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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Just my 2 cents


Flashing is fine, if it's more contrasting... Different colors flashing maybe?


RED = available, insufficient fund/ energy

Green = good to use

Yellow/ GOLD = insufficient fund/ energy (but ready to be use once GCD)

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I'm not one to Flame or even complain that often, but I am a fan of MMOs and when I get into one, I tend to be very OCD about it. I play EVERY class and AC, (1 main, and lots of alts) do every quest, pvp, and instance/raid that I can.


And I have to say, after 2-3hrs of testing this out... I hate it. Why? Many people before me on this thread have listed all of the reasons why, but they're voices seem to be getting shut down. So I'll list a few here.



=->The White Wash- (or light blue wash)


Every 1.5ish seconds ALL my bars become a wash of white and effectively block/inhibit my ability to see which abilities are where. As many of the classes of this game are utility classes, it isn't uncommon for me to go searching for a move (such as a damage breakable CC) that I don't normally use in environments such as a PvP battleground. And having my toolbars/quickslots be a solid white strip, makes it next to impossible to see which moves are "up" and where they are in intense situations. >>>Sum: When a quick glace can't tell me what's "up" and what's where, it needs fixing.



=->The Flash- (not so fast)


At the end of every GCD after the white has finished its descent the toolbars take about an extra 0.2-3ish seconds to "Flash" during which time you cannot tell what abilities are "ready" for rage/ammo classes. Meaning that I have almost 2 full seconds of being completely blind to what is available to use, which in many situations, proves fatal. >>>Sum: Too bright on all abilities, impossible to tell which are "ready" to use.



=->Big, Blue, Bright Lights!-


The UI has been my biggest issue with this game, but I did NOT complain or post, I endured. But with this latest patch... I cannot state LOUD enough or LOOOOONG enough, that we need some customization options for the UI. This super bright headache of a GCD is the final stone in my pack. I'm stating my opinion, one that is shared but my guild, friends, and family (those that play that is): That this UI needs a major overhaul full of customizations, or the allowance of mods.

Take Rift. (a game that was dead at launch, yes we know, blah blah meh) Now if nothing else Rift had an AMAZING UI! You could Move it, Shrink/Enlarge it, Lock it in place not matter what is was. No need to mod it in any way, you could simply change it however you liked.

This, TOR's, UI overlaps itself, is massively huge and is very bright and distracting. >>>Sum: My first ever and hopefully last opinionated complaint/rant.



And just my idea for what would be better, as those that complain at a problem but have no clue how to fix it aren't the best voices to listen to, you could: Take the old system and make moves on a long cooldown VERY dark (as opposed to super bright whited out), keep the new "Flash" for the ready after long cooldown and put the GCD back to as it was before the patch. (no flashes, no white out)


all of the above is my opinion, and thoughts, don't trash it.



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How? If you can use it, it flashes, if you can't it doesn't.


To get proper timing, I (and many others) use each skill juuust before it finishes cooling down, as to flow between skills with no delay. With this version, I have to wait until after the cooldown, determine whether I can use the ability, and then use it.


Combine this with the fact that without macros, keybinding is a total pain and I have to click on a lot of my longer cooldowns, and it creates a much larger delay where before there was none at all.



Now with enough attention I can still know which abilities will have cooled down for the most part, but as a Shadow, I'm already spending way too much time staring at my cooldowns anyway, and too little at the game itself.

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new gdc animations are terrible... everyone in my guild chat has been complaining for hours now.... all 499 of us


wait..... you have 499 people in one guild?


man, choosing who goes on guild raids must be somthing.

Edited by XplaguesX
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Im just a noob compared to u guys but I did a heroic on my lvl 14 and I couldnt tell what to click next until after the flashy waterfall effect was done, then i picked one that was lit up.. I want to see whats lit up b4 all that flashy ends so i can be resdy to click it. I guess if recount worked here, i would be #1 on Inactivity list cause of that.


My dear Midichloreian - noob or not - you hit it spot on. Not being able to make a quick decision and que your next ability is game-breaking and wil result in poor performance.

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This is a case of trying to fix something and only making it worse.


The new effect is almost disorienting at that if you are in WZ/Op your bar is constantly flashing every GCD. Its is too much and a definite overkill. When the GCD fires I'm not sure why every single ability on cooldown or not is the same grey color, it just makes it look like every single ability is on cooldown.


And the same problem is present as it was before, as you get closer and closer to the expiration of a cooldown it becomes harder to tell if it is ready or not.


The "flash" should only occur when abilities with cooldowns are ready, as opposed to the "flash" on every ability that is currently ready every GCD

Edited by Posiden
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Syylara (page 89) has already posted a video that disproves your rebuke. Gotta keep up with the thread, dude...




Loading one now that shows that isn't always true.





I don't care for the changes, but again, it's not flashing for all abilities.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Loading one now that shows that isn't always true.





I don't care for the changes, but again, it's not flashing for all abilities.


well this just says that your video will just show that the new effect is broken. because if you show it not flashing on skills that cant be used, and the other video shows it flashing on skills that cant be used, it just means BW put out a buggy effect.

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This new format has made the game unplayable for me.


My eyesight isn't all that great. I can't tell what is going on with my glasses on or off. the flashing gives me headaches as well.


This new look is totally unsatisfactory.


The design back in beta was perfect at conveying the needed information. The change to the light blue hue was problematic for my eyes but nowhere near as bad as what you have just changed it to.


Please Bioware test this stuff out on folks with poor vision. Allow us some options on how this is displayed. I do love this game but in it's current state I can't play it due to my physical limitations.:(

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Adding my two cents - Wazooty on the first page of this thread nails the issue perfectly, so just read his post. For melee classes, particularly the rage/focus based ones, this new system is horrific. It needs to be reverted, or turned into an option. As it stands, it makes playing a Sentinel (already a clumsy class) a little bit like trying to play the piano with oven mitts on.


To Bioware: next time, test it for more than 5 minutes before foisting it upon your users. I appreciate the fact that you guys are rapidly patching the game and trying to improve the UI, but I'd take quality over quantity in the future.

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well this just says that your video will just show that the new effect is broken. because if you show it not flashing on skills that cant be used, and the other video shows it flashing on skills that cant be used, it just means BW put out a buggy effect.



Or perhaps their class works differently.

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I really can't play like this, please do something (rollback, options, ability to create our own UI's, *********** anything)


I'm just truly becoming disgusted with this company and how they are dealing with this game over the past few patch's. I want to love this game, and its like you're doing everything in your power to stop it from happening.

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I am really surprised that making people ill is such a low priority that they have given us one half assed response to it. Playing this game is making people dizzy, have headaches, and nausea and nothing is being done as far as we know. Edited by gryhmr
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Hi folks,


Thanks very much for the feedback on this. We've sent this up internally to investigate and we will update as soon as we have more information for you. Thank you for your patience.


Try harder next time. You guys just don't seem to get it. :)

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Just my 2 cents


Flashing is fine, if it's more contrasting... Different colors flashing maybe?


RED = available, insufficient fund/ energy

Green = good to use

Yellow/ GOLD = insufficient fund/ energy (but ready to be use once GCD)

No, please. Just...no.

Flashing is bad, really bad and should be avoided when possible, with different colors flashing on the screen the game will be unplayable.

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