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STOP Lying with patch notes


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You know, as a developer myself, your attitude is not very useful.


The cannot possibly test a patch with 1.7 test accounts to be comparable to 1.7 live accounts. Things happen going from testing to live that were not in the testing phase.


It could very well be fixed for 95% of players, but it caused another bug that only 5% are experiencing.


In the history of programs, it has been known that fixing bugs might cause additional bugs.


I play on test and the major problem we have there is not enough players. Believe it or not but the Republic side seems more populated though even that side does not have enough players.


I get to the fleet at level 10, can't do the FP because I am the only player on the fleet and I even waited around a few hours crafting so I would have some stims and medpacks. Finally I had to give up and take the fast shuttle and skip the FP.


A few of the Heroic 2's I can solo, the rest of them I just have to abandon or come back and do them when the reward is not all that useful because I have out leveled it. Sometimes I go back and do them anyway because if they give the orange rewards you can just add them to your wardrobe and switch your best mods into it for a new look...


So testing there is not really being done to the whole game...and as for PvP? well you can guess how well that is going as well...

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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So if you have a bad service, you just think, okey the shop were full,they could not attend me fine but I have to pay anyway.


For people whi claim to be senior developers, the most simple pieze of software, even the physics system of Angry Birds can be hard as you wish to get the fina product, dont **** aroubd with unknow theory.


And finnaly for the rest, games survive with bugs, BUT they cant advertise in official release pr patch notes a feature that simply does not work. If you agree with things done this way, I hope never encount any of your services.


Its just a game? Then you don't undersand at all what is a mmorpg about, move along.


Can someone Translate this for me?

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I have, regarding the Exotech Bio scematics in my inventory still being 'Invalid'


I will let you know the response from 'cough' customer service 'cough' when I receive it next month or so


Let me help you!


Greetings Humnoid,

... Protocol Droid...

.. Thank you...

.. please be aware...

.. sorry ..

.. watch further patch notes ..

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This must stop, you already were by far out of a serious to take with some terms of the game/Customer Service.


I just log in:


- I STILL have the "Invalid schematic" while try to learn it.

- Ability false cooldown STILL there for E.Probe at least (Sniper)

- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS


I'm getting tired of all your false advertisment and lies and I hope we start a serious customer global action.


  • They never said that was fixed, just the mission one
  • I don't know enough of what you are talking about to comment
  • That was never stated as been fixed, again


Do people read the patch notes?

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This must stop, you already were by far out of a serious to take with some terms of the game/Customer Service.


I just log in:


- I STILL have the "Invalid schematic" while try to learn it.

- Ability false cooldown STILL there for E.Probe at least (Sniper)

- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS


I'm getting tired of all your false advertisment and lies and I hope we start a serious customer global action.



-Never dealt with this bug

-Never have this problem and I roll a 50 sniper

-Never had this problem when Alt-tabbing

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So if you have a bad service, you just think, okey the shop were full,they could not attend me fine but I have to pay anyway.


For people whi claim to be senior developers, the most simple pieze of software, even the physics system of Angry Birds can be hard as you wish to get the fina product, dont **** aroubd with unknow theory.


And finnaly for the rest, games survive with bugs, BUT they cant advertise in official release pr patch notes a feature that simply does not work. If you agree with things done this way, I hope never encount any of your services.


Its just a game? Then you don't undersand at all what is a mmorpg about, move along.


If my service were bad I would absolutely not pay. Thing is, I have absolutely no problems with this game that interferes with my fun. I don't like to put down others for speaking out about their problems but to flat out say BioWare is lying is just is absurd. They may have thought they fixed it but didn't fix it for everyone like they thought.

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I hope you don't think that any iPhone app you wrote is even remotely close to being as complex as swtor is.


Don't even bother. New web/cell phone developers are totally unable to grasp the complexity of a server/client system like this, with tens of thousands users, and a very high data complexity.


An Angry birds or Redd.it site can be very complex, and need a lot of resources, but this entirely another world... and they don't know.


BTW, I'm developer, too. No from iOS, of course, but from big systems with lots of integrations and data complexity.


My evaluation from BW corrective and evolutionary support is an 7.5 over 10. They could do better, but so far they are doing very fine.

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If my service were bad I would absolutely not pay. Thing is, I have absolutely no problems with this game that interferes with my fun. I don't like to put down others for speaking out about their problems but to flat out say BioWare is lying is just is absurd. They may have thought they fixed it but didn't fix it for everyone like they thought.


While I would have accepted this the first time, I can't when this has happened more than three times.


Bioware is run by monkeys. Only explanation.

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Oh, yes, another biodrone. How come that other companies can make a test and release a valid patch notes?


And no, these things we have mentioned here affect EVERYONE, just not everyone goes here and complain.


No MMO company in the history of MMO's have released more game breaking , bug ridden garbage than Blizzard so PLEASE don't use them as an example. I could spend 3 hours just proving this statement wrong with the number of issues their patches have introduced. So report it, answer any questions they have and download the incoming fix asap. That is your options, not telling lies about that other game.

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No MMO company in the history of MMO's have released more game breaking , bug ridden garbage than Blizzard so PLEASE don't use them as an example. I could spend 3 hours just proving this statement wrong with the number of issues their patches have introduced. So report it, answer any questions they have and download the incoming fix asap. That is your options, not telling lies about that other game.


Well now that's exaggeration, Sony and Turbine have both totally stomped Blizzard when it comes to bad patches. As for Bioware, these patches are right on par with where all decent MMOs are right now.


Five years ago an MMO patch was like Russian Roulette.

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Well now that's exaggeration, Sony and Turbine have both totally stomped Blizzard when it comes to bad patches. As for Bioware, these patches are right on par with where all decent MMOs are right now.


Five years ago an MMO patch was like Russian Roulette.


Well there is the problem I said MMO companies, we know Sony and Turbine don't fall under that category. :D

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You know, most of the time I look at bugs they say they fix in the patch notes and say to myself "there was a problem?" I have very few bugs on my end, and the few I do have I know are problems with my computer rather than BioWare, most of the time. It's not like I have a great computer either, this thing is 5 years old after all and wasn't very good to begin with.


It seems to me you are either very unlucky and getting a lot of bugs, or you just simply are an idiot and don't know how to minimize your problems on your end. I'd prefer to think you are the former.


In any case, all problems don't affect all people. They aren't lying, they simply cannot predict what is going to happen with every single computer that plays this game and they cannot fix all problems for all people. You are a developer and you don't realize that? Hell, I'm not even that great with computers, most of my problems I go to my friend for help with because he is a computer wiz, but even I know that every computer is going to have problems that many others won't.


Common sense?

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Lying? Maybe, maybe not. Is it still just as sad and pathetic that the very same bugs they said they fixed are still there? Yes. Almost as sad as the fanboi's ignoring that fact ... excusing Bioware (as usual) for their b/s.


Except those were not stated as fixed in the patch notes. So the only person lying is the op.

Edited by Powerhowse
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How come that other companies can make a test and release a valid patch notes?


And no, these things we have mentioned here affect EVERYONE, just not everyone goes here and complain.


Lmao! Hahahahahahaha!!! If that was true then why is there patches in EVERY mmo ever released? Yes, to fix a previous issue. Hotfixes exist because the previous patch didn't work. Are you learning anything yet? Lol...

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This must stop, you already were by far out of a serious to take with some terms of the game/Customer Service.


I just log in:


- I STILL have the "Invalid schematic" while try to learn it.

- Ability false cooldown STILL there for E.Probe at least (Sniper)

- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS


I'm getting tired of all your false advertisment and lies and I hope we start a serious customer global action.


I am sick of your false comments made here on the forums. I want to start a customer support group.


Your invalid schematic... Get over it.. sell it. It may be bugged.. making a big deal over that is almost comical.


Your alt tabbing issue is a issue with your sound/computer. Mine does not do it soooooo yeah, it must be you.


As for your cool down. -- That is a ongoing issue I do not see promised as fixed.


Sorry.. this fails.

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Well, isn't that a shocker. You mean the OP is just trolling to stir misperceptions and disappointment? Who knew?


•The Exotech Med Unit schematic obtained from the Eternity Vault Operation now functions properly and can be learned.


As I use to learn - Invalid Schematic

•During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.


Still have them even using a elevator, enter a warzone or over a transition to my ship.


•Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.


Sounds (Not ambient sounds or music) went off after change form a character to another one.


•The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete.


Some skills that are out of CD do not respond (Explosive Probe, Laze)



If you don't have any problem at all, congratulations.

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