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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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Zero evidence? Maybe you should look at how many times the length of this thread has exceeded 1000 posts.


Bioware has seen the evidence from people like me who have cancelled accounts and listed the lack of a LFD tool as the major reason.


Yeah I prefer to pug. Yes I've been in top-tier raiding guilds in the past. I'm just looking for the casual grouping experience now minus guilds.


You are right, I guess I shouldn't judge those who choose to endure a masochistic experience. If that's what people want, it is their choice. But for those that don't there are better options than a LFD tool. That is all.

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You are right, I guess I shouldn't judge those who choose to endure a masochistic experience. If that's what people want, it is their choice. But for those that don't there are better options than a LFD tool. That is all.


Who anointed you the judge of how a MMO is supposed to be played?


Just because you don't enjoy pugs doesn't mean everyone else feels the same.


Funny how these community lovers sneer at pugs. Didn't realize the community was composed of walls topped with barb wire.

Edited by grueber
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The devs in both rift and wow have made statements that the majority of their player bases uses the lfd/lfg systems. They have collected in game metrics that makes it fact.

Just as they know exactly how many quest are ran, how many npc's have been killed and so on. The yare the ONLY ones that are in the position to KNOW the facts and they have stated those facts.


As far as the smoking comment. Typical non smoking thought.

As a smoker myself i can tell you i smoke because i LIKE it in spite of the health risk. No one is twisting my arm to make me smoke.

Life is a risk, you can live your life in fear of the risk or just live your life and be happy.


The fact is these games also do not have another method other then spamming chat to find a group outside of guilds and friends. Obviously if there is only one method that is the method the majority will use.


Secondly, just because you have the opinion that peoples issues are non issues does not make them non issues. Take for example an insurance companies, And yes they do do this. A driver with a red colored car will pay more for insurance then a diver with any other color. Why because of the PERCEIVED notion that people with red cars are more reckless then a driver without a red car. Just because you dint experience the negatives does not mean that they dint happen. Every players experience is going to be different and every server has a different community.


Thirdly, Yes the LFG tool does encourage folks to not socialize with the people they meet. Why should i give tips to that rogue that is not using Slice and Dice in his rotation? I am never going to see him again. Yes I can still talk to folks in chat or in whispers ect, On my server only. You are not going to socialize with people you will never see again. This translates to server population from talking to people as you do run with them interact with them ect. To never needing them, never needing to talk to them ect. My servers general chat went from folks talking about the latest changes, fun facts and helping folks to chuck norris jokes all day long within two months of the LFG coming out. There where more factors the the LFG that took part in it but it was a part of it.


I have no other option to put together a group from my server only quickly and effectively and get to know those players and see if they are good player or bad players. A new player to the game with no friends does not have the chance to find players on his server via running with them in instances and seeing if their play style fits his. He is forced to use the random LFG tool and not given that chance. It makes it harder to find a guild that will give him a chance, no prior experiences with him and no record to go from means that most guilds will never give him a spot on there raiding teams ect.


Fourthly, I am glad that your experience was a drop off in D-Bag play. Sadly for many that was not the case. It increased and necessitated in wow at least the addition of a new loot system over one that had been in place for years and had worked fine up to the point of the LFG system. My server we regulated the D-Bags, by simply refusing to group with them. As the majority of my server did this the D-Bag players either quit finding groups to run with, or only ran with friends. The majority of them transferred off the server. When 90%+ of a server refuses to group with you, you either leave the server or change your play style. This is the kind of self regulation that I am talking about. With a random LFG system this is taken away from the population of a server unless said system accounts for it.


The sheer fact that there are so many Nay Sayers that keep bringing up the same concerns over and over again should tell you that there concerns should be taken into account with a good LFG system.


I for one want one. I just want one that takes these into account and failing to take them into account is a very narrow minded view point, poor diplomacy, and poor leadership, poor design, and frankly unwise business. We can come up with a system that address the concerns while at the same time providing what is needed. In this way BW keeps the LFG folks happy by giving them what they need while also keeping the nay sayers happy by addressing there concerns.


I for one would rather have both parties a tad disappointed but keeping there subs then alienate one group or the other and loosing subs. Either way they take the risk of loosing subs when they have the means to prevent such a loss.


This is possible and doable, especially if we as a community come together and quit fighting about it and actually start discussing how to make it happen. Like I have stated before, we are getting a system. I for one would rather have the best system out of any game out there. We can do that by addressing the concerns and still making a system that works and does what it needs to do.


My personal thoughts on it are simple.


Two systems, one that randomly throws folks together. This system needs to take into account player choice by either A. Allowing players at the end of the instance to say I want to group with this guy again or no I don't. If you say no I don't then you are not grouped with that player anymore. (aka the /ignore but now it works cross server as well) or by showing the players who they are being grouped with and allowing the option to either opt out of the group or Majority rules vote kick the other player. ( I prefer option A personally)


System 2, works hand in hand with system 1. A system where you can select the flashpoints/operations/heroics on planets that you want to run and the role you fill. You are then placed in an LFG channel and you can see the others on the list and form your groups this way. It allows the players that don't want to use the Random system something else to use. It allows you to put together groups for the heroics on the planets. It gives the new players a chance to interact in a group setting with the other players and make those contacts they will need to get into the guild that fits them. This system can also work cross server as well btw at least for the Flashpoints.


Both systems working together provides a variety of effects. First and foremost the population is allowed to govern its self. If 90% of the population does not want to group with a player now there not forced to. This encourages players to not be D-Bags as there is a consequence if they are. It allows those who do not want to use the random system another tool to use other then spamming chat and sitting in fleet for hours trying to put together a group. It provides that much needed way to form groups for things other then flashpoints.


As far as teleporting you to the instance. Either way you go it does not take more then 3 to 5 minutes tops to get to the fleet. 1 minute speeder ride to the shuttle and bam your at the fleet. Every planet has one with the exception of Illum and even that planet might have one, I just have not explored it as I hate Ice Worlds. Either way the effect is minimal and posses limited travel to get to the flash point.

Edited by Lerthan
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In the servers i play (tarro blood , karth) pvp has replaced flashpoints almost entirely pre 50. Since its pretty rewarding and you don't need to sit idle on the fleet for 3 hours. Im attempting to roll a fresh vanguard tank in the fatman server since it seems to be the most heavily populated east coast server. I have a level 50 jug tank on karth and im yet to see false emperor or battle for illum cus i cant find people to do it. The only fp you can consistently get people for is BT/ES (normal or hard mode) that range of 30-49 fp is a waste land on those servers.



The fatman server is my lat hope, otherwise im cancelling until they add a lfg tool.

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As far as teleporting you to the instance. Either way you go it does not take more then 3 to 5 minutes tops to get to the fleet. 1 minute speeder ride to the shuttle and bam your at the fleet. Every planet has one with the exception of Illum and even that planet might have one, I just have not explored it as I hate Ice Worlds. Either way the effect is minimal and posses limited travel to get to the flash point.


You still don't get it. The point of teleporting to the instance is so that you don't have to stop your questing experience. The reason why the PvP que is so great is because if just finished figting through a dungeon of mobs to get to quest objective and my PvP que pops, I don't have to leave to go the warzone. Once the warzone finished I get ported right back to where I was.


It's not fun to have to go back through the dungeon I just cleared again, killing all the same mobs that I had just killed. Flashpoints will still be a pain to complete as you'd have to find some natural break in the questing process to do them. It's not because I'm lazy. I just don't want to have to go through and kill the same mobs I just killed when I get back from a flashpoint.


Also the PvP teleportation feature works great. Why argue against a similar system with flashpoints. The doom and gloom mantra posted by anti-lfg people about the player base becoming lazy has been invalidated because we already have a feature they trying to stop and it doesn't produce the results they claim it will produce. Therefore there's no reason to think an automated LFG tool will produce those results either.



Also, in regards to pugging, I'll buy that most players would rather play with friends and guildies than random people. But the beauty of pugs is that friends and guildies are not always available. That's why so many people will use the LFG tool. They'd prefer to run with people they know but most of the time they will not have access to people they know which is why pugging should be possible in this game.

Edited by Moricthian
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The fact is these games also do not have another method other then spamming chat to find a group outside of guilds and friends. Obviously if there is only one method that is the method the majority will use.


Secondly, just because you have the opinion that peoples issues are non issues does not make them non issues. Take for example an insurance companies, And yes they do do this. A driver with a red colored car will pay more for insurance then a diver with any other color. Why because of the PERCEIVED notion that people with red cars are more reckless then a driver without a red car. Just because you dint experience the negatives does not mean that they dint happen. Every players experience is going to be different and every server has a different community.


Thirdly, Yes the LFG tool does encourage folks to not socialize with the people they meet. Why should i give tips to that rogue that is not using Slice and Dice in his rotation? I am never going to see him again. Yes I can still talk to folks in chat or in whispers ect, On my server only. You are not going to socialize with people you will never see again. This translates to server population from talking to people as you do run with them interact with them ect. To never needing them, never needing to talk to them ect. My servers general chat went from folks talking about the latest changes, fun facts and helping folks to chuck norris jokes all day long within two months of the LFG coming out. There where more factors the the LFG that took part in it but it was a part of it.


I have no other option to put together a group from my server only quickly and effectively and get to know those players and see if they are good player or bad players. A new player to the game with no friends does not have the chance to find players on his server via running with them in instances and seeing if their play style fits his. He is forced to use the random LFG tool and not given that chance. It makes it harder to find a guild that will give him a chance, no prior experiences with him and no record to go from means that most guilds will never give him a spot on there raiding teams ect.


Fourthly, I am glad that your experience was a drop off in D-Bag play. Sadly for many that was not the case. It increased and necessitated in wow at least the addition of a new loot system over one that had been in place for years and had worked fine up to the point of the LFG system. My server we regulated the D-Bags, by simply refusing to group with them. As the majority of my server did this the D-Bag players either quit finding groups to run with, or only ran with friends. The majority of them transferred off the server. When 90%+ of a server refuses to group with you, you either leave the server or change your play style. This is the kind of self regulation that I am talking about. With a random LFG system this is taken away from the population of a server unless said system accounts for it.


The sheer fact that there are so many Nay Sayers that keep bringing up the same concerns over and over again should tell you that there concerns should be taken into account with a good LFG system.


I for one want one. I just want one that takes these into account and failing to take them into account is a very narrow minded view point, poor diplomacy, and poor leadership, poor design, and frankly unwise business. We can come up with a system that address the concerns while at the same time providing what is needed. In this way BW keeps the LFG folks happy by giving them what they need while also keeping the nay sayers happy by addressing there concerns.


I for one would rather have both parties a tad disappointed but keeping there subs then alienate one group or the other and loosing subs. Either way they take the risk of loosing subs when they have the means to prevent such a loss.


This is possible and doable, especially if we as a community come together and quit fighting about it and actually start discussing how to make it happen. Like I have stated before, we are getting a system. I for one would rather have the best system out of any game out there. We can do that by addressing the concerns and still making a system that works and does what it needs to do.


My personal thoughts on it are simple.


Two systems, one that randomly throws folks together. This system needs to take into account player choice by either A. Allowing players at the end of the instance to say I want to group with this guy again or no I don't. If you say no I don't then you are not grouped with that player anymore. (aka the /ignore but now it works cross server as well) or by showing the players who they are being grouped with and allowing the option to either opt out of the group or Majority rules vote kick the other player. ( I prefer option A personally)


System 2, works hand in hand with system 1. A system where you can select the flashpoints/operations/heroics on planets that you want to run and the role you fill. You are then placed in an LFG channel and you can see the others on the list and form your groups this way. It allows the players that don't want to use the Random system something else to use. It allows you to put together groups for the heroics on the planets. It gives the new players a chance to interact in a group setting with the other players and make those contacts they will need to get into the guild that fits them. This system can also work cross server as well btw at least for the Flashpoints.


Both systems working together provides a variety of effects. First and foremost the population is allowed to govern its self. If 90% of the population does not want to group with a player now there not forced to. This encourages players to not be D-Bags as there is a consequence if they are. It allows those who do not want to use the random system another tool to use other then spamming chat and sitting in fleet for hours trying to put together a group. It provides that much needed way to form groups for things other then flashpoints.


As far as teleporting you to the instance. Either way you go it does not take more then 3 to 5 minutes tops to get to the fleet. 1 minute speeder ride to the shuttle and bam your at the fleet. Every planet has one with the exception of Illum and even that planet might have one, I just have not explored it as I hate Ice Worlds. Either way the effect is minimal and posses limited travel to get to the flash point.


You make some excellent points here, I believe. I hadn't thought of citing the need to alter the looting system as evidence that when given the opportunity a certain percentage of the population absolutely will screw you over if there are no consequences for their actions.


While I do oppose a cross-server LFD tool, your overall argument is well stated.

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You still don't get it. The point of teleporting to the instance is so that you don't have to stop your questing experience. The reason why the PvP que is so great is because if just finished figting through a dungeon of mobs to get to quest objective and my PvP que pops, I don't have to leave to go the warzone. Once the warzone finished I get ported right back to where I was.


It's not fun to have to go back through the dungeon I just cleared again, killing all the same mobs that I had just killed. Flashpoints will still be a pain to complete as you'd have to find some natural break in the questing process to do them. It's not because I'm lazy. I just don't want to have to go through and kill the same mobs I just killed when I get back from a flashpoint.


Also the PvP teleportation feature works great. Why argue against a similar system with flashpoints. The doom and gloom mantra posted by anti-lfg people about the player base becoming lazy has been invalidated because we already have a feature they trying to stop and it doesn't produce the results they claim it will produce. Therefore there's no reason to think an automated LFG tool will produce those results either.



Also, in regards to pugging, I'll buy that most players would rather play with friends and guildies than random people. But the beauty of pugs is that friends and guildies are not always available. That's why so many people will use the LFG tool. They'd prefer to run with people they know but most of the time they will not have access to people they know which is why pugging should be possible in this game.


I am not arguing against it. However either way you go with it, the travel time to the fleet is minimal. If its not added at most its 5 mins probably even less. 30 seconds to use your quick travel to the shuttle and your at the fleet.


If its added then your ported to the flashpoint. Either way it is not going to be something that needs to be altered to account for anything. Either way you can quickly get to the flashpoint. This is a response to the folks that are saying it takes 20+ minutes to get to the fleet to do the flashpoint. They are making a false statement that needs to be corrected. Its something that while yes it would be nice to have the feature in it, is not something that is necessary.


You do however make a valid point on why it should be added as far as the convenience level of having that portion in there.

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In the servers i play (tarro blood , karth) pvp has replaced flashpoints almost entirely pre 50. Since its pretty rewarding and you don't need to sit idle on the fleet for 3 hours. Im attempting to roll a fresh vanguard tank in the fatman server since it seems to be the most heavily populated east coast server. I have a level 50 jug tank on karth and im yet to see false emperor or battle for illum cus i cant find people to do it. The only fp you can consistently get people for is BT/ES (normal or hard mode) that range of 30-49 fp is a waste land on those servers.



The fatman server is my lat hope, otherwise im cancelling until they add a lfg tool.


This is a serious problem

Edited by Touchbass
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I'm surprised you answer to a such blatant laden with bad faith provocation.

Anyway I'll leave this thread soon:I have only 7 days of play time remaining.

I'm not paying 15 dollars a month to waste this playtime on the fleet.


The way I figure is the more the thread is bumped the more supporters we get as we can both evidently see here Ethern. LFD is an issue where most don't recognize the solutions, so if someone takes the time to read the frontpage we've gotten one more educated on the issue.


Also, I enjoy twisting words of those don't engage in the proper rules of dialogue :)

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SWTOR is nothing like world of warcraft or rift its new and built from foot to head,so please stop with the wow and rift connections, anyway i agree to the lfg tool because i hate not lvling siting in a station waiting for someone to start a group or someone to join my group.


How are SWTOR and WOW/Rift not pretty much indentical? I'm not trying to speak down you I really don't understand how they wouldn't be considered the same type of experience. Feel free to link another post on the matter if you don't wish to type it out.

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If Bioware doesn't make it so you can at least teleport yourt party to the fleet (then back to where you were once you're done) then I'm going to be extremely dissapointed.


One of the reasons I want a LFG tool is so that I can go out and quest/do dailies while I'm waiting for a group. Having to travel all the way back to the fleet and leave what I was doing/ have to wait for others to do the same makes a pain in the butt. Again, I'd rather just que for PvP as it allows me to quest and PvP without having to sacrifice one over the other.


Adding that teleportation feature won't ruin the community for two reasons:


1. The PvP que teleports people and it works just fine.


2. Players won't be forced to wait long periods of time for other players. This will decrease frustration and lead to a calmer player base as a whole.


And before people chime in to tell me I want everything handed to me I'll go ahead and say this now. The process of finding groups/traveling to the fleet is not challenging and it is not fun. It's just tedious. I'd rather my challenge come from the actual content of the game, not pointless hoops that I must jump through in hopes that I will have fun later.


Really good honest post :D

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I'm done too. I was going to cancel last month, but was convinced not to by a guildee, but enough is enough. patch after patch and still nothing. Done on the 18th.


I'm not paying for a mmo that doesn't value people that have lives outside of it. People that can't waste their precious allotted daily playtime standing around spamming a chat channel instead of having fun enjoying their hobby and playing the game.


If Bioware is content to let us give their competition our hard earned dollars, then so be it. That competition that allows me to log in and easily get in groups and do group oriented content will get my money, and thousands of other people's money as well. Bioware can have their idiotic ideas about cross-server LFG tools, and watch their sub base rapidly dwindle while making up other reasons why it's happening. It already has, and if they think any of their spin moves desperately trying to hide that their subs are sinking like a heavy rock are working, they're even more stupid than they've already shown themselves to be by not having a proper tool in the game at release.


Yeah, I am out on the 3rd/4th of March unless something is added.

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You are right, I guess I shouldn't judge those who choose to endure a masochistic experience. If that's what people want, it is their choice. But for those that don't there are better options than a LFD tool. That is all.


For you maybe. I was on a top tier raiding guild during TBC and pretty much 'ran things'. I have more fun and freedom playing the game now that I don't have a bustling friends list of people cause it suits me. I like logging on and not having all my friends whipsering "hey man tank this for me", some people like that, I use to like that but it's not for me anymore.


My X-LFD experiences are great, sorry we all love the tool and you don't, you need to grow up cause it's ok to hate something that others like without putting it down.

Edited by Touchbass
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Touch, you're my hero. Heh. My ability to debate civilly gets eroded with time, and you keep your cool. I respect that.



Touchbass: You know what the word Schadenfreude?

MalignX: No I don't know what Schadenfreude means ... and I'm dying to know

Touchbass: It means shameful joy in the pain of others

Malignx: I'm just happy to see Flanders ... err anti-LFD's fall on their butt for once


(simpsons hybrid quote for you)

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Touchbass: You know what the word Schadenfreude?

MalignX: No I don't know what Schadenfreude means ... and I'm dying to know

Touchbass: It means joy in the pain of others

Malignx: I'm just happy to see Flanders ... err anti-LFD's fall on their butt for once


(simpsons hybrid quote for you)

That warms the cockles of my black heart. lol

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The way I figure is the more the thread is bumped the more supporters we get as we can both evidently see here Ethern. LFD is an issue where most don't recognize the solutions, so if someone takes the time to read the frontpage we've gotten one more educated on the issue.


Also, I enjoy twisting words of those don't engage in the proper rules of dialogue :)


Unfourtuantly Touchbass you like so many others take the stance of its my way or no way. There is a way to implement the tool (see the prior page for my suggestion) that resolves the issues while still getting an effective random tool.


We are getting one, that's a simple fact. I for one would rather have a tool in the game that actually accounts for the issues that are raised and does something to help resolve said issues then a system that is a clone of wows.


What is better? Honestly? A tool that that does not take into account the negatives or a tool that does and caters to both sides of the argument?

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A new player to the game with no friends does not have the chance to find players on his server via running with them in instances


and then your dream-world get hit by objective reality

where majority of people dont need "friends" they need players to play with and have fun

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For you maybe. I was on a top tier raiding guild during TBC and pretty much 'ran things'. I have more fun and freedom playing the game now that I don't have a bustling friends list of people cause it suits me. I like logging on and not having all my friends whipsering "hey man tank this for me", some people like that, I use to like that but it's not for me anymore.


My X-LFD experiences are great, sorry we all love the tool and you don't, you need to grow up cause it's ok to hate something that others like without putting it down.


Actually I never said I was against a LFD. I just said there are better options, meaning that a better system can be devised that will help more people. I feel the the LFD que system is the quick easy fix, but not effective in the long term. I have not seen it cause growth in any other game, just plug the leak temporarily. So do I have the perfect solution? of course not. But I don't have the money and resources that Bioware does to solve the issue. They need to be innovative here and not just copy/paste a system from another game.

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Were one to do an honest eval of the pro/con debate on the X-LFD topic, you will find that the *vast* majority of those that are opponents of same, are also those that belong to large, strong guilds that don't need it.


Why are thy opposed?


Because the tool levels the playing field. It allows non-guilded/smaller guild people the same opportunity presently enjoyed by those aforementioned.


It's a bit like public transit... if you don't want to use it, don't. But don't take away the opportunity from those that do.


Selflessness. It's the right thing to do.

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Here we go again.....


I am one of those people who did not like the implementation of the cross-realm LFD tool. I see people bringing up supposed facts about why a LFD tool is a good thing, or people advocating that people like me have no valid arguments to opose the implementation of a LFD tool.


Now, I don't completely opose a LFD tool. Clearly there are benefits to it, but if it's not done properly, it risks bringing so much negativity to the game aswell.


My biggest reason to opose a LFD tool is one that's been mentioned a lot before by other people. It simply allows people to act like jerks and get away with it. Now, I don't have any fancy statistics, but I can say with a big certainty that the majority of LFD groups I have participated in caused a negative experience for me. Not so much due to wiping, but people being plain rude or jerks.


Some of the things I encountered:


- People blatantly ninja'ing stuff.

- People blatantly leaving cause they didn't win a specific drop.

- People needing on stuff to improve the chance their friend or guildie receives an item.

- People leaving immediately after a particular boss, without notice or completion of the dungeon.

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they caused a wipe.

- People kicking or trying to kick someone cause they hadn't been there before.

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they felt that particular member was under-performing.

- People being rude because a particular member was inexperienced or under-performing according to their standards.

- People kicking or trying to kick someone so they can bring in a friend or guildie instead (either for a boss, lootdrop or just cause they prefered to have their friend/guildie with them).

- People leaving during combat or right before, purposely sabotaging the group.


I'm pretty sure there are more things that I encountered but that I haven't mentioned here. This is just some stuff that I can think of at the moment.


Now, I get that not everyone may experience things like these, or that some simply experience them less than myself. But there comes a time where you have to weigh to pros and cons against oneanother. Afterall, this is a game we play, and we play it to have fun. Or atleast, that's why you should be playing.


And for me personally the above experiences definately added a lot of frustration and negative experiences to my gameplay. I'll even go as far as stating that I'd rather have to look for a group for an additional thirty minutes if it means I wouldn't have to go through the above things.


But again, it doesn't mean that I completely opose a LFD tool. It just has to be implemented properly. A game is supposed to be fun experience. Enabling people or not holding people responsible for acting like total jerks "just cause they probably won't ever group with you again" is a bad thing, and it will certainly ruin more people's experience than improve it.

Edited by Arell
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the majority of LFD groups I have participated in caused a negative experience for me.
LFG is not for you, end of story


all the stuff you call "negative" and "scary" i call laughable


- People blatantly ninja'ing stuff.
deal with it

- People blatantly leaving cause they didn't win a specific drop.
replaced in half of minute

- People needing on stuff to improve the chance their friend or guildie receives an item.
and what a problem here? he cleared dungeon just like you and deserve loot jsut like you

- People leaving immediately after a particular boss, without notice or completion of the dungeon.
crybabies & replaced in half of minute so again who care?

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they caused a wipe.

i'm not you mother not you friend and i'm here not for carry you

- People kicking or trying to kick someone cause they hadn't been there before.
they *******

you recently was kicked from party of retards… what a big loss

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they felt that particular member was under-performing.
valid becourse:

i'm not you mother not you friend and i'm here not for carry you

- People being rude because a particular member was inexperienced or under-performing according to their standards.

you cause problems to people and want them to be happy?

- People kicking or trying to kick someone so they can bring in a friend or guildie instead (either for a boss, lootdrop or just cause they prefered to have their friend/guildie with them).
so without LFG you can't do this?

- People leaving during combat or right before, purposely sabotaging the group.
sh*t happens

newer heard of disconect? power outage?


and why you don't tell us what happens with party now when someone leaves during combat, tank or healer for example

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Some of the things I encountered:


- People blatantly ninja'ing stuff.

You cannot ninja in the current X-LFD format, ninja'ing is from the pre X-LFD era.



People blatantly leaving cause they didn't win a specific drop.

How is this an issue? You'll replace them in a second.

- People needing on stuff to improve the chance their friend or guildie receives an item.

This is a very very very rare annoyance

- People leaving immediately after a particular boss, without notice or completion of the dungeon.

This is not the X-LFD's fault, people don't want to run dungeons over and over again

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they caused a wipe.

You can't do this if you abuse it

- People kicking or trying to kick someone cause they hadn't been there before.

You can't do this if you abuse it

- People kicking or trying to kick others cause they felt that particular member was under-performing.

You can't do this if you abuse it

- People being rude because a particular member was inexperienced or under-performing according to their standards.

This happened a lot before X-LFD, in fact people use to mock them openly on the server

- People kicking or trying to kick someone so they can bring in a friend or guildie instead (either for a boss, lootdrop or just cause they prefered to have their friend/guildie with them).

This is a very very very rare occurance

- People leaving during combat or right before, purposely sabotaging the group.

This is a very very very rare occurance


Life is about acceptable risk, those things you mentioned are more then fine if it means I can get a group in short amount of time. Dungeons aren't hard enough for me to sweat and I can usually carry a bad person or 2 depending on my role.

Edited by Touchbass
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