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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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What genius thought this up? The way it was yesterday was FINE. I could tell what was on CD and what lit up because I met special circumstances (like a power workable on stunned). Now we're back the way it was initially where I have to wait until CD ends before I can see what is available. Do you guys even try and plan things out before you implement?!?!?!?


Oh no, wait.. I get it.. the personal preferences of one, at max two, devs went along another route so we all have to suffer ignorant inefficient UI design.


Well done


You obviously didn't test this crap.

Edited by OdonKnight
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I played about 10 minutes and started getting a headache. I'm not trolling or anything like that. I have all 4 bars up and as a Jugg it just takes away from my game play experience having all my abilities flash every time I use an ability.


I can understand how some classes/people find this an improvement. I'd simply ask that those folks try and sympathize with us using the Rage mechanic where you "have" to be firing abilities nonstop to generate rage to trigger other abilities.


So yeah...plz roll this back or hot fix in an option to disable this as the client level.





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Or they could first fix something that makes the game unplayable for a large group of people.


As in, ability ready for use, in range, whatever? Lit icon.

Out of range, on CD, not usable, enough focus/rage? Greyed out.


Not hard to fix. At all. And that's excluding numeric/counterclock counters, neutral CD fader colors and stuff like that.

Edited by darthtoph
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Just adding my voice to the many folks decrying the change.


It's awful.


I didn't like the first change that made powers on cool down still light up if prerequisites were met, but this is even worse.


My vote, change it back to how it was at launch. Or just back to the previous version is fine too.

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I think BW should just stop listening to complaints about this for now. As it seems every change they do on the global cooldown makes another part of the players unhappy. Some want numbers, other more visual effects or less visual effects, it will be impossible to make 1.7 million subscribers happy about this issue as it seems.


Are you blind? A lot of the post people are complaining about headaches, and I myself will have a seizure if I look at it long. I had to tape the screen where my hotbars are or just not play. It IS a problem.

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All that they ever needed to do was make it a spinning circle instead of a fading down cooldown and everything would be fixed.


Loved that effect in wow easy to spot and with a small timer icon in the corner easy to scan over while doing other things

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Just adding my voice to the many folks decrying the change.


It's awful.


I didn't like the first change that made powers on cool down still light up if prerequisites were met, but this is even worse.


My vote, change it back to how it was at launch. Or just back to the previous version is fine too.


I think they should put it back to the way it was at launch and leave it alone, or the spinning circle like someone suggested above. Let us have addons later to customize it the way we want. For the love of God, please revert it back or fix it.

Edited by Tiam
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The best part is, and I know I'm not the first to share this sentiment, the fix fixed a fix that didn't need fixing. The original cooldowns were completely fine, then they "fixed" it (even though it weren't broke!) This new "fix" is even worse than the last. I say everyone shut up. You don't know what'll happen if they
it again! Edited by TheSeventhJedi
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What are you talking about? I was talkin about the flashy lights not some CD issue. Its pretty easy to tell if a skill is off CD after playing alot

Sigh. This is what I mean. You're probably the 1,000th person to come in here and try to make fun of people for complaining about the "flashy lights" when that's not the true problem.


With the previous UI, abilities would only grey out if they were unusable (conditionals not met, insufficient resources, incorrect range to target, etc). Therefore, when they were on CD, you would know if they'd be usable after CD. This is especially critical for a class like the Warrior, since you often want to know what abilities you have sufficient rage for before the GCD ends so you can plan.


Now abilities grey out when on cooldown as well; the GCD greys everything out and you don't know in advance whether some abilities will be usable or not.


Edit: what's worse is the people saying "go back to the first UI!", since that shares the same problem as this one. The only issue with the second was that you couldn't tell at a glance whether abilities with long CDs were available or nearly available.

Edited by Aurojiin
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I just want to say I love the game and I'm having fun but today the abbilities cool down graphics are killing me I logged out it was so annoying. I don't understand what was wrong with the orginal graphical representation that changed it and then i got used to the last change and you changed it again today...seriously stop tweaking and just reset it to what it was on original release...


I'm also wondering why in the world you don't put these things on your test server instead of rolling them out to live first...makes no sense that's why you have a test environment to "Test"

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I just want to say I love the game and I'm having fun but today the abbilities cool down graphics are killing me I logged out it was so annoying. I don't understand what was wrong with the orginal graphical representation that changed it and then i got used to the last change and you changed it again today...seriously stop tweaking and just reset it to what it was on original release...


I'm also wondering why in the world you don't put these things on your test server instead of rolling them out to live first...makes no sense that's why you have a test environment to "Test"


It WAS on the test server. People DID complain about it.

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I played about 10 minutes and started getting a headache. I'm not trolling or anything like that. I have all 4 bars up and as a Jugg it just takes away from my game play experience having all my abilities flash every time I use an ability.


I can understand how some classes/people find this an improvement. I'd simply ask that those folks try and sympathize with us using the Rage mechanic where you "have" to be firing abilities nonstop to generate rage to trigger other abilities.


So yeah...plz roll this back or hot fix in an option to disable this as the client level.







I hope their lawyers yell at them reminding them their little clauses in their EULA banning class-actions goes out of the window when you're taking about negligent activity that affects the health of those exposed.


Did it show up on the test server for.. TESTING??? If so, was feedback solicited or more importantly listened to?


Based upon other posters it was tested but they, obviously, ignored the feedback. Kind of like a drug company testing a formula and then waving off complaints. Well done!

Edited by OdonKnight
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I hope their lawyers yell at them reminding them their little clauses in their EULA banning class-actions goes out of the window when you're taking about negligent activity that affects the health of those exposed.


Did it show up on the test server for.. TESTING??? If so, was feedback solicited or more importantly listened to?


You mean the "Patch Preview" server? Not exactly a good testing environment with a lack of templates or copying.


I have a hard time believing this was there either way.

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hahah so true


half the people are probably just making stuff up to get it rolled back


Seriously, you dont like flashy lights. What about all the Sorcs and the lightning spam


I'm not making it up. I logged in right after the servers came back on (9 hrs ago), tried it out for about 15 mins or so, my eyes hurt from the flashing, thought I could get used to it..... so I played a little more, then I started getting a headache and nauseous, so I logged out... feeling "car sick". I got better.


I'm not logging in until its fixed (except to tell my gm my situation). I want to continue playing though, but I cannot if it makes me ill. I'm serious.


Plus, people that have problems with content like "sorcs and the lightning" can avoid that if they wish. You can't avoid seeing the constant flashes of the GCD/hotbars, unless you sit idle all day or just craft stuff. :/


Don't cancel your accounts... be patient as I'm sure BW will make a change within a timely manner. They wouldn't let a problem that can be easily fixed continue and especially one that causes physical illness.

Edited by mrpinkii
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the fact that this is making people ill, including me should mean they should act fast. as it stands they had one post about how they are talking about it. its not an issue of like/dislike its the issue that i get severely dizzy playing this game when i never had that problem in this or any other game before.


i want to play but i dont want to be sick.

Edited by gryhmr
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I have defended this game for a while and I love BW but I give in, they need to fix this ASAP it's so distracting and not only that, my eyes constantly feel strained and I have to stop playing. This is a very serious problem and for once I actually side with the complainers.


Also they are aware of this issue which is why thy are closing other threads about this issue so why don't they shut the game down and take however long it will take to fix this. It isn't a matter of people's like or dislike BW, it's causing health problems.

Edited by DarthKeredias
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Why is the person testing these changes blind? There was nothing wrong with the action bar in the first place - you could tell when your abilities were ready at a glance.


Then they make it damn near impossible to tell when long cooldown abilities are ready, which sucked, but was still playable.


Now, I can't even tell what the hell is going on without either staring at the action bar or just ignoring it and using abilities as I think they're ready.



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