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Republic side is much better


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Having started and played 4 character on the empire side, and enjoying it, i decided to try republic side and boy was i surprised. I had read all the complaints about republic and thought it was going to be a let down.


Although the gear on republic side does indeed need some improvements, the whole republic side just feels more hashed out, from environmental sounds to quests, and boy i feel sorry for empire side missing the stunning corscant, it is a fantastic planet and should be open to empire, its a huge amazing planet that should be enjoyed by all.


Republic side seems to take off where kotor left off, it has that entire feeling and quite a few quests take to the aftermath of revan's exploits both directly and indirectly. The quests and i'm not only talking class quests here, just feel better, it feels like i'm playing a whole different game. Empire side feels just like another game with a star wars feel, republic side feels like kotor 1,2,3 etc etc.


Am really enjoying it and hope that Bioware put more effort into empire side on the next expansions, especially allowing them to visit corscant in some way. Improving the republic side gear looks also need to be focussed on obviously, but its not as bad as some point out.

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lol, thanks for the ratings, but i'm seriously having a blast on republic side and mean everything i wrote. If it does happen to drive more people to try republic side, than thats a bonus although on my server both republic and empire seem to be equal, ie same amount of people on fleets and zones.
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I actually felt that the Republic quests are easier than Empire, getting my companion for my Sith Consulor (sp?) was not easy and I needed a group to get Khem Val, basically the companions for the Empire seem to be more quest related or achieved than with the Republic. Maybe its just me, it just seems that on the Republic side things are just given to you and on the Empire side you have to fight for everything or finsih a quest line to get it. I guess that kind of goes with the theme of the game, Sith are very competitive and have to struggle/fight for every advancement or item they get. I haven't gotten to far into the game yet, so maybe I'm completely wrong in this. I've only gotten up to lvl 26 but it just seems easier on the Republic side. Edited by Chahur
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As soon as their is a shared bank account I will make a Republic character and level to 50.


I was going to do the same, but decided, what the hell, let me try a class i havent tried and do it on the republic side, like i said, i'm now hooked onto republic side for the reasons i stated on the opening post.

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As soon as their is a shared bank account I will make a Republic character and level to 50.


A) If you're talking about credits / gear, it's called the Nar Shadda shared AH.


B) Credits are pretty meaningless in this game since they're so easy to get. Even with the nerf, grab Slicing + whatever else and you'll never have to worry about cash unless you buy a ton of overpriced items off the AH. Even more so if you pvp or throw in an occasional space mission.


The ease of starting fresh is actually one of the driving factors for certain servers losing so many players, imho.

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Empire players DO get to see Corscant. Its called Nar Shadaa...


I have do disagree here, i can see the similarity, but the differences are huge imo, one is a sleeze murky day-night hazy planet for lolifes , the other, is just....awe inspiring, especially coming up on the senate building.... then looking out the sides etc etc etc.

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i rerolled on republic side also but that was just because i wanted to play the smuggler storyline and see how it compares to IA line. I like both stories so far. my only real issue was how quick my scoundrel is getting his companions compared to my sniper.



...either more players are rerolling on republic side or they got a bunch of new players cause this weekend the wz was packed full of fresh recruits lvl 10-14.(bergenon server)

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Not to mention the more mature and fun loving players seem to play republic.


Empire just seems to be full of really bad and whiney characters, well thats what I get from my server Hex Droid


That's only because they all switched from Empire after everyone started re-rolling from Republic to get away from "Barrens Chat." Which is something I'm strongly considering doing myself.

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Interesting... the Republic spends the first month flooding the forums with whine threads about how awful every part of their experience is- from the people to planets to quests to design- over half the threads on the first page were always complaints.


Yet imperials are the whiny immature ones?




I hadn't really noticed a difference between the two on my server, but I guess it's because most of the people on my server are playing both sides. In fact, other than on the forums- I've never seen such a cooperative community- outside of LotRO that is.



edit- In game anyway, these forums are terrible for whining in general- perhaps the only worse forums I've seen are WoW's.

Edited by fungihoujo
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I. Hate. Coruscant. I think Dromund Kaas is exponentially better and more interesting. It's dark and dreary, but something about Coruscant really just rubs me the wrong way.


However, I prefer the Republic on the whole. I've enjoyed the experience and the community (at least on my server), which was more fun than being on the Empire side of things.

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