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45 Minute Queue - Really!?


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This needs to be put here


Guys need to realize that making more servers is not the best idea, it is what Rift did and it was disastrous. You don't create enough servers to accommodate an unusual amount of players playing when the game launches, because almost everyone is not playing during their normal schedules and lengths.


basically you have 1 million people playing right now because of all the hype and they are excited to play, and they are not even playing during the normal schedules. Lets say that a server can hold 10,000 people (I am making up numbers here), so to make it so there is no que, they would need to create 100 servers to accomodate all 1 million people who are playing at the same time. But here is the thing, when everyone goes to their normal playing time, only about 20% of the player base on a server is actually playing during peak times, which is a 3 hour window. So for the other 21 hours in the day the other 80% are playing at different times and lengths. But during the early release and shortly after launch you'll have an unusual number of people playing during all times of the day, and almost everyone during the peak times.


So when everyone goes to their normal schedules, what you will see is that there were way to many servers created and a ton of them will have low populations, even though they had high or very high populations during the early release and shortly after launch.


This is what happened with Rift, they ended up creating way to many servers to accommodate all the pre-orders all at once, instead of a staggered release.


This staggered release is a brilliant idea from Bioware, and it will more then likely make it so that all servers will have a healthy population when everyone goes to their normal schedules.

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Why is it every time the community is unhappy with something, there is 10 fanboys defending EVERY ACTION the DEVS makes?


because the community is ignorant, they think that Bioware should just create enough servers for everyone play on right now, even though that would be the worst idea ever, as proved by other games like Rift, and a ton of other games that did the same thing.

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(only pvp unofficial oceanic server)

I wish they didn't call it that... I'm not from Oceanic, I'm part of the US, but my guild (mostly US players btw) have been assigned to that one. Whoever started calling it the unofficial oceanic server could have very well been part of the problems to our server.

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waaaaaa waaaaa I got in early and now I want to complain about queues when people still have yet to log in for the first time.


Doesnt makes sense those logging in for the first time should over populate already populated servers. Yes i was on Swiftsure on the first day the 13th, it's now the 16th and showing full. It wont allow me to queue just showing error message 1003 & 1002. Sounds to me like the latecomers need to find new servers.

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I wish they didn't call it that... I'm not from Oceanic, I'm part of the US, but my guild (mostly US players btw) have been assigned to that one. Whoever started calling it the unofficial oceanic server could have very well been part of the problems to our server.


Not a fair call. Out of all the servers we only have 2 main servers we call home and the fact that our peak times is not yours so shouldn't bother ur play time.


That's where we ended up due to mass aus players

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Ok first the 1hr queue is not that bad. I think every one can wait one hour, but what makes it bad is if you DC or Swtor just crash you get back to the line! That is not fun at all. First you wait 1hr to get play with your friends and then the game crash and you have to wait one hour again.. It just sucks. Specially if you are middle of the flashpoint or questin with your friends.


I hope bioware opens and option to transfer entire guild in new server. It would help a lot.


Please don't say make new char in different server when your guild in one server. Also if you make new char today in another server (hevy or standard load one). You probably have to pick new server again after couple of days when your new server is also full... Of course it's fine if you like to play lvl 1-20 again and again.

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Two things here.


Point me at the German standard pop PvE servers (hint they're all full) or the EU English ones (hint 4 are full, 3 very heavy) so that is not a choice.


2nd, he may have already built up a char for a couple of days on the server he is trying to log into, why should he jump and start over?



I like the other guys random assumptions better. :rolleyes:

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Ok first the 1hr queue is not that bad.



average wait is 1.5 hours, usual for my server is 2 hours. Really? not bad? so someone gets home from work at 6, they cant log till 7-8, raiding will have to start for most guilds at 9.



people that say move to different server havent played this game yet because they would see all servers are full, except some language servers and you cant expect people to roll on a server where they dont understand the language.


I expect ques, 10-30 minutes but 2 hours as standard is not gonna keep people for long.



oh and those who just come on and say 'stop whinning at least you are in, we dont even have invite'


Well then this topic isnt for you and certainly not a place you can come whine about not getting early access. Its not like those who got early access were lucky, we just preordered a long time before you so get over it and when you do get in the game you will kick yourselves for turning these threads into troll threads so BW ignore the very obvious issues of server ques. When you get invite your ques will be 3-4 hour long. remember that when you want to complain.

Edited by Leo_Hyborian
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Australians go home!






No really, please, give them their own server in Australia, it's insane to expect them to play on servers that are 4000-7000 miles away , the ping must be insane. :(




^ hey, to the guy up there, who starts raiding on day 3 of early access launch? If you got your character and guild name, then congratulations, you already got everything you need from it.

Edited by Stantz
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I think this pre-launch made queues even worse for some servers. Lots because of Guild roulette. First bioware assainged guilds in the servers. After that thousands of guilds just said "screw that.. there are too much russians and our country members are different server anyway. Lets swamp" Because of pre-access guilds didin't know which servers are now over populated.


Think like this.. if 1% of players are guild leaders and all those leaders gets an idea to make their guild in same server. In day one all guilds are in server 1. It's not over populated in day 1 (only 10% of players are in). But later all players that are in guilds are destined to go server 1! In couple of days server 1 would crash.

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Australians go home!






No really, please, give them their own server in Australia, it's insane to expect them to play on servers that are 4000-7000 miles away , the ping must be insane. :(


It's not too bad, actually. <200 for me.


In regards to full servers, they need to either lock them at a certain capacity or offer free transfers from full servers to low ones.


It's impossible to know which servers will have massive queues come launch (for the most part), having a dedicated character anywhere right now is a huge gamble.

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Our guild got assigned to The Harbringer and now it takes 1-2 hours to get in. We would have rolled elsewhere but thought that BW would have spread the guild pops out instead of cramming a good amount of them onto one server. This is really going to be a problem later if it's not addressed when instance/raid members suffer disconnects or client crashes: sorry guys, in que for 2 hours.


Also I just found out that The Harbringer is the unofficial oceanic server...so combine that with dumping a ton of NA guilds/players on it for some strange reason: viola....enjoy your wait.


Now many might say; roll on another server...well we will be if this does not settle down. Problem is we have no idea if the 'new' server we move to won't end up being the same thing or the other way around and bein on a dead server (no thanks again!).


My questions are a) how can they not know that this would happen since it was like this in beta as well (but now far worse). b) why their servers can't handle it? I mean some the MMOs I have played had ques sometimes but nothing as bad as this.


At this point, guild is kind of confused what to do. Move to new server (russian roulette!) or stick it out, praying it will die down. Does BW even care? Hello? Bueller?

Edited by fixit
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I'm seriously hoping that the 45 Minute queue to get on my server is a pre-launch issue only, What happens on the 20th when the general public join SW:TOE?; 2 day waiting list?



Try 2hrs 30min on Rift launch day... This is the biggest MMO in history (sales and pre-order wise), what did you expect..?

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Well, there was 1.5h queue to Bloodworthy yesterday, I wanted to play with my friends. I decided to play on a low pop server, I got in instantly.


You must understand, just because you're not playing with all your friends it doesnt mean that the world goes under. It's stated pretty clearly, "EST 1H", if you login to that sever then blame yourself for waiting 1h.

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ppl who whine about queues, be greatful there are ppl who pre-ordered late, otherwise even ppl from august would still be waiting to get invite. Jebus 45min queue? want a cola with the whine-tissue?


Would you prefer having 4hour queue as we had at WAR launch?


do us a favour who yet got invite, Slam ur keyboard in face 10 times, then strangle urself with mouse-cord, and eat ur headphones with a Spork.


// have a nice 45min queue. *i wait another 18 hours for my invite*




I think it's fair to say that Bioware really dropped a bollock yesterday with the servers, and waiting times. in the end it took me over an hour to log on to Frostclaw, which is where my guild was assigned.


Now it's still early days, and I am prepared to be patient and give Bioware time to address these issues. But if this is going to be a regular occurance in a few weeks or months, then I will not be renewing my sub.

Edited by Qishari
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I am ok with initial queues, that's to be expected this early in the game.


What I'm not ok with is sitting there until the end of a queue, and THEN having the server drop my connection, placing me back in the end of the queue AGAIN.


I think by the time I was done last night, I ended up sitting through queues six times in the space of a few hours. (IE: more time in queue than actually playing.)


This doesn't even count the times I got booted out later, after the queues died down, just to get back in and get repeatedly sent back to character selection screen. (Sometimes up to 10x .) I think that happened 4-5 times, at least.



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