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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Yeh i have a limited play time due to kids and family. I wonder if BW will add a magic button and give me 10k credits everytime i push it because i say i dont have the time to do quests so i can upkeep my gear...Mmmm i wonder!


Seriously not an apt comparison. Looking for a group is not playing the game. When it takes you an hour to even play the game (if you get a group at all) then you have a serious problem. Actually playing is being in the fp, not sitting on fleet spamming general.

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The root problem is 1 part LFG tool ignorance and 2 parts LFG laziness.


Everyone wants to LFG, but few want to LFM. So you'll have situations where 6 people all are waiting for a group to come along to join, while no one takes the initiative to actually start the group. Just try it sometime: spam your LFG message, then (perhaps lie, if you wish to test this) say LF2M for the exact same thing. I've gotten 5 people messaging whereas before I used LFM, got none.


People have been trained liked Pavlov's dog to sit and ignore it until the equivalent of a queue popping occurs. It's laziness, pure and simple.


you may be right, but it is what it is. you aren't going to change the nature of the masses with a forum post. and the longer this game goes in its current state, the more it becomes no more than a holding pen for everyone waiting for the next mmo to be released.

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It's simply outrageous that some people claim that people actually would enjoy playing the game more than spamming /1. This is of course ridiculous. Any MMO-gamer worth his word obviously knows that the more time you spend in the "capital-city" the better the game is. Doing content is for noobs. Edited by Karokk
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I never said it does? It also doesn't destroy server communities, so noone would quit over that.


I'm not necessarily against a server-only LFG tools, similar to what WoW had before LFD. But the old problem still exists where people all want to join a group already being formed so they can dick off while the lead hunts down more, instead of being the lead and doing it themselves.


I got a group last night for Total Elimination with 9 people in the zone (it's a 4 man). People are out there and able, you just have to overcome their lazy tendencies.

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Yeh i have a limited play time due to kids and family. I wonder if BW will add a magic button and give me 10k credits everytime i push it because i say i dont have the time to do quests so i can upkeep my gear...Mmmm i wonder!


This is a reasonably sensible discussion about a sensible suggestion. If you have nothing useful or constructive to add, go back to the CBBC channel.

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I never said it does? It also doesn't destroy server communities, so noone would quit over that.


By the way, when i mentioned quit. I ment from an instance. There is no backlash. with cross server LFG systems. People dont care as they know they probably wont come across them people again, giving power to ninjas and people who quit after they got the drop othey wanted off the first boss which is rife in WoW now.

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I support the request for a LFD tool, but server wide only, not cross server.


I do not want to stand on the fleet spamming chat for a group.


No one is using the LFG tool and it is so limited it is pretty useless.


I want to que for a dungeon and get on with my game while I wait.


That is all I have to say about that.

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The root problem is 1 part LFG tool ignorance and 2 parts LFG laziness.


Everyone wants to LFG, but few want to LFM. So you'll have situations where 6 people all are waiting for a group to come along to join, while no one takes the initiative to actually start the group. Just try it sometime: spam your LFG message, then (perhaps lie, if you wish to test this) say LF2M for the exact same thing. I've gotten 5 people messaging whereas before I used LFM, got none.


People have been trained liked Pavlov's dog to sit and ignore it until the equivalent of a queue popping occurs. It's laziness, pure and simple.


Or we could be given a proper lfg/lfm system (non wow lfd like) that allows us to select class/role - level range - mission - and a comment box (ie: companion looting ok, zerging) same server, and everyone could be happy.. Either way its already in the works, I just hop to god they didnt clone the wow system.

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Maybe you should ask BW that, Because they feel the same, they said TOR wont be cross server because they feel cross server destorys server based communities. Which is does and has in WoW. Lobby game. push a button, rinse and repeat.


All to keep up the dungeon and badge ratio ey lol.


if EA wants to make any money, they'll change that philosophy.

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This is a reasonably sensible discussion about a sensible suggestion. If you have nothing useful or constructive to add, go back to the CBBC channel.


Its making a point. Anyone can boo hoo "i dont have enough time" to try and get an instant gratification system. Just like the chap I replied too. Its an MMO, not a console pick up and play. if people dont know that before they bought it. hard """" to them. research your game choice.


But since we are going down this "it takes time, lets remove it for the sake of it route" Why not add an instant button to give out cash, or an instant button to give out gear and loot.


the time excuse is just that. an excuse!

Edited by DigitalPrime
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Maybe you should ask BW that, Because they feel the same, they said TOR wont be cross server because they feel cross server destorys server based communities. Which is does and has in WoW. Lobby game. push a button, rinse and repeat.


All to keep up the dungeon and badge ratio ey lol.


xrealm LFG destryoing communities is just a myth. People were jerks without the LFG tool and when you encounter one, you can always ignore him and never ever see him again.



And honestly, I would rather spend 20 minutes in queue, questing/farming/doing anything than sit on my *** in Fleet with nothing to do but spam trade "LFG tank and healer <insert HM FP>" for half an hour

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No to cross server, but if it was limited to just your server, I'd certainly support it.



Most people want to just get in a queue for a dungeon and then continue going out into the world, doing their dailies, questing, pvping, etc. etc.


I see no downside to allowing them to do that rather than sit on the fleet spamming general for a group.

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Hey look, you stirred up the tiny and very vocal forum minority of people with a crusade against good game design. Yes plebeians, tell us how times were better back when you spent 10 hours a day online in an MMO and knew 50 other people who did the same and constantly wanted to run UBRS with you, all day. Community was so fantastic back then wasn't it, because you just happened to be in the perfect position to form groups constantly whenever you needed to, and knew every other unemployed person on the server.


Tell us how in the good old days back when games didn't provide proper grouping tools, you had so much fun being the only geared healer and being online 24/7 so you were constantly able to play with people without being involved in a guild. Tell us how we can all be in the same position if we just learn to 'talk to people', and 'socialise', because doing those things will magically create the classes you need out of thin air. Tell us how asking for people who want to run an instance in general chat 'is not the way to do it', but then don't elaborate on how you expect groups to magically form without that kind of announcement, and without a proper grouping tool.


Lets all skip down the yellow brick road to nostalgia-ville and pretend that our first novelty experiences with online interaction were fantastic because they didn't involve a LFG tool, and not simply because they were our first novelty experiences, and the idea of communicating with other people over the internet loses some of its magic after the first 100 times.


You're not going to leave at the introduction of a LFG tool, you'll just whine on the forums about it like a neighbourhood of housewives feigning outrage at your topic of the week because you have nothing better to do with your lives.


Carry on crusading.

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rift lost players because developers took FOTM classes to the extreme and when they nerfed a class they nerfed it into complete uselessness. they also never fixed invincible clerics in pvp. add the fact that there's nothing to do at end game unless you can get 20 people together and you have a game that HAD 2 million subscribers and now HAS 200 thousand.




There are many reasons people leave games. The cries from the Rift player base that there must be a LFG tool to save the game were just as unfounded there as they are here.

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By the way, when i mentioned quit. I ment from an instance. There is no backlash. with cross server LFG systems. People dont care as they know they probably wont come across them people again, giving power to ninjas and people who quit after they got the drop othey wanted off the first boss which is rife in WoW now.


so, what you're saying is you (speaking for BW) don't want the problems associated with the most profitable and most popular mmo that ever has and ever will be created.


THAT is laziness, and very very stupid business.

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All this game need is a better user friendly LFg window in my opinion.


But please leave out the


X-server , Auto invites, Auto teleports


because basicly those things belongs more into facebook applications then into a MMORPG

Edited by Varghjerta
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I guess we are going to find out just how many people are willing to suspend their subscription over the lack of LFD.


I'm willing to wager alot more quit over the lack of one.


That's a bet both BW and I are willing to take.

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you may be right, but it is what it is. you aren't going to change the nature of the masses with a forum post. and the longer this game goes in its current state, the more it becomes no more than a holding pen for everyone waiting for the next mmo to be released.


That's not my intention. I just want people willing to do the necessary actions to reap the rewards. I am known as a group leader on my server, since I started making groups the day my server opened, and I don't have problems getting groups even though I'm not in a guild. I did have to put in more effort, however.


That's not to say I am against the LFG tool for a server, but if it just reinforces the previously mentioned Pavlov's dog problem, it's not good.

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Maybe you should ask BW that, Because they feel the same, they said TOR wont be cross server because they feel cross server destorys server based communities. Which is does and has in WoW. Lobby game. push a button, rinse and repeat.


All to keep up the dungeon and badge ratio ey lol.


Lol. How about bioware doesn't know HOW to implement cross-server LFD?


Does anyone really think if bioware could provide a LFD tool right now they would not?


For every person crying how LFD "destroyed" wow there are plenty more who clamor for it.


Your reasoning is nonsensical anyway equating a tool to facilate groups for FP into a "I WIN" button. FYI you still have to run the FP. Sorry not everyone enjoys spaming chat for a hour to enjoy group content.

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