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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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No, I meant you could go through completely different areas. If you're 15-20 Alliance you can go to Westfall, or Loch Modan, or Darkshore, so 3 different characters can go through zones the others never did a single quest in. In SWTOR there is only one level-appropriate planet at a time, and you HAVE to be there for your class story quest. If you're level 37, you WILL be on Quesh, whether you like it or not.


Yea, at least give ust the option to go to ONE other planet besides Quesh (etc.)

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No, I meant you could go through completely different areas. If you're 15-20 Alliance you can go to Westfall, or Loch Modan, or Darkshore, so 3 different characters can go through zones the others never did a single quest in. In SWTOR there is only one level-appropriate planet at a time, and you HAVE to be there for your class story quest. If you're level 37, you WILL be on Quesh, whether you like it or not.


After the 1-10 zones i played every zone and quest on level up in wow so there was no difference besides the starting area.


In this game i have a bunch of heroics on my alt that i haven't touched as well as a bunch of side quests because i dropped so many gray ones levelling up. I have new content i will be seeing the entire time unlike wow which was only level 1-10.


Nevermind that wow is extremely boring with clicking accept. Of least with these quests i'm having different interactions with the questgivers and some even give me different ways to complete the quest. I'm not forced to get boar tusks and click complete, there are different ways to do it.

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No, I mean entirely different places you can go and different quests you can complete. In WoW I can choose to ignore Westfall entirely and level in Loch Modan instead, doing different quests with a different story to the area. In SWTOR as Republic you must go do quests in Coruscant. You are not given the option of choosing a different planet to level on with different quests to complete.


I guess you could just do the class quests you're forced to do and grind out the levels some place else, but that's not really much of a choice.


During my leveling as a trooper I was able to head back to Taris to level from 30-32.


But once again thats not much of a choice.


What you want is different settings, that would require Bioware to create entire four zone planets.


I don't think you understand what exactly went into creating SWTOR's planets and how large they actually are. I don't find leveling in Loch Modan over West Fall any more fun then I did leveling a Dark Side Smuggler on Taris as apposed to a light sided one. Yes it was a nice change in pace but that was all it was.

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WOW at launch: A full month of downtime between 11/04 and 3/05. I remember waiting 3 days to be able to login at one point in January.

PVP? If you were on a PVP server perhaps. And then we got WSG, which you had to ACTUALLY TRAVEL TO ASHENVALE to queue up for, and if you didn't get ganked 7 dozen times between Astranaar and Sentinel Lodge the servers were probably about to crash. And once you got there, you got to queue and do nothing else while you waited.

I hope that you don't die, because the sheer inconvenience of dragging your ghost from the graveyard 9 years away might make your eyeballs bleed.

Which brings up travel. If you played horde in early 2005, you probably remember trying to use flightpaths to get anywhere you needed to go for quests. You probably also remember crying at those times because the nearest flight path was in Milwaukee.


Just a few examples of how bad WOW was at launch, and it had nothing to do with content. It was pretty conceivable that you would spend 20 minutes out of an hour travelling while burning through a chain quest. The 3 minutes getting from a planet to the orbital station back to another planet is no comparison. Try a patient approach.


Admittedly, this game isn't much different....yet. Give it a bit. WOW hit its golden age after the first major content patches during the summer of 2005, and that continued through Burning Crusade (Disclaimer: Golden Age in fun, not sales). If you can't play for 3 more months patiently waiting while levelling up alts, I guess we'll see you this summer when you hear that this game got awesome. :)

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After the 1-10 zones i played every zone and quest on level up in wow so there was no difference besides the starting area.


Well, but only because you're choosing to go back and do stuff that's beneath your level. If you hit up Loch Modan, by the time you've exhausted that you should be ready for Wetlands. Sure, you COULD go back and do Westfall or Darkshore...but those quests would be grayed out.


In SWTOR if you choose to level via quests, which is kinda what they steer you towards as opposed to grinding out XP killing mobs or repeating FPs over and over, play through twice (same faction) and you're going to do 80% of the same stuff. Which is my point...there was way more leveling quest content in vanilla WoW. You COULD level 2-3 different characters and only repeat 20% of the leveling content. Questing in SWTOR, you level 2 different characters and you WILL repeat 80% of the leveling content.


Nevermind that wow is extremely boring with clicking accept. Of least with these quests i'm having different interactions with the questgivers and some even give me different ways to complete the quest. I'm not forced to get boar tusks and click complete, there are different ways to do it.


Sure, in WoW I got a text box with a villager asking me to kill 10 wolves and collect 8 boar spleens. In SWTOR I get a voice acted Space Villager asking me to kill 10 Space Wolves and collect 8 Space Boar spleens. It's the same thing, only while it had novelty value the first time through SWTOR, the 2nd time through is wearing out my spacebar. And repeating HM FPs at 50? Ugh. How many times do I have to pretend I'm surprised "my" droid on the Black Talon wants to see me?

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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Sure, in WoW I got a text box with a villager asking me to kill 10 wolves and collect 8 boar spleens. In SWTOR I get a voice acted Space Villager asking me to kill 10 Space Wolves and collect 8 Space Boar spleens. It's the same thing, only while it had novelty value the first time through SWTOR, the 2nd time through is wearing out my spacebar. And repeating HM FPs at 50? Ugh. How many times do I have to pretend I'm surprised "my" droid on the Black Talon wants to see me?


So killing 10 harpies in the mountins is or five boars on the plains is better then what SWTOR offers?

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Just a few examples of how bad WOW was at launch, and it had nothing to do with content. It was pretty conceivable that you would spend 20 minutes out of an hour travelling while burning through a chain quest. The 3 minutes getting from a planet to the orbital station back to another planet is no comparison. Try a patient approach.


Oh you're right dude, there was a lot of screwed up stuff during the WoW launch. I was there...created my main on November 23rd, 2004 and played the same dude since.


The thing about comparisons between WoW and SWTOR, is there's always people saying "oh you've got to compare SWTOR to WoW of today!" or "Well, compare the SWTOR launch to WoW at launch!"


I think you can do both, but you have to interpret the results. Simply put, I EXPECT SWTOR at launch to be lightyears (parsecs?) ahead of WoW at launch. It's 6+ years later. Technology is better, the tools are better, and they've had all that time to watch the successes and failures of WoW and others. So, when SWTOR does something better at launch than WoW at launch, I'll give 'em a /golfclap. Good for you. You did something better than what somebody else did years and years ago. Here's a cookie. But when they do something WORSE than WoW did at launch...that's just laughable.


When comparing the games TODAY, I expect in terms of features and quality of life improvements that WoW is going to be more refined. 7 years of patches and all. If it's something SWTOR does better than WoW today, then I'm impressed, because they got it better on the first try. Problem is there aren't too many marks in the W column for 2012 SWTOR compared to 2012 WoW.


tl; dr:


For scoring purposes, if for a certain metric:


SWTOR12 > WoW12: big points for SWTOR

SWTOR12 > WoW04: god I should hope so...

WoW12 > SWTOR12: well, kinda to be expected...


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So killing 10 harpies in the mountins is or five boars on the plains is better then what SWTOR offers?


No, they're the same thing, except SWTOR has voice acting.


As per my post above with the metrics, in terms of quest content I'd say SWTOR12 is slightly better than WoW04, only because of the 'personal story' aspect and occasionally the voice acting.


What's interesting is when WoW re-did all their zones and 1-60 questing content for Cataclysm last year, they tried to eliminate a lot of that tedium. Now instead of just killing wolves and collecting spleens, they also have quests with mini-games, puzzles to solve, vehicles to ride. Funny side-jokes like the Badlands quests where you play through these guys' tall tales like riding a flying motorcycle with hot babes on the back while the dude punches Deathwing in the face. So, not all WoW quests today are "kill wolves, collect spleens," but all SWTOR are "kill wolves, collect spleens BUT WITH VOICE ACTING."


So in terms of quest presentation, SWTOR12 > WoW12 > WoW04.

In terms of quest content, i.e., what you actually have to DO to complete the quest, WoW10 > SWTOR12 = WoW04.


ETA: Oh and in terms of the phasing stuff...some people really hate WoW's phasing mechanics. I'm only annoyed by them when I wind up with phantom herbs or something. The concept itself is good, because you actually see changes in the world because of your actions. For the all talk about 'choice,' you don't see any change in the world based on your decisions in SWTOR.


And as far as separating players who are in different phases or something, well...SWTOR separates players more than any other MMO I've ever seen since half of everything is instanced to your group or even to the individual player. So, if you don't like WoW phasing I don't see how you can like SWTOR's instancing. Personally, I think they're both "okay" and good for different reasons.

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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I completed every quest in every zone and followed them according to their set level requirements and over levelled every planet by doing this. Yet I still hit 50 in under 3 days play time. I also took the time outside of this to try my hand at a few PvP matches and did the first 5 flashpoints as well. I enjoyed my first play through till I hit Ilum and then the scope for things to do post level cap to progress on took a massive nose dive.



I did exactly this, except no pvp yet, but I did space missions and it took me 8 days /played time. I guess you're just better at MMO's than me.


On a side bar here - I think part of why people are hitting max lvl so quick is most of us have become pros at lvl'ing toons. I mean c'mon how many max lvl guys do you have in other mmo's? I know the last one I played I had 3 which I think is a lot but I'm sure others have more. That's a lot of lvl'ing exp under our belts.

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Of couse we all want more content. And i'm sure its coming. THe problem with these kinds of threads is that yes, SWTOR should be better than WoW given that its 8 years older, the gaming community has learned how to absolutely chew up and spit out MMOs. The expectations are instantaneous. How much do you think it cost Blizzard to program and implement all of the stuff in their game? How much longer would it have taken SWTOR to come out and include all of that stuff? At what price tag?


Youre expecting SWTOR, with zero years of subscriber input and funding to have a product on par with WoWs 8 years of input and funding.


Finally, everyone keeps asking for 'more than the same old grind'. Thats what MMOs ARE. Its a cornerstone, and simply saying 'im bored, please reinvent', gets us nowhere. Its like saying "I love action-platformer games, and ive played them all since the Odyssey, but in this new game im just tired of jumping from one platform to the other, over and over, please fix the genre so its fun for me again". The 'fix' is finding a new game type.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update, 02/26/2012:


"I am a huge Star Wars and BioWare fan, and have been looking forward to this game for years. Leveling through my first character was an above average experience compared to other MMO games, however the end-game at level 50 is extremely boring. I tried leveling other classes, but it seemed very repetitiousness. I am VERY disappointed that SWTOR is such a limited game with no open world aspects, including, but not limited to, a viable, interesting, crafting system. The rest of my family will be cancelling soon as well, until such a time as the game is expanded to include content other than repetitive questing and Flashpoints. Thanks."


-Subscription Cancelled-


Cya when the game gets more content... May the Force be with you.

Edited by Razyr
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Update, 02/26/2012:


"I am a huge Star Wars and BioWare fan, and have been looking forward to this game for years. Leveling through my first character was an above average experience compared to other MMO games, however the end-game at level 50 is extremely boring. I tried leveling other classes, but it seemed very repetitiousness. I am VERY disappointed that SWTOR is such a limited game with no open world aspects, including, but not limited to, a viable, interesting, crafting system. The rest of my family will be cancelling soon as well, until such a time as the game is expanded to include content other than repetitive questing and Flashpoints. Thanks."


-Subscription Cancelled-


Cya when the game gets more content... May the Force be with you.


yeah me and my brother cancelled few weeks ago too. The game is so lackluster and the instancing is terribad. No AAA MMO EVER HAS INSTANCING.


One grand mmo managed, so can this.

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So do you expect something different? I mean there are only a few ways you can make MMO's unique. And the good old 50 end game model WoW has will go on and on because it is really the only way to do it. Go take a break and come back later.


You are not a dev. To bad a lot of devs are like you, thus the stagnation in the genre.


Take a look at The Secret World. Then tell me if you feel the same.

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