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Horrible targeting system explained.


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Today first time i have played Warzone with one of the top CPUs out there so i have eliminated the low fps factor which pleases me very much. That however allowed me to check whats exactly so uncomfortable with swtor targeting system excluding of course broken tab-targeting mentioned here:



While tab-targeting is totally useless in current form (explanation in the thread mentioned above) we are forced to click for our targets, and here comes another failure of developer(s) responsible for this...

Its the exact same broken targeting system i have noticed in warhammer online before i quitted it. It have 2 major flaws:


1. It select target at mouse button 'release', insetad of mouse button 'press' action. That creates problems when targets are fighting with each other or just moving. Becouse you need to click on target and release button also on target - you must catch the target the way that it stays on those very pixels while you press and release the button... Plenty fo times you have really little frames range within a second to do that correctly, and it ends up with spamming the button in hope it will finally select the freaking target in time.


2. Targets dont have their selectable area extended to be easily clickable, so when you try to target skinny target in the distance you must click exactly at their body, or it will not select it.


Some developers never learn from others example... They will insist of reinveting the wheel or they are just incapable of comprehending basic things - or the third option: they never played similiar games they are now working on and force players that buys that game to go trough all the horrible, uncomfortable feature for the time the developer is learning how to create features properly


Bioware, why? Why do we need to endure particular devs' incompetence? Are we test subjects and teachers for some developers you are hiring and we pay them for their learning? I thought we are paying so you can hire the best and most competent developers that knows how to do things the best possible way, insetad of cutting corners and learning on players expense.

Edited by MuNieK
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Aside from OP's qq, i really have to agree with the reinventing the wheel comment. Its absurd that TOR wasn't released as a functioning MMO on par with the current market.


Sorry? You misjudge unconstructible complaining with constructible critic backed up by analysis of the problem, pinpointing the very reason of why its not working properly.

Just becouse im not using some fluent political language and replace it with simple, crude but true naming like "horrible" or "incompetent" doesnt change the fact it should serve its purpose.

If i would say "developer who is not yet a flawless diamond in his proffesion" insetad of "incompetent" and "bit imperfect feature" instead of "horrible feature", would it make it look more constructive to you? :D Dont be silly.

Edited by MuNieK
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Yeah it's a problem. Can they fix it? Shouldn't kinda like weight itself upon tab? Something like closest then next near based on sight? I don't know, but that's one thing I want from WoW. The targeting system.


Blizzard got it right with targetting indeed.


1. characters are selected on button press - it coudlnt be easier to target by mouse this way

2. characters have extended areas on which they can be "clicked" and selected (not just their models are interactive, but an area around them aswell

3. they have close to perfect tab-targetting, seelcting targets under a cone area in the center of the screen.


This way while playing their game people are not struggling with stupid interface/targetting flaws and are allowed to simply play the game and struggle with enemies, not the game interface and targeting mechanics.

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Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, rediculous. That targeting system is in dire need of improvement, even Rift got that right among other things not suited for this topic) and they are new to this stuff, Bioware.


Kind of sad you spent SOOO much money on a game that feels like college kids half assed the entire thing.


The voices sound cool though... Think you focused on the wrong things, heh.

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Yes, the targeting system is stupid. Very annoying in pvp. I press tab to target the guy in front of me and it targets everything else.



And changing to nearest enemy doesn't work on any level.


Thousands of times I've tabtargetted, started executing skill and got a message about facing the target. And to make things worse, this happens also when the playermodel is in front of me, to me it tells the server isn't able to keep up with what's happening in the instance. What makes it more disturbing, it isn't my ping that is culprit here. I'm having constant 60-80ms latency.

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Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, rediculous.


Haha, this is the perfect picture of current targeting in SWTOR. Maybe little addition:


"Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, or pressing TAB to roll the dice with hope of winning the selectin of desired target."


Allow the ability to target NAMEPLATES as well!!


Easy bro... The person working on targeting is yet at the phase of learning how to do mouse and TAB targeting correctly and you already ask for nameplates...

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What comes to my mind when targeting is whack-a-mole. Not only during pvp, but also during pve. I play a tank, and it's often not really fun.


Targeting needs to be improved indeed, I wholeheartly agree there.

I just posted 4 questions about this for the Q&A. Basically what I'm asking is:


1) improve mouse targeting by making nameplates clickable (and non-overlapping) and the characters more accessable to it.


2) tab-targeting to priotize enemies in front of my character instead of infront of "me" (player camera position)


3) the good old target-of-target frame (display what your current target is targetting)


4) targeting on mouse click not mouse release


- M

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+1 Targeting must be improved.


I find myself standing a few feet above the hutball center trying to taget my teammates below to heal, but after trying to target a player 10 times, when i finally have him as a target he is dead before my heals can land.. really frustrating.

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"Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, or pressing TAB to roll the dice with hope of winning the selectin of desired target."


That's not a bug, it's a feeeeaaaaature. I have been enlightened - I now realize that targetting is in itself a mini game!

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  • 4 weeks later...
While you're at it, have the nameplate of your target highlight or something because trying to find some red targeting ring the size of the characters feet in a crowd is nearly impossible.


Yep thats also could use some gamer-developer love.

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So setting the tab button to target nearest enemy is not working? It always works for me.


If I need to target something other than what's closest, it does not work, and, depending on my current strategy, what I want to attack isn't closest to me, but just past that one and targeting the closest means I won't target that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today my 2nd subscription expires, and i dont really think the waiting time for the fixes is worth the money... So i will just wait outside of your paying customers group Bioware. Fix the targeting and you may see me (and other players who knows and praise quality) again. Crude, broken targeting system is unaceptable for PvP gameplay, hence your game have really no value for me at current state after dinging 50.


Keep me posted.



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Relax, theres nothing wrong with the targeting system. Bioware's philosophy is just different than what your used too.


Like BM bags, you have a 25 percent chance to target the nearest enemy, and a 75 percent chance not too. Oh and to add on top of that the right mouse button also allows your to deselect and click on people so when your strafing across the map and two enemies are close together many times you will end up attacking both.

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