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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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When guild names are more clever and interesting than the mechanics of this game, you know there's a problem.


Linear linear linear. Space combat is a linear roller coaster ride (that seems to take you right into asteroids no less), story is linear, crafting is linear (god I miss random stats from SWG ores). And then the level 50 content ceiling hits and its super boring.


Like many others, just waiting for the next title. Otherwise, spending more time reading these posts then playing the game. Believe it or not, it is actually more amusing. Oh so sad.

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SWG was the best mmo of all time. I had more fun being a Chef in SWG that I do a Sentinel in this game.


The immersion and complexity of swg was phenominal. The crafting and gathering system was the best I have seen in any game. I truley miss sandbox games and swg.


I want swg back in its original format. Blew every mmo of today out of the water hands down.

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Am I the only one who feels that the people that miss swg are the people whom enjoy the social aspect of that game, but completely ignore the pve and pvp aspects of the game?

In my opinion, for the most part the features that excel at are only enjoyed by a small minority, which probably explains why most mmos ignore them or dont add them right away.


My question is, why were the expectations so high for this game for some swg players when bioware pretty much indicated that the game wasn't going to be similar to swg at all? The only thing swg got right for the most part was player cities and player housing, while everything is grossly overrated by the diehard swg fans.

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Honestly what is killing this game for me is the severe anti social behavior at level 50. I have yet to do a hard mode flashpoint because it is nigh impossible to get someone to do a flashpoint with me. I want to do Battle of Illum to gear up but it appears that lv 50's have some elite attitude or something. Tried to do HM Black Talon and the group just bailed on me since my gear wasn't up to par even though I put all the daily mods in my gear.


Honestly this is a huge disappointed. :(

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Honestly what is killing this game for me is the severe anti social behavior at level 50. I have yet to do a hard mode flashpoint because it is nigh impossible to get someone to do a flashpoint with me. I want to do Battle of Illum to gear up but it appears that lv 50's have some elite attitude or something. Tried to do HM Black Talon and the group just bailed on me since my gear wasn't up to par even though I put all the daily mods in my gear.


Honestly this is a huge disappointed. :(


L2 guild?


Even in pugs, I rarely have anyone drop group in HMs. Maybe it's a case of PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer)

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Complaint #1: Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #1: Buddy, Cantinas don't 'server' any purpose. They're for meeting other people and buying those little consumables that can be used along with stims to boost stats, and for RPing.


But they could serve a purpose and it could be a cool way to implement social activities and game play.


Complaint #2: Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #2: PVP. Do some. It might be hard to believe, but you get creds for killing things. Amazing, huh?

Not what I was referring to. Obviously.


Complaint #3: No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.


Reply #3: I sell my Cybercrafted stuff to players all the time. The GTN is a last resort for me. I prefer to do things face to face.


Fair enough, but to have your own shop would be sweet.


Complaint #4: A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)


Reply #4: You're talking about an MMO, not a perfectly formulated chemical solution that if even a millileter off could cause the end of existence. Sometimes, simple is better. People don't want to have to read a 500 page instruction manual on things.


Doesnt have to be that complex, but certainly not so dumb down either. Middles ground works for me.


Complaint #5: No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)


Reply #5: If you want to spend a few hours being forced to 'walk' without using your map and not being able to see 5 feet in front of you, be my guest.


Why wouldn't you be able to use your map? Thick fog? That would be a very cool change of pace. Nice idea!


Complaint #6: No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)


Reply #6: Day/Night has never actually played much of a role in Star Wars. If stuff needed doing, it got done. End of story.


I'm not interested in the the Star Wars "role of day/night" elsewhere. I'm interested in enhanced immersion for my role in this Star Wars MMO.


Complaint #7: Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)


Reply #7: If you want 1-5 Frames Per Second on an Alienware with Max Specs, be my guest to do this. Otherwise, * pipe down and play.

Nah. Works for other MMO's and could work for SWTOR as well.


*(Oh the hypocrisy! lol)




But hey, c'est la vie and all that. :)

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i tried and hated SWG and Ive been playing this game since launch and ive just decided to quit.


This game is less than average like kotor 2 Current wow or Dragon age 2.



Its too similar to wow and doesnt feel enough like kotor sux biowares justa cash in for EA now.

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I like this game.

I am bumbed about the lvl 50 endgame thus far but I'll wait and see what comes about.

I do not like the lack of choices for high lvl armor and or lack of apperance modding.

Crafting, whut?

Space game, serious un Star Warsy haha

I was not expecting SWG2 but I am left a bit saddened by the little amount of Star Wars feeling I get from alot of the game.


All these opinions, I respect them. I don't think the games a fail but it doesn't have that massive jaw drop of SW immersion.


Lol I am not normaly so soft on things but I kinda feel bad sometimes reading some of the things people say on here....


I mean real people tried and thought they were designing great content for this game. Armor, game flow, story, UI and so on. Real people with feelings (LMAO) I hope some of them aren't to butt hurt about how wound up we players get and QQ about stuff all day...


I like lots of stuff in this game...on the flip side there's a grip I am not to fond of either =\

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This is a great post. I think they missed out on the "community" aspect of this game. SWG was very open to people with different goals being able to play. you could literally level up without being involved in combat in any way at all. People would regularly hang around cantinas and medcenter and chat. People could be crafters and nothing more, or entertainers and crafter or doctors. I am speaking of SWG at launch though. I gave it up before NGE, so I don't know how those classes changed.


Also, TOR is lacking elements that push people out into the open world after level 50. Big problem, IMO. SWG had much more open world PvP. The open world is a huge part of any RPG or MMORPG. If you consider Bioware's history, there have been alot of RPG's, but not really any open-world RPGs. I love Mass Effect, and sometimes this feels not just like WoW with lightsabers, but sometimes a little like Mass Effect too. What I'm saying is that this is sort of feeling like a single-player MMO. Why design all these amazing planets if people only use them for questing? Give us reasons to go back. World events and open-world PvP content (Rift did some interesting things with their PvP rifts to get people back out into the open world) would be nice additions as well as just more to search for in general. A game with so much open space to explore should have more to well... explore. It would be a shame if all the open space on all these planets went totally to waste after the questing was done. In my opinion, a lot needs to be done in these areas too in order to keep this game from floundering. There are plenty of F2P MMOs out there at this point to make people wonder "Why am I paying for this one? Just to be in the Star Wars universe?" The developers need to seriously consider how well this game is living up to expectations, because right now I see a lot of people, myself included who are just enjoying this game for now. MMOs are supposed to last for years.


Good luck Bioware, you have your work cut out for you, but I am keeping faith. Until Guild Wars 2 comes out, that is. Then I decide whether or not I'm staying.

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agrees with most of the post I miss swg so much made my legacy in my old server name .

but it is dead and over and I ran into a o.k guild to be but yes missing that mmo feeling alot in this game and the rp depth also but we did pay for beta bw did admite to pushing this game out to early there will never be another pre-cu swg *sigh* so once again forced to move on :(

Edited by chandale
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The game is entertaining at times, but I had minimal expectations coming to TOR. The entire gimmick of voice acting has grown tiresome as maybe 1 in 10 quests are worth listening through the first time (I'd go 1 in 50 for republic). I want to like the game, but all I get is an ambience of apathy.



-I don't think I can make another character after having played through a couple class stories which were, at best, underwhelming. If you were to compare the stories to even sub-par single player games, TOR's supposed "fourth pillar" of story would still fail in comparison.

-If you were to use any other Bioware game stories as an example, they would be your regular sized indoor swimming pool at a community center. Class and world stories in TOR is like the miniature inflatable swimming pool you would put in the back yard for toddlers.

-Companions in any other Bioware game make me want to bring them along with me and find out more about their background. In TOR, they have no impact on my story, and I get the same generic responses whether I abuse them or shower them in gifts. If they kept the option to kill off or have companions leave your party, there would at least be some depth to these pets besides having crafting slaves.

-The only saving grace is that some classes have amusing and/or intelligent dialogue.




-Simple, but often fun. I have plenty of issues with it (cc, tank classes whose armor is pretty much meaningless in PvP unless you're fighting your same class mirror), but it's relatively well balanced and stable.

-If you have to think while playing this game... well, then you're exactly within the target audience:P



-Planets look pretty despite the art style used. Tatooine looked good until I realized half of the entire map just served as buffer zones between the center area and faction start points. The Dune Sea is more like a playground sandbox.

-The Star Wars feel is mostly lost due to the stream-lined, linear nature of the zones. There is no adventure because I'm being funneled through narrow story plots that could have been written by middle school kids.

-If you don't cover at least 95% of the entire game maps, it's because you completely skipped a set of quest chains or maybe the entire planet (/raisehand). The only exploration in the game is finding some way to reach a silly datacron hanging above your head.

-There is very little "uniqueness" between peoples' characters as choices do not matter. Whether you have just arrived or have completed every quest on a planet, you can not tell a difference in what happened. You could have been nasty or nice, but the planet is going to remain static.



-Something substantial must be added within the next couple months or the only part of this crowd that will remain is either those whom do not know any better or players that actually enjoy PvE most of the time.

-Animations and crowd control look great; having movement rendered meaningless due to everyone moving at a snail's pace is not.

-Open world is infrequent due to keeping factions separated for most of the gaming experience, and there is no point except to grief the other faction (which is fun, but not enough incentive to keep players in that zone for more than 5 minutes). There may be a war going on through the galaxy, but I honestly could not tell while leveling 3 characters on a PvP server.


Overall reaction:

-SWG was a sandbox game and can't even be contrasted with this game. However, until they add some means of supporting an actual community outside of "you want to do flashpoints or pvp today?", The Old Republic will remain devoid of any real emotion for non-juvenile players.

-SWG survived solely on the community for its duration despite the half-assed development it received. TOR is trying to be a multiplayer RPG more than an MMO, and this does not give the same independence to devlop a community with the game's current tools. It does decent in the MMO department having just launched, but the RPG section of the game is left wanting except for some intelligent dialog and background npcs having humorous conversations.

-The game systems are solid for the most part, I just have difficulty finding a way to care about them.

-If ever in doubt of the target audience, think of the Tython Fleshraiders and that the space game is a knockoff of a knockoff of Starfox.

Edited by fisheggs
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Complaint #1: Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #1: Buddy, Cantinas don't 'server' any purpose. They're for meeting other people and buying those little consumables that can be used along with stims to boost stats, and for RPing.


Complaint #2: Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #2: PVP. Do some. It might be hard to believe, but you get creds for killing things. Amazing, huh?


Complaint #3: No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.


Reply #3: I sell my Cybercrafted stuff to players all the time. The GTN is a last resort for me. I prefer to do things face to face.


Complaint #4: A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)


Reply #4: You're talking about an MMO, not a perfectly formulated chemical solution that if even a millileter off could cause the end of existence. Sometimes, simple is better. People don't want to have to read a 500 page instruction manual on things.


Complaint #5: No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)


Reply #5: If you want to spend a few hours being forced to 'walk' without using your map and not being able to see 5 feet in front of you, be my guest.


Complaint #6: No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)


Reply #6: Day/Night has never actually played much of a role in Star Wars. If stuff needed doing, it got done. End of story.


Complaint #7: Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)


Reply #7: If you want 1-5 Frames Per Second on an Alienware with Max Specs, be my guest to do this. Otherwise, pipe down and play.


So delusional, and obviously played WoW for the most part of his MMO career. You joined and made this account on Feb 2012. Get to level 50 and progress through the content for another month and come back to talk to the OP. You might understand better.

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Great Post!



It's hard to be immersed with my Bounty hunter looks like a giant ant with my pvp gear on. Never saw a giant ant in the SW universe... must have missed that movie. In General armor in this game is rather un-Starwarsy. Most of the planets done't have that SW feel, with the exception of hutta and Tatooine. I love the rolling desert. Most of the plaents are small compared to SWG. No rolling rainstorms or sandstorms detracts from immersion. No night and day cycle.


Player housing was awesome in SWG. It was cool to see the little makeshift towns pop up around the main cities. Having open world, running gun battles in those towns was one of the best pvp experiences I've had.


I remember hours of just exploring... sadly, SWTOR's canned experiments are lacking.


Now I log in.. start my crew on crafting missions... check my sales in the market and log out. I'm bored. If the march patch doesn't fix some of the gapping problems in pvp I think I'm done with this game.


I love Starwars.. but unfortunately this doesn't feel like it.

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I played SWG for a few years up till the end.




When I logged into SWG I was always flooded with PM's from friends saying hello or customers wanting something crafted. At times I couldn't play the game because I loved helping others with their needs that or just chatting with people.

I couldn't go to the bazzar without someone asking can you craft this for me?


I have saved the names from missions and flashpoints here in SWTOR, I prolly have 30 or so names and not one says hello when I log and if I do say hello to someone I hardly get a response or "cant talk im on a mission" or something like that.


I have gone out of my way to help people in SWTOR when they call in chat if they are stuck on a mission or whatever, I help out and get the 'thanks...... and nothing more. Aren't people friendly here? There seems to be no need to socialize at all nor is there the possibility to do so because we are always running these missions.


I cannot even get myself to craft anything because it just isnt a need to do so because anyone can craft. In SWG you had to go out and scan down the best materials you could to craft the best items, which sometimes took days to find the best reasouce stats.


I play SWTOR (for now) with the hopes of finding a nice guild ( I was never in a guild in SWG) so I can help people.....but people here dont really need help with anything except missions.....for me there is more to a game than running missions.


Sorry for my rant.

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I'm loving SWTOR, however I see no problems ripping off good ideas from other games. The crafting, harvesting, and merchant system was top notch in SWG. It would be sooooo nice to see that here in SWTOR.


In fact....I would be in MMO heaven if they were to take those things you mentioned and added them to SWTOR!


I will say this though...SWTOR knocked it out of the ball park with the story and cut scenes! I love that abt SWTOR! =)


This pretty much said what i wanted to say, and have been saying for so long.....


SWG was my first MMO, and considering it was Star Wars, held an even more special place in my heart....No other MMO I have played (Including this) gave/gives me the feel of a Star Wars universe like SWG did...


Cantina's bustling with entertainer's,and a real social scene.


A crafting system that no doubt could have been simplified a bit (getting that resource that only spawned once in 5 years anyone), but ultimately could lose you in the game for 1-2-3 night's without a thought of combat.


Space that actually had battle's in it, that you could go where you wanted in.


And all in all, a really good MMO that combined Theme-park and Sandbox really well.


SWTOR could learn a lot from SWG, the basic's are there, a few system's need tweaking here, but if they did implement or wanted to BORROW (LA owned SWG) a few idea's....then SWG had some classic's that if added.....Would make this the BEST MMO for the next 10 year's...... Absolutely no doubt about that.


When the Dev's finally realise that PVP and the constant change's needed to it are not that important, and that a sustainable, Social, Crafting, RP community, is the back bone of an MMO, then we will have a game to be proud of....


Question is do they have the ball's to make the change's that IMHO, will keep more player's here than any PVP mechanic ever will. Because there is one fundamental fact about any Hardcore PVP crowd....They will jump ship the second there is any sign of a better PVP game.


Star Wars fans / Crafting / PVE / RP / and Socially orientated players will keep this game running for years.

Edited by Nippon
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What I like best about this Thread, is the amount of Other MMO player's that basically never played SWG, making Dismissive post's about all the thing's SWG had, and basically throwing them out as not needed in this game....???


Sorry but you obviously never played a Decent MMO, and although SWG had it's many flaws, it was a brilliant game...


Go ahead and tell me it's dead....blah blah blah...


Which has nothing to do with anything, other than LA passing the license onto Bioware.

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What I like best about this Thread, is the amount of Other MMO player's that basically never played SWG, making Dismissive post's about all the thing's SWG had, and basically throwing them out as not needed in this game....???


Sorry but you obviously never played a Decent MMO, and although SWG had it's many flaws, it was a brilliant game...


Go ahead and tell me it's dead....blah blah blah...


Which has nothing to do with anything, other than LA passing the license onto Bioware.



***only about 6 months to go, and most these noob's will have sodded off back to WOW***


Some of the features could be implemented into this game, but in my opinion only the minority would actually care for them. Like I said earlier, the social aspect of the game was amazing( for the most part), but most of those features weren't there until after the game launch. I only feel that player housing and player cities were pretty good features, but everything on the list that was mention for the most part were average features at best with only the minority loving them. The sad thing is, a lot of people *****ed on how crappy those features were when swg was alive.

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Star Wars Galaxies was a horrible game , it was dead shortly after launch and never really had anything good about it. Most us Star Wars fans stuck to it in hopes of it getting better and month after month it got worse.


TOR > Galaxies

More players

Better Graphics

Detailed Job System

Better Stories

Better UI in general (I do not remember clicking issues with SWG but it had ALOT OF OTHER BUGS)

Better PvP arenas (Do not care what the haters say)

Crafting system needs tweeks but atleast I can do things while it is being done and do not have to be idle whiles doing it !


Galaxies was a deadgame with few hardcore community players hanging on , I will give it that . Sony and Lucas was happy to finally put it out of its misery .

Sorry its gone , I wish they would put up 1 server so all you TOR haters can go play your lifeless game . Heck every Planet Galaxies had was dead feeling other than all the housing that would come and go too often to care about .


If I was you guys I would write Lucas and ask him to give you guys a Galaxies server , god knows it doesnt cost anything to run that old game . Its not like the Graphics were ever ahead or current !


I played it for a month and was happy when it was over and still to this day out of all the crappy games I have bought over the years , it is still the one I regret the most !


TOR > Galaxies . I do not care about a endless sandbox with no life . I'll take my tunnel of love over that anyday , no matter how crowded the tunnel is !

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Some of the features could be implemented into this game, but in my opinion only the minority would actually care for them. Like I said earlier, the social aspect of the game was amazing( for the most part), but most of those features weren't there until after the game launch. I only feel that player housing and player cities were pretty good features, but everything on the list that was mention for the most part were average features at best with only the minority loving them. The sad thing is, a lot of people *****ed on how crappy those features were when swg was alive.


You are absolutely right. Everyone will not have every one of the different elements that SWG provided as their favourite. In fact most will probably not like several of them. The thing is most of the different elements in SWG that added something to do for someone also facilitated social interaction between players contributing to the social aspect of the game.


I will make a few examples..



Advanced crafting


At least early on making it as a crafter was fairly easy. There werent that much competition as a large amount of players were most likely preoccupied with unlocking their Jedi character slot. I had nutty visitation to my shop. There was pretty much always someone in there shopping.


For my part I think the housing they have in Lotro for example is just sad in comparison, there are never anyone there unless they are rp'ing or decorating. The thing is the advanced crafting in SWG facilitated social interaction through shops. Pure combat players ran me down with questions about weapons, how could I make them a bit different, could they help me in any way and in return get rebates etc. Oh, and lets not forget questions about how I decorated my shop, where did you get that, I want to get that for my house. And thats just 1 of the crafting professions you would need to look up for different items. By far the most friends I made in SWG was through my shop.


Yeah you are right, a lot of players would never get into crafting that is much more advanced than the crafting in WoW or SWTOR. However consider how it was part of the bigger picture in SWG. How much fun would housing and cities be without player vendors and shops? It would just be a pile of dead houses neatly decorated for none to see besides those you invite there.


Mind you I wouldnt want the exact replica of SWG crafting in SWTOR either because there were several things wrong with it. For example near impossible for new players to compete with long established crafters.


All in all, the crafting system in SWG contributed to housing and cities being more meaningful, and to social interaction.



Image Designer


A specific profession that allowed customization and changing how players looked even more advanced than the initial character creation would allow as far as I recall. Personally I would never touch such a profession with a 10 foot pole, but there were quite a few that actually liked it. Oh yes, and it did in fact facilitate social interaction.


Now the funny part is I have seen at least 1 forum thread here asking for a barber shop or something in SWTOR to be able to alter your looks...



Cantinas and entertainers


Cantinas like shops were social hubs in SWG. Throughout my time in SWG you could always find people in certain cantinas. Of course I far from always met someone there I actually chatted with but it happened. Waiting for my entertainer buffs I usually chatted with the entertainer unless it was a macrobot. I even made a few friends this way. I knew several that pretty much didnt do anything in SWG but entertain. Again, not for me but some liked it and it facilitated social interaction.


Also, since there were cantinas with actual players in them some liked to arrange rp there. I am no big rp'er myself but I still recall vividly a smuggler that insisted I meet him at a cantina for slices.



The social aspect of the game was amazing


Your own words. Compared to other mmo's I have played I fully agree. Is that solely due to the players that played it? No way. SWG had a lot of mechanics that facilitated social interaction. Whether its the crafting, housing, cities, image designing, entertaining, doctor buffs etc they all meant contact with other players. Either as someone offering a service or someone buying it. That is a community.





In comparison SWTOR barely has ANY mechanics at all that facilitate social interaction. Yes you can group for combat. Yes you can form guilds. But can it really become more basic and simple than that and still be called a mmo?


Personally I am in no way asking for a copy of SWG. As I have posted earlier that game had in my view a list of problems longer than a bad year and was in addition horribly managed by SOE. Despite all that it is still the most fun I have had in any game. It is still by far the most social mmo I have played.


What I am hoping for is that Bioware add activities and elements to SWTOR that facilitate social interaction and add to what you can do in the game besides combat. I dont want exact copies of how things were done in SWG. I want better. I dont want advanced crafting in a mmo that render mob drops and rewards virtually meaningless for example.


Again, you are probably correct in saying certain activities or elements like in SWG would only be interesting to minorities. How is that wrong for the game? Yes there are those that will comment I dont want to pay for things I have no interest in. However lets say we remove PVP. There are many many players that dont EVER pvp. But the thing is removing it isnt even a benefit to those that dont want it. PVP'ers pay for core game mechanics PVE'ers need as well. So, if you add some activity to the game only 5% like and cause them to play the game and/or stay longer that contributes to everything else. Lets not forget 5% of for example 2 million subscribers = 100.000 subscribers...


I only want SWTOR to be as good as possible. For my part I doubt the current combat only scheme will keep me interested for very long. There is no other theme or franchise that interest me remotely as much when it comes to games than Star Wars. That is why I take the time to post on these forums at all.



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Sorry its gone , I wish they would put up 1 server so all you TOR haters can go play your lifeless game .



I loved SWG and it will be something I'll still remember when I'm old and grey, other MMOs will have long gone from my mind. I'd play it alongside TOR if I could.


However, I don't hate TOR and I hope that BW will get PvP sorted out so that the rest of us can get a look in. It could be a good game given time and other playstyles get a little attention.

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I have yet to post on the forums yet because I think the tor forums are for noobs... But I had to log in and post on this that yes. I miss many of these things from SWG. However, as it has been stated before when swg launched it didn't really have alot of these things... Swg's launch wasn't terrible... it just was not good. Tor's launch was a success, however their lack of attention to community elements such as player housing, guild wars, player bounties, and areas where people from other factions can talk and flame each other will cause this game to leak alot of subs in the next 6 months... At least this is my opinion on the issue. I don't think I'll be here for another month if I don't see any community/rp elements being added to the game.


P.S. why do we not have server community forums?? I thought that was the standard for mmos these days?

Edited by RudolfHoess
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If you look at the commercial from Bioware ToR, it's like all amazing, which is pretty funny.

To new players pls, don't let the commercial fools you, it's not amazing at all, the game is not yet finished but on the way to be finished, yet it's an old school game that belong to the 2 years ago pack.


This game is on the way to be finished when real innovating games wil appear making this game completelly and uterlly waisted to the shore of economical waistland.

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P.S. why do we not have server community forums?? I thought that was the standard for mmos these days?


They may not think it's necessary when every server is getting spoon fed the same juvenile stories and content. I'm sure they'll get around to adding social aspects eventually, but it feels like supporting a sense of community was an after-thought for Bioware. They still have time, so hopefully something with substance will be released soon.





I also have to Lol at all the SWG haters. The mechanic ideas of SWG were actually far superior than most games, but SOE failed at implementation over and over. Though I suppose some deficiencies in gameplay could be due to having an out-dated game engine. Revamping the entire combat system multiple times sure didn't help.


Example: TOR has a flagging system on PvE servers which is not unlike SWG... the problem is you can only pvp in certain areas (even on a pvp server), and there is usually no point in revisiting a zone because once players outlevel a planet, why would they come back? In SWG you would get random pvp when visiting space ports because your enemy might be using that city as the closest shuttle to their guild city. Players would also blockade a planet by covering all starports to prevent hostiles from entering... there are just many situations that cannot happen in TOR.


I could possibly understand the "TOR is Bett3R!!!" hype if the stories were of the same quality as other Bioware games, but the voice acting is just a gimmick except for occasional witty dialog and funny background conversations.


VO was kind of nice the first time through, but it honestly just impedes adding new content when everything needs to be voice acted. I do enjoy some of the quests, maybe 1 in 10 of them. The rest (90%) are the same throw-away quests available in every other MMO with some whimpering npc wanting you to do their chores. The only plus is being on the Empire and having the quests read in awesome Brit accents :p


Lol, maybe people love this because they don't need to read more than an occasonal bit of dialog response? The stories are weak, and the gameplay is simple enough that players not dealing with a full deck can participate. Hurray for target audience I guess...

Edited by fisheggs
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SO BORED OF CORUSANT, please tell me it gets better after that. I enjoyed the first jedi world and exploring the fleet ok, was wow'ed at the detail of Corusant on first arrival. But after Black Sun and Jusitcular (or whatever its called) Im now so bored I went to Sith lol. The back tracking and grinding thats apparent in lots of MMO is normal, the back tracking here with constant enemy respawns grinds hard. Still enjoying it though just makes more emphasis on finding a buddy to quest with.
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