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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Welcome to life. One big match of gathering people for activities. I have to hire more people at work. I have to convince more people to join the Fire Hall, more people to go to church, more people to play on the flag football team.


Interacting with humans in such a way is how our voluntary society came about. Most people wouldn't like it if some matchmaker randomly assigned them teammates (whether that be in marriage, at a job, or wherever) so why that has to be the norm on an MMORPG confuses me.


Because it is a game and not real life.

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When one can stand in fleet and sit in queue all day, that leaves 90% of the games content unused.



Apparently you haven't played SWTOR. There are currently 4 locations that exist in the game for level 50 characters:


- Sat in Fleet trying to gather people together in general chat because there isn't a proper grouping tool that would allow them to leave Fleet while their group forms


- Sat in Fleet queueing for WZs to farm PvP gear, because it's easier to form an 8 man WZ group to gear up than it is to form a 4 man HM FP group.


- Sat in Illum farming Valor while queueing for WZs to farm PvP gear


- Actually in a dungeon, accessed from a portal in Fleet, because all the instances are located in Fleet anyway so there's no reason to travel anywhere in the world. Making complaints about the idea of being teleported to the dungeon by a LFG tool hilariously pointless.


Oh, that's 3. My Bad.

Edited by TeoHTime
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Wrong, flashpoint couriers are on each planet. Finding a group for a flashponit levels 1-48 would be much easier to do from the planet in which you first get the quest for the FP and not in fleet. Why? Because that is where you will find other players that are your level who may be looking for those FP's.


At level 50, FP and Ops can be asked in one of a couple places, Fleet or Ilum. At level 50, finding a HM FP and ops is easy to do in both places. People are constantly trying to do dailies.



Destroyed my arguments? Hardly. Now you just look like a noob who hasn't played the game at all.


You sir just opened a can on him. Epic!

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My wife and I both play Republic. If a WoW-style LFD tool is implemented we will seriously consider canceling. That tool, and the community it fosters, is one of the reasons we left WoW.


WoW's community has been a cesspool for a lot longer time than the LFD has been around. It may have exacerbated the problem, but it is not the cause of it.

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A LFD will not help this game due to it not really being a group heavy game .



Most people will solo in this game all the way to 50 and by then be in a guild to do the raids/Fp



the game has a basic LFG tool already most dont even know about it becasue there busy soloing though the quests/misions



i base these comments on the fact that even on the imp heavy fleet of over 200 players sometimes 1. there are only about 2 to 4 people using the lfg tag . 2.people spam the chat looking for groups yet none are made hence the spaming of the same people in chat.



like in many of my posts its both the games fault and players fault for this issue .


a LFD will not slove a game where the main focus in soloing becasue its easy and you can do it to level 50 in most if not all cases.


FYI i have done some of the FP the frist two on both sides is a good one after that they sorta suck that could also be a factor when FP suck and solo quests are better.

Edited by DarthPAWS
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Wrong, it destroys content.


When one can stand in fleet and sit in queue all day, that leaves 90% of the games content unused.


When BW spent all that money on the voice acting, you would think that they would make sure that we were out experiencing it and not sitting in ORG waiting for the next queue to pop.


This about sums up the ignorance of the naysayers.


Aren't flashpoints content too? Get it through your thick heads some servers are so pathetic they only have 50 people max at the fleet during prime playing hours. And I play on a HEAVY server. I can't imagine how long the wait is for players on MEDIUM or LOW. I'm sorry but some people prefer to not spam in chat for hours to form a group.


If you're against the LFD tool, just don't ****** use it.

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I really don't get this *extremes*.

One side it's what we currently don't have (a global LFG channel, a good LFG tool).

On the other side there is the cross realm LFD tool.

Couldn't we met somewhere in the middle?


A global server LFG channel would be such a simple way of doing it.

Some friends that I play with in SWTOR were met years ago in other MMOs in LFG global channels. I really don't understand how they didn't gave us global channels yet.



They DO!!!


Go into game. Press O. Type in "50" at the top of the box. Use eyes to scan the people LFG. Invite.


The tool exists. But like any tool, it's worthless if people are too lazy to pick it up. The first thing I do upon logging in is setting a LFG message with pertinent information, then talking to friends where my majority of groups originate. Sometimes I get hijacked out of the LFG tool before that occurs.

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these games are fantasy worlds where people go to get away from all that.


or did you forget?


when real life challenges make their way into my mmo, I simply opt to go out and deal with the challenges that exist in my real life and forget about the mmo.

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I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.


On paper the WoW-style LFD system looks good, but I'm not really convinced. It was convenient up until you grouped with a jerk who ruined the experience (and could hold you hostage through your timers). And I don't care what anyone says - as a career tank, I promise you, there are plenty of jerks.


That thing was the beginning of the end of social gaming, effectively. People became disposable, thus no one felt obligated to act as a team (outside of guilds).

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I also disagree, LFG kills Communities and makes people mindless jerks.


At least with having to form a pug you have to live up to a bit of e-rep.


I canceled my sub last night so it does not really matter but this has to be the dumbest things I have ever heard.


1. If you are looking for a sense "community" .....it's a video game.


2. How does it make people mindless jerks? If I search in general chat or have the tool look on my server for others, how does the actual process of forming the group change people? I search general on my dead server for hours and find 3 others to run with. Now let's say the LFG tool puts me with those same 3 people but it only takes 20 minutes. How does the process of us coming together change our behavior?


Why not give users the choice? Some use it, others don't. You can run with your guild, run with friends, or run with the LFG tool? If you have so many "community friends" you will never use the Tool anyway so why do you care?

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Apparently you haven't played SWTOR. There are currently 4 locations that exist in the game for level 50 characters:


- Sat in Fleet trying to gather people together in general chat because there isn't a proper grouping tool that would allow them to leave Fleet while their group forms


- Sat in Fleet queueing for WZs to farm PvP gear, because it's easier to form an 8 man WZ group to gear up than it is to form a 4 man HM FP group.


- Sat in Illum farming Valor while queueing for WZs to farm PvP gear


- Actually in a dungeon, accessed from a portal in Fleet, because all the instances are located in Fleet anyway so there's no reason to travel anywhere in the world. Making complaints about the idea of being teleported to the dungeon by a LFG tool hilariously pointless.


Apparently you missed my point. I'll slow it down a bit for ya, try and catch up. =)


When you can just sit and queue for dungeons all day, 1-49 there is no need to be out doing other things. Now you can queue up in fleet and catch the exp train to 50 and the only thing you really need to focus on other than dungeon queues is your class story.

Edited by XOrionX
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Never had issues finding groups. THerefore no LF...tool is needed.


MY 2c.




So because you are lucky enough to play on a high population server (and probably play Imperial) means that a LFG tool isn't needed, because those people who play Republic or play on lower population servers (or both) where there are 50 people on the fleet during prime time and 10-15 people on each planet tops don't matter. Got it.

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LFD is not a massive fix like everybody is claiming. During my leveling in WoW, I would sometimes have to wait 30 minutes while the tool was active.


Even with the tool, it is not instant. It could take less than 5 minutes, it could take 30 minutes. So the excuse of it will ALWAYS be faster than finding a group does not hold.


I sometimes forget about my group quests until somebody says something in chat, then I am like "Oh yeah I have that too, I will join you!".

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these games are fantasy worlds where people go to get away from all that.


or did you forget?


when real life challenges make their way into my mmo, I simply opt to go out and deal with the challenges that exist in my real life and forget about the mmo.


Then perhaps you should pick an easier gaming genre.


perhaps farmville?

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I really don't get this *extremes*.

One side it's what we currently don't have (a global LFG channel, a good LFG tool).

On the other side there is the cross realm LFD tool.

Couldn't we met somewhere in the middle?


A global server LFG channel would be such a simple way of doing it.

Some friends that I play with in SWTOR were met years ago in other MMOs in LFG global channels. I really don't understand how they didn't gave us global channels yet.


Yeah, I remember when WoW tried the global LFG channel. If you thought current WoW trade chat is bad, you should have seen their LFG channel.


Server-wide channels do not work; it just provides an outlet for attention whores and adolescents to peddle their ignorant anal jokes, internet memes, and poor Chuck Norris jokes where everyone on the entire server has to listen to them, overwhelming any good a LFG channel attempts to foster.


We need something, but a LFG channel that is server wide is NOT it.

Edited by Jederix
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Currently, in the beta..lol Which got removed! Done!


Now for the video of them saying a cross server LFG system is on its way. Waiting!!!!


they repeated it in a post during head start too. This time you can search for it.


No matter how much you want to spin it, there is tons of stuff that Bioware promised that they didn't deliver on, this is true of every developer (dance studio, anyone?). My point is you just have to take what a developer promises with a grain of salt.

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I canceled my sub last night so it does not really matter but this has to be the dumbest things I have ever heard.


1. If you are looking for a sense "community" .....it's a video game.


The word you're looking for is 'MMO'. It means you share the game world with us. Hope that helps.


. How does it make people mindless jerks?


I think the attitude behind Question 1 answers Question 2 well.

Edited by Amyiss
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Wrong, flashpoint couriers are on each planet. Finding a group for a flashponit levels 1-48 would be much easier to do from the planet in which you first get the quest for the FP and not in fleet. Why? Because that is where you will find other players that are your level who may be looking for those FP's.


At level 50, FP and Ops can be asked in one of a couple places, Fleet or Ilum. At level 50, finding a HM FP and ops is easy to do in both places. People are constantly trying to do dailies.



Destroyed my arguments? Hardly. Now you just look like a noob who hasn't played the game at all.


Oh, so you changed your point. Cool. Way to go. Ignore anything that was said and say new things.

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No tool that helps people find other people wanting to do "like" things is responsible for creating a poor environment or player attitude.


There is a problem for many in this game right now of populations (they seem very sparse) and people wanting to do content that is in game without a guild capable of doing that content.



A LFG tool would help alleviate that problem. If you don't have that problem, great, don't use the tool. Continue doing what you're doing.


It's as if certain people are enraged that others want a tool to help them meet up with people to do content.


PUG's right now require lots of spamming and waiting and often never materialize. Which is exactly how WoW PUG's were done for about 7 years.


Now in WoW the culture became one that often PUG leaders would pass on certain people due to not having gear scores or experience in an instance. That happened before LFG was implemented in WoW in any relevant form. And whether that culture appears in SWTOR has no bearing on whether a more robust LFG feature is implemented. Currently WoW does match-making for raids, that is relatively new to WoW. It's done it for 5-man's for a while now and it was highly successful. Yes, many groups failed, but without the tool the attempt was probably never ever made.


Let's say SWTOR puts in harder content. A typical PUG will probably require that you have at lease experienced "this" much before being invited to their pug. Reason being the content is designed for someone that's done at least "this" much. PUG's being that they aren't well oiled machine usually put the limit a little above the bar the designers had in mind for guild runs. That is logical. There's clearly nothing wrong with that.


A lot of people just not thinking properly about issues caused in WoW and their true causes. They are going to see the same things here only in chat vs a LFG group and there's no way around it, especially seeing as SWTOR has completely gone to a tier/progression design.

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