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I swear to god. Marauders are fine!


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Hey all!


I once was a whiner like you guys! I had thoughts about my class being underpowered etc.. but guys get level 50 and gear with anni spec. you'll be amazed! I promise you. You will LOVE this class. We do not need any change at all!


This class is really challanging and the only reason why I still play this game. Don't give up. Gear up and you will notice! I went from combat to annihilation and it was a whole new experience once geared.


If we could use a slightly buff, it would be a force pull. We do not need anything more.

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Guys, endure 49 levels of being roflstomped at every turn so you can enjoy what most every other class feels like from level 10 onwards.


Isn't that sort of a bad design decision? I'm no developer, but it would seem to me you'd want every class to feel just as heroic from 10-50+ without one some of them being really REALLY lack-luster.

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Try my spec:




Based around RAGE GENERATION, mobility and survivability. I use it for both PvE/PvP. Never rage starved.


You need to take the 2 points out of seeping wound, and put them in subjugation. 6 second interrupt in pvp is overpowered. I also would take the 2 points from empowerment, and 1 from cloak of carnage to put into hemorrhage. Then take the two points from Enraged Charge and put them into defensive forms. ;)


Cloak of Carnage can only be activated every 3 seconds, so 2 points is a waste. Snares dont work against bosses, and crippling slash is a much better snare for pvp. Hemorrhage is a 15% base dmg increase to bleeds now, we need that. I personally prefer defensive forms over enraged charge, because internal and elemental damage reduction is priceless, and generating 2 free fury every gcd from recieved damage is awesome for keeping berserk up - a necessity for survival, and dps.

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"Class isn't broken"


"Class gets good at 50 when you're geared"


The second statement contradicts the first statement.


Maybe we're balanced at 50 and geared, but we're still underpowered from 1-49. You can't just brush that off saying that it comes out in the end.

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Guys, endure 49 levels of being roflstomped at every turn so you can enjoy what most every other class feels like from level 10 onwards.


I think you just reduced the problem into 1 sentence. I want to play a mara, but currently mine is 28? or around there. It is so hard compared to my other toons. I don't see how this could be what the devs want or players should accept.

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Spec annihilation, enjoy the challenge it brings. It isn't stupidly hard or anything it just requires a little thought to not die endlessly.

At 50 marauder blows, and i mean that, fun class but sucks. Once you get to 50 and semi geared, it starts producing results, and once its columi spec, holy hell. I out DPS anything and everyone and pull aggro on everything despite using force shroud to reduce it every time i do.


Simply put, the more strength we have, the more damage we do, obvious right? well not quite, unlike a merc who have ridiculously high stats as standard, ours scale and multiply a lot better, so an increase of 1000 - 1100, i didnt notice, from 1500 - 1600 its immense and im now brushing 1700 when buffed and the damage is silly.

Even as annihilation, people endlessly tell me, i have no burst. Annihilate crits for between 3 and 4.5k (heavy - light armours) vicious throw crits for the same. If i can get anyone to 20%, the fight is over. Assassins have something similar at around 30% but nowhere near that level of consistant damage (bleeds/dots) AND instant burst. Hell if they survive that, my untalented force scream goes for 2.5k crits, all this is without trinkets/adrenals. If somebody makes a come back from 20% after all my bleeds and that spot of burst, they deserve to still be in the fight.

Marauder just sucks early on, just remember that it will get better and stop whining :)

No other class, goes from 0 to hero like we do.

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I think you just reduced the problem into 1 sentence. I want to play a mara, but currently mine is 28? or around there. It is so hard compared to my other toons. I don't see how this could be what the devs want or players should accept.


The game almost got zero classes with some skill ceiling. Let us, the people who enjoy complexity, have fun with this class and go back to your 1-button class instead asking to dumb down sentinel/marauders so you can play them.


And people who says annhi doesn't burst, should start doing spreadsheets and learning how to get it. It's quite easy ;P

Edited by Keldaur
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The game almost got zero classes with some skill ceiling. Let us, the people who enjoy complexity, have fun with this class and go back to your 1-button class instead asking to dumb down sentinel/marauders so you can play them.


And people who says annhi doesn't burst, should start doing spreadsheets and learning how to get it. It's quite easy ;P


That's just silly to accuse me of favoring simplicity, it doesn't make an argument and it makes you look a little on the dumb side. Furthermore, classes that under perform are not intrinsically complex, they just don't work as well as other classes. Maras may be balanced at 50, once geared but until then it generally operates at a disadvantage to the environment. The class needs help at lower levels, period - any reasonable person can see that.

Edited by Sowwy
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The game almost got zero classes with some skill ceiling. Let us, the people who enjoy complexity, have fun with this class and go back to your 1-button class instead asking to dumb down sentinel/marauders so you can play them.


And people who says annhi doesn't burst, should start doing spreadsheets and learning how to get it. It's quite easy ;P


Anni is better in theory. In practice, not only do I do better with Carnage but I have more fun with it too. AND it bursts harder. Proven.

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Hey guys dont worry once you get to 50 and are in full Battlemaster you can then perform up to par with all the other classes. Class Balance at its best.


Im also getting tired of the Class requires amazing skill to play well. everyone just sucks therefore asking for buffs excuse.



1. If the class requires near perfect execution and the reaction timing of a pro ping pong player, Than the class is Not fine, requiring such high level of skill just to play the class at a mediocre capacity is not good design.


2. The class IS NOT ACTUALLY THAT HARD TO PLAY. You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to play a marauder, this skill cap b.s. people are claiming is completely false, as all the abilities are very clear on what they do and how they interact with other skills. Even Talent builds just require a modicum of Common sense to understand how to get the best out of each spec.




I know both accounts contradict each other but i think the argument of Player skill involved with how a class is performed at its core needs to be thrown out the window Lets look at it from an average players perspective and figure out how we can


a. Fight the call for buffs with a well rounded aproach, either defining what could have been done differently, or by how the design itself should be changed.


b. Promote a good community By helping each other out, noones perfect and im sure some people that are complaining that the class sucks have not put in the time or effort into learning the class as well as the rest of us have.




There are Inherent problems with the class. I know this, you know this, and it needs to be addressed, shrugging them off and blaming player skill on the matter helps noone.


its probably pointless that i typed all this im just sick and tired of it all....

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That's just silly to accuse me of favoring simplicity, it doesn't make an argument and it makes you look a little on the dumb side. Furthermore, classes that under perform are not intrinsically complex, they just don't work as well as other classes. Maras may be balanced at 50, once geared but until then it generally operates at a disadvantage to the environment. The class needs help at lower levels, period - any reasonable person can see that.


You would be right if you forget about "player skill" when a class have a higher skill ceiling, it requires a better player to get results, and a very good player can get results above other classes. And that's what marauders/sentinels can do.


And no, i haven't any fricking problem at lower levels.

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Guys, endure 49 levels of being roflstomped at every turn so you can enjoy what most every other class feels like from level 10 onwards.


You're kidding me? After reaching 40 and getting Annihilate - 300k damage medal and most damage done nearly every warzone.

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2. The class IS NOT ACTUALLY THAT HARD TO PLAY. You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to play a marauder, this skill cap b.s. people are claiming is completely false, as all the abilities are very clear on what they do and how they interact with other skills. Even Talent builds just require a modicum of Common sense to understand how to get the best out of each spec.


Not saying i disagree with you here, but after working as a technician and trying to help people understand assorted things throughout the years i've come to realise common sense is not so common

Edited by Redorb
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