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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do People Really find this fun


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A game where there is no meaningful crafting system , gathering system where the player is actually doing something, No meaningful pvp system ,but to sit in a fleet space station and que up for 3 war zones over and over again. A game where you dont feel like your part of the world but log on complete some war zone daily's and log off.


Only thing that will keep me in game , Its star wars and hopefully it will improve. I really thought sony was the worst but now I can see bioware is right up there with them. They dont have a clue what players want in a mmorpg. to busy worrying about making numbers like wow to put out a real game..

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Yep! Having fun.


A game where there is no meaningful crafting system ,


This is code for disgruntled swg player? I hate crafting, although I like it in this game, and I hate how crafters ruin games because they feel the need to be special snowflakes.

Edited by Qoojo
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The 1,7 mil players joke is old already!


By the end of the month, they will prolly be around 1 mil and after 2-3 more months like 500k and after several months 200-300k and then f2p?


Hey thats like when they said "after the 1st month this game will be dead" type posts!


lol pandas



And yep still having a blast in SWTOR!

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1.7 million people so far seem to enjoy it


I like to think 1.7 million got suckered by the hype, I count for at least one of those. Check that number in 6 months. I choose 6 months because that is the longest sub plan available at launch.

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The 1,7 mil players joke is old already!


By the end of the month, they will prolly be around 1 mil and after 2-3 more months like 500k and after several months 200-300k and then f2p?



Yeah trolls have been saying that since launch and yet the game keeps growing and keeps winning goty awards.

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A game where there is no meaningful crafting system , gathering system where the player is actually doing something, No meaningful pvp system ,but to sit in a fleet space station and que up for 3 war zones over and over again. A game where you dont feel like your part of the world but log on complete some war zone daily's and log off.


Only thing that will keep me in game , Its star wars and hopefully it will improve. I really thought sony was the worst but now I can see bioware is right up there with them. They dont have a clue what players want in a mmorpg. to busy worrying about making numbers like wow to put out a real game..




I am definitely not a fan of the crafting system or pvp. However, gonna give the Ops and FP's a chance before I call it done and over. The VO quests were neat, but I'm done with that, the neatness wore off fast.

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For all my complains about End-game, lack of LFG, lack of UI customization and the need for a better healing UI with mouse-overs and macros; YES! (and don't get me going on Space Combat). I am very much enjoying this game!


The game went Live December 20, 2011. it's not even February 20 yet, the game has been Live for less than 2 months. So far, BW has been focusing on bug fixes, but they have still managed to get some new content out.



I for one love the Crafting system as it is currently set up. The itemization of the crafting system needs work still, but I have no complaints about how the crating system works.

Edited by Mergon
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If all you want to do is log in, do some PVP matches, then log off, then this is not the game for you.


Try World of Tanks. That is a third person shooter, using tanks. Battles have a 15 minute limit, most are over in less than ten. As you gain points from the battles, you can upgrade your tanks.


And it's Free to play (with purchasable options).

Edited by Pengatron
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For all my complains about End-game, lack of LFG, lack of UI customization and the need for a better healing UI with mouse-overs and macros; YES! (and don't get me going on Space Combat). I am very much enjoying this game!


The game went Live December 20, 2011. it's not even February 20 yet, the game has been Live for less than 2 months. So far, BW has been focusing on bug fixes, but they have still managed to get some new content out.


what new content? stuff we can do over and over again, again no feel of being part of the game but to log on do your daily's and log off.

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really there is nothing meaningful in this game crafting, gathering or pvp. besides doing the same thing over and over. be it, war zones, flashpoint , operations or what ever its repetitive ********.


Wow....you just figured out the basic truth about MMOs...they are very repetitive....


I am having more fun playing SWTOR than I have had playing any MMO in several years.

Edited by Monfort
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I'm enjoying it. Can it be improved on? sure, but i'm still liking what's here.


I disagree with not feeling like part of the world, TOR is the MMORPG where i've felt the most connected so far. I also disagree that Bioware is up there with SOE (it's not Sony BTW, not even other subsidiaries of Sony trust SOE in the slightest).


They certainly seem to know what I want in an MMORPG for the most part, they've delivered for me. Last I checked, i'm a player, too.

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Wow....you just figured out the basic truth about MMOs...they are very repetitive....



I do wish crafting would be worth something but I never trade skill to lazy.

PvP nad Ilum need some work, but only in the fact of Ilum bugs and the random drop bags which is slightly being addressed in next patch.

PvE can always be harder, I want it to be if the healer/tank screws up once we all die or if a dps grabs agro he/she is one shotted. Go QQ free gear beggers.

More quests while leveling would have been nice leveling alts is hell.

Ship paint jobs and a more interactive inside would have been cool like a EQ2 house sorta.


But over all, the game is just on it's second month, the devs seem sorta new and will get better, MMOs are hard to make so I have respect for the coders that do that and know trying to find one bug in the list of code that this game must be takes awhile.

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