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Assassin sucks.


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"I play an assassin........as a tank........in a situation were i should be playing as an ASSASSIN"


Stupid people are stupid

My 36 sin hit a 4.2k crit on another player today with maul, 2 lvls higher than me.

hybrid spec



I bet you try to kill Guarded healers after you've been Taunted, don't you?

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hmm i bet your a lvl 50 that suffered painstakingly through the 1-50 bracket...actually no the 50 bracket is not where its at...


and the op is suffering from the ID10T error someone help him work that out since obviously a lvl 14 cant correct that error


No.. and i said i didn't mean any disrespect but I'm just saying.. ur opponents are day / night and that's all cuz of the specs that become complete etc, i found stuff alot easier in the 1-50 bracket, but even at 50.. after u get ur first few bits and knowing ur new opponents, it all goes well.. I hear all the qq about dps sins in pvp.. yet there's no other class / spec i'd rather play atm.

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So what you're saying is Assassin isn't meant to tank?


Kinda strange that they made a tank tree, tank skills and tank equipment. Very strange.


Look at the tank tree. Does it look like an adequate tank tree to you? I don't mean to sound like a jerk but if your gonna play a class to 50 you should at least do some research before investing heavy into an unpolished spec.


Honestly the tank spec will come around eventually(months and months from now) and might work, but till then you should try something else. Otherwise you'll simply waste your time.

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Look at the tank tree. Does it look like an adequate tank tree to you? I don't mean to sound like a jerk but if your gonna play a class to 50 you should at least do some research before investing heavy into an unpolished spec.


Honestly the tank spec will come around eventually(months and months from now) and might work, but till then you should try something else. Otherwise you'll simply waste your time.


You should do some research before trying to make an argument. The Assassin tank works just fine. Some players don't, however.

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I find the people saying that we "can't tank" somewhat interesting.


My friend and I both play assassins, yet fill different roles in our guild. He MT's, and I DPS. We're both more than capable of fulfilling our roles without a problem. It's very rare that he loses aggro on anything other than large number AOE pulls, despite our raid DPS being what I'd consider above average, given how fast things tend to die. ALso, our healers don't have a hard time keeping him up.


He PVP's regularly along with me, me playing deception, and he will top tables due to protection medals, defender points, and in a lot of cases, damage done, due to his significantly better AOE options.


Granted, his single target damage is a lot lower than mine, but that's why Dark Charge increases threat. If the tank spec did the same/more damage than deception, then we truly would be a broken class.


TL;DR version: Whilst our tanking talents are far from perfect at the moment, competent players are more than capable of making the most of them without a problem. If you aren't one of said competent players, then stop the QQ, and just reroll, and save us having to listen to your whining.

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I find the people saying that we "can't tank" somewhat interesting.


My friend and I both play assassins, yet fill different roles in our guild. He MT's, and I DPS. We're both more than capable of fulfilling our roles without a problem. It's very rare that he loses aggro on anything other than large number AOE pulls, despite our raid DPS being what I'd consider above average, given how fast things tend to die. ALso, our healers don't have a hard time keeping him up.


He PVP's regularly along with me, me playing deception, and he will top tables due to protection medals, defender points, and in a lot of cases, damage done, due to his significantly better AOE options.


Granted, his single target damage is a lot lower than mine, but that's why Dark Charge increases threat. If the tank spec did the same/more damage than deception, then we truly would be a broken class.


TL;DR version: Whilst our tanking talents are far from perfect at the moment, competent players are more than capable of making the most of them without a problem. If you aren't one of said competent players, then stop the QQ, and just reroll, and save us having to listen to your whining.


If you took the time to read the first line of the original post, you would have known that this thread wasn't aimed at you in the first place.

Edited by Derity
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No.. and i said i didn't mean any disrespect but I'm just saying.. ur opponents are day / night and that's all cuz of the specs that become complete etc, i found stuff alot easier in the 1-50 bracket, but even at 50.. after u get ur first few bits and knowing ur new opponents, it all goes well.. I hear all the qq about dps sins in pvp.. yet there's no other class / spec i'd rather play atm.


I always find it funny when people say things like "Theres no other class I'd rather play" when they haven't ever even played the other ones before.

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I recently learnt a schematic for a lvl50 primeval critical battlemind helm which has +72 crit rating, since using it and getting the new sabre my damage on maul has gone up alot. Thinking of trying to find some more high crit gear.
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<- 50 Assasin with full tank gear and spec. 21k HP, 650 Expertise. I never die. I don't always have a personal healer, but I still feel OP when i don't. Haven't lost a 1v1 fight yet either. Might be because of lack of potential from the opposing faction, but it just doesn't seem like thats the only factor.


Tankassin works, and I would love to show you how. This wooden comp cant handle streaming though, so I guess you'd have to find out by yourself. Like i did.


This isn't trolling. This is facts. Stop being bad and stop whining about it. Your class isn't broken. Don't blame your lack of skill on the game, come on.

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I thought things would get better when I got geared up, My Assassin is now almost full Champion PVP geared, roughly 500 expertise and full tank specced.


My damage sucks. I find it EXTREMELY hard to get the 2.5k damage in one hit medal in Warzones.

So let me guess, you are using the Survivor set instead of the Stalker? Survivor gear might be good for using as starter tank gear in op's and fp's but definitely not if you are expecting to see decent dmg numbers in WZs.


I am currently in almost full BM survivor gear, but with all the stalker mods put in, so now I have 5% extra pvp dmg on no extra effort. But even before that I was easily getting that 2.5k medal, in every single match I played.

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The Powertech tank tree is so much better than the assassin's, and their tank stance doesn't have any penalties attached.




The words "assassin" and "tank" doesn't really fit together though don't you think?


Hi I come from the shadows with my dagger and sneak upon my foes and.. START TANKING THEM!!


Seems like some wasted effort.. :p

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The words "assassin" and "tank" doesn't really fit together though don't you think?


Hi I come from the shadows with my dagger and sneak upon my foes and.. START TANKING THEM!!


Seems like some wasted effort.. :p


I'm pretty sure if the military could turn a tank invisible and get it wherever they needed it to be, it would be their new favourite thing in all of history.

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If you took the time to read the first line of the original post, you would have known that this thread wasn't aimed at you in the first place.


So let me get this straight. You make a post suggesting that people don't play a class, stating the reasons behind such a statement as nothing more than conjecture and a stream of unjustified whining. I'm sure you can back up what you said with actual figures from damage meters/reports though..... oh wait.....


Just about everybody gives perfectly valid and justifiable reasons as to why what you're saying is an absolute load of horse manure. These same people post their views in the hope that people won't be discouraged by your illegitimate whinging.


However, apparently we aren't allowed to post our views in your almighty thread, because the thread wasn't aimed at us.



Edited by TehFuZz
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I always find it funny when people say things like "Theres no other class I'd rather play" when they haven't ever even played the other ones before.


I find it funny that u assume that much without knowing for sure.. The assassin wasn't my first swtor-toon..

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I would agree if the Assassin is a profession which is hard to master. But if you know your skills and everything Assassin is a bu*t-****** profession.


It appears that the full potential comes in end-game, when you have some decent PVP gear. You can say it takes a bit longer to get on the same level as other professions but you can pass them if you know your strengths and their weaknesses ;)

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The words "assassin" and "tank" doesn't really fit together though don't you think?


Hi I come from the shadows with my dagger and sneak upon my foes and.. START TANKING THEM!!


Seems like some wasted effort.. :p



i can say same for healers that use guns to recover ppls hp

someone shoots u in the face... now ur in perfect health condition :D

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I swear I don't understand why there is so much QQ in this section. :confused:


Dec sins have fantastic burst and can apply a ton of pressure to casters with their raw damage, 10s interrupts and low slash.


Darkness has plenty of survivability, still brings very solid damage and tons of utility.


Madness can easily top damage meters with AE and DoT damage and has long range CC.


All 3 trees are perfectly viable in the right hands. It's not like these specs are even that complicated. What's the problem?

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