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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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You still can do it in the game but that is a long way from asking for automatic invitation to be able to do raids.


It is the same as saying that without a automated LFD you cant join any groups.


Which basicly just is a lie


Not a lie for people on lower-pop servers. Heck, I'm on a "Top 3" server, pop-wise, and it takes a few days before I can find a group for a specific FP. (I'm a healer btw). My goal this week is to run Colicoid.

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One quick run on WoW in the LFD tool just makes you realise that the wait can sometimes be worth it.


Sure you can get into a dungeon quick enough, but be prepared to have idiots linking DPS meters after every trash pull, shouting at someone for doing 2k less damage than them, being impatient and pulling mobs whilst the Tank or Healer rests up, ninja-ing loot or the Tank dropping out as soon as they have the gear they want or discovering it's not the dungeon they want.


Don't see the relevancy between such people and LFG tool--one could argue that LFG would encourage this behavior, but in my personal experience, there is simply very little of such players in Swtor (as of dps meters and such, since addons and combat log isn't in game, this would be pretty impossible). There could also be Vote to kick button for afkers and those pulling mobs and wiping group implemented as well. The kicked player would be changed for someone else that is queued. As for ninja-looting, the master looter works there really good, and I read BW is impementing the /roll function, this would deal with ninja-looting easily.


Don't get me wrong, I see the bad possibilites implementing this tool could bring, but I also think it would help much more (specially cross server, this would help greatly low pop servers and underdog side).


I'll add that it should still be possible to queue on the LFG as a group (so that guildies can indeed que together), and perhaps that this should only work for flashpoints and not for operations--driving the players to socialise more when they feel they want to experience bigger content - but also allowing casual players with limited daily playing time to find a group for something they actually have enough time for (cross server pvp would also be great, but it's a subject for another thread).


This is just my oppinion though.

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My problem with a cross-server LFD tool is that it inspires the type of immature and arrogant behaviour found often in gamers when given the anonymity of likely never seeing that player group again.


Whereas if you're in a group with people from your own server, you're more inclined to be friendly and polite so as to get future groups.

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My problem with a cross-server LFD tool is that it inspires the type of immature and arrogant behaviour found often in gamers when given the anonymity of likely never seeing that player group again.


Whereas if you're in a group with people from your own server, you're more inclined to be friendly and polite so as to get future groups.


So, the solution for You is pretty easy if there was a cross-server LFG tool build in. Don't use it! Leave it to us, immature and arrogant players. There are many types of players in game and this game is for everyone, not just the polite ones. I just want to say that You can't judge a quality of a feature by types of players that are using it.

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And destroy almost all guilds in existence.. That is certainly the way to go isn't it??


Has it occured to any of you LFG people that an LFG would hurt guilds??


Why you ask?? You don't need a guild to find a group for flashpoints or operations.. Any single player can use an LFG system and run what ever they want when ever they want.. It basically turns this game from an MMO to a MSO.. Massive Single player Online game..


So in my opinion, the LFG system should either be nonexistance or work on an extremly limited capacity.. There has to be a need for guilds.. :cool:


I disagree. Guilds are for raids not small man content anyways.

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One quick run on WoW in the LFD tool just makes you realise that the wait can sometimes be worth it.


Sure you can get into a dungeon quick enough, but be prepared to have idiots linking DPS meters after every trash pull, shouting at someone for doing 2k less damage than them, being impatient and pulling mobs whilst the Tank or Healer rests up, ninja-ing loot or the Tank dropping out as soon as they have the gear they want or discovering it's not the dungeon they want.


Over exaggeration.

I have ran thousands of cross server runs in multi games with the cross server system. It is very rare to get a bad group.

Once again maybe the problem is YOU since its a common theme among anti lfg people that the yall have bad runs, It shows that the anti lfg people are the common factor in there bad runs.

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I really really really wish more people would do




/cjoin LFG


A lfg channel does not solve the problem. The key to a lfg success is that no one has to form the group. There are very few people comfortable enough to form and lead a group.


All a global channel ends up being is a troll fest area.

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My problem with a cross-server LFD tool is that it inspires the type of immature and arrogant behaviour found often in gamers when given the anonymity of likely never seeing that player group again.


Whereas if you're in a group with people from your own server, you're more inclined to be friendly and polite so as to get future groups.


There is no proof that the tools do any such thing. Thousands of runs with very few bad ones would say my personal experience is the opposite of what you said. People will be who they are regardless!

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A lfg channel does not solve the problem. The key to a lfg success is that no one has to form the group. There are very few people comfortable enough to form and lead a group.


All a global channel ends up being is a troll fest area.


ugh. right. that's why people spamm the fleet to death with lfg for a run, while half the people in the lvl-range for that instance are not actually on the fleet.


those are the moment where it plain makes sense to


/cjoin lfg



on top of that, people always complain the game feels empty. with a 'global' channel at least they have someone to talk to.


you can still leave the channel if there's too much 'spam' in there, but not even giving a player-created solution a chance is kinda... well.. lame.

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ugh. right. that's why people spamm the fleet to death with lfg for a run, while half the people in the lvl-range for that instance are not actually on the fleet.


those are the moment where it plain makes sense to


/cjoin lfg



on top of that, people always complain the game feels empty. with a 'global' channel at least they have someone to talk to.


you can still leave the channel if there's too much 'spam' in there, but not even giving a player-created solution a chance is kinda... well.. lame.


/cjoin lfg won't put people on the servers which is the major problem of the LFD debate. Will it make things better? Probably but being spammed or what not through that channel doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

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/cjoin lfg won't put people on the servers which is the major problem of the LFD debate. Will it make things better? Probably but being spammed or what not through that channel doesn't sound like my cup of tea.


they already said that while there will be a group finder, it won't be cross-server right away. so, as long as that is not gonna happen people have two choices: try to find their own solution (a global channel) or keep whining.



lots of people who could 'pack' the servers are not playing during the off-peak hours even if they could because they know they won't find people to party with anyway.


and obviously, nobody is forcing anyone to join/use a general lfg channel, but then please don't keep saying it's so hard to find people...

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The game does need a LFG, is trully dissapointing to sit there to beg for somebody to come and do a flashpoint/heroic etc. I usually dont do them due to the lack of this tool. Shame too as they are fun to play.
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I agree a cross server Flashpoint finder / Que is needed. I am so tired of flooding general with LFG comments. I sit in the fleet for hours looking for a group. A system like this worked for Blizzard and it made me play WoW again when they implemented the system. I am dumb founded that this would not be the normal thing to add in a MMO especially if your trying to crush the competition. I can say that if something like this is not put into place, I will not be staying with this MMO... the aggravation of trying to find a group is not worth it when there is a simple solution. .. And to those who say join a guild to get the groups.. It never works that way. Unless your the same level as the majority of the guild and in the inner circle your left in the dust as they only are about the content thats available to them. And you could tell me all day long that a good guild helps its members and that is just not the case I have been in plenty of guilds. I dont blame them for wanting to play the content available to them.
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the game does need a lfg, is trully dissapointing to sit there to beg for somebody to come and do a flashpoint/heroic etc. I usually dont do them due to the lack of this tool. Shame too as they are fun to play.




i feel the same, it takes too much time to find a group for flashpoints, and i dont have it. :(

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Yet another exciting weekend of trying to get a group.... one day i do hope to see some content other than the 3 war zones over and over again...


How many days until my time runs out? can't happen fast enough at this point.

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Straight to the chase. I leveled 1-70 during warcraft's burning crusade phase where there was only a basic looking for dungeon tool, with no queue type system. During this time, I made so many friends and ended up being a guild leader of my own guild just running dungeons and meeting people on my server and keeping contact with them.


During Wrath of the Lich King, when I started on a new server, and they introduced the cross-realm looking for dungeon tool, I started a new character on a different server after getting back to the game. Well, during this time, with the new tool, I leveled 1-80 mostly through the dungeon tool (as a tank), met a lot of seemingly nice people, but made only 2 friends that were actually on my server and able for me to play with. In the end, my experience was largely an anonymous one, with few people to interact with on my server and no potential guild mates, much less a guild of my own to form. Those 2 friends I made were just by chance people I met through the tool that happened to be from the same server as I was. Wrath of the Lich King was largely an anonymity experience and generally destroyed the sense of community on the server. I ended up joining that one friend's guild, where we sold gear for cash for people we 'carried' through content. (Mostly fresh 80s.)


So basically what I suggest is just opening a broad channel that anyone logged onto a looking for dungeon tool, that is not cross realm, for the realm itself, and people can advertise their groups there along with being logged into the system. (In wow, it was /4 LFG > bla bla) That way, people playing on alts can see when a heroic group is forming and so on, while still playing and leveling their alt and in a queue for a low level flashpoint. It would encompass the entire community and not splinter it, as a cross-realm LFD tool will undoubtedly do. It was a bad design choice for wow, but people there don't care and have long stopped caring for such design choices.


Those are just my experiences with both systems, hope it is of some use to the developers. As a side note, the global /4 LFG channel was removed once the cross realm feature was added and was long asked for by the community to have it back, because of the reasons stated above. People on lowbie alts, couldn't see when a heroic raid was forming or a regular PUG raid that they would have wanted to join, while being and playing on their alt.

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Overall, I always had something to do in WoW because of Dungeon finder. I could freely go out and do my dailies or quest or level professions or whatever while waiting for the dungeon queue to pop up.


I never understood the big fuss people have with it. It's an OPTION.


If you don't like playing with strangers then form a group with your guild or friends and have at it.


I personally didn't mind playing with strangers. Sure people left at the first sign of trouble and occasionally you'd get the "d-bag" player yelling around but I was fine overall.


I'm just not that sensitive. If people criticized my dps or yelled out cuz I messed up on a boss, oh well. I really don't care what people think and I think that was an advantage when playing with random people.

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Please oh please lets get this in the game asap. Currently, after 2 hours of doing dailies there is nothing to do. People sit for hours in fleet doing the semi-naked dance by the cantina. There are no warzones and no chance of getting a group for hm fp. The sooner the devs make this happen the happier the 50 croud will be.
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I've always just seen so many good arguments in favor of such a tool, and so few good arguments against.


I don't know...I'm going to be honest here...I'm actually NOT looking to make friends with the people in my group. Because I'm a cantankerous old roleplayer who really only likes to spend my time in game with other roleplayers. But I'm okay spending an hour with a random group of players just so that I can see the content into which BioWare have poured so much love. I've done a number of flashpoints to this point with random groups made the old fashioned way, and nobody in any of them made it to my friends list.


Look, I play this game at odd times. When I'm logging in, most people have gone to sleep. I am a member of a guild that has, maybe, 20+ people around at peak times, but when I'm there, there are maybe three, and often, I'm the only one.


I've got a family and a life and I have limited playing time, and I can't afford to be sitting around at the Fleet all night waiting to fill out a group when I could be going out and adventuring to keep busy.


Basically, anything that helps me to get a group running quickly and while I go about other business would be a very welcome tool.

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