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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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I wouldn't argue with bringing back the original. I never had problems with that as I said before. Does anyone know what the problem was with the launch version and why they changed it?


Yes, the problem was something with abilities off GCD not displaying properly. Instead of fixing that and keeping everything else as it was they started messing with the whole way things are and...well we know the rest.

After 2 fail attempts at this it is getting just worse with every try.

How ironic.

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I understand perfectly thanks you very much.


I cast a spell, I get a bright icon down all bars, since they are on cd for 1.5 secs.


My long cd spells are now brightly lit if they are on cd.


I'm not a fan of the UI, I can't wait till I can edit it, but the ability cd's are fine, only a idiot can't tell when a ability is on or off cd.


See you still don't understand the issue, whether it was on or off the CD does not necessarily mean it is usable. As a rage using class that actually needs to use completely different abilities depending on if I have enough rage or not, I cannot tell if I have enough rage to use the ability until after it is off gcd (which is too late, since you need to know ideally before so you can press it just as the gcd finishes, not later). This UI has no indication of if the ability is usable or not BEFORE the gcd is over.

Edited by Wazooty
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See you still don't understand the issue, whether it was on or off the CD does not necessarily mean it is usable. As a rage using class that actually needs to use completely different abilities depending on if I have enough rage or not, I cannot tell if I have enough rage to use the ability until after it is off gcd (which is too late, since you need to know ideally before so you can press it just as the gcd finishes, not later). This UI has no indication of if the ability is usable or not BEFORE the gcd is over.


Ok, well I play a Merc Healer and I don't have any issues with knowing when anything is off cd. Kolto Missile and Emergency Scan have never been so clear lol


I can't speak for your issue until I try it on a character that uses rage. Shouldn't you know how much rage you have though?

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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I still don't understand what what wrong with the way it worked before 1.1 ...


1.1 made some skills terrible to understand if they were on CD or not (power surge on my Bounty Hunter... and pretty much every skill ever on my Sentinel), this patch instead just made me unable to understand if I have or not enough force to use an attack until the GCD is finished... it's painful to watch.


Why fix what ain't broke? Maybe I just need to get used to is, but I really wish they'd just revert it back. :(

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See you still don't understand the issue, whether it was on or off the CD does not necessarily mean it is usable. As a rage using class that actually needs to use completely different abilities depending on if I have enough rage or not, I cannot tell if I have enough rage to use the ability until after it is off gcd (which is too late, since you need to know ideally before so you can press it just as the gcd finishes, not later). This UI has no indication of if the ability is usable or not BEFORE the gcd is over.


and seeing that the current system allows you to use skills 1 second before there off cooldown i find it rather silly that with this current UI change i cannot use this function with my skills as i once did.


Sometimes my skills cost less focus than it should due to my spec, this meening i cant tell if it crits or not until after the GCD or by looking for small buff icons above my bars which cannot be increased :(

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The animation for showing a cooldown ability coming back is all well and good.

Graying EVERYthing when on GCD is bloody annoying.


At the very least.. include the option to revert to the other way. or make the GCD in-effect animation more subtle.


I'm playing a Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer.. I bubble myself constantly while leveling.. the bubble is grayed out when i put one on myself.. makes sense.. i have the debuff which prevents me from re-applying. when fighting a more difficult mob, i like to time reapplying just after the cd drops off. the new, in-your-face GCD alert makes the button look un-usable all the time.

only option at this point is to stare at my debuffs on my character.. instead of watching my bars which was MUCH easier to do.

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See you still don't understand the issue, whether it was on or off the CD does not necessarily mean it is usable. As a rage using class, I cannot tell if I have enough rage to use the ability until after it is off gcd (which is too late, since you need to know ideally before so you can press it just as the gcd finishes, not later). This UI has no indication of if the ability is usable or not BEFORE the gcd is over.


So you can't see your rage bar? That's how I know, I know how much rage or focus I need to use my abilities and can see my bar. If it's empty or too low well then I can't use those abilities that need it. But I guess we all play different.


Or did I misunderstand the issue again?

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this new cooldown effect is way worse than the previous one, my eyes cant take more than 10 min of that in wz's, i can barely tell w t f is going on with all my cd's flashing like there is no tomorrow, i hope they fix this s h i t asap
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Ok, well I play a Merc Healer and I don't have any issues with knowing when anything is off cd. Kolto Missile and Emergency Scan have never been so clear lol


I can't speak for your issue until I try it on a character that uses rage. Shouldn't you know how much rage you have though?


When you're using ability after ability (as you should), and considering how much else there is to keep track of, instantly knowing if I have enough rage to use an ability the instant I look at it is completely essential.


Rage goes up and down all the time. Have to keep exact track of it at all times makes this class 10x harder than any other.

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So you can't see your rage bar? That's how I know, I know how much rage or focus I need to use my abilities and can see my bar. If it's empty or too low well then I can't use those abilities that need it. But I guess we all play different.


Or did I misunderstand the issue again?


Sometimes you have a % chance your rage is decreaed (the cost of skills) for certain skills so there is no way to tell this until after the GCD. Making ability stacking a pain

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So you can't see your rage bar? That's how I know, I know how much rage or focus I need to use my abilities and can see my bar. If it's empty or too low well then I can't use those abilities that need it. But I guess we all play different.


Or did I misunderstand the issue again?


Haha, please play a rage class in the highest tiers of the game while having to keep track of your constantly fluctuating rage bar in addition to everything else before you comment. It's not fun, and it makes the class 10x more annoying to play than all others.


Or do you for some reason want rage users to hate this game?


They could just you know...let us choose the style of bar we want.


Different versions work better for different classes. One class should not be made 10x less fun to play just so others can be happy. ESPECIALLY after they already had a perfect system set up for that class.

Edited by Wazooty
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I don't understand why they do not give you any options for this, last time they changed it, some people really didn't like it, why oh why do you not learn from this and make an option to disable the new stuff.

I really want the display of the old version back, just before the patch today, it was good! And yes I play a Jedi Knight (Guardian), now it is that much harder to play effective.


And to all the people who cry "don't be bad, the new one is great" n stuff, here is a small picture of the problem, please tell me HOW I am supposed to see which ability to que up for the next gcd, because I really can't see it anymore which abilty will be usable ( buttons that are not on the gcd and sundering strike do not count).


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I agree that it is very confusing when every ability is greyed out and you can't see which of them are usable and which were still on a timed cooldown.


I really hope BioWare will stop 'fixing' things for a while as they only make things worse by messing up existing things whilst forgetting about issues we've had since beta.

Edited by Danakar
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UI functionality that is fine for some classes but still remains problematic for others means the system is still broken and needs to be fixed. It doesn't matter whether it works for healers and sucks for Rage users, or vice-versa... the cooldown system obviously still isn't perfect and efforts need to continue to improve it until it is.


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Yes please, at least give us the option to revert, the new effect hurts my eyes!


The previous effect was absolutely fine... now I can't see what's on my bars so I can't plan ahead for what to click on next, there are only so many keyboard shortcuts I can reach with 1 hand, and I can't see which status-dependent effects are available (e.g. tumult, pommel strike, savage kick etc).

Also the new effect is so bright it's distracting, it's like having an alarm flash in my peripheral vision taking my attention away from anything else!

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I like the new UI. Gj bioware. I use keybinds though, the clickers might be bothered by constantly looking at their bars.


I also use keybinds, please look at the screenshot I posted and tell me what abilty will be useable after the gcd, you HAVE to que it during the gcd, or you will loose time and therefor dps, if you cannot do that, its broken!

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