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[Video] New Ability cooldown effects


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This change is a step in the right direction I think but still not great. The flashing I could have dealt with in time, the brighter colors as well, but all quickslots going dark while the GCD finishes is unacceptable.


There is no such thing as a "Rotation" anymore for many classes. You don't use abilities in a set sequence, instead most rotations are based on a set of priorities. Basically, when certain abilities become available you use them over using other abilities, and the best time to determine the next ability is during the GCD. However, with this new UI fix it is impossible to know if an ability becomes available during the GCD.


I play a powertech, so my reference in this case is going to be "Railshot" which can only be used when a target is incapacitated. There are many things that can trigger this effect allowing you to use this ability, and the easiest way to tell if its available is if the quickslot is lit up. With this fix, I don't know if its available until my GCD is finished and by then I already have my next ability queued up so it goes off, I'm back on GCD and I still don't know if its available because if it is it just went dark.


I realize this change has been good for others. I believe I saw a post about someone having a much easier time with this fix because they were colorblind. That is great, but this fix also makes the game much harder to play for others. There has to be some middle ground. For me, I think I'd have a much easier time with it if the buttons remained lit that were supposed to be and you just kept the new effects on top of that.

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Oh no!.. My eyes hurt. QQ cuz I can't turn my

Monitor brightness down


... Seriously you think someone should have to darken their ENTIRE screen because a new feature is horrible?


Also the big issue is not brightness, its the fact that you cant see what abilities are available until the GCD completes. This means classes like Mara/Sent that have complex, situational ability rotations are now much tougher to play. This UI is basically a step backwards.

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you don't make something more confusing....


they should be sad


this is actually the first time, I, Sarfux, a person they PERSONALLY took ideas from for the game...doesn't like...you need to put it back to the way it was or fix something so EVERYTHING doesn't look greyed out all the time.


It saddens me BioWare :( PLEASE

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I can't imagine what flop GCD UI animation they'll put out next.


An explanation of why it's so difficult to implement would be great. Are you giving each intern a chance at designing it? Throwing a dart at a board? Letting a monkey/dog/cat/[insert random animal] design it?


Why was the first one abandoned? Where was the massive amount of public outcry that caused you to ditch a working system? Because the animation back then was better; the only problem was ability delay.

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It's funny, because right now in this forum, directly beneath this thread, is a thread complaining how with the last patch you couldn't tell when an ability was off GCD because it was always lit up.


I thought to myself "geez, I hope this UI change doesn't revert that, because that's a DUMB complaint and when they originally changed it made life some much better."


Now I see they HAVE reverted it, and I'm back to square one - not able to see when situational abilities are ready. Good God.

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It's funny, because right now in this forum, directly beneath this thread, is a thread complaining how with the last patch you couldn't tell when an ability was off GCD because it was always lit up.


I thought to myself "geez, I hope this UI change doesn't revert that, because that's a DUMB complaint and when they originally changed it made life some much better."


Now I see they HAVE reverted it, and I'm back to square one - not able to see when situational abilities are ready. Good God.


imo, with the flash effect being there, it doesnt make any sense to grey out skills that arent on CD during GCD. Its the flash that indicates when GCD is finished, not the greyed out skills.

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dear bioware, stop TRYING to make a working UI and let the real PROs handle it.


enable the use of addons NOW and maybe the maker of omnicc comes and shows you how to make proper cooldown/gcd visualisation.

Edited by zandadoum
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They need to USE THE OLD ONE + GREY-COLORED TRANSPARENT animation when global cooldown is coming back.


All that blink is useless... and the black color is not a good idea, some people in my guild have a hard time seeing what's where in the middle of fight, their abilities are ALWAYS greyish/dark.

Edited by Thekze
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I agree with OP completely!




One of the few things that didn't need change and they change it... i would say fire the guy who got that idea in the first place BW


Only people who are not complaining about it are clickers and keyboard turners who can't even play mmos properly!!!!!

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I think its a lot easier to see when the cool down ends with the flash and I think that's nice. It definitely reduced the number of times I tried to use an ability before it was ready. However I agree it did add a new challenge in seeing when a triggered ability becomes available because the cool down obfuscates it e.g. Can't tell if rail shot is available while cd is going and rail shot is a very important part of a BH rotation. Fix that and we are optimal.
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I dont think its bad.


The graying out of the abilities doesnt bother me at all, i went online yesterday to check it out and i had no problems with it.


and as for all the "if youre not bothered, its because youre a clicker" comments, thats just stupid.


If you click you have to look at the icons, if you use hotkeys you shouldnt have to look since you know what hotkey does what.


I do a bit of both, i have most of the quickslots hotkeyed, and a few are not hotkeyed (things i dont have to do in a split second, so i can actually click it without loosing anything by clicking) and ive had no problems either way.



i think this is mostly a case of "its new and different so i dont like it"...


And as a sidenote to BW, no matter what you do with the UI, there will always be an outcry from players who doesnt like it so pick whatever works and stick with it.

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Before, you could see what abilities were ready to use while you were using one. Now you see nothing. You have to guess. UI is getting worse patch after patch. The beta/release one is the best so far. Hope they fix it soon, playing like this is nightmare mode!
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If you click you have to look at the icons, if you use hotkeys you shouldnt have to look since you know what hotkey does what.




some abilities(like railshot) have certain prerequisites so you have to look at the button to know if you can use it or you have to apply a dot first.

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