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Get rid of interrupts please


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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.

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... That's the point. You're a high priority target, so you're going to be interrupted, stunned and killed before anybody, south of another caster.


If a good team is killing you and interrupting your heals they're doing it right, and your team should appropriately try to counter that.

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why not remove movement also? Just have everyone line up in a straight line 3m apart and mash buttons til someone falls over?


I'm a sage healer, and removing interrupts would be about the dumbest thing BW could do to "fix" pvp.


No offense.

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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.


Nice troll bait. I think the people that are claiming that republics aren't imbalanced compared to imperials do it better though.

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... That's the point. You're a high priority target, so you're going to be interrupted, stunned and killed before anybody, south of another caster.


If a good team is killing you and interrupting your heals they're doing it right, and your team should appropriately try to counter that.



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So you're suffering from all those aforementioned things, that's telling me you must be plopping yourself down in the middle of fray acting like a heal turret. How about we just make swtor turn based? Everyone does an ability and/or moves and then waits for the other players to do theirs as well.
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You need to better learn how to use LoS to avoid getting assist trained like that. If you're standing out in the middle, you're going to get wrecked. In voidstar, stand by the boxes/pillars. In Alderan, use the guns and walls.


Also, when they start to attack you start kiting them. You should be able to do that with some success. When you have 3-4 of them kiting you that leaves the other 7 of your team-mates to accomplish an objective.

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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.


Play with better people, they'll protect you.

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So you're suffering from all those aforementioned things, that's telling me you must be plopping yourself down in the middle of fray acting like a heal turret. How about we just make swtor turn based? Everyone does an ability and/or moves and then waits for the other players to do theirs as well.


If you are a Sage, then this is how healing works. Maybe you aren't in the middle of the fray, but you are more or less stationary, unlike the other classes that have decent if not very good heals on the move.

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If you are a Sage, then this is how healing works. Maybe you aren't in the middle of the fray, but you are more or less stationary, unlike the other classes that have decent if not very good heals on the move.


I'm a sorceror, I'm not a heal turret. I only go into heal turret mode when a tank is guarding me and there's a huge melee going on that requires largescale spamming of my longer cast heals. Otherwise I try to be constantly on the move so that I'm not an easy target or at the very least position myself in a more subtle way.

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