug almost cost us this week. A good jugg can still do it (2 taunts) but has to be right on the money with it.


I feel bad for all you guys who got screwed over by this good luck next week.

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Can we come up with some sort of affect this has towards pvp as that seems to be the only thing that gets attention.


Or perhaps someone could claim they had a white lightsaber drop from him?


Seriously up untill yesterday i was cheerfull and enjoying the game. Yes the numerous bugs was annoying but overall the game was a more positive than negative. But something happened with this latest Soa but, I think this was the famous straw that broke the camels bag. It really annoyes me to no end that a boss that has been bugged for 2 months suddenly gets bugged even more and BW has said nothing about the state of raiding at anytime during these last two bugged months.

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Can we come up with some sort of affect this has towards pvp as that seems to be the only thing that gets attention.


Or perhaps someone could claim they had a white lightsaber drop from him?


You made me both laugh and cry.


I think I saw Soa in Ilum, learning how to make his shield even stronger and attacking only the DPS in the center. Soa is a bad PVPer.

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Just spent another glorious night wiping constantly on SoA nightmare tonight...


Think we had every single bug tonight.. nothing has been fixed.. nothing..


1. Platforms not respawning

2. Double ball damage

3. Aggro drop everytime mindtrap spawns on Phase 2

4. Random Aggro on Phase 3

5. Pylon Bug causing him to aoe raid for no reason

6. People being moved to wrong instance


^^^ these bugs are a joke seing as you already have to put up with the bad mechanics such as:


1. Person being pulled into cyclone straight after taking ball damage

2. People landing from Cyclone onto balls that are glitched

3. Random Rogue ball going into boss and stopping on the spot

4. Balls Spawning on tank in Phase3 under the drills..

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Just spent another glorious night wiping constantly on SoA nightmare tonight...


Think we had every single bug tonight.. nothing has been fixed.. nothing..


1. Platforms not respawning

2. Double ball damage

3. Aggro drop everytime mindtrap spawns on Phase 2

4. Random Aggro on Phase 3

5. Pylon Bug causing him to aoe raid for no reason

6. People being moved to wrong instance


^^^ these bugs are a joke seing as you already have to put up with the bad mechanics such as:


1. Person being pulled into cyclone straight after taking ball damage

2. People landing from Cyclone onto balls that are glitched

3. Random Rogue ball going into boss and stopping on the spot

4. Balls Spawning on tank in Phase3 under the drills..


What's even more frustrating is there has yet to be a CM on this thread. Instead we're getting a patch tonight for Ilum's silly bug.

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Why do you expect bw to announce mechanic changes to raid bosses? That's stupid, I hope they don't ever do that. Let people find out on there own, it's way more fun.


The blur he's doing in p3 sounds like it could easily be intended (which is fine with me), but I'm sure there's a chance it's a bug.



I agree with the other things that are obviously bugs as they break the encounter and should be fixed asap.



Either way, all these expectations of having BW hold everyone's hand is getting old. Adapt or die.

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Why do you expect bw to announce mechanic changes to raid bosses? That's stupid, I hope they don't ever do that. Let people find out on there own, it's way more fun.


The blur he's doing in p3 sounds like it could easily be intended (which is fine with me), but I'm sure there's a chance it's a bug.



I agree with the other things that are obviously bugs as they break the encounter and should be fixed asap.



Either way, all these expectations of having BW hold everyone's hand is getting old. Adapt or die.


Right, because it should be par for the course that we zone into the same ops every week expecting something different from the bosses inside them.


If they don't tell us what they mean to change then how are we supposed to know what is and isn't intended?

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Why do you expect bw to announce mechanic changes to raid bosses? That's stupid, I hope they don't ever do that. Let people find out on there own, it's way more fun.


The blur he's doing in p3 sounds like it could easily be intended (which is fine with me), but I'm sure there's a chance it's a bug.



I agree with the other things that are obviously bugs as they break the encounter and should be fixed asap.



Either way, all these expectations of having BW hold everyone's hand is getting old. Adapt or die.


Theres a massive list of bugs for this boss.. untill these bugs are fixed they NEED to tell us if something is an intended change.. because we have no way of deferentiating it from being new mechanics or a bug.. lol

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Why do you expect bw to announce mechanic changes to raid bosses? That's stupid, I hope they don't ever do that. Let people find out on there own, it's way more fun.


The blur he's doing in p3 sounds like it could easily be intended (which is fine with me), but I'm sure there's a chance it's a bug.



I agree with the other things that are obviously bugs as they break the encounter and should be fixed asap.



Either way, all these expectations of having BW hold everyone's hand is getting old. Adapt or die.


Think of this way. You get paid $20 every hr at work then one day your boss decide to change your wages to $15 per hr without telling you and you don't find out until the next paycheck. Its definitely more fun to find out that way.


Transparency and good communications is what separate a poor game dev from a good one. Players don't mind buggy stuff/mechanic change as long they are being told about it/the game dev acknowledges it.

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My best guess is, that they made Soa highly sensible with his aggrolist to prevent him from evading when the Maintank is in a mindtrap (of course they could just exclude the primary target from the mindtraps, but what do I know).


And this is somehow bugges and backfires in P3, so that Soa attacks the second target on his aggrolist on the slightest problem with the first target.

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Just adding another report confirming these bugs.

Last night we had:


  1. Raid member picked up right at the end of phase 2 and transported to the bottom level when the floor collapses. Affected player then can't see or be seen by other players, can't be targeted with abilities, registers as falling when trying to use abilities, and rubberbands back to the middle of the room when trying to move.
  2. Missing floor section after wipe.
  3. Phase 3 random aggro/regular aggro table reset making the boss extremely hard to position.
  4. Pylon hits in phase 3 not removing shield.
  5. Boss reset when MT mindtrapped in phase 3.


Mindtraps breaking automatically at the end of P2 is all very well, but you're still doomed if you're mindtrapped on the opposite side of the ring to the descent platform, you don't have time to get your bearings and rejoin the group before the outer ring collapses. This means you still have to juggle dps to trigger the end of the phase with everyone in position for the descent and no one in the air in the brief window between mindtrap and picking up a raid member. It's basically fixed nothing, unless you are lucky enough to randomly get someone mindtrapped near the descent when the boss is nearing the end of P2. If this mechanic was considered bugged before, it's still bugged now, as you have to use the exact same technique as before, except they've introduced a random 30% ish chance of easymode positioning on the last mindtrap of the phase.


Putting a delay in the middle of the fight, where you have to stop DPS and wait quite a long time for an uninterruptable boss mechanic to play its long scripted animation and put your raid member back down (e.g. Boss picks someone up when at 32% health.) seems particularly harsh when you're working against a timer.

It wouldn't be so bad if the affected player was targetable on the floor, and could be combat revived when the rest of the group got to the bottom.


As it is, it seems quite obvious that this regularly occuring set of circumstances simply didn't occur to the people designing this encounter, and they failed to code anything in for what should happen to players in the air during the P2/P3 transition. There's no scripted warning so you can stop DPS before he picks someone up, just a bit of audio telling you it happened after the fact. Affected players don't die, they don't really fall, they just get locked out of the rest of the fight.


Also don't know if we were just unlucky, or if the AOE lightning in P1 is now significantly more likely to occur where your healers/ranged are standing. On two of our attempts we were pushed well away from the spot where the first platform ends up, leading to a pretty desperate run for it before the perimeter collapsed. This was perhaps more noticeable in our group after the significant nerfs to sage AOE heals.


As it stands, this particular boss is WAY off the difficulty curve of the rest of the instance, and badly needs fixing.


As an aside to your quote about mind traps breaking automatically not mattering if they're on the wrong side of the room, you can drop down on either the west or the east side on the transition from phase 2 to 3 and meet up with the rest of the raid before needing heals.

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Right, because it should be par for the course that we zone into the same ops every week expecting something different from the bosses inside them.


If they don't tell us what they mean to change then how are we supposed to know what is and isn't intended?


that's a great idea actually, bosses adapting to players so it's not boring farm status fights..



as for the 2nd part, its pretty clear (to me at least) what parts of the fight are definitive bugs, the rest of it (like agro dropping) might be annoying, but it doesn't stop you from winning, just have to adapt.

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We had problems tonight with random aggro in p3 also.


To that 1 person in whole bioware team that is fixing bugs: can you please make this one priority?

Also can you fix masterloot bugs in hard mode?


I am getting more dissapointed with this game every week... and i want to stay and play, but so hard sometimes...



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Why do you expect bw to announce mechanic changes to raid bosses? That's stupid, I hope they don't ever do that. Let people find out on there own, it's way more fun.


The blur he's doing in p3 sounds like it could easily be intended (which is fine with me), but I'm sure there's a chance it's a bug.



I agree with the other things that are obviously bugs as they break the encounter and should be fixed asap.



Either way, all these expectations of having BW hold everyone's hand is getting old. Adapt or die.


Many of us are creating strategies around the new bugs except for the pylons not breaking Soa's shield (sucks when that happens three times in one fight.) Maybe we're all looking at this wrong. Maybe all the end game bugs in this game are just new mechanics that we must work around each week.


I'm just getting tired of trying to solve a puzzle that breaks every time you try it.

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Think of this way. You get paid $20 every hr at work then one day your boss decide to change your wages to $15 per hr without telling you and you don't find out until the next paycheck. Its definitely more fun to find out that way.


Transparency and good communications is what separate a poor game dev from a good one. Players don't mind buggy stuff/mechanic change as long they are being told about it/the game dev acknowledges it.


Sorry, this analogy in no way relates to this game or what is being discussed. Need to work on your metaphors.


I'd start by avoiding RL comparisons, in your scenario the person would likely have signed some sort of contract or agreement regarding there compensation. No such thing exists here, BW controls there game, and they are in no way required to shout out to the planet when they decide to add or remove a mechanic from there game. You have the right to quit playing at any time.


Sure, it would be nice and easy to know exactly what to prepare for on any given night..but **** aint always easy, and rightfully so.

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Many of us are creating strategies around the new bugs except for the pylons not breaking Soa's shield (sucks when that happens three times in one fight.) Maybe we're all looking at this wrong. Maybe all the end game bugs in this game are just new mechanics that we must work around each week.


I'm just getting tired of trying to solve a puzzle that breaks every time you try it.


I don't want to imply that there aren't obvious bugs that are present currently, because there are. I just think there is a line that people cross (perhaps unknowingly) when it comes to what is justifiable to complain about.


Pillars not breaking his shield is an obvious bug, especially since u only get 3-4 before enrage.


Agro dropping off tank MAY be a bug, but it also may not, and it's something that can be adapted to.

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About to raid in an hour, this bug is still here?


Our Tuesday night raid ran HM EV without hitting this bug so while it may be happening to a lot of people its not universal. My turn tanking is tomorrow night so I am hoping they either fix it or I don't run into the issue.

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Our Tuesday night raid ran HM EV without hitting this bug so while it may be happening to a lot of people its not universal. My turn tanking is tomorrow night so I am hoping they either fix it or I don't run into the issue.


I spent 2 hours last night wiping due to this bug and due to people being ported to another instance after destroying the boxes. Nightmare. Have killed it before. It's just very frustrating when it is out of your control and based on luck due to bugs.

Edited by Remidi
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I really hope that with the patch tonight to fix Ilum for the PVPers they can fix Soa for the PVEers, very frustrating and disappointing when they realize, "oh no they can't get valor from PVP on Ilum, lets fix that immediately" and on the other hand we have, "oh, they can't get loot from Soa again, meh, wait another week". I love the game but personally I have 0 interest in PVP and if PVE bugs repeatedly like this EVERY week, gonna be a very short lived experience.
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This happened to my guild as well. Keep in mind my guild has done all content in under 2 hours so we are more than competent. Fix this bug immediately. I have been extremely supportive of this game throughout all the bugs, but this one is pushing my limits.
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I find this bug nothing more than an annoyance tbh, We found it "odd" that he kept going for thehighest threat dps for no reason, but a simple taunt fixes the problem entirely anyway, still did it first attempt. Theres hardly any damage going on in phase 3, its pretty much impossible to wipe. Even when he is enraged theres no risk of any body dying.


Edit. To clarify why it is near impossible to wipe. If you coincidentally have 2 assasins in your Group (they dont have to even be a tank) and you rotate them taunting the boss and taking the enraged pylons falling on their head with force shroud on, they wont ever die if u can outheal his enraged auto attacks :o. Therefore. since he never despawns, you can go on forever :o. Our first ever 16-man NM kill was only 9 people alive in phase 3 :p

Edited by RinoaDH
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you guys realize that forums are just a way of bioware avoiding any real involvment in the issue, right? you can post as much as you want on here and it may or may not even get seen by anyone, let alone by a person who can do something about it. If you really cared, you would call them to complain, demanding that your voice be heard. Otherwise you may not ever see any results. If you are a person that says they do monitor these forums, then why are there 11 pages of user text with no input from an official party? they obviously do not care, or are not paying attention.


EDIT: 12 pages:P

Edited by blackpowder
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