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Light Side character leveling with a Dark Side character


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I wil be playing with another player who wants to play her storyline based off Light Side decisions. If my character makes Dark Side decisions when we go on missions together, will it totally destroy our playing experience? i know a few of the quests change based off your decision, but will it get to the point where questing will a massive chore because the dark side decision quest is on one side of the map and the light side on the other?


We're already playing different classes and we have to tolerate the class quests, so we really dont want to compromise even more, but we also dont want to do different quests every planet.


Is it doable/

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which leads to some odd storytelling, where on one occasion the party decided to kill everyone, yet later on someone questions it and they replied with some sort of "we wont leave anyone behind".


as for the points though, you only get what you choose, so its not a problem. although, back in the beta there were occasions where the points towards those who roll differently than the outcome is not being awarded even at the end of the quest, probably fixed already anyway.

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I've played my light side sentinel alongside my friend's dark side sentinel.


1. If you're in the same conversation, you get the alignment points for whatever you selected, no matter who won.


2. However, follow up quests can change, depending on what you choose, so sometimes it's best to drop group if you want certain quests, as the follow up is determined by the winner of any conversation rolls.

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