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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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So far I am enjoying it but then again I don't get to spend a lot of time playing due to having a 2 year old and husband who demand my time. I loved SWG and met my husband on that game. I do think they could take some elements of the game and incorporate them into SWTOR but the game is only a couple months old. Now in a couple more months if no new expansions are added and I don't mean just a flash point I can see myself getting bored.
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I hate to say it, but I do miss many of the aspects of SWG Pre-NGE and people getting bored of the content may benefit from seeing some of this content come back to life in some shape or fashion. SWTOR is a huge project, but I would love to see player cities make a presence in this game.


The following is only my opinion, but is certainly achievable over time by a talented development team.


1.) Take the development server, replicate it, and and allow your world designers and developers to expand the total area evenly, keeping missions spread out evenly and placing new barren space for "open player development".


Pay attention to travel times and add speeders to help cover some of the barren area. Player cities are entirely relevant and give individuals and guilds something to do between expansions, raids, and missions. Within the barren space that has been created through the expansion of these worlds players can "claim" acreage by placing town halls or something of the like, or claim small plots with their own individual houses. These structures should be fully customizable, and their design should relate to the terrain and other content on that given planet.


Houses and certain guild structures should offer bonuses to players, whether those bonus be rested experience, minor buffs, or any other bonus that would not be game changing.


2.) Allow for a 4th and 5th crew skill used for:

A.) Creating Livable and/or Social Structures

B.) Creating Defense Turrets and/or Walls

C.) Creating Decorations for Homes and Social Structures

D.) A Gathering skill related to each of these crew skills



Just my 2 cents.

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Cipher Redwi -eclipse 5 years :(



Im really enjoying it. i have to tell my self from time to time to NOT compare it to SWG. Also SWG was missing alot of its content in the beginning as well. so who knows where the devs will take us. i am excited!


what i miss most is housing

hanging out at the eisly cantina THAT PLACE WAS ALWAYS PACKED!


i swear i spent more time running around with friends than actually questing.

Edited by soapmanman
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I have to say that I am not satisfied with the racial choices ( species) or the number choices. As far as mounts go, they need multi passenger vehicles and organic mounts (dew backs). Crafting is okay I guess but the current armor skins "most are the same".


Actually, SWG I my opinion had a lot more to offer than this game does (where the hell is Dathomir).

Edited by Tonev
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I'm curious, what did Cantinas offer?


WoW - I never played SWG but sounds like a great game and something that TOR SHOULD BE! It sounds like the "real" star wars universe. I feel jipped and ripped off after hearing all these great stories about SWG. Btw, what happened to that game?? Sorry for my "noobiness" in regards to this.

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WoW - I never played SWG but sounds like a great game and something that TOR SHOULD BE! It sounds like the "real" star wars universe. I feel jipped and ripped off after hearing all these great stories about SWG. Btw, what happened to that game?? Sorry for my "noobiness" in regards to this.


Here is a cool video of some of the neat stuff that came out at the end of that game and what swg was capable of.



Here is another neat one of some group content and flying around questing with friends.



SWG was by no means a perfect game but the open world and freedom to be whatever you wanted to be was pretty great.


The game had some issues pertaining to the NGE which was an upgrade that was not favorable with the fan base and a great deal of E-Hate was generated (it was justified to some degree). The game was simplified to compete with the new game, WOW; which many left to play.


Yet, even with the NGE that game was still fun and offered a massive end game and the amount of content that came out during the last year or so has been extremly fun.


You were also limited to 2 toons (1 extra if you were 'elder') on a server, so your in game actions impacted the community. People really got to know who was who on their server and the community was much tighter because of it.

Edited by kirorx
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How many extentions on SWG ? In how many years ? Honestly I played it late and it sucked. The cities were ruining the landscape (the so-called desert of tatooine was actually looking like the suburb of Cairo) and the story line was inexiting, making the game resume itself to an enormous farming area that didn't even relaxed my nerves by killing and mass-mudering creatures.

SWTOR is basically a trunk with no branches on it, but with all the potential of a great game, and, yes I admit it, I can't wait to have my own appartement on Nar Shadda, with view over the casino...


Last thing, the only thing I would have kept from SWG was the space simulator... or EVE online ? Well, will see that in the next years I guess.

The game does have a lot of potential and I'm excited to see what will be added in the coming months. So, like we did with WoW, SWG, Planetside, and every other MMO we give the game time to grow and expand.

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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing. Poorly implemented and really ruined the beauty of planets.
  • City building. Same as above. ^
  • Guild/City wars. Old and terrible engine made massive battles massive lag fests sometimes even causing server crashes. Plenty of videos on Youtube that demonstrate this.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships. This was a nice feature and there is rumor that Guilds may get Capital Ships in TOR. (Something SWG never gave us.)
  • Planet control scrimmages. Awfully, implemented and pointless.
  • Cantinas with a purpose. Cantinas served no purpose in SWG. The community just decided to have Mos Eisley as their social point and thus the Cantina became a hotpsot. NOT through Dev decisions.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy. How did it make the game "Star Warsy?" In SWG I craft a lightsaber from some ugly crafting station in the middle of Mos Eisley. In TOR you craft your first lightsaber at the Forge using the Force.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing. < Lol, is this seriously a positive?
  • Social events. TOR just came out and you expect ingame events already? Social events weren't even occurring in SWG until mid in it's 2nd year.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy? It's just you. :jawa_mad:


  • Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy. Logging off here earns you double EXP.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy. Did you even play the game?
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?) I admit having weather, and day and night would be nice features, but how does not having this make the game "Un-Star Warsy?"
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.) Honestly, the game has more life in it than SWG ever did.

*"Un-Star Warsy?" If I wasn't under the Forum's Rules of Conduct I would say some things that would otherwise get me an infraction. I can settle for this though: Your above list is false and just painful to look at.

Correcting your bullet points above in Bold and Yellow. ^

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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WoW - I never played SWG but sounds like a great game and something that TOR SHOULD BE! It sounds like the "real" star wars universe. I feel jipped and ripped off after hearing all these great stories about SWG. Btw, what happened to that game?? Sorry for my "noobiness" in regards to this.

Lol, don't believe the exaggerations everyone tells you. The game WAS good in its first year, but bad decision making from SOE sent it spiraling down. I feel bad and the same time happy for you that you never got to play Star Wars: Galaxies. You can see my list of reasons above.

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I played SWG since beta and loved it until the NGE (New G*y Experience, lol) So, for 8 years I had known the people I played with and housed near.


It was a very real community, and a wonderful game. Though I admit, Pre CU was the best time Ive ever had in any game!


I would love to see the crafting and housing etc come to this game, but Im not counting on it. :(


SWTOR definitely needs to do something about the end game. Since level 44 Ive slowed down my playing knowing that the only thing to do is PvP and play the same flashpoint over and over to get the gear I want.... Then what? I think Id be done.


Again, :(


This is a GOOD game and if SWG had had missions and stories like this (which is really all ANYONE ever wanted to change in SWG) it would have never fell behind WOW.


Too bad the devs changed every single thing about that game with the exception of said missions, talk about listening to the wrong crowd... I never heard ANYONE ask for a single one of the changes made to that game. I still blame Smedley.


BIOWARE, please listen to us! You have A LOT of ex SWG players here asking for the things that will keep us around for the long haul.... you dont have to make these things mandatory for all players to participate in, but it will keep us around for years instead of months if we see even SOME of these things brought to SWTOR.


This game fills the holes that SWG had, but has new holes where SWG was.


Overall I love this game, but it is too single player, Ive only grouped 3 times and didnt even need to when I did. I dont need to pay for an MMO to play a single player game...


I want to play all storylines but after that, if the changes arent rumored forthcoming, I dont think Ill stick it out.


Dont waste this chance like SWG did.


Please focus on building community in this game! I have no real reason to even interact with anyone at all. Hell, ive been on Ilum since lvl 44...

Edited by AriochX
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Here is a cool video of some of the neat stuff that came out at the end of that game and what swg was capable of.



Here is another neat one of some group content and flying around questing with friends.



SWG was by no means a perfect game but the open world and freedom to be whatever you wanted to be was pretty great.


The game had some issues pertaining to the NGE which was an upgrade that was not favorable with the fan base and a great deal of E-Hate was generated (it was justified to some degree). The game was simplified to compete with the new game, WOW; which many left to play.


Yet, even with the NGE that game was still fun and offered a massive end game and the amount of content that came out during the last year or so has been extremly fun.


You were also limited to 2 toons (1 extra if you were 'elder') on a server, so your in game actions impacted the community. People really got to know who was who on their server and the community was much tighter because of it.


Thanks very much for the links. The flying over Theed was really cool stuff man. ;)



Correcting your......


"Correcting" opinions with opinions. lol Gotta love the internet.

Edited by MefuneAkira
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"Correcting" opinions with opinions. lol Gotta love the internet.

I would say "correcting" because what I said on my list is fact. :jawa_tongue:


Unless you are an industrialist who approves of massing houses on Tatooine giving Jawas nowhere to drive their Sandcrawlers thus leaving them trapped in an encirclement of homes to dry up under the twin suns and perish.


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i never played swg but the way u made it sound makes me sad i never did lol. I remeber hearing aobut it but i was real young at the time.


But ya i am completly bored i hit my first 50 like a week ago and i did a few hm's on him and a few raids and now i am lvl'n a alt just becuase the story and missions are the only thing in this game keeping my interest.

I cant even explain the amount of high hopes i had for this game but its def not even coming close to living up to any of them. Sadly i feel that this game is just gonna be a filler until mop comes out which is really what i dont want. Hopefully they will get this game togther but it will require ALOT of patches and work and i dont think they are even on the same book let alone page about what people wanna see in this game for end game content.

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Bored with SWTOR. Unsubbed. Reinstalling LOTRO. I played SWG on and off for all 8 years. SWG may have been dated, and it may not always have had everything star warsy, but it had HUGE depth. This dumbed-down version of an MMO, that is SWTOR is NOT worth paying 15$ a month for, in fact I see this as being worth about 5-8$ subscription cost. I paid $150 for the CE of SWTOR and my Malgus figure has offered more satsifcation sittin on my desk than the d@mn game has!


And for those who keep talking about "Rose Colored Glasses" in refrence to SWG, obviously don't know what deep immersion and depth an MMO can give, if done right. Theres a reason why that game even lasted 8 years. Yes, it needed better content and I think SWTOR does offer some of that.. but past the single player aspect of this game, theres nothing more! What? grind out more to get that Champion gear? Play some Huttball till your ears and eyes bleed? Pfft.


bottom line for me is if there is no variety, no exploration, and no further end game story content, why would I keep paying? And for those that keep talking about SWG's bugginess and horrible PRE-NGE state, dont know what the eff your talking about. The first month out of the box, there were hybrid classes (many that could be tweeked-Still loved my Carbineer/BH and Pistoleer/Smuggler), large worlds to explore (any of them!- would take you a good 20 min to hoof it across) and the mysterious path to unlock Jedi (elite unlockable class). THAT my friends is how you KEEP subscriptions. The interest has to go beyond your class story, and looking for datacrons, in a theme-park enviroment...not cutting it! This game should have taken the best parts from SWG and used them, instead of cloning lame @ss WoW in space. To easy, to soon. Meh. :mad:

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Bored with SWTOR. Unsubbed. Reinstalling LOTRO. I played SWG on and off for all 8 years. SWG may have been dated, and it may not always have had everything star warsy, but it had HUGE depth. This dumbed-down version of an MMO, that is SWTOR is NOT worth paying 15$ a month for, in fact I see this as being worth about 5-8$ subscription cost. I paid $150 for the CE of SWTOR and my Malgus figure has offered more satsifcation sittin on my desk than the d@mn game has!


And for those who keep talking about "Rose Colored Glasses" in refrence to SWG, obviously don't know what deep immersion and depth an MMO can give, if done right. Theres a reason why that game even lasted 8 years. Yes, it needed better content and I think SWTOR does offer some of that.. but past the single player aspect of this game, theres nothing more! What? grind out more to get that Champion gear? Play some Huttball till your ears and eyes bleed? Pfft.


bottom line for me is if there is no variety, no exploration, and no further end game story content, why would I keep paying? And for those that keep talking about SWG's bugginess and horrible PRE-NGE state, dont know what the eff your talking about. The first month out of the box, there were hybrid classes (many that could be tweeked-Still loved my Carbineer/BH and Pistoleer/Smuggler), large worlds to explore (any of them!- would take you a good 20 min to hoof it across) and the mysterious path to unlock Jedi (elite unlockable class). THAT my friends is how you KEEP subscriptions. The interest has to go beyond your class story, and looking for datacrons, in a theme-park enviroment...not cutting it! This game should have taken the best parts from SWG and used them, instead of cloning lame @ss WoW in space. To easy, to soon. Meh. :mad:


Possibly THE best post I have read on these forums.

(ex chimera player from week 1 to the last day)

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SWG was great for those who liked to play house. They promoted it as being able to live in the Star Wars universe, and that's what you got.


Thats what a sandbox is, just as much like SIMS as a platform for combat.



The majority of those who came into the MMO scene through themeparks currently don't understand a sandbox MMOs.



Hence the forum battles.


I'm not worried. Themepark gamers are coming around. Watch the forums. They want more options and freedoms. Look at the things they want. Hating on sandbox mmos is the cool thing to do, but truth? It has the things they want.


The technology and know-how is here now more than ever. We'll see it again.




To answer the OP, yeah. I'm bored.

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A day-night cycle would be nice for SWTOR. It's always the same time of day no matter what?


Edit: the player produced content in SWG wasn't all that and a bag of chips. At least SWTOR has unique locales.

Edited by WilhufT
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SWG is one of the All time greats and PRE CU AND ALL THAT GARBAGE THEY DID TO US....


However I like this game more for one very silly reason..


I can be a SITH and be called a Sith...


Something I longed for as a Dark Jedi who was one of the 7th Dark Jedi on my server which was Valcyn.


More fore powers and the combat and pvp is more fun...


Yes its more fun.

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I never knew how good SWG was until it was gone.


Players were so mad that they filed a lawsuit against SOE for shutting it down.


Then this red-haired lady says "Come on, Bioware is going to release Star Wars: The Old Republic."


That's a large amount of enthusiasm for a copy of WOW.


Tell me when they remake SWG.

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lvl50 battlemaster with full battlemaster gear and all the best crafted items to heal with. Now what? There is nothing. Done the instances? Yep once was enough. I am ending my sub until the game improves. PVP is a joke and PVE is childs play. There is no end game in this game. It is a pure and simple gear grind after the lvl grind. There is nothing special about this game. The game just ends after you have everything. No community, no world events NOTHING! This game is total junk atm. It will go mini transaction/free to play and pay for gear. It will be the MMO version of BF Heroes. It will happen. Give me 10 mil to make and MMO I could do 1000000X better with that kind of money and have an ENGINE that is not 8 years old that sells to the public for $400. Bioware shame on you. You are now on the list with the SOE/LA's SWG NGE, SOE's Vangaurd, Matrix Online, and all the other crap MMOs out there. SUPER FAIL. 10 million dollars and we get a 400 dollar engine and a rumba droid. THANKS!
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I started my sub with SWG a week before CU, and kept with it beyond that, through NGE and after. Even went to the SWG Summit thing in Atlanta. Still have those T-Shirts, lol. ANd some of the software shwag they gave.


Anyway, when I played it, I had fun. My dancer was ridiculously easy to level. Just macro'd her in a cantina and went and did other things. The boyfriend played with his best friend .. and they played for the space combat. I had my dancer craft spaceships and parts.


Holy crap the sheer amount of time burned roaming around from planet to planet trying to get the right resources and parts.


And then they "brought back" a version of creature creation. Hell, I got so deep into that I started up a website databank about it.


Oh yeah, when I played I was deep into it. Loved the game. And then I stopped playing for some reason or other. To the life of me, cannot remember why.


Anyway, I like SWTOR better. I cannot tell you how or why, I just do.


Parts of me really miss the housing aspect, but that's about it, really.

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I never knew how good SWG was until it was gone.


Players were so mad that they filed a lawsuit against SOE for shutting it down.


Then this red-haired lady says "Come on, Bioware is going to release Star Wars: The Old Republic."


That's a large amount of enthusiasm for a copy of WOW.


Tell me when they remake SWG.


Well said. When I compare SWG and SWTOR, I think of a question.. would you rather have a dirty Ferrari or a shiny clean Beetle. For SWG, we forgot we were having so much fun that we started complaining about the 'dirt' even though there was really nothing wrong with the engine. Complaints lead to drastic changes. Drastic changes lead to mistakes. I left after CU but before that had an awesome time with no intention of leaving. Housing, exploring, FREEDOM in space and space combat, mining, just everything.


This game has a wonderful launch pad, but the problem is that a steel ceiling lingers only 100 feet above it. People are hitting it too quick and the longevity factor is practically a moot point without content rolling out at a fast pace. The problem is that content is not coming out at 'any' pace, mostly fixing bugs. Still no guild banks and legacy rewards after 2 months of launch. That is inexcusable. Will be unsubbing probably within next month or (at latest) when next big title comes out (D3/Tera).

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Well said. When I compare SWG and SWTOR, I think of a question.. would you rather have a dirty Ferrari or a shiny clean Beetle. For SWG, we forgot we were having so much fun that we started complaining about the 'dirt' even though there was really nothing wrong with the engine. Complaints lead to drastic changes. Drastic changes lead to mistakes. I left after CU but before that had an awesome time with no intention of leaving. Housing, exploring, FREEDOM in space and space combat, mining, just everything.


This game has a wonderful launch pad, but the problem is that a steel ceiling lingers only 100 feet above it. People are hitting it too quick and the longevity factor is practically a moot point without content rolling out at a fast pace. The problem is that content is not coming out at 'any' pace, mostly fixing bugs. Still no guild banks and legacy rewards after 2 months of launch. That is inexcusable. Will be unsubbing probably within next month or (at latest) when next big title comes out (D3/Tera).


The only thing keeping me from removing my sub is my guild and, if I did, I'd be left with no other somehow-appealing MMO.

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