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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Im sorry, but the fact that everyone is saying they are waiting for GW2 is getting ridiculous, i mean come on, every year its a new MMO that everyone is drooling over and waiting for to come out that they swear will blow everything out of the water, but in the end they always end up with bad launches, far from what the hype said it would be, and are soon forgotten. I know SWTOR had a rough launch and is far from perfect, but at least it has the whole Star Wars theme backing it up, and thats enough to keep me playing, instead of another generic flavor of the year medieval fantasy MMO like GW2, or Rift, or Aion, or Warhammer, or Conan, or FF14, i mean come on.


Well GW2 may also fail, but my grandma and a monkey could code a better pvp game than SWTOR so it doesn't take much.


Keep in mind GW2 is also very focused on PvP as they were in GW.

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I'm waiting for ArcheAge honestly, looks amazing. Especially for someone that comes from SWG and wants a seamless sandbox pvp experience with a player driven endgame and economy.


Can you link some info on this game? I am old SWG vet too and that was hands down best game I ever played. I am sick of these instant gratification, dead world, on rails, themepark games.

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Hoping they do what I suggested in my signature.


I. Side balance & Companion characters (Post #1)

II. Contested Zone Rules (Post #2)

A. Problems

B. Solutions

a. Automatic Public Grouping

b. Automatic Side Balancing with Companions

C. Sub-Topic Summary (TL/DR)

III. Scaling Dynamic Localized Content (Post #3)

A. Group size matters

B. Rewards

IV. Fleet Wars (Post #4)

A. Multiplayer Opportunity Missed

B. Space Operations

C. PvP Fleet Battles for sector control

V. Objective Based World PvP (Post #5)

A. Case for study - Notum Wars {Anarchy-Online, Funcom, Inc. ©}

VI. Resource Based World PVP for SWTOR (Post #6)

VII. Guild Leader Communication (Post #7)

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Hoping they do what I suggested in my signature.


I. Side balance & Companion characters (Post #1)

II. Contested Zone Rules (Post #2)

A. Problems

B. Solutions

a. Automatic Public Grouping

b. Automatic Side Balancing with Companions

C. Sub-Topic Summary (TL/DR)

III. Scaling Dynamic Localized Content (Post #3)

A. Group size matters

B. Rewards

IV. Fleet Wars (Post #4)

A. Multiplayer Opportunity Missed

B. Space Operations

C. PvP Fleet Battles for sector control

V. Objective Based World PvP (Post #5)

A. Case for study - Notum Wars {Anarchy-Online, Funcom, Inc. ©}

VI. Resource Based World PVP for SWTOR (Post #6)

VII. Guild Leader Communication (Post #7)


You expect this, from these devs. i am sorry they carnt fix warzone counts.

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Tbh.. I don't know. "Groundbreaking PvP" "Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!".


That's why i bought it. Where the hell is the Groundbreaking PvP? Can't see it atm and can't see it in the Patch leaks and Previews.

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Tbh.. I don't know. "Groundbreaking PvP" "Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!".


That's why i bought it. Where the hell is the Groundbreaking PvP? Can't see it atm and can't see it in the Patch leaks and Previews.


That why my guild is pissed, 75% left the game, no one like being lied too, and pay to beta test

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That why my guild is pissed, 75% left the game, no one like being lied too, and pay to beta test


Yeah, and the sad thing is it isn't even remotely true. The PvP feels completely like Rift or WoW. BW didn't make anything innovative and "ground breaking". Also Ilum is just bad. Even with balanced Faction.

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I really, REALLY hope they "fix" Illum in 1.2 or very, very soon after. I actually enjoy PvP in TOR. The combat is fun and visceral and things are relatively balanced (people crying about huge imbalances in TOR are LUCKY they haven't experienced the PvP in most other MMOs). As a matter of fact, I enjoy it more than anything else TOR has. Class quests are fun but spread so thin after 30. Normal quests are literally the most boring content I've ever done in an MMO before. I try to fill the gaps between story quests with PvPing, space missions, flashpoints, etc.


So, by the time I hit 50, I'm really hoping there is meaningful and dynamic PvP. I don't consider grinding WZs over and over again for PvP armor meaningful or dynamic. I like TOR but I can't justify paying for that. The Star Wars IP deserves more than simple 10 minute arcade mode PvP.

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Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead



1.7million, and they are going to the Chinnese market and Austrilian market

Edited by Nomiematiko
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I really, REALLY hope they "fix" Illum in 1.2 or very, very soon after. I actually enjoy PvP in TOR. The combat is fun and visceral and things are relatively balanced (people crying about huge imbalances in TOR are LUCKY they haven't experienced the PvP in most other MMOs). As a matter of fact, I enjoy it more than anything else TOR has. Class quests are fun but spread so thin after 30. Normal quests are literally the most boring content I've ever done in an MMO before. I try to fill the gaps between story quests with PvPing, space missions, flashpoints, etc.


So, by the time I hit 50, I'm really hoping there is meaningful and dynamic PvP. I don't consider grinding WZs over and over again for PvP armor meaningful or dynamic. I like TOR but I can't justify paying for that. The Star Wars IP deserves more than simple 10 minute arcade mode PvP.


Good post, the same for me. Except that i have full geared Sage :).

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Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead


I HATE HATE HATE PVP, Guild Wars, WoW, SWG, WarHammer....HATED THE PVP TO NO END. so i lived the PvE life..


So i got bored with PvE today, and tried the PvP, just to see what it was all about...


BEST PVP I HAVE EVER PLAYED IN MY GAME TIME over the last 7 years or so....


I LOVE THE PVP in this game...BEST AND MOST BALANCED PVP ive ever played..Where i have just as much chance at killing one person as i do another..


not this im this class, so these are my papper classes, and these are what can kill me.. so how to avoid them, kill what i can, and complete objectives.


BUT!!!! if everyone keeps screaming NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF...then thats gona chance...its gona get stupid and unbalanced and unfair...and frustrating, and ticking me off..and i will walk again from it and go back to PvE.


SO i hope BW dosent make it WoW G-g-g-g-ay!


but thats just my opinion sure im gona catch fire for this.

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Nope you are just easier to entertain, enjoy!


Ha Ha HA Ha Ha I like your style Sir.


PvP comes down to a few things the modern MMO gamer does not understand but something the OG EQ1/DAOC player get's very well. And just to state the perfect PVP system prolly is somewhere between these 2 games but most designers seem to ignorant to understand.


PVP is not defined by class mechanics or game mechanics, it is something defined solely by skill, practice, and reaction time. It is the ability to overcome insurmountable odds by keeping a level and cool head in the face of great adversity.


Like that time two guys jumped you at 65% percent life with two mobs on you and you wiped the floor with them, that's pvp skill!


When a game introduces a TON of instant cast abilities, it has already defeated skill in pvp. And worse yet when it adds INSTA CAST STUNS, pvp skill is pretty much negated as anyone becomes meat for focus fire by small inexperianced groups.


Skill timers and countering are the corner stone of pvp and any game that is loaded with a ton of instant CC effects IS LIEING TO YOU WHEN THEY SAY THEY CARE ABOUT PVP!


ANY GAME THAT ALLOWS FOR PVP WITH ZERO PENALTY AND ALL REWARD IS LIEING TO YOU WHEN THEY SAY THEY CARE ABOUT PVP! This allows PVE players to join any PVP event with no risk scenario's and botch up the percise dance that is PVP, just so they can have fun. That's like me joining an endgame raid and forcing everyone to wipe over and over agian and the raid leader not being able to kick me lMFAO!

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While, I believe there are quite a few issues with this game you guys have to give bio-ware a little leniency. The game just came out not 2 months ago, there's going to be a lot of issues especially being their first mmo, regardless of how long they took to make it. I think they will try their best considering the amount of time and money they put into making this game.



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1.7million, and they are going to the Chinnese market and Austrilian market


1.7 million as of the end of Dec, just look at the server list and see all the "lights" and "standards" and you can see as sure as **** there is no longer 1.7 million subscribers.


there were probably a lot of people who got duped into the 3 month sub thing, it will be interesting in seeing what their sub figures are like as of April. I'm guessing closer to 600k.

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Keeping my fingers crossed for that they will implement arena.


The day they implement arena AND makes arena gear the best pvp gear in the game is the day I cancel.


If I wanted to play arenas I would have stuck with WoW.


For every hardcore OMGIMSOLEET 1V1 PEEVEEPEE LOOKATME OMGOMG, I'd like to hazard that there's at least someone else like me who prefers objective-based, tactical PvP.

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