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I just found out why we can't kill companions


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Choices do matter.It just that some time they narrow the choices you make. Just because they it linear at one point of the story doesn't mean the entire story is like that.
Actually that's exactly what 'linear' means, isn't it? Your 'story' experience is occasionally led down a road with no alternatives where the available 'choices' all lead to the same outcome.


I'm not hating on TOR for its linearity, but the truth is the truth.

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The worst bit about Skadge isn't even that he's a loudmouth prole.


It's the fact that the very first encounter with him makes him out to be a masochistic psychopath and also strongly implies he might be a ******.


Edit: For crying out loud Bioware. Fyi the ***** refer to someone who forces himself on, in this case, women. You get the idea.

Edited by FerrusPA
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I want to kill my C3PO wannabe so badly... everytime I enter my ship he's talking trash and it's always the same 3 lines. Would be nice to turn him into scrap metal.


Yeah, we need to all put in a ticket saying we need them to design a quest that allows you to space the protocol droid! :D




Here we go, right this way Bowdar wants to play with you! You two have fun now! :D

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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It's the fact that the very first encounter with him makes him out to be a masochistic psychopath and also strongly implies he might be a ******.


Edit: For crying out loud Bioware. Fyi the ***** refer to someone who forces himself on, in this case, women. You get the idea.

Not only that, a necrophiliac. He was DEFINITELY going to kill her first, lol. What a twisted belligerent b*stard, love having him tank for me. Edited by Gerrard_Ennui
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Wow, that's actually extremely terrible. And there I was thinking Andronikos was bad... I guess I'll have to seriously reconsider making that Mercenary.


EDIT: And by the way, after reading your two other rants, I have to say I am thoroughly entertained. Very refreshing to see this kind of content on these boards.


what's wrong with you? Revel is my favorite companion of all time! best voice period of the male companions and he's a total ****** at dps at 50 in full epics. and he ALWAYS gives you a thumbs up when you do something evil, the perfect sith companion!

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Not only that, a necrophiliac. He was DEFINITELY going to kill her first, lol. What a twisted belligerent b*stard, love having him tank for me.


Basically he's the stereotypical evil choice as far as companions go.


Yet his "evilness" is so hamfisted and stupid it's the exact same kind of baby-eating-rarr-im-evil stuff people already didn't like in the KOTOR series.

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Yeah, we need to all put in a ticket saying we need them to design a quest that allows you to space the protocol droid! :D


As a matter of fact, I'd rather have a second protocol droid as a replacement for my Skadge being thrown out of the airlock. Even that would be an upgrade!

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Its simply a byproduct of bad design choices.

If we would not be forced to the class specific companions but have a broader selection of companions that we can chose form or dispatch as we see fit, that problem would not exist in the first place.

Instead we are forced to take up every companion the game designers wants us to no matter how useful, revolting, braindead that is.


It shows how the game is designed at the core. Its a single player with slight difference in how to reach the end. You play the character Bioware designed for you, with the story Bioware designed for you.


You don't live you own saga, you don't play your own character.

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The thread seemed well written until I clicked the Spoiler.


It was like a schizophrenic hipster was having a conversation with himself.


Tell us simply what's bothering you. I don't need to a Roleplay story to go along with that.

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Wow, that's actually extremely terrible. And there I was thinking Andronikos was bad... I guess I'll have to seriously reconsider making that Mercenary.


EDIT: And by the way, after reading your two other rants, I have to say I am thoroughly entertained. Very refreshing to see this kind of content on these boards.


He is your last companion and you never have to use him once you do a couple quests with him.


If you like the rest of the Merc class, you should roll one. He is in about 15-20 mins of your gameplay.

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Wow, that's actually extremely terrible. And there I was thinking Andronikos was bad... I guess I'll have to seriously reconsider making that Mercenary.


EDIT: And by the way, after reading your two other rants, I have to say I am thoroughly entertained. Very refreshing to see this kind of content on these boards.


I refuse to use that **** Andronikas. He's good for sending on crew skills jobs and that's it.

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The idea of companions we don't like hanging on a wall in carbonite is especially good!




They could always make it have a 'cost' such as - companion affection or maybe 50 DS points.


heck, I'd take 500 DS points just to shut up the ships idiot droid by freezing him in Carbonite.


It would be MORE than worth it.

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Its not so much protecting people from their own stupidity as it is protecting players from the narrow, limited scope and short range of their own game design.


If the game was made in such a way that allowed freedom of choice within the storyline, killing an NPC wouldn't matter - you'd still get to where you needed to be. The fact is though, that TOR is not made to facilitate freedom of choice within the storyline. It's entirely linear, so we get situations like the OP described above and a foreboding sense that our choices within the storyline dont matter - because they dont.


Fantastic idea. Just great. Why wasn't Bioware able to think of anything like this? jeez, theyre supposed to be professionals...


People cant even be trusted to get the right gear from commendations and pvp tokens so how do you really expect bioware to keep up with people sending in requests for companions to be given back to players who killed them then realised that ow wait i now dont have those companions for crafting and gathering and possible future quest lines added to the game that requires specific companions on those class quests and cutscenes involved.


Do you want some magic roundabout where you kill one and they offer you a new companion to take its place. How many of these companions with different voice acting, cutscenes etc to be developed and implemented so that people who would kill there companions arnt inbalanced at a future date with any possible changes to how companions work and crew skills when they have fewer crew members then other players which would obviously give the player with more companions a unfair advantage.

Edited by Shingara
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