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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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- Not 50 yet

- Not everyone plays on a heavy server

- If you play on a light/standart server you can see max of 100 ppl in fllet at prime weekend time

- Almost no one uses the LFG tags, so you would have to ask each person of your level if they would be interested to join you - yes you can make friends that way, but it is really time consuming

- a lfg global channel could go a long way to solve this issues, are you interested in creating/joining a fp, just join the channel and see what's going on. You're not interested? Leave the channel.


You can blame the people laziness all you want, if the tool exists, but nobody uses it as they could, the tool SUCKS!!! The pvp tool works really nice thou, you can queue solo and everything - the horror, it's killing the community *sigh*


Nobody uses it because they've been trained to push a button and have their needs dispensed. They've forgotten how to form a group independent of a Finder. I enjoy meeting people, so for someone like me the pool of potential group mates is gigantic. It's hard to fend for yourself, but I promise you, the reward for making new friends this way is worth it.


I've said it before: not against a server channel nor even a revamp of the lfg tool.

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If you spend 3 hours looking for me, you're not going to treat me like trash and spend another 3 hours trying to replace me :)


If you can replace me instantly because I didn't save you from your own mistakes (general you, not you personally), then my only value to you is being a warm body.


This goes both ways though. I fully admit to kicking people for using slurs and reporting 'em in a ticker while we waited for a replacement. The tyranny of a well geared druid tank! :D



it's really not about all of these little examples of what can go wrong in an lfg group. it's about the logistics of getting a group together in the first place, which at this time (outside of just a handful of servers) make it nearly impossible to get anything done in the time we have to play each day.


It's about satisfying the masses. plain and simple. great arguments are made either way, but the bottom line is if you don't give the masses what they want, the masses go somewhere else.


I'll join the other side of the argument as soon as BW consolidates the servers, but right now at least half of the servers in this game NEED a better tool for finding groups. I don't care if 9 million or 9 thousand people play this game, as long as what i'm trying to do on my server is possible given the population of the server.


right now, it isn't.

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Guys, don't be fools


Bioware said they are already adding a LFG feature, not sure when it's going to be avaiable, but in any case, I've already cancelled my subscription and if you feel disgusted by the way this game is being handled, I suggest you let your money do the talking. Don't even waste time trying to argue with the biodrones, they have absolutely no idea what's healthy for a game or not.


I'm not giving BW my money to watch this game fail into oblivion, I'd rather put my money somewhere else.

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If you spend 3 hours looking for me, you're not going to treat me like trash and spend another 3 hours trying to replace me :)


If you can replace me instantly because I didn't save you from your own mistakes (general you, not you personally), then my only value to you is being a warm body.


This goes both ways though. I fully admit to kicking people for using slurs and reporting 'em in a ticker while we waited for a replacement. The tyranny of a well geared druid tank! :D


on the flip side, if you spend 3 hours finding a tank or healer that is a jerk, your not going to kick them becausre you don't want to spend an hour going back to the fleet and another 3 hours looking for a replacement. The groups I have had has put with the jerks and roll need on everything because they wanted to finish the FP one time and not have to deal with it again until they get to the next tier of FP


so, your argument works both ways.

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*Looks at WoW*


*Most succesful MMO of all time by a jaw-droppingly painful margin*



Good argument there buddy.


Most succesful MMO with moronic things like LFD/LFR..


Look at wow forums about what those things brought...


ninja/afk/rude people/kick function what doesnt work mostly..


If LFD is comming to Tor, then server only please...or we get what wow has...

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I enjoy meeting people, so for someone like me the pool of potential group mates is gigantic.



So you won't have any issue continuing to manually invite people from that massive pool of potential group mates, which a LFG tool does not prevent you from doing, and will not be impacted in the slightest then.


What was your argument against the tool again?

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Im not saying WoW LFD tools is flawless. Like I said, the votekick restrictions are just absurd for example, but ninjalooting happens all the time now anyway, or did people miss threats like "people are needing for companion" or "people ninja items for mods" topics? That happens less in WoW, because LFD has (for levels 60+ atleast) restrictions on what you can and cant need)


LFD tool is in WoW for how long, 2 years now? They can learn fom it and tweak it for their purposes etc.


And if the LFG tool would be server only, no votekick CD WoW LFG tool copy would be completely fine


I've already had multiple instances of people being idiots for loot rolls. Last night I had a marauder roll need on a slotted chest with cunning. Another run had a sage rolling need on a str saber that pissed off the Jedi knight in the group.


People can be just as thoughtless or stupid whether the group is formed via chat or LFD.

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So much negativity for LFD tools! You guys do realize that it was a minority of PEOPLE abusing the anonymous nature of LFD that created so much ill will? The tool itself is fantastic.


I agree with the OP. I am completely in favor of adding a LFD system. I have not been playing this game very long, but I have grouped exactly zero times. It is not from lack of desire or competency but availability.

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Nobody uses it because they've been trained to push a button and have their needs dispensed. They've forgotten how to form a group independent of a Finder. I enjoy meeting people, so for someone like me the pool of potential group mates is gigantic. It's hard to fend for yourself, but I promise you, the reward for making new friends this way is worth it.


I've said it before: not against a server channel nor even a revamp of the lfg tool.


Why do people think the process of forming a group is the only way the can make internet friends? Seriously, if you want to expand your friend list, the implementation of an LFG tool will not stop you.


Just talk and friend people when your actually in the flashpoint. LFG tool just forms a group while you're out doing stuff. If you refuse to talk and chat with your group after it was made, that's your own fault.

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Nobody uses it because they've been trained to push a button and have their needs dispensed. They've forgotten how to form a group independent of a Finder. I enjoy meeting people, so for someone like me the pool of potential group mates is gigantic. It's hard to fend for yourself, but I promise you, the reward for making new friends this way is worth it.


I've said it before: not against a server channel nor even a revamp of the lfg tool.


So, your solution to them not liking something is to tell them how good it is for them? That is fine when a parent tells his child to eat his brocolli, but when I go to a restaurant and pay for my meal, I don't want to hear them lecture me on what I should want and what is good for me.


Create an LFG tool that let's me do something other then stand in the fleet monitoring chat channels, and if anyone doesn't like the tool they can stick to talking up groups.

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I've already had multiple instances of people being idiots for loot rolls. Last night I had a marauder roll need on a slotted chest with cunning. Another run had a sage rolling need on a str saber that pissed off the Jedi knight in the group.


People can be just as thoughtless or stupid whether the group is formed via chat or LFD.



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The LFD debate within the MMO community is almost as heated as the gay marriage vs anti-gay marriage debate in RL. XD


Honestly, a LFD tool could be useful if implemented properly. If it is anything like what WoW has then BW will lose a large portion of players just like Rift did. The debate is THAT HEATED. BW needs to handle this carefully and try to appeal to both sides of the fence on this one.

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I've already had multiple instances of people being idiots for loot rolls. Last night I had a marauder roll need on a slotted chest with cunning. Another run had a sage rolling need on a str saber that pissed off the Jedi knight in the group.


People can be just as thoughtless or stupid whether the group is formed via chat or LFD.


you have no one but BW to blame for that. medium armor is fair game to anyone that can wear medium armor FOR THE SIMPLE FACT that is can be altered. if i could have altered it and turned it into an upgrade, i would have rolled need as well. that is not ninja.

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I don't know what game you been playing but in wow

1. 1. its not ninjaing if you can roll on the gear, 2 its not ninjaing if didn't setup loot roll before hand. 3. in SWTOR people roll need for their companions all the time.


And a LFD in SWTOR would solve these problems? Didnt think so


2. In wow if someone goes AFK in dungeon, you can kick them, if you can't it doesn't take more then a couple of minutes to get a gm to kick them and then suspend them.


Guess you never seen a 4 hour kick timer or know that you cannot kick someone for the first 15 mins. Yes lets give the GM more things to do when tickets already take days. Think the flashpoint would be over by then


3. The kick system works great in wow, I play a couple of ours of wow a day and rarely have to kick people and I have never been kicked in my life since LFD was implemented.


How would you know any of #2 if you never kicked anyone or been kicked from a group. 2 and 3 show you dont have a clue what you are saying. And please say you read it on the forums that that was the case but missed the 40 billion threads complaining about the LFD.


Honestly, wow LFD tool isn't bad I use it every day I currently have 5 85s and 5 84s, so I have done my share of LFD. Most of the time, I add people to my friend list or run chain dungeons with people i meet in LFD. I have yet to add a person as a friend in SWTOR. I am sorry but most people I have come across in SWTOR are either noobs or jerks.


I had 10 85's with 7 in DS gear so I have also done my fair share of LFD. So you saying that means nothing


If everyone is a noob or jerk then why would you want to group with them anyways.



So basically every point you listed that you thought supported a LFD actually showed why they shouldnt have one. Well done thank you.

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on the flip side, if you spend 3 hours finding a tank or healer that is a jerk, your not going to kick them becausre you don't want to spend an hour going back to the fleet and another 3 hours looking for a replacement. The groups I have had has put with the jerks and roll need on everything because they wanted to finish the FP one time and not have to deal with it again until they get to the next tier of FP


so, your argument works both ways.


True, but I finally snapped sometime last summer and decided I was done putting up with jerks. I just started logging out and playing on an alt, as it didn't affect my kick timer.


Really those timers were just a source of hilarious arbitrary limitations with no real effect. Playing on an alt > leaving a group and being unable to kick the next jerk.

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The LFD debate within the MMO community is almost as heated as the gay marriage vs anti-gay marriage debate in RL. XD


Honestly, a LFD tool could be useful if implemented properly. If it is anything like what WoW has then BW will lose a large portion of players just like Rift did. The debate is THAT HEATED. BW needs to handle this carefully and try to appeal to both sides of the fence on this one.


rift didn't lose anyone because of LFD. they lost almost everyone because they had to re-learn their toons nearly every single patch.

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I have some great LFG stories.


One night a two friends and I (He was a healer, she was a DPS, I was the tank) got into a Halls of Stone. Something happened to my Healer friends 'kick' cooldown because he could chain kick without having to deal with the "You can't kick again" error.


We went through about... fifteen DPS that night. The thing I really need to clarify is that it was really late at night which meant the queues for DPS were really long because there weren't a lot of tanks/healers/players in general and we ended up getting two of our DPSers twice.


And kicking them twice.


Of course, this stopped happening in Cataclysm and they basically changed the kick functionality to something insane. I was in a GB with two DPSers that just could not pull their weight and things just were not dying fast enough. We went to go kick them. "You must wait 4 hours before using this function/initiating this kick." Uh what? We died... I went to kick them. "You must wait 10 minutes before using this function" Sweet... wait ten minutes, med back up. You must wait 4 hours before kicking this player."


So really, like everything in an MMO, the LFG tool went through stages. The first stage was the troll/exploit stage where people like me had a crap ton of fun harassing people with it.


The second stage sucked. I got stuck inside of heroics with terrible players who cheating the gear score system by equipping PvP gear and had to carry their sorry asses through content. I'm sorry, but that just isn't fun. Granted, this was it's own little slice of karma I guess because I sort of deserved it, but hahahahaha, screw you Blizzard, I cheated your system and here is how.


Post quitting WoW, we used to just use the LFG tool for the random reward. Me and four guildies would queue up and let the tool randomly place us inside of a dungeon.




Because the moment you make something easier to do (LFG), and reward players for doing it (Bags/Gold/Valor/Justice), three things happen. The first is the trolling/exploiting/cheating the system, the second is the terrible players getting special treatment, and the third is self entitled *****s ************ and moaning for the most idiotic things like mage or warlock tank specs because their queues are too long, wah wah wah.


So while this game needs an LFG tool for anti-social, dime a dozen, can't play worth crap DPSers and the people trying our heals or tanks for faster queues, people like me and probably half the other posters in this thread who know how to talk to people -don't- need it.


Does it ruin the community? In its own way, yes. Is it the end of the world? Nope. The LFG tool didn't make me an ******e, I was always an ******e. It actually made me feel guilty after a while and probably ultimately made me a friendly gamer. It also drove me into expanding my guild so I didn't have to instant queue on my tank anymore and run the risk of running with baddies.


That and, come on, it is harder to teach a pugger how to play with an LFG tool because there is zero accountability for their actions.

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Most succesful MMO with moronic things like LFD/LFR..


Look at wow forums about what those things brought...


ninja/afk/rude people/kick function what doesnt work mostly..


If LFD is comming to Tor, then server only please...or we get what wow has...


Actually i will play the devils lawyer it wasnt actually X-server LFD that ruined it all :D


BUT what ruined it all was the consequenses letting some "sort" of players that just wanted instant gratification, path of less resistance using that tool .


Basicly Leeching

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you have no one but BW to blame for that. medium armor is fair game to anyone that can wear medium armor FOR THE SIMPLE FACT that is can be altered. if i could have altered it and turned it into an upgrade, i would have rolled need as well. that is not ninja.


by your logic there is no ninjas, because a lot of people in this game refer to ninjas as someone who rolls on gear that they can't use in the dungeon there in. So what you saying is no different then a tank rolling need on a Off spec gear that use 90% of the time.

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you have no one but BW to blame for that. medium armor is fair game to anyone that can wear medium armor FOR THE SIMPLE FACT that is can be altered. if i could have altered it and turned it into an upgrade, i would have rolled need as well. that is not ninja.


Actually, it is ninja'ing.


The mods on that armor are items also, so instead of one piece of gear you are actually rolling for 4 pieces of gear, the gear and the three mods.


When 100% of the gear is usable by one class and only 25% usable by the other class, then the one that benefits the most from the gear should CLEARLY get the loot.

Edited by XOrionX
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If you spend 3 hours looking for me, you're not going to treat me like trash and spend another 3 hours trying to replace me :)


If you can replace me instantly because I didn't save you from your own mistakes (general you, not you personally), then my only value to you is being a warm body.


This goes both ways though. I fully admit to kicking people for using slurs and reporting 'em in a ticker while we waited for a replacement. The tyranny of a well geared druid tank! :D



Yeah I guess some people have different views on groups. Because to me, you ARE just a warm body. That's what most people are because it is a group quest. I NEED to run with others to hit up flashpoints, get gear, see new things.


I do not need to be BFF's with the people I group with. I don't care. Sure I'll have some favs or friends that I can run with but most likely not a full groups worth. If you want to have the community best friend group running thing go for it. Don't use LFG. Go find/make your friends just as if it was not there. Me? I'll grab a buddy, queue as a duo, and go do some dalies while the Tool finds the other 2.

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So while this game needs an LFG tool for anti-social, dime a dozen, can't play worth crap DPSers and the people trying our heals or tanks for faster queues, people like me and probably half the other posters in this thread who know how to talk to people -don't- need it.


Ad Hominem. Please disregard.

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rift didn't lose anyone because of LFD. they lost almost everyone because they had to re-learn their toons nearly every single patch.


Yeah. Most people had left RIFT long before the automated LFG system went in, and then they added cross server and free server transfers because it was required as all but about ten servers were completely dead.

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