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is it me or does our tank companions suck


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I know Blizz is cute ....



but i seem to have to spam heal them against anything other than normal mobs(both Blizz and Skadge). now mind you that they aren't in full purples or anything (mostly blues and some greens).


I got to a part in my class quest where i was fighting against two hard mobs (silvers) and I basically had to stop DPSing in order to fully concentrate on keeping either up ( kept switching to see if one or the other was "tougher").


against the elite boss same thing ... just throwing everything on him in order to keep him alive (kolto shellss kolto missile, using my supercharge gas and just pressing my heals as fast as they come up).


now mind you I am use to healing and I do expect to heal the companions ... but spam healing on our supposed tanks? especially when i can just bust out Mako and I make a better tank.

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My Blizz, at 50 mind you, has about 17250 HP and is a MONSTER of a tank. He rocks. He is full purples, mostly lv 49 re-engi'd tank gear that I made for him (yes im one of those idiots who has dozens of lv 49 purple schematics for Armoremech).


I was Arsenal while leveling, so I never used him till I switch to a healer spec at 50..but I LOVE the little guy. Some tips; make sure you are using a Presence food item at all times (this really helps!) and make sure you Kolto shield him before pulls. I barely have to heal him, even vs Elites. He tanks like a champ!


He is very, very gear dependant....stick with him, it gets better.

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First off... if you're a healer use a DPS companion. Tank companions are there to soak damage... completely unnecessary when you can heal any damage done to them.


Second tank companions are only as good as the gear you put on them. If you have greens and under leveled blues they will suck. Load them out with up to date blue tank gear and they are awesome.

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Companions are REALLY gear dependant. Making sure they're geared out is tough while levelling since you need gear as well. I had a lot of problems keeping Blizz up even at level 50 while he was in low 40s green gear. Now that he has proper gear he does really well. Also make sure that you have the proper attacks chosen for him.
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My Blizz, at 50 mind you, has about 17250 HP and is a MONSTER of a tank. He rocks. He is full purples, mostly lv 49 re-engi'd tank gear that I made for him (yes im one of those idiots who has dozens of lv 49 purple schematics for Armoremech).


I was Arsenal while leveling, so I never used him till I switch to a healer spec at 50..but I LOVE the little guy. Some tips; make sure you are using a Presence food item at all times (this really helps!) and make sure you Kolto shield him before pulls. I barely have to heal him, even vs Elites. He tanks like a champ!


He is very, very gear dependant....stick with him, it gets better.


and what you do with blizz on 50 level? I have no idea what i can do with companions now :/

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Companions are REALLY gear dependant. Making sure they're geared out is tough while levelling since you need gear as well. I had a lot of problems keeping Blizz up even at level 50 while he was in low 40s green gear. Now that he has proper gear he does really well. Also make sure that you have the proper attacks chosen for him.


^^ Exactly this. All tank companions for all classes are very gear dependant. Get their gear up to same level and they do way way better.

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and what you do with blizz on 50 level? I have no idea what i can do with companions now :/



Im not sure how to answer this question...really..


I do my PvE daily missions with them; Belsavis and Ilum. I use him to fill in on a FP here and there when needed. Same as level 1-49. The game doesnt change all of a sudden at 50 to where you dont need companions.

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I am running a Merc arsenal alt now (DAMN its easy lvld compared to my main Jugg...), because i got really tired of off-tanking with my Jugg and we have no Merc in the raiding group. We think that we really need the dps and the 5% endurance buff.

I am only lvl 30 atm but i am going with the healer companion so far. You are talking about tank companion here, do i need to gear up my tank or can i go with Mako all the way? I mean i have heavy armor by my self and takes like everything out before they reaches me anyway, even gold ones...so i just wonder?

Edited by Dreamerii
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honestly if your not a healer there is no real reason to go with the tank companions


Dps is better off just having a healer spaming heals on them or for larger numbered mobs another dps companion to help mow down the enemies.


As far as tank companions are concerened I really think I prefer the dps companions with my healer because they do kill faster. However Blizz with excellent tanking gear has allowed me to easily complete some missions that slowed down my IA.

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its not just blizz. khem val takes alot of damage too and if it wasnt for static barrier id be healing the **** out of him all of the time too. conversely andronikos (sp) takes things out fast enough to where i dont have to worry as much. gives me the impression that tank companions are the lowest on the totem pole
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My wife and I have duo'd practically every single 4 man heroic quest in the game so far using blizz to tank, and normally vector as dps, my bh healing and her IA dpsing. The only thing that stops us is Blizz's inability to mitigate, or move out of things. There are just some bosses that deal too much damage to companions, either because of ground based AoE that companions seem to think is ok to stand in, or just insanely high mob dps that isnt being properly mitigated.


Last night is a great example, we are blasting through corellia prison, get to the end guy. Kolto shell and Kolto missle buff up, send in Blizz, already healing for everything im worth. Blizz is dead in about 12 seconds. He has 16k health. His armor resists 25% damage. He uses his shield 32% of the time. That shield blocks an extra 24% damage. He all out dodges or avoids damage 13% of the time. 12 seconds. Dead.


Other than these occasions though, and theres about 3 or 4 4-man heroics that this happens on, he does very well. I have seen mobs run out of AoE. I wonder why companions dont?


Anyway, keep him geared and he will serve you well most of the time.

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Our Khem-Val's name is Skadge. And right at the end of my storyline he dropped over 2k affection because im not a douchebag. So nearly 20k worth of gifts. Screw that guy...


Skadge pisses me off so much, I refused to let him on my ship but the game force be to take him.


Torian is awesome

Mako is awesome

Blizz is awesome

Gault is underhandedly awesome

Skadge is a ***** and doesn't even have an infectious personality to make up for it


I was so disappointed that he was the last guy, and every time I see him I cant help but want to throw him out an airlock.

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