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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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It sucks.



Now add some options to tweak it.. how hard can it be?


I think they need to wait for another general meeting of shareholders for the new cooldown animation to be approved. Designing a functional UI or adding some options is beyond UI designers I'm afraid.

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Which would still indicate that your calling someone else a liar was without merit, wouldn't it?


OK ignorant perhaps is more apt, since they didn't take the time to check out other classes. They claimed to test this. Shouldn't they have tested it on more than one class?

Edited by Deyjarl
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I want the Ver 1 "Greyed Out" bar icons back please!!




Seriously, WHY is this so hard, Bioware? If I can't use an ability grey it. If I can, light it up. That's the was it was when I installed the game in December and I can't for the life of me figure out why they thought it needed changing.


I don't care if it's not ready yet because of global or specific cooldown, just grey the @#$% thing out when I can't use it. DONE! No need for flashing, distracting mess like we've got now.


Seriously - who tested this and said "wow, this is GREAT!"? :confused:


I haven't backread this whole thread, but I'm sure the previous 50 - edit, make that: 90 - or so pages say the pretty much the same thing, so just count this as a +1.

Edited by ShawnSixtyTwo
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I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this change to the UI. Please let the abilities that aren't available simply appear black like they did at launch.



Or better yet give us some options in our preferrences of which style to select.

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On some characters if they have every skill available. Perhaps. But not on all. If I have skills on cool down they don't flash. If I have skills that require a certain resource, they don't flash.


So basically, you are wrong, but are unwilling to admit it.


Roger, disregarding anything you post from now on, I suggest others do the same.

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How about, an option to switch between the old one [ Before they made it so cooldowns were lit up], and the new one?

I, for one, like the new system and I really hope they don't change it.

It's a matter of personal preference now, and you cannot cater to one side without displeasing the other unless an option is added in.

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Seriously, WHY is this so hard, Bioware? If I can't use an ability grey it. If I can, light it up. That's the was it was when I installed the game in December and I can't for the life of me figure out why they thought it needed changing.



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How about, an option to switch between the old one [ Before they made it so cooldowns were lit up], and the new one?

I, for one, like the new system and I really hope they don't change it.

It's a matter of personal preference now, and you cannot cater to one side without displeasing the other unless an option is added in.


I would normally agree with you but making people sick and causing headaches is more than a personal preference. All I want is to be able to play without getting a throbbing headache and eye strain 15 minutes in.

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Hi folks,


Thanks very much for the feedback on this. We've sent this up internally to investigate and we will update as soon as we have more information for you. Thank you for your patience.



Nooooo... i like it


put a toggle if youre gonna change it

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I'm not one to Flame or even complain that often, but I am a fan of MMOs and when I get into one, I tend to be very OCD about it. I play EVERY class and AC, (1 main, and lots of alts) do every quest, pvp, and instance/raid that I can.


And I have to say, after 2-3hrs of testing this out... I hate it. Why? Many people before me on this thread have listed all of the reasons why, but they're voices seem to be getting shut down. So I'll list a few here.



=->The White Wash- (or light blue wash)


Every 1.5ish seconds ALL my bars become a wash of white and effectively block/inhibit my ability to see which abilities are where. As many of the classes of this game are utility classes, it isn't uncommon for me to go searching for a move (such as a damage breakable CC) that I don't normally use in environments such as a PvP battleground. And having my toolbars/quickslots be a solid white strip, makes it next to impossible to see which moves are "up" and where they are in intense situations. >>>Sum: When a quick glace can't tell me what's "up" and what's where, it needs fixing.



=->The Flash- (not so fast)


At the end of every GCD after the white has finished its descent the toolbars take about an extra 0.2-3ish seconds to "Flash" during which time you cannot tell what abilities are "ready" for rage/ammo classes. Meaning that I have almost 2 full seconds of being completely blind to what is available to use, which in many situations, proves fatal. >>>Sum: Too bright on all abilities, impossible to tell which are "ready" to use.



=->Big, Blue, Bright Lights!-


The UI has been my biggest issue with this game, but I did NOT complain or post, I endured. But with this latest patch... I cannot state LOUD enough or LOOOOONG enough, that we need some customization options for the UI. This super bright headache of a GCD is the final stone in my pack. I'm stating my opinion, one that is shared but my guild, friends, and family (those that play that is): That this UI needs a major overhaul full of customizations, or the allowance of mods.

Take Rift. (a game that was dead at launch, yes we know, blah blah meh) Now if nothing else Rift had an AMAZING UI! You could Move it, Shrink/Enlarge it, Lock it in place not matter what is was. No need to mod it in any way, you could simply change it however you liked.

This, TOR's, UI overlaps itself, is massively huge and is very bright and distracting. >>>Sum: My first ever and hopefully last opinionated complaint/rant.



And just my idea for what would be better, as those that complain at a problem but have no clue how to fix it aren't the best voices to listen to, you could: Take the old system and make moves on a long cooldown VERY dark (as opposed to super bright whited out), keep the new "Flash" for the ready after long cooldown and put the GCD back to as it was before the patch. (no flashes, no white out)


all of the above is my opinion, and thoughts, don't trash it.




Thank you for this summary. For what it's worth, I agree :)

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Mark another one down for headaches after 20 minutes or so. I will try it one more time, but if I get a repeat headache, I am basically done playing until they fix it. If it is not fixed before my sub is up then there will be no point for me to continue paying for something I cannot play.


I understand some people like it, but it is making others physically sick. If that is the case, it needs to be changed, or at least made to be able to be toggled.

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How long does it take to get an update to this by the way?


Of course... you'd think that a developer would have had the good sense to actually play the game they develop and see that... "HEY! THIS SYSTEM SUCKS! LET NOT DO THAT." But... that obviously didn't happen.


This is the worst change BioWare has made in this game, and truly shows how much they have to learn about developing an online game.

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How many debacles like this will it take until Bioware wakes the hell up and allows UI mods? In other nameless MMOs, if they came out with an ill-conceived, shoddily-implemented UI "fix," you just went, installed your mod, and you were back to what you loved before.


Bioware seems to love shoving things down our throat and hoping we like it.


HEY. CUSTOMIZATION. Other MMOs had it years ago.

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I understand not everyone has a problem with the change. In fact some even prefer it. Ideally each individual person would be able to customize their UI. Unfortunately, for many of us who cannot stand the new "flash" the game is unplayable in its current state. Please do whatever is fastest to reverse this horrible mistake whether a rollback or hotfix. Then start worrying about adding the option for those who liked the new "Flashy" effect.


The bottom line is people find the game unplayable in its current state.


If you like the new changes feel free to say so and I hope Bioware gives the option to choose between either. Unfortunatly adding the option to choose would likely take longer than just rolling back.

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I've not complained about the game previously but I feel compelled to post about this issue: the flashing and other aspects of this UI change are distracting and impede one's ability to actually see what's going on with skills. In my opinion, the way it was prior to the latest patch was just fine, so I hope there will be a rollback to that system or some option for users to select which system they use.
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