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Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?


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Wrong only WoW and it's clones do


Login and play GW


I cancelled and am never coming back to this POS sry excuse for a game. It isn't even fun enough to play as filler till GW2, D3, secret world, or Tera come out.


You do realize that Secret World is being published by EA and made by Funcom right? I am going to be staying far, far away from that game. I never played AOC but I heard the nightmare of a release that was, possibly even worse then this one.

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You do realize that Secret World is being published by EA and made by Funcom right? I am going to be staying far, far away from that game. I never played AOC but I heard the nightmare of a release that was, possibly even worse then this one.


LOL i didnt know that, That poor game is doomed.

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You do realize that Secret World is being published by EA and made by Funcom right? I am going to be staying far, far away from that game. I never played AOC but I heard the nightmare of a release that was, possibly even worse then this one.


You can't even IMAGINE the horrors of that game...

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I have all my gear, and it doesn't make the game any more fun, it will just make it so people realize that getting the gear isn't really worth it.


well, Tera hopefully will be something -New- than this wowclone.



problem is i wish it was wow clone, that pvp kept me playing for 2 years this 6 weeks.

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I have a 6 month subscription, I will not take another 6 month subscription if they haven't fixed the ungodly lag in Illum, i actually like the rest of the game, but that Zone.. honestly they should of just not included it if the lag is going to be unplayable.
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PVP in this game is crap cause of expertise how many tokens you get is crap. This should of been a skill based game not a gear based wow clone. Fail and no fun.


I unsubbed basically because of this, and the fact there is nearly no pvp content. I can play until the 18th, and i will. But I will not pay another month for basically playing 3 small levels (wz).


Imo launching the game with 6 warzones and one single working pvp planet would be a joke, having 3 warzones and no working open pvp at all is nothing but insulting, even more so after several patches that could easily implemented 1 new warzone each. What were thoose guys thinking?

Edited by GianBaal
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Every MMO game has gear progression at its core. If you want to play a skill based game, go play a FPS or speed tetris.


No, not really.


The founding MMOs such as Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call, Ragnarok, Lineage, DAoC, etc. were focused on character skill progression, not gear progression. Even Everquest didn't start to focus heavily on gear until after WoW was released.


And what does that have to do with PvP, anyway? PvP is about competition and cooperation, not progression.

Edited by LaManoNera
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This patch was just another failure. I don't give a damn if the new system for getting gear is better or not. Gear means nothing if they cant fix obivous bugs/exploits and other problems. Actually this patch made me think about cancelling.
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The problem is its still 10 bags for a piece of gear and you get most of your bags from dailies. 800 WZ commendations for a bag with 7 champ commendations is a absurd grind. Yes this new currency system is better, but players are still artificially throttled by how ridiculous it is to grind bags outside of dailies.


O and half of your dailies are from Ilum and we all know how fun that is...if you are even on a server that can do it.

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Im giving the game 6 months but ive lost faith in the devs...There nice guys ive met them in person but ive just lost faith ilum is a complete joke and it is god aweful i wont even bother going there and that was supose to be 100vs100 and uber pvp and all this and it cant even handle 20vs20 in there and on top of it you have stupid announcements flying up every 2 seconds causing a lag spike why we cant turn off those stupid annoucements is beyond me.


We need cross server pvp or the reps need to be able to roll wookies otherwise i dont see myself here in 6 months...


By the way devs if your worried about servers "communites" its to late for that server forums at launch=community we still dont even have server forums and the devs are worried about smack talk? so they sacrifice server forums and forming a community b/c of smack talk come on guys just so depressing

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