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Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?


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Cancelling. I like the game, but every patch to 'fix' user interface lag has made it worse for me. It is now outright unplayable - and I refuse to pay for that. Since PvP is the only thing that interests me at level 50, it also means that I just cant be bothered with this game anymore.




Im cancelling too, Im not getting what I paid for and the game is heading in the wrong direction with each patch making it run worse.

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Its rediculous that Illum wont run properly.

I have a 2 gig video card and 8 gigs of ram on my quad core computer and it still runs like crap on low settings.

Everytime there is a patch I cringe as it just makes the game run worse and worse for me.

When the game launched I could run about on max settings with over 100FPS and no lag.


Yep, exactly the same here.


Running the TERA beta on max settings and no lag, I have to wonder *** is going on with SWTOR's engine. How can it possibly run so badly with so little bells and whistles?


PvP was fun for the first month or so, but making it so that my skills activate 2 seconds after I press them has just taken any enjoyment out of the game for me. There was no spell lag at launch for me at all, then with every patch to 'fix spell lag' I got some more added. And my internet is 60 mb/s and other online games run flawlessly, so its not me SWTOR.. its you.

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A single patch is not gonna change my opinion.


I paid three months, so I'll re-consider in three months. If I don't see decent PvP improvements by then, no more money from me. I'm not going to make the "it will get better" mistake again.


As said above, a single patch is irrelevant.

Even more so a patch wich provides a single good change, but somehow manages to break something wich was not affected in any way by the patch itself.



What I want to see in three months:


- I want to pick wich warzone to queue for

- I don't want to join losing warzones already in progress

- I want ALL my warzones to be 8v8. Not 6v8, not 8v12. If a team has too few players, the match ends. As said above, I DON'T WANT TO JOIN LOSING WARZONES ALREADY IN PROGRESS.

- I want all my victories to be counted for the daily.

- Class balance atm is...can't find proper words to define this monstrosity. Let's just say I want to see, on average, one of each class in a random team of 8. Not 4 sorcerers, 3 mercenaries and 1 something else.

- Ilum, just wow. I realize it's too hopeless to become enjoyable in three months, but I want to see some progress.

- I want to see some effort to improve faction balance.



All the above conditions must be fullfilled if they want more money from me.

With this patch they removed ONE idiocy: the RNG in pvp rewards. Still a lot of work if they want to keep some proper pvpers in this game.

Edited by ShizuXIII
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Guild Wars would like to have a word with you.


Then go play that. Oh wait, it be old.


They aren't going to completely overhaul the entire game because of forum weiners want something different to what was shown over and over and over and over again for years.

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- I want ALL my warzones to be 8v8. Not 6v8, not 8v12. If a team has too few players, the match ends. As said above, I DON'T WANT TO JOIN LOSING WARZONES ALREADY IN PROGRESS.


- Class balance atm is...can't find proper words to define this monstrosity. Let's just say I want to see, on average, one of each class in a random team of 8. Not 4 sorcerers, 3 mercenaries and 1 something else.


I'm on month-to-month for now but I still plan on at least one more month to see what 1.2 brings.


I took out the big ones from Shizu's list:


- I want ALL my warzones to be 8v8 OMG Yes, this. If a team is down by two or three people - WAIT and fill in the slots BEFORE starting the match. It does little good to fill the last three slots when we're already four-min into the match.


- ... Not 4 sorcerers, 3 mercenaries and 1 something else Yes that too, however, it's probably PowerTech's not Merc's I see more.


I do agree with the rest of his list too, especially about Ilum.

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- Class balance atm is...can't find proper words to define this monstrosity. Let's just say I want to see, on average, one of each class in a random team of 8. Not 4 sorcerers, 3 mercenaries and 1 something else.






I agree, Republic have way to many sages/commandos in the warzones due to the simplicity of the classes. They need to be looked at being balanced or just making the other classes easier to play.

I know, I am one of them hehe.

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Im going to keep playing.


I enjoy the game.


PvP is fun.


There isnt a huge inbalance.. Most need to lrn2play.



The bags will make it better, im looking forward to getting my 2nd char to 50 now.



hit 50.


6 bags. 90 Cent Comms 42 Champ.


Do pvp Daily for 3 days.


Have weekly done


12 more bags, and probly at least 1 from comms.


270 Cent Comms in 3 days.


not to mention champion comms and the chance of champ gear still.



btw there is no world pvp in mmo's.



Its ganking, or zerging.


World pvp doesnt exist, and not even close to decent pvp.


What he said! - All you PvP'ers do is complain and complain rather then wait out until patches roll out. You waited for WoW to fix all their **** now most of you are impatient and cranky because PvP isnt perfect. GUESS what go work for a game company or start your own MMO see how great you can do.

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I canceled last month... Alot of my guild gave them a month just for simple fixes such as the FPS, Lag, melee lag, animations, and etc. They need to just scrap Ilum and admit they fail and hire Shadowbane, UO, SWG, and even hardcore pvpers for testing. I am done paying to be a beta tester. They keep making the game more and more unplayable each patch.


They should of took it down and rolled back. Get rid of Ilum for now and take it back to the drawing board. Work on making the game actually playable.

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What he said! - All you PvP'ers do is complain and complain rather then wait out until patches roll out. You waited for WoW to fix all their **** now most of you are impatient and cranky because PvP isnt perfect. GUESS what go work for a game company or start your own MMO see how great you can do.


PVP is fun, its the only reason I played but with every patch making the game less and less responsive I've cancelled.

The last patch was the final straw, nothing to do with PVP changes just the fact that the game doesnt run properly and the interface lag is getting out of hand.

They claimed to have fixed this issue several times but with each fix its less responsive for me and I refuse to pay for a game that doesnt run.

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My opinion is that the latest patch is one step in the correct direction, and two steps back. Improving the commendation drop in bags is great (one step). The playablity being hurt by flashing screens and funky timers is not (two steps back).


I know they will fix this problem like they did with the loading screen on the last patch.

I love the game, I enjoy PVP (even though I got hit with a nerf bat), and the overall feeling of the game is nice.


I will be sticking it out. I have faith in the devs to figure this out.


I just hope they do not start hitting the field with the nerf bat, not listening to their higher level players for PVP content, and hindering us progressing before 50. Only then will I cancel like I did with Warhammer.


Please devs learn from a failed MMO like Warhammer, do not punish your player base. They will flee in a hurry.

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Gonna keep playing till I get bored. Ultimately, the game (for the first 6 months or so) can really only get better. It's at the 7 year mark when Pandas are introduced that things go down hill.


I am particularly happy that the Devs listened to all the feedback regarding RNG of pvp rewards, even if most of it was crying and /unsubbing.

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You realize the devs that made warhammer are running swtor's pvp.


explains a lot doesn't it.


What are the names? Also, Bright Wizards aside, PvP was the ONLY thing that made WAR even remotely interesting. It did that closer to right than SWTOR is.


Also, world pvp ended when no other company had a real answer to DAoC's awesome system. There, you fought for your realm points and rewards, everyone had the same gear, and if you were a caster who couldn't juke you hated life.


Then came WoW, where spending ridiculous amounts of time in the same grouping of mini-instances to farm ranks (which were really just gear milestones) became the norm.


Now people don't know what to do. You have SWTOR who took the worst parts of every MMO and combined it, to make one Super Duper Suck Fest. Now with fewer framerates!

Edited by Wekeltes
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This is one of the most balanced PvP games I've ever played pre 50. A few things are keeping me going besides that though


1: The changes today are extremely welcome


2: The communication they have been providing to the community is impressive (if you don't think so you have not been paying attention). The fact that they acknowledge that the gear gap is too big and are working towards fixing that is just mind blowing. Those complaining about the gear gap aren't wrong, but they are incredibly impatient, especially considering that Bioware is communicating about it unlike most game companies.


3: The incredible amount of bugs they have already fixed and the fact that they are CONSTANTLY patching bugs. It blows my mind when people complain about the speed of bug fixes, it's almost like they've never played an MMO before or they have completely forgotten how MMO launches are. This is the smoothest MMO launch of ALL TIME. The rate of bug fixes in this game is record breaking.


4: The ridiculous amount of potential this game has. This game launched with a fully functioning PvP system even if it is a limited one. The plans they have laid out for the future of the PvP in this game is incredible, i'm extremely excited to see what they do. Even though I wish it was now, I'm realistic and can wait. I don't blame people who are quitting UNTIL than but I personally will enjoy the other aspects of the game until we get there. I'm generally enjoying the PvP even if it is frustrating.

Edited by Elaithe
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Every MMO game has gear progression at its core. If you want to play a skill based game, go play a FPS or speed tetris.


Wrong only WoW and it's clones do


Login and play GW


I cancelled and am never coming back to this POS sry excuse for a game. It isn't even fun enough to play as filler till GW2, D3, secret world, or Tera come out.

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Every MMO game has gear progression at its core. If you want to play a skill based game, go play a FPS or speed tetris.


Do you think that you know what your talking about?

This is a MMO line is a joke as very very few mmos have used this. Befor wow none had a PvP stat.


Might try knowing something before flapping your lips.

Gear is a bad way to gate PvP.

Wow PvP is a joke allways has bin.

Rift another joke.

Now SWTOR follows the failures of them with gear and a joke of a PvP system.


They need to stop using wow to try and clone and look at games like DAoC that still after 12 years have a good PvP game going .


Wow is the anti Christ of mmos , and all true pvpers know it.

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Gonna keep playing till I get bored. Ultimately, the game (for the first 6 months or so) can really only get better. It's at the 7 year mark when Pandas are introduced that things go down hill.



Tried Terra today and I made a panda. The graphics are just amazing !

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Gabe Amatangelo and his team.


And he was responsible for exactly what part of WAR? I'm not getting it, did someone just Google his name, find out he had something to do with WAR and run with it?


The game is a business. The people making it what it is (and isn't) are the ones with the money, not the game designers.


You think the same people who made the Lich King woke up one morning and were like, "You know what this game needs? Winged flying lions that cost $25." ?

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