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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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I am bored to my wits end. The game needs massive improvements. So massive in fact that it would takes another year to fix it. Im gone at the first sight or diablo 3 or GW2.


PVP sucks, PVE sucks post 50. Itemization is boring. No sandbox elements.



I mean this game could have come out at the same time as WoW, and WoW would still have won.

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not for nothing, but the crafting system in SWG was larger than this game in its entirety... deep crafting and a player driven economy was one of the most requested features during development for this game, and they lept in head first and landed flat on their face with a WoW clone of crafting and a crappy static economy.


all i can really say is that bioware really needs to get its crap together. guild banks are dandy and all, but they aren't going to keep the playerbase around in the long run, and the server i play on is already beginning to fade as far as players goes...


i would wager there was a lucasarts mandate that SWG had to be shut down before this went live to keep there from being inter-franchise competition, but wow what a stupid decision that was. i quit SWG before WoW came out, i started WoW about a year into its existence... i was so looking forward to this game coming out and actually being at least half-way between the two... but alas, it isnt even close to the lame crap that is WoW.


i, and every person in my guild have grown very bored...

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I can't for the life of me figure out why people forget so fast...some of these people were probably the same ones spewing vitriol on the SWG forums four years ago about how that game was falling to pieces...and you still (at the end) had that stupid useless jump animation.


SWG started out figuratively with a knife and a loin cloth running around stabbing durnis. I was mayor of one of the original ten cities on Corellia/Chilastra, so I remember...(if you were looking for my references), because EVERYONE played from launch apparently. (liars)


Up until SOE got crazy with the CE, and NGE; Prior to space combat, prior to speeders, prior to mounts...jeez...even player cities came in a patch, EVERYTHING CAME IN A PATCH(remember?) so prior to that...lets compare games now?


This game has been out for such a short time...everyone here would've been bored with SWG's content within the first month because there was none; short of the mission terminals and holo-grinding (i ran thru 16 professions by the time player cities came out, if that qualifies as content). I had an active account from beginning til end. The game had the greatest potential of any MMO ever, but fell on its head. Isn't that really what this talk is all about? Potential...give SWTOR a chance. It's only going to grow into what SWG failed to...Crafting will expand, content will expand, and hopefully a quality community will blossom...


SWG failed. Not because of the fantastic community, or the crafting system...It failed because the subscription money lost to WoW pushed the dev's into making "the sandbox" a "kitty-litter box" of bad code, player crushing changes, and community disenfranchisement.


SWG was groundbreaking and had potential...and this game accomplishes both as well. Give it a year...then we'll see.


Also I'm still playing with the same excellent guildies/clanmates going on 12 years or so. Content? Who cares when you have good friends to kill imps with. MMO's ultimately come down to community, and if you're unhappy with any game ever...just check and see who you are playing with.

I love you.


Joined the game in 2005 and cancelled within the year, but the game did grab my attention since at the time there was nothing really like it. I had a friend who still played it for 4 more years and was able to follow the game before he quit as well. After that I forgot about the game and lost interest in it.


Then in 2011 I heard that the game was shutting down and I felt sad. Reactivated my account and got the free 45 days of game time due to the Spring 2011 Hack and quickly remembered after 5 minutes of playing why I left SWG. Then I finally got invited into the TOR Beta and then SOE terminated my SWG account for "inactivity." lolwut? didn't know not playing SWG for less than week gets my account terminated before shutdown.


I was disappointed that I could never send that last second hate message to SOE 5 seconds before shutdown. :jawa_frown:

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Have to say if a SWG 2 came out tomorrow I would be on it. No hesitation no nothing.

Wow, seriously? I mean...SERIOUSLY?


9+ years and no one has learned yet that all SOE cares about is your money? SOE could give you a paper bag of their diarrhea and you would say: "Wow! Look at all this content!"

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Bored and annoyed. Just my two biggest peeves:




What is with the gimped out "space combat"?


I use quotes because that is NOT aerial combat. Have these developers ever used a flight simulator? Hard to have a dogfight when you are stuck on an invisible rollercoaster track, unable to move off the path and only able to throw things at people as you pass by. I keep wanting to dodge and weave, do a 180 and follow the ships that pass by, tuck under the destroyer I am disabling instead of running along the pathing that takes me by everything I already blew up. Did these yahoos learn anything from SWG? "Space combat" in TOR is a waste and designed for 8-year-olds. Difficult to have "star wars" with this useless space combat system. The ships, ship parts, actual space movement, everything to do with "space combat" is oversimplified. Much preferred SWG's space combat, with parts and ships that can be damage, a sandbox style space experience flown like you are flying a ship, not some little kiddie train at the Mall.



Not being allowed to pick a surname someone else already picked.


...like, no one in the universe shares the same last name?! Sorry, I was forced to play this game when Lucas Arts killed SWG, so I figured I'd remake my main here with the same name. Forcing me to pick a surname I don't want, such as some blasphemous alternate spelling, as if I cannot spell or read correctly, or making me change servers repeatedly until I can get the surname I DO want is bunk. Plus, if I don't pick one, I keep getting that stupid Legacy window popping up everytime I log in or change planets or something, constantly reminding me that I was not allowed to have my surname, rubbing it in, over and over...


Only going into two, not wanting to rant here for pages/hours of typing.

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...like, no one in the universe shares the same last name?! Sorry, I was forced to play this game when Lucas Arts killed SWG

Stopped reading after that. No one forced you to play this game. If you don't like the game then just leave. And you shouldn't be surprised if someone takes your "original" surname. Maybe next time don't try and use Skywalker as a Legacy name.

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Based on most of the posts throughout this thread stating what features of swg that everyone loved and enjoy, I find it shocking that anyone would actually enjoy tor for what it is. I know that this has been beaten to death, but based on the information that bioware gave us, this game wasn't going to have many sandbox features for launch or anytime down the road. Most of you should have known coming into this, what this game was going to offer.


I do believe though that most of the features that are listed from the OP are enjoyed by a minority, and probably one of reasons why this game or any typical themepark doesn't focus on them or adds them in later. From playing swg for 8 years though, i share that same opinion with regards to those features. I feel that majoirty of people who played swg only focus on pve and pvp, and only the minority focused on the social aspects and the sandbox elements that the game offered.

Edited by SeanC
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Bored and annoyed. Just my two biggest peeves:




What is with the gimped out "space combat"?


I use quotes because that is NOT aerial combat. Have these developers ever used a flight simulator? Hard to have a dogfight when you are stuck on an invisible rollercoaster track, unable to move off the path and only able to throw things at people as you pass by. I keep wanting to dodge and weave, do a 180 and follow the ships that pass by, tuck under the destroyer I am disabling instead of running along the pathing that takes me by everything I already blew up. Did these yahoos learn anything from SWG? "Space combat" in TOR is a waste and designed for 8-year-olds. Difficult to have "star wars" with this useless space combat system. The ships, ship parts, actual space movement, everything to do with "space combat" is oversimplified. Much preferred SWG's space combat, with parts and ships that can be damage, a sandbox style space experience flown like you are flying a ship, not some little kiddie train at the Mall.



Not being allowed to pick a surname someone else already picked.


...like, no one in the universe shares the same last name?! Sorry, I was forced to play this game when Lucas Arts killed SWG, so I figured I'd remake my main here with the same name. Forcing me to pick a surname I don't want, such as some blasphemous alternate spelling, as if I cannot spell or read correctly, or making me change servers repeatedly until I can get the surname I DO want is bunk. Plus, if I don't pick one, I keep getting that stupid Legacy window popping up everytime I log in or change planets or something, constantly reminding me that I was not allowed to have my surname, rubbing it in, over and over...


Only going into two, not wanting to rant here for pages/hours of typing.


Most of the game is tunnel driven, very cleverly in places, but very linear tunnel driven... no openness at all....... linear, boring, boring...boring

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You can get a copy off ebay for pretty cheap.



Amazon still selling copies for £9.95. I got mine with loads of other star wars pc games for £5 off ebay last year (last feb to be exact).


I have just reinstalled swg emu on my new laptop and just enjoyed a hour on it. I will be playing both games still but in all honesty....swg will be the favourable game to play.

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I like it. I look at PC games like girlfriends. You can sit back and compare them all to "The One" or take each one as their own adventure with their own special qualities.


I like the Star Wars franchise and I liked Mass Effect. Those two things mixed is a lot better foundation than some other MMOs I've played. I think with the foundation they've started the groundwork for an epic gaming experience has been put down.



I've read a lot of opinions in this thread. Most of them are MMO cliche's, "this game will never be better than XXX", "it just ripped good ideas from other games" and the ever impressive/original "If you don't do what this other game that failed did...your game will fail". Those post are original and never seen ever on any other MMO lunch ever. lol


While I get it...you really liked that other game...that game is gone. Had it been appealing to everyone we'd be posting on it's forums. It's the same psychology as when your grandparents tell you how much better things back in the day were....it couldn't have been that much better they didn't have central heat and air.


Leave your baggage at the door guys. Move forward. Life will never be as good as it was in your mind.


QFT and such.

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I played SWG and many other mmo's. Longest game I played was probably Asherons Call and then SWG then WoW..


I am still in SWToR.. we started with such a bang.. many members in our guild and then we saw the numbers dropping off. How I see it is they liked the first flash of the game and played to 50 (within a month) and then sat on Illum (and a few other spots for bonuses) and said "Dailies" already?


I am currently making another character (trooper) and its the same stories. I tried to talk to my guild about what I would like to see and some agreed but other said "BW doesnt make sandbox games"

Insanity was described once as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

i am trying to be patient as someone said {within my guild) "sounds like your making an exit strategy" I dont want an exit strategy... but as the game sits it leaves me bored as well.. they have made this nothing more than a single player game with mmo elements.


even my guild friend wondered why I didnt like the "companion craft system" cause its not ME thats crafting.. When I make something or accomplish something I get the satisfaction from adding MY element to the mix its like making my own beer adding MY special ingredient.. not some spin of the wheel and to hope i get a special recipe or whatever this is...


Look,, bottom line for me is its entertainment.. and when it stops being entertainment I move on.. I dont want to as I have spent years in mmo's having fun.. just like other BW games they seem to have an end within a month or so.. ive played Dragon age and Kotor

and this is another Kotor clone that I can play be with friend yet it seems our chat is empty and we solo everything even in space...

If BW is listening... make some sandboxy (i say sand boxy) changes open up this universe... and make it replayable over and over again... as is its not replayable

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In short, No. When I get on a SWG kick I play EMU. I never expected this game to be even remotely the same nor a replacement for SWG. I think that seems to be the biggest issue for former SWG players here, they tend to assume it will have major aspects of that game. So they end up alienating them selves and becoming dissatisfied with the product.
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Aside from the additional of "Space Combat", Class Quest & VA. I can't really see what really sets this apart from WoW. The end game is the same, PVP or PvE (Raid/Instances).


I can't really see why people who have played WoW for the past 4 - 5 years would find the end game here enticing.

Unless of course.. they can't tell that its simply the same thing wrapped in a new skin or that they really enjoy running after the carrot dangling before their nose.


If BW is listening... make some sandboxy (i say sand boxy) changes open up this universe... and make it replayable over and over again... as is its not replayable


Exactly, add some sandbox elements to the game which allows the players to create their own fun or content at our own pace. This allows players to feel more involved.


It doesn't necessarily mean revamping the entire crafting system, but the addition of Housing, Ship Customization and etc could go a long way. And if concerns are due to where to place houses. BW could always be creative by having residential zones on certain planets as DAoC did before. Houses don't always have to clutter the landscape like UO or SWG.


There are ALWAYS a way around it to implement something. It all really depends on whether BW sees the benefit of it or if they are willing to do so.

Edited by Cemellyn
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Aside from the additional of "Space Combat", Class Quest & VA. I can't really see what really sets this apart from WoW. The end game is the same, PVP or PvE (Raid/Instances).


I can't really see why people who have played WoW for the past 4 - 5 years would find the end game here enticing.

Unless of course.. they can't tell that its simply the same thing wrapped in a new skin or that they really enjoy running after the carrot dangling before their nose.




Exactly, add some sandbox elements to the game which allows the players to create their own fun or content at our own pace. This allows players to feel more involved.


It doesn't necessarily mean revamping the entire crafting system, but the addition of Housing, Ship Customization and etc could go a long way. And if concerns are due to where to place houses. BW could always be creative by having residential zones on certain planets as DAoC did before. Houses don't always have to clutter the landscape like UO or SWG.


There are ALWAYS a way around it to implement something. It all really depends on whether BW sees the benefit of it or if they are willing to do so.


Fail suggestion. Just Doesn't seem right. They've gone too far into Themepark to bring Sandbox into it.

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Maybe we've all been spoilt over the years, experiencing what longer, more established games offer. Standards are set high in gaming these days, players expect a complete product from the word go, which isnt unreasonable at all, we all work hard for our money dont we.


For me, swtor currently feels like a glorified xbox game, not an MMO like SWG preNGE was, more a solo RPG thats has a strange un-star warsy feel to it. I really dont know what it is, perhaps its the lack of atmosphere when you travel around the planets, they seem dead and lifeless, static is perhaps the word Im looking for (not even a sand storm on tattooine for goodness sake).


Im finding once you have spent a month or so playing swtor, the voice over acting and chat choices get old and tiresome fast and this feature is supposed to be one of the main selling points to the game isnt it? Dunno if others feel like that, I guess some do, some dont, but thats just how I feel anyway. I wish there was an option in preferences to totally turn off all the voice acting/social options so I can save my space bar some abuse(!).


I do hope this game starts to change and improve where necessary as the next few months are going to depict whether this games got a decent shelf life or not.


Still, could be worse, we could be playing FFXIV instead (OMG fail!)

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Fail suggestion. Just Doesn't seem right. They've gone too far into Themepark to bring Sandbox into it.


I really disagree bud... reason being each planet we went to was larger and some were very spread out like Hoth and also Tatooine. They could make entire planets that are wide open with caves and underground areas and heck Ice fishing on a hoth type planet.. its just getting started but they could do whatever they want.. IMO

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I miss SWG, mostly, tbh, for my stuff. I miss houses and deco and crafting. However, at the same time not being burdened with it is kind of liberating. It's kind of nice not seeing the forums filled with jealousy hate about how hard it is to get some trinket that does nothing at all just because someone that the person doesn't like has one. Not having an economy driven by the acquistion of meaningless objects is nice, too.


I miss my house, I miss my ship. I don't miss buff wars, macros and the NGE/elder players arguing all the time. I think I've discovered that less can be good regarding a lot of stuff.


What I really don't like about TOR vs SWG... classes and factional separation, not enough classes, too much forced segregation. And... space sucks, but we all knew that was going to be the case. That's about it.


Oh, it's also very thoughtful of BW to include the features in their game that made SWG truly awesome.... lag and ctd issues.

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Fail suggestion. Just Doesn't seem right. They've gone too far into Themepark to bring Sandbox into it.


How are some minor elements of sandbox going to hurt the game? As far as I'm concern giving players an alternative & lateral ways of progression means giving players more choice. It also gives players who aren't interested in just raiding/PvP something else to do.


Just because you disagree doesn't necessarily mean its a fail suggestion. Instead of just criticizing how about you come up with some suggestions on improvement of the game or point out the reason why its a "fail".

Edited by Cemellyn
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How are some minor elements of sandbox going to hurt the game? As far as I'm concern giving players an alternative & lateral ways of progression means giving players more choice. It also gives players who aren't interested in just raiding/PvP something else to do.


Just because you disagree doesn't necessarily mean its a fail suggestion. Instead of just criticizing how about you come up with some suggestions on improvement of the game or point out the reason why its a "fail".


This is the attitude that BW should be looking at.. I dont hate any game.. they are what they are.. but they can improve and add greater elements.


Does BW actually have people in their staff playing? how can they actually say this I can truly play over and over? when it takes less than a month (omg less than a month) to get to the top lvl.

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