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Blame Corso (Joke Thread)


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Corso Riggs accidentally swallowed a primed Thermal Detonator while he was sleeping.

3 seconds later...

Corso Riggs discovered that there really is something hotter than a Newcastle Vindaloo curry.

Less than a second later...

Corso Riggs failed to cover the walls of his room evenly, but the speckled effect he produced instead was almost as satisfying.

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So there we were, Nar Shaddaa plaza, just aimlessly wandering around, taking in the sites. Next thing you know the taxi-bot is falling to it's death off the platform. I turn to Corso who just shrugs and says, 'Whoops?'




That one cost me a good 12000 credits. Coulda bought my own taxi for that much.

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Corso aggroed the Death Star.


Corso, honey, when I called you from the Dune Sea and asked you if you wanted to hook up, I meant a date, not fly past on a speeder and hit me with your beloved harpoon shot.


Corso trod on a Jawa and then walked it all over the bunk room floor.


Despite all the time he spends on the bridge, Corso *still* managed to shove the throttle up to "Ludicrous Speed". XS Freighters aren't built for going to plaid...


Corso never cleans the shower after he's used it and leaves more hair in the plughole than the Wookiee does...

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Heh, hell, my character's actually dating him, and I *still* envisage her occasionally putting her head in her hands and going "... Why me?" And given that my smuggler's personality's closer to the *Doctor* (Doctor Who, not Star Trek) than Han Solo, that she still manages to find First Mate Riggs' naive view of the universe rather exasperating sometimes says a lot!


See, that's why I actually think he's a great companion. Like Talos Drellik, Corso may be many things, but he's certainly got entertainment value.

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Corso Riggs and the female smuggler's descendants will eventually include Mace Windu, thus making Corso partially responsible for the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of the Galactic Empire.


Corso Riggs wrote our ship's holofrequency on the wall in a hydrosanitation chamber with "Call and ask for Bowdaar for a good time" written next to it.


Corso Riggs once dropped a canister of panda DNA out of an airlock. It eventually landed on a planet called Azeroth.


Corso Riggs completely and entirely fails to be Rory Williams.


Corso Riggs once doodled a ball on the back of a beer mat in a bar in Imperial Space. An Imperial science officer looked at it later. The idea gradually grew over time, and took on new features, and one day, the Death Star was born.

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Laughing now. Particularly at the Corso/Risha/Skavak/Bowdaar exchange and the "for a good time" one. Nicely done!


EDIT: Oh, and all the "mission failed" ones. Yep, know what that's like...


Corso Riggs, in the Kitchen, with the Candlestick.

Edited by Bytemite
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Corso Riggs once dropped a canister of panda DNA out of an airlock. It eventually landed on a planet called Azeroth.

You made my day. Really. Really-really. LoLed. :D


I thought I'd kill him, when after bottle of Corellian semidry Special and some...hmm..lets call that "censored cut-scene" in my capitan's private room he called me "oohh my dear Flashy".

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Every other time I send him on an Underworld Trading mission he comes back a failure and says "Results, as promised." ***?


Man, how many times has this happened. I'm afraid to even use him at all for anything anymore. I just leave him on ship with a dustpan and broom and make him clean up Bowdaar's shed hair.

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