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Guys, were not talking about the same. What the **** are you talking about, trading and not trading, i talk about BUGS. I know, if i die kills wont be counted for a certain time. But if i never died, it happens the same, half of the kills wont be counted. And you can only talk about kills trading and play the angry fat kiddies behind a screen? Ridicolous. Open your eyes, we are payng for a beta.
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All I see in these thread are a bunch of babies who are sad that the game isn't feeding them kills and valor anymore, and now they actually have to play the game.


What most of these babies (albeit not all of them) will soon discover is that they actually *********** suck, 'tis the reason they resorted to trading kills with the enemy.


I won't disagree with the very idea of kill trading being retarded. It reminds me of people who fight clubbed in SWG to get their FRS rank and then talked smack on the forums about how awesome they were.


But.........how the hell does this patch fix anything?


Ilum is the most broken and idiotic implementation of world PvP ever. It has a lot of potential that has been mismanaged from day one by the devs. The current state of PvP on Ilum does nothing to separate those that are good from those that are bad. All it does is force people to grind 10+ hours in the hopes they get 30 credited kills.


I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that things have been at all fixed....other than maybe you haven't even been there yet.

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That's not a bug. That's they way it should be if that person has recently been killed.


Actually we tested it, and someone who had not logged in at all today logged in and was unable to a) receive credit for killing anyone or b) be a credited kill.


Whatever they did to "fix" it, has caused another bug to pop up as now kills don't count at all. No matter how recently you killed/kill.

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All I see in these thread are a bunch of babies who are sad that the game isn't feeding them kills and valor anymore, and now they actually have to play the game.


What most of these babies (albeit not all of them) will soon discover is that they actually *********** suck, 'tis the reason they resorted to trading kills with the enemy.


God you have to be the dumbest person in these forums.


Seriously man, put it to rest.

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Only the fanboys blinded by the name Star War enjoy this **** Atm...


Everyone know its a huge fail and this game is going down fast. I give it 2-3 months,

You cant lie to yourself star War kids.. trying to defend Biofail wont give you any valor or free commendation...


Paid 3 months.. big mistake :(


Canceled and feel better already.

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I said it once and i'll say it again, make the Armament crates instant respawn and put them all over the damn map at 2 feet intervals so people can get their daily done in 5 minutes and not 5hrs.


Your losing players every day with this circle around central base for hours crap.

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Got onto teamspeak, spoke to some guildies and went to Illum. We land , meet some Reps, kill and get killed - zero kills credited. This lasted probably 30mins with no credits for anything we did - except one of us looting a crate, that worked.


Delete Illum from the game if you cannot fix it.

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God you have to be the dumbest person in these forums.


Seriously man, put it to rest.


Only the fanboys blinded by the name Star War enjoy this **** Atm...


Everyone know its a huge fail and this game is going down fast. I give it 2-3 months,

You cant lie to yourself star War kids.. trying to defend Biofail wont give you any valor or free commendation...


Paid 3 months.. big mistake :(


Canceled and feel better already.



Don't let the door hit your asses on the way out.

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Don't let the door hit your asses on the way out.


When im talking about fanboys I refer to you in fact.

You post everywhere cause you dlike to save this game, its all you have for your personal pleasure ? You cant belive a Star War game just fail big time ? or maybe your trying to keep your only friends playing this **** ?


Up to you fanboy, at least try to open your eyes before hitting the wall...


Biofail should be proud and give you some in-game crappy items for your pathetic support.


have fun ')

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When im talking about fanboys I refer to you in fact.

You post everywhere cause you dlike to save this game, its all you have for your personal pleasure ? You cant belive a Star War game just fail big time ? or maybe your trying to keep your only friends playing this **** ?


Up to you fanboy, at least try to open your eyes before hitting the wall...


Biofail should be proud and give you some in-game crappy items for your pathetic support.


have fun ')


I'm not trolling. I'm really not. You see, I don't even know who you are let alone care. I really do have better things to do than argue with someone over the internet over the intricacies of a video game. If you don't like the state of the game that's fine, but I'm also at liberty to state my opinions as well. If in doing so that deems me a fanboy in your eyes, then I will so gladly take up that mantle.


You sit there in your comfy chair in your nice location wondering why the game you paid money for is seemingly failing so bad, whilst others take pleasure in it. You sit there deeming your opinion to be the only one upon the face of the Earth. Great, grand. Just grand. I care not for your opinion just as you do for mine. I like the game, does it have issues? Yes most certainly, I however, am willing to give the game more time to develop and improve itself. You on the other, well all you do is whine along with this Eternal fellow. I think it would behoove you both to quit being so insidious in regards to the games nature, and just calmly suggest more things to the developers in their drop boxes and be patient. It is after all an MMO, and it is after all EA. So you should have known out of the gate that there'd be issues, yet you chose to purchase.


Whatever the case, you most certainly still have the right to be a whiny malcontent, but do not be surprised if someone like me doesn't agree with you almighty sir.




Well, that's just like...your opinion man.

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Ilum can not be saved until the devs address the issue of faction balance. You cant have meaningful or fun world pvp when it always devolves into massive Imp zergs forcing vastly out numbered Reps out of the zone. Every time the devs have tried to fix Ilum they've ignored that very simple fact.
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Got onto teamspeak, spoke to some guildies and went to Illum. We land , meet some Reps, kill and get killed - zero kills credited. This lasted probably 30mins with no credits for anything we did - except one of us looting a crate, that worked.


Delete Illum from the game if you cannot fix it.


Wasn't this type of kill-trading behavior precisely that which was targeted in the most recent patch? Even if there wasn't any unintended bugs with it you still wouldn't have gotten any credit for this.


Edit: Actually I totally read "kill-trading" into your post without you ever saying you did so. Sorry about that, reading-comp fail on my part.

Edited by _Hibbs
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Ilum can not be saved until the devs address the issue of faction balance. You cant have meaningful or fun world pvp when it always devolves into massive Imp zergs forcing vastly out numbered Reps out of the zone. Every time the devs have tried to fix Ilum they've ignored that very simple fact.

I'm not sure that is fixable with just faction balance, even with fairly even numbers as soon as 1 zerg loses a few times they all leave - this is partly due to the nature of the rewards as a lot of people only fight till they have daily or weekly done.

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Ilum can not be saved until the devs address the issue of faction balance. You cant have meaningful or fun world pvp when it always devolves into massive Imp zergs forcing vastly out numbered Reps out of the zone. Every time the devs have tried to fix Ilum they've ignored that very simple fact.


Now this I will fully agree on, and I know that this has been brought to the their attention before. Yet they continue to ignore.

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I'm not trolling. I'm really not. You see, I don't even know who you are let alone care. I really do have better things to do than argue with someone over the internet over the intricacies of a video game. If you don't like the state of the game that's fine, but I'm also at liberty to state my opinions as well. If in doing so that deems me a fanboy in your eyes, then I will so gladly take up that mantle.


You sit there in your comfy chair in your nice location wondering why the game you paid money for is seemingly failing so bad, whilst others take pleasure in it. You sit there deeming your opinion to be the only one upon the face of the Earth. Great, grand. Just grand. I care not for your opinion just as you do for mine. I like the game, does it have issues? Yes most certainly, I however, am willing to give the game more time to develop and improve itself. You on the other, well all you do is whine along with this Eternal fellow. I think it would behoove you both to quit being so insidious in regards to the games nature, and just calmly suggest more things to the developers in their drop boxes and be patient. It is after all an MMO, and it is after all EA. So you should have known out of the gate that there'd be issues, yet you chose to purchase.


Whatever the case, you most certainly still have the right to be a whiny malcontent, but do not be surprised if someone like me doesn't agree with you almighty sir.




Well, that's just like...your opinion man.


Im sorry mate, you have your opinion too,

lets make peace ok ?

Do you know why im so mad about this game ?

Cause I love Star War, I love to pvp and play mmos since the first one.

10 years ago, I would agree with your points. Now, for a name like Star War with Bioware working on it we expected nothing more than a "Mass effect mmo" , its not like they havent learned from the past 10 years of mmos. Dont you think a Star War mmo deserve more than what we have now ? No support, hundreds of bugs all know from the beta ??? The first month is crucial for mmos launch and eveyone know it.

Im disapointed and I dont see how they'r gonna fix it now. Dont you see less ppl every day ? It was nothing personal but you have to ask for the best these days cause every company make generic crappy games to make MONEY and nothing more...

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I'm not sure that is fixable with just faction balance, even with fairly even numbers as soon as 1 zerg loses a few times they all leave - this is partly due to the nature of the rewards as a lot of people only fight till they have daily or weekly done.

The problem here is that there are always more imps then reps. No wonder if you allow to join 40 players from a faction and 10 from the others.


Maybe there should be a system who allows to join only as much imps then reps, with for example a 5 player tollerance.


Then something like a spawnpoint protection, if you camp at the entrance you'll be kicked from the protected area.


Add faster mounts or flyng mounts, cause its damn boring to move in this big map. And if people are to lazy they dont want to go to north only to conquest a point.


Fixed valor counter and fixed kill counter. (With kill trading protection, i specify this cause i hate damn angry kiddies like the one at the first page who called everybody babies)


Damn chests with random respawn all over the map and not only at the damn center. If people have to search there is more chance to find enemies on you way.





Bioware, i dont think you will gonna read this, cause youre maybe bored by people sayn your game is not good enough. But if you read, and dont put this on a "to do list" your illum will suck for ever. And if the open pvp sucks mutch pvp players will nomore pay for this.


(i personally play first of all pve, but we dont have a better situation so... watch out)

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I don't understand why they didn'tlearn from wow . You know they played and researched it . They have to combine servers to address low population numbers. It needs to be instanced with a forced ratio. It needs to be objective based.
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I can accept that (at least upon my server) the Empire seriously out number us and we will have to work harder for our Illum dailies. But what I can not understand is how the hell the game plays so damn bad there. I came from Aion where having battles of 200+ characters going on over forts was every day and yet my computer ran that 1000000% better than your typical Illum engagement.


That is probably my biggest issue with Illum...

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Fear of Loss & Rewards via Victory: PvP 101


- "Holy %^*@ balls our main hub is being stormed, we better mobilize our asses and defend so we don't lose/award the enemy X minimal benefit".


- " Time to mount an offensive to capture X zone. The seige mechanics and fortifications are so cool to interact with, and controlling this zone grants my character X form of prestige to be used for that awesome X cosmetic gear"


- " A Taxi terminal is being assaulted! We better get over there quick and defend so transportation flow isn't disrupted."


Instead we get:


- " Zerg vs Zerg on a barren planet to complete daily for RNG chests". "We done our dailies guys?" "Ciao".



****... it's like they TRIED to be uninspired.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fear of Loss & Rewards via Victory: PvP 101


- "Holy %^*@ balls our main hub is being stormed, we better mobilize our asses and defend so we don't lose/award the enemy X minimal benefit".


- " Time to mount an offensive to capture X zone. The seige mechanics and fortifications are so cool to interact with, and controlling this zone grants my character X form of prestige to be used for that awesome X cosmetic gear"


- " A Taxi terminal is being assaulted! We better get over there quick and defend so transportation flow isn't disrupted."


Instead we get:


- " Zerg vs Zerg on a barren planet to complete daily for RNG chests". "We done our dailies guys?" "Ciao".



****... it's like they TRIED to be uninspired.


^^ this!

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