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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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So WoW only lost 100k subscribers during the time of SWTOR's release. Wonder what that means for SWTOR's future and the timeframe for implementing a LFD feature.




Great find, LFD built the game up with great numbers while this game just seeks to lose numbers

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You should read my post on page 30, it basically highlights that we need to move the focus off dungeons cause we don't want to run them 30 times.


The part I highlighted, tanks did not run content over and over again unless they were in a guild helping someone. The content lasts 1-2 weeks at most so how on earth do you get a reputation? The reputation only exists for the 4-5 hour power gamers who treat this game as a hobby which is fine but the rest of us who play this just like a game do not care about reputation and what not.


Edit: Forgive me. I was in a bit of a hurry and missed your point.


Moving the focus off of dungeons may not be a bad idea at all. I'm not quite sure what would replace them, though.

Edited by Depredator
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Uhhh Sorry this is not WoW. And I hope to god it never becomes anything like WoW. There are more things to do than run dungeons all the time.


We have a LFD tool that would work great if people would simply come out of thier coma and use the damn thing!


Good gooby-de doop!

Responding "this is not WoW" is not a solid counterargument

Secondly, the current LFD has zero chances to be effective; it has too many flaws.

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I completely agree with you here. The longer I play the game, the more I'm starting to feel like there IS going to be need of some sort of group finder tool like LFD or at the very least a set of global channels so that you're not stuck on the fleet shouting for an hour before giving up.


What I don't want to see however, is a cross-server system that will end up killing the community. I really like the PvP system so far, because at 50 I'm getting to know people and building my own reputation as well. I haven't seen a game with such a strong community and reputations that mattered since I played Final Fantasy XI.


Do I use the LFD tool in that other game that won't be mentioned? Yeah I do, because it's convenient. I also hate it at the same time, because you come across 1 person out of every 20-30 you group with that actually speaks. I'm sick of groups that almost say nothing the entire time and leave without a word, either at the end or after the boss they wanted didn't drop the gear they wanted.


I really do think we can find a balance between community and convenience, and I would rather wait for a solution like that than to see a quick fix thrown in that dilutes the community.

I totally agree with your comments here. The "quick fix" solution would be a terrible, terrible thing for BW to do. It would eviscerate the community before it has even truly been formed, imo.

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Just wanted to state how much lfg tools destroy community, at the moment you need to talk to players.
Since your post was very constructive, I respond with a as much constructive one: L2 build a community. L2 socialize outside group content. GG no re.


Please don't use the LFD tool. I don't want to have to group with the likes of you. It's a win-win situation.

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I totally agree with your comments here. The "quick fix" solution would be a terrible, terrible thing for BW to do. It would eviscerate the community before it has even truly been formed, imo.


Yeah the community is so great that's why I've already cancelled my subscription out of frustration over the LFG situation.

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I still think Final Fantasy 11 had the right idea.


We all want a Looking For Group system. The arguments are not against that. The arguments are that some don't want a Dungeon Finder. The two don't have to go together.


Take FFXI's example, give us LFG without DF.


... That's about it, really.

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Yeah the community is so great that's why I've already cancelled my subscription out of frustration over the LFG situation.


And that's why patience is a virtue. Can it be frustrating to form a group for heroics and flashpoints? Certainly; I'm not stupid enough to deny it's currently an issue. The problem is if they just toss in a cross-server LFD tool, is that really going to magically fix everything for you, or will you just get pissed over something else and threaten to leave over the next band-wagon issue?


A cross-server LFD tool also doesn't magically fix the issue of trying to make groups for heroic missions. I'd rather see a same-server LFG tool implemented that can be used for heroic missions, flashpoints and other things.


I think the real issue here isn't what the game doesn't have, but what people seem to expect as early adopters of a new MMO. I don't currently play Rift anymore, but I still read their newsletters they send, and I think they've made some awesome changes and improvements over the last year. Maybe some of you should just stop playing and wait for the 6 month mark to try it again and see how many improvements have been made.

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I dont know why ruin community ?


This is the must selfish argment no one let be forced play in zerg guilds to have something i dont like stay in ventrilo with a lot of nerds that dont have real friends and cant be quiet


So should i be forced ? just cuz no friend guys have fear that lose your internet fake friends ?



This game is alredy so much unfair for who play solo or small guild style since you need 16 guys to drop something good


This is only one game just it not real life not a job so let everyone have some fun not just big guilds

Edited by lordhaizen
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And that's why patience is a virtue.


A cross-server LFD tool also doesn't magically fix the issue of trying to make groups for heroic missions. I'd rather see a same-server LFG tool implemented that can be used for heroic missions, flashpoints and other things.

And what about low population servers?

You same server LFG tool does not do much.

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I dont know why ruin community ?


This is the must selfish argment no one let be forced play in zerg guilds to have something i dont like stay in ventrilo with a lot of nerds that dont have real friends and cant be quiet


So should i be forced ? just cuz no friend guys have fear that lose your internet fake friends ?



This game is alredy so much unfair for who play solo or small guild style since you need 16 guys to drop something good


This is only one game just it not real life not a job so let everyone have some fun not just big guilds


Your opinion is understandable.


I think your statements about "nerds" and people with no real life are exaggerated; although, I'm certain that there are such individuals who play. I generally don't encounter them too often, myself.


I am an adult, and this is my hobby. I care about the shape my hobby takes. That's all. There's no big dramatic conspiracy revolving around an unfulfilled, isolated life or anything like that.


Believe it or not, there are people with decent lives who enjoy playing mmo's in their spare time. :)

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Semantics over definition of mainstream. I wouldn't call those mainstream at all


Really? Because Aion and EVE are larger than Rift right now. FFXI has been running longer than any of them and is still subscription based, which makes it a hell of a lot more "mainstream" than the likes of LoTRO or Warhammer.



Unless we're defining "mainstream" as "having a cross server LFD" or "games you have played" you are going to have trouble reshaping the criteria to exclude these games.

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And what about low population servers?

You same server LFG tool does not do much.


That's an entirely different issue. Personally, I think Bioware made the same mistake as Trion did and opened way too many extra servers at launch while also keeping the server caps way lower than needed.


When they did the stress tests in November, I remember seeing over 350 people on Coruscant and the server was perfectly stable with only 3 Coruscant instances. When the game went live, I think Tython on my server had like 120 people with 4 instances open. Basically, they chose to be extremely, overly cautious in the guise of having a smooth launch and I think they shot themselves in the foot over it.

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I am quite close to leaving SWTOR because of the lack of an LFG tool. I want to do daily flashpoints, but i do not want drop what I am doing to sit around fleet spamming general to do so.


I want to do heroics, but would like an easier way to get groups than spamming general to find a group.


This is a problem I have while leveling. For end game the private LFG channel on our server appears to be working well and I am in a good guild.


There is no doubt that Bioware could program a functional LFG tool because of the existence of that tool in WoW.


Developing the community comes from each player, not the use of an LFG tool. I believe that the cornerstones of community are the guilds. I had it easy finding a good guild as my old guild from LotRO came here and I joined them. The community is not affected by an LFG tool IMO.


I know this game is not WoW, but WoW has what I think is an excellent LFG.


I would like to see an LFG tool in SWTOR similar to the WoW LFG tool for Heroic content and Flashpoints. I have been playing SWTOR less than I would if there was an LFG tool.

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Your opinion is understandable.


I think your statements about "nerds" and people with no real life are exaggerated; although, I'm certain that there are such individuals who play. I generally don't encounter them too often, myself.


I am an adult, and this is my hobby. I care about the shape my hobby takes. That's all. There's no big dramatic conspiracy revolving around an unfulfilled, isolated life or anything like that.


Believe it or not, there are people with decent lives who enjoy playing mmo's in their spare time. :)


i dont think so look at you you defend NO LFG TOOL without zero argments just basead in "oh i have a big guild i dont care about 5 man guilds


My server have 10-15 at FLEET we play 4vs8 4vs12 vs imperial we alredy lose 60% of player base cuz bw cant fix things and this game goes free soon if they not merge


So if for you nothing will change why ruin more this game with this QQ about ruin community when we lose more and more ppl every day?

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Improving the current LFG mechanism would be a good start. It would be a good option to have it automatically checked (from your game configuration) if you have group quests or if you want to run a flashpoint.


I really believe social tools such as a LFG tools or guild recruitment tools play a direct role into player retention and the 'multiplayer' aspect of a MMORPG.

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Developing the community comes from each player, not the use of an LFG tool. I believe that the cornerstones of community are the guilds. I had it easy finding a good guild as my old guild from LotRO came here and I joined them. The community is not affected by an LFG tool IMO.


People who think a LFG tool "destroys the community" are delusional. We have a PvP que that doesn't destroy the community. Expanding it to include flashpoints won't destroy the community.


Seriously people, stop making claims that are clearly invalidated by the features already in the game.


If you want community, learn to talk to people. If a LFG system prevents you from making friends, that's your own fault.

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i dont think so look at you you defend NO LFG TOOL without zero argments just basead in "oh i have a big guild i dont care about 5 man guilds


My server have 10-15 at FLEET we play 4vs8 4vs12 vs imperial we alredy lose 60% of player base cuz bw cant fix things and this game goes free soon if they not merge


So if for you nothing will change why ruin more this game with this QQ about ruin community when we lose more and more ppl every day?


Hmm, well, you certainly seem upset about it. Might I suggest re-rolling on a higher population server? My current server is in about the mid-level of average population, I believe. I have yet to see low numbers in fleet except perhaps during off-peak hours, and I don't have much difficulty getting a group. That sounds like it may not be the case for a lot of folks who like to grind instances.


With regard to your statement that I have no argument, my previously stated argument comes from my personal experience playing before the LFD system. Granted, the server-wide LFD wasn't too terrible. It put you into contact with various individuals on your server that you may never have met without it. The x-server LFD is definitely a bad idea, however. I recognize that other people have a different point of view, and that's fine.


Anyway, your mind is evidently made up. I have already said that your opinion was understandable. Due to my personal experience, I will not change my mind either. Additionally, accusing me of "QQ'ing" over the community does not match the tenor of my posts. Further argument between us will serve no purpose.


Good luck to you.

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i started playing wow since cataclysm released leveled from lvl 10 to 85 using LFG tool only which got really boring and tiring


now here on swtor i get to quest and see lots of people questing around my area "85" ppl on each planet lots of chating and people to do heroic quest with unlike wow were you sit all day in ogrimmar listening to trade chat and waiting for the queue to pop up

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i started playing wow since cataclysm released leveled from lvl 10 to 85 using LFG tool only which got really boring and tiring


now here on swtor i get to quest and see lots of people questing around my area "85" ppl on each planet lots of chating and people to do heroic quest with unlike wow were you sit all day in ogrimmar listening to trade chat and waiting for the queue to pop up


85 ppl on each planet?


I play on shadowlands which is a heavy-very heavy pop server at peak times. I'm lucky to see more than 50 peeps on a planet once you get past coruscant or dromand kaas. It's more like 30-40 and can drop as low as 20 during 6-10 pm EST.


No one forced you do use the LFG tool.

Edited by grueber
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