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This game feels like a Beta - and here's why:


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- The /who command is broken.



Broken = doesn't work how I want it to.



- The button under Escape cannot be unbound and - even worse - is bound to Customer Support! It causing that annoying window to pop up; often at the most inconveniant time. A lot of other keys cannot be bound either. Ctrl+D is another of my favorite keybinds that doesn't work (it can be bound but won't respond when you press it).



Nitpick, but legit.



- You can use "Ctrl+ right-click" to preview armor , but not weapons. I'm forced to spend X commendations or credits on a weapon I might not like. The fact that the item can not be refunded within a certain time period makes it even worse.



Really? Again, nitpick.



- The chat-bug puts you in /General by default, making you say the most out-of-context nonsense ever. Having to re-type it to whoever you ment to say it to is also annoying.



Why doesn't this happen to me?



- You can't see if a cooldown is finished or not. The difference between a finished cooldown, and an _almost_ finished cooldown, is displayed by nothing more than a tiny tiny line at the bottom of the icon - which is virtually invisible.



Nitpick, and works fine for some, sucks for others, basically appears to be a function of some like it and some hate it.



- The Galactic Trade Network. It's frustrating to have to sit and choose 3-4 things from the drop-down menu every time you look for something. Why not let me search on a name, straight away? On top of that you can't jump between the boxes using Tab so you have to click it manually. (I also dislike the "reccomended" sales price which only interferes with the free market economy. The ONLY thing it should do is put the recommended price at the price you'd get for selling it to an NPC vendor to make sure you don't make a loss.)



GTN blows chunks and every defense so far is mindless fanboying. First decent point, but with no suggestions on how to fix it.



- Certain missions can't be abandoned. No, not class the missions, regular ones. With each character, I have a handful of gray that I can't abandone becouse the button is

grayed out.



Patched. Twice. Wait, still broken. Second valid point.



ARRRRRRRRGH! It makes me want to rip my hair out! Why isn't it just like in KotoR?!?! Simply; Hangar -> Planet -> Done! (And use same hangar for all classes for god's sake, so we don't have to find 1 out of 4 doords on the map every single time)



Running is good for your cardiovascular system and promotes immersion! *snickers*. Basically, they just copy pasted something up instead of making a nice actual landing area.



- The FPS at the Space Station is extreamly low. Umm, bioWare, if you already use "shards" in the game to handle such things - why not shard harder/more at the space station? Most people just use it to find people for instances anyway. As soon as they're grouped, they'll run inside the instance and meet up inside it anyway.



... and back to things I never encounter.


- The "Smart Camera" turns the view around automatically and makes PvP so damn frustrating. Doesn't BioWare have anyone on their devs team who PvPs? The option to turn off that camera should have been there since day 1.



Have you looked at the PvP lately? Do you think they have anyone who plays PvP?



- The Developers are too lazy to create unique icons for class-abilities. Abilities are associated with an affect - and that's the whole point of using icons in the first place. So if "Call on the force" for my Jedi Knight has the exact same icon as the "Combat Technique" stance for my Jedi Consular - It creates unecessary confusion. My Trooper's "Blitz" uses the same icon as my Smuggler's "Blaster Whip". My smuggler's "Tranquilizer (Sap)" has the same icon as my Trooper's "Taunt". And the list goes on... with lots of abilities. - Why don't the developers just AT LEAST change the color? It should takes no more than a few _minutes_ in photoshop.



Complete, utter nitpick.



- The absurdly long loading screens. Everywhere I go and everything I do, I have to sit through a 2-3 minute loading screen. It makes the Wold/Univerise (or whatever you want to call it) feel extreamly fragmented. If wow has an open seemless world then this game is the exact opposite. Why is it that I wait 20-30 seconds in WoW - to run around in a vast, open, seem-less world of an entire continent - yet I have to sit through several minutes

of loading screens to visist 1 single planet in this game?



This is very simply your computer. First first rig barely met spec and took me a minute , my new rig takes 20 seconds. Comparing to a game with an entirely different build and load design is meaningless.



The galaxymap. I hate it. Both how fugly it is and how idiotic it is. Rather than simply putting the _planets_ on the map - in different colors and shapes that can be immideatly recognized and remembered - they chose to put exactly identical.. "whatever the hell they are" - four little triangles forming a a crosshair or something. It forces the user to hover the mouse cursor over each one of them EVERY SINGLE TIME he want to travel somewhere until you find the damn planet you want to go to. The stupidity of this is just baffeling.


Even the idea of dividing it into different regions/sectors is questionable. You could easily fit those 16 planets into 1 screen. It's just pointless and unpractical to have to zoom and out all the time. The two top sectors only have 1 planet each. Pointless...



So...personal taste. Nitpick.



- I hate it that the FPS issues in warzones compleatly suck the fun out of PvP. It's such a vital part of the game that goes missing : (


Only on Ilum do I ever experience this.



- I hate it that there are still so many annoying bugs. I run up to nodes that can't be harvested. Certain keys cannot be bound. If I drag a Relic to the action bar, then poof it's gone the next time I log on, or the UI is reloaded (even if I lock the action bar). Sometimes when I do a WZ for the daily quest, the victory doesn't count. Using "Backblast" on my Scoundrel triggers the cooldown on "Blaster Whip" (visually). If I quit the game my desktop is messsed up, icons missing and the background gone. And so on...



I haven't hit a non-harvestable node in ... a long time. Or had my relics unbind. WZ thing has been patched. Oh, wait, still broken.


There are too many bugs and many are not being addressed in what people feel is a timely manner. Fair point.



- I hate it that the frame rate is so bad. I hate it more than anything else. It's gamebreaking. I'm not going to ask why this wasn't fixed in the beta. Hell, I wanna know why it wasn't fixed already in ALPHA. Who in their right mind would find this acceptable and build an entire game on it for years, only to release it and THEN worry about fixing it?! The FPS-issues are in every single part of the game.



Your computer.




Here's my problem with your post. You complain about a handful of legit issues that haven't been addressed or have and not been fixed, mixed with a bunch of "idontlikeit" ...and then what?


Again, what do you expect to happen? Some will agree, someone will disagree, someone will compare to WoW, blah blah blah....


Game is not where it needs to be but honesty at this point threads like this aren't fixing anything. The only way issues get addressed is when people focus on


1) one major issue

2) post, email, bug report, feedback, twitter, and go to other sites

3) remain calm, and give specific issues, proposed fixes, or hard data for the QA people to analyze.


Every other thread is just fanboy/troll bait. The fanboys can't argue and the trolls can't think up anything original and neither admits the make-or-break point is post March.

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I'm going to go ahead and point out the terrible atrocities that were WoW's, AoC's, and DCUO's launches.


For WoW, the servers crashed constantly, there was lag out the ***, there were tons of exploits, and the bug list grew for the first several months. Not to mention that the content had been picked completely clean for MONTHS before a third raid was added, and the replay value wasn't as high as TOR's.


TOR has a very smooth, bugless, and polished launch. Rift surpasses it, but TOR beats out a lot of competition, if not all of it. Call it an opinion, but it's a VERY good MMO launch by all accounts.


You know, comments like "Back when WoW was bla bla bla" is about as useful as when your parents gives you the "When i was young..." speech.


Face it, times has changed since the launch of WoW. We're more prone to quality these days than we were back then, cause we have gotten used to deal with games that works to a certain extend. Which is a lot better than this beta version of TOR.


So pack up that old and worn out WoW-argument and stop lying to yourself.

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It feels like a beta because it is a beta. Prove me wrong, go ahead, i'm sure you'll have an easy time doing so considering how this game doesn't have any bugs right?


WoW is seven years old and has bugs.


WoW had LITERALLY thousands upon thousands of bugs (they were counted) during it's launch. I'd guess 10 times as much as TOR.

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There are lots of things I absolutley HATE that really make this game feel like a Beta.


More specifically, here's what:



- The /who command is broken. It's extreamly frustrating that you can't "/who" to find, for example:

A) Someone with a certain name [/who Bonti]

B) Someone who is on a different planet than the one you're currently on [e.g. /who Taris]

C) Someone within a certain level range [e.g. /who 15-22]

D) Someone belonging to a certain class [e.g. /who Scoundrel]

E) Someone belonging to both a certain class and level range [e.g. /who Scoundrel 25-30]

F) the people in a certain guild [e.g. /who guildname] E) Etc..



- The button under Escape cannot be unbound and - even worse - is bound to Customer Support! It causing that annoying window to pop up; often at the most inconveniant time. A lot of other keys cannot be bound either. Ctrl+D is another of my favorite keybinds that doesn't work (it can be bound but won't respond when you press it).



- You can use "Ctrl+ right-click" to preview armor , but not weapons. I'm forced to spend X commendations or credits on a weapon I might not like. The fact that the item can not be refunded within a certain time period makes it even worse.



- The chat-bug puts you in /General by default, making you say the most out-of-context nonsense ever. Having to re-type it to whoever you ment to say it to is also annoying.



- You can't see if a cooldown is finished or not. The difference between a finished cooldown, and an _almost_ finished cooldown, is displayed by nothing more than a tiny tiny line at the bottom of the icon - which is virtually invisible.



- The Galactic Trade Network. It's frustrating to have to sit and choose 3-4 things from the drop-down menu every time you look for something. Why not let me search on a name, straight away? On top of that you can't jump between the boxes using Tab so you have to click it manually. (I also dislike the "reccomended" sales price which only interferes with the free market economy. The ONLY thing it should do is put the recommended price at the price you'd get for selling it to an NPC vendor to make sure you don't make a loss.)



- Certain missions can't be abandoned. No, not class the missions, regular ones. With each character, I have a handful of gray that I can't abandone becouse the button is grayed out.



- Zoning takes ages. I have to run

1) Through a big space station to the hangar 2) Through the hangar itself to my ship 3) To the galaxy map inside the ship 4) Back down to the ship's exit 5) From the ship through yet another hangar 6) Through a pointless coridor, sometimes 7) Through a pointless orbital station, sometimes 8) Through a space station on the planet only to at last 9)... get out on the surface on the planet.


ARRRRRRRRGH! It makes me want to rip my hair out! Why isn't it just like in KotoR?!?! Simply; Hangar -> Planet -> Done! (And use same hangar for all classes for god's sake, so we don't have to find 1 out of 4 doords on the map every single time)



- The FPS at the Space Station is extreamly low. Umm, bioWare, if you already use "shards" in the game to handle such things - why not shard harder/more at the space station? Most people just use it to find people for instances anyway. As soon as they're grouped, they'll run inside the instance and meet up inside it anyway.



- The "Smart Camera" turns the view around automatically and makes PvP so damn frustrating. Doesn't BioWare have anyone on their devs team who PvPs? The option to turn off that camera should have been there since day 1.



- The Developers are too lazy to create unique icons for class-abilities. Abilities are associated with an affect - and that's the whole point of using icons in the first place. So if "Call on the force" for my Jedi Knight has the exact same icon as the "Combat Technique" stance for my Jedi Consular - It creates unecessary confusion. My Trooper's "Blitz" uses the same icon as my Smuggler's "Blaster Whip". My smuggler's "Tranquilizer (Sap)" has the same icon as my Trooper's "Taunt". And the list goes on... with lots of abilities. - Why don't the developers just AT LEAST change the color? It should takes no more than a few _minutes_ in photoshop.



- The absurdly long loading screens. Everywhere I go and everything I do, I have to sit through a 2-3 minute loading screen. It makes the Wold/Univerise (or whatever you want to call it) feel extreamly fragmented. If wow has an open seemless world then this game is the exact opposite. Why is it that I wait 20-30 seconds in WoW - to run around in a vast, open, seem-less world of an entire continent - yet I have to sit through several minutes

of loading screens to visist 1 single planet in this game?



The galaxymap. I hate it. Both how fugly it is and how idiotic it is. Rather than simply putting the _planets_ on the map - in different colors and shapes that can be immideatly recognized and remembered - they chose to put exactly identical.. "whatever the hell they are" - four little triangles forming a a crosshair or something. It forces the user to hover the mouse cursor over each one of them EVERY SINGLE TIME he want to travel somewhere until you find the damn planet you want to go to. The stupidity of this is just baffeling.


Even the idea of dividing it into different regions/sectors is questionable. You could easily fit those 16 planets into 1 screen. It's just pointless and unpractical to have to zoom and out all the time. The two top sectors only have 1 planet each. Pointless...



- I hate it that the FPS issues in warzones compleatly suck the fun out of PvP. It's such a vital part of the game that goes missing : (



- I hate it that there are still so many annoying bugs. I run up to nodes that can't be harvested. Certain keys cannot be bound. If I drag a Relic to the action bar, then poof it's gone the next time I log on, or the UI is reloaded (even if I lock the action bar). Sometimes when I do a WZ for the daily quest, the victory doesn't count. Using "Backblast" on my Scoundrel triggers the cooldown on "Blaster Whip" (visually). If I quit the game my desktop is messsed up, icons missing and the background gone. And so on...



- I hate it that the frame rate is so bad. I hate it more than anything else. It's gamebreaking. I'm not going to ask why this wasn't fixed in the beta. Hell, I wanna know why it wasn't fixed already in ALPHA. Who in their right mind would find this acceptable and build an entire game on it for years, only to release it and THEN worry about fixing it?! The FPS-issues are in every single part of the game.





What are your thoughts on this stuff? Do you feel the same way?



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You know, comments like "Back when WoW was bla bla bla" is about as useful as when your parents gives you the "When i was young..." speech.


Face it, times has changed since the launch of WoW. We're more prone to quality these days than we were back then, cause we have gotten used to deal with games that works to a certain extend. Which is a lot better than this beta version of TOR.


So pack up that old and worn out WoW-argument and stop lying to yourself.


I'm sorry, did you miss the rest of my post besides 'WoW'?


I said of ANY MMO, TOR and Rift have had the best launches. Rift being the best, TOR being slightly behind it.


TOR has VERY few bugs for an MMO at launch, has a LOT of content for an MMO at launch, and is more polished than most MMOs at launch. Simply put, TOR has a GREAT launch, for an MMO.


MMOs will always be buggy, will always be picked clean quickly, will always be slightly imbalanced, will always have people that dig up exploits, and will always have problems. It's a fact of life.


TOR just has fewer than most.

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Less bugs, more content, and more polish than most MMO launches, and a higher retention rate than any MMO launch in history.


Must be one hell of a beta.


Every time I come across these Beta threads, I always think about how awesome the game is, and then I always want to say


"If THIS is Beta, I cannot wait to see the launch game."


But I don't because I friends and a family that love me.

And don't need that kind of attention.


Except I did just say that.


So I guess I'll just go ahead and go eat hamburgers.

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I'm sorry, did you miss the rest of my post besides 'WoW'?


I said of ANY MMO, TOR and Rift have had the best launches. Rift being the best, TOR being slightly behind it.


TOR has VERY few bugs for an MMO at launch, has a LOT of content for an MMO at launch, and is more polished than most MMOs at launch. Simply put, TOR has a GREAT launch, for an MMO.


MMOs will always be buggy, will always be picked clean quickly, will always be slightly imbalanced, will always have people that dig up exploits, and will always have problems. It's a fact of life.


TOR just has fewer than most.


Cause you keep pulling the WoW-card out of your sleeve.


Why do you feel the need to compare TORs launch to the launches of other and past MMOs?


This is TOR, not WoW, Rift, DaoC, Lotro, UO or any other *********** MMO. It is invalid how their launches went off. If anything, they could all have burned and crashed your CPU when you tried starting them, doesn't change the fact that this is TOR.


So yes, we don't care about how bad all other and old launches were, but we care about that this feels like a beta version.

Edited by TotalKitty
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Actually very salient points, a lot of those things happen to me, some worse, for example when I exit the game it breaks explorer.exe which needs to be restarted and quite often the computer won't run well until a restart.


Unfortunately your post is huge biotroll bate so prepare to be flooded with denial.

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Cause you keep pulling the WoW-card out of your sleeve.


Why do you feel the need to compare TORs launch to the launches of other and past MMOs?


This is TOR, not WoW, Rift, DaoC, Lotro, UO or any other *********** MMO. It is invalid how their launches went off. If anything, they could all have burned and crashed your CPU whn you tried starting, doesn't change the fact that this is TOR.


So yes, we don't care about how bad all other and old launches were, but we care about that this feels like a beta version.


It does matter, because if TOR is beta than every other MMO besides Rift launched as alpha.


And then we'd be really ****ed.


Saying that comparison is irrelevant in the MMO industry is silly. I compare food to other food to see if it tastes good. We compare EVERYTHING. Because if we don't, we have nothing to judge it by. Are we just gonna shoot in the dark over whether it is truly buggy or not? Or if it's really polished, in regards to the genre.

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I'm going to go ahead and point out the terrible atrocities that were WoW's, AoC's, and DCUO's launches.


For WoW, the servers crashed constantly, there was lag out the ***, there were tons of exploits, and the bug list grew for the first several months. Not to mention that the content had been picked completely clean for MONTHS before a third raid was added, and the replay value wasn't as high as TOR's.


TOR has a very smooth, bugless, and polished launch. Rift surpasses it, but TOR beats out a lot of competition, if not all of it. Call it an opinion, but it's a VERY good MMO launch by all accounts.


I'll give you very good from a server stability standpoint, but not from polish or bugs. From that standpoint it does feel like a beta to me.


My favorite - I can't bind the T key to change targets.

Another one - Whenever I try to add a friend who is offline it tells me they don't exist.

And - several of the Chapter 1 class quests have serious progression bugs. I ran into them as an IA and a Consular and have a friend who plays a Trooper. We both eventually got past them (in the case of my Trooper friend it took him 4 or 5 retries).


I could go on, but these are pretty basic things and we are coming up on two months after release. Beta.

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It does matter, because if TOR is beta than every other MMO besides Rift launched as alpha.


And then we'd be really ****ed.


Saying that comparison is irrelevant in the MMO industry is silly. I compare food to other food to see if it tastes good. We compare EVERYTHING. Because if we don't, we have nothing to judge it by. Are we just gonna shoot in the dark over whether it is truly buggy or not? Or if it's really polished, in regards to the genre.



Or maybe some people are just better at listening to themselves and their own judgements, without having the need to compare EVERYTHING.


Ps. I'm proud of you, a post where you didn't mention WoW. Clap clap clap.

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Type /who in whatever chat

in the search terms box type Juggernaut 40-45

click the magnifying glass(or hit enter) and presto!


You can also just search for "lfg" (no quotes) and it will show you every person on the server that is currently flagged for a lfg.


Thanks. It works. :) It's at least 1 thing I can remove from the list now.


I still think it would have been easier if it was doable with a single text-string though, e.g /Who [Playername] (especially since a lot of people are coming from wow and used to that). That extra step of typing it in the box of the who-tool really shouldn't be necessary.

Edited by Viconiuz
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Or maybe some people are just better at listening to themselves and their own judgements, without having the need to compare EVERYTHING.


Ps. I'm proud of you, a post where you didn't mention WoW. Clap clap clap.


I can do without the condescending ********, thank you very much.


What I'm getting at, is that the OP used comparison. We all do, and we always will, all the time. I don't see how it should be different with MMOs. Mainly because we aren't talking about whether or not we enjoy the game, we're talking about whether it feels like a beta. And it MIGHT, but that would be bad news for every other MMO, because they had MANY more bugs and problems.


In fact, if we don't compare it to other games, we can't say it's a beta, because bugs might not be viewed as bad without comparison.


So, from a logical standpoint, comparing something is human nature, and it shouldn't change because it helps to solidify TOR as a solid game for an MMO launch.

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I can do without the condescending ********, thank you very much.


What I'm getting at, is that the OP used comparison. We all do, and we always will, all the time. I don't see how it should be different with MMOs. Mainly because we aren't talking about whether or not we enjoy the game, we're talking about whether it feels like a beta. And it MIGHT, but that would be bad news for every other MMO, because they had MANY more bugs and problems.


In fact, if we don't compare it to other games, we can't say it's a beta, because bugs might not be viewed as bad without comparison.


So, from a logical standpoint, comparing something is human nature, and it shouldn't change because it helps to solidify TOR as a solid game for an MMO launch.


I beg to differ.


I can almost excuse comparing it to Rift, seeing as Rift isn't so old yet. However, compairing it to WoW, which seems to be your primary thing to compare this launch with, is not good enough. Because WoW had it's launch 7 years ago.


If we try to follow your lead then, it would be to invent a new car, and when you need to test drive it, you compare to a 7 year old model. You wouldn't do that and you shouldn't do that.


Judge TOR for what it is. Not what it can be in comparison to other MMOs.


Maybe it's just me, but none of the problems I've had with this game has been related to any other MMOs. I tend to view upon things with "fresh eyes". I react on the feelings the product gives me - I do not need to sit down and say "Oh well, this quest was good, but there was a quest in another game a lot like it just much better handled!".


It's very simple not to compare games to eachother, cause they are yet still different and that's exactly what you should react upon. View TOR for what it is and react on it and the feelings it gives you.

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I'm sorry, did you miss the rest of my post besides 'WoW'?


I said of ANY MMO, TOR and Rift have had the best launches. Rift being the best, TOR being slightly behind it.


TOR has VERY few bugs for an MMO at launch, has a LOT of content for an MMO at launch, and is more polished than most MMOs at launch. Simply put, TOR has a GREAT launch, for an MMO.


MMOs will always be buggy, will always be picked clean quickly, will always be slightly imbalanced, will always have people that dig up exploits, and will always have problems. It's a fact of life.


TOR just has fewer than most.



Are we living in the same world?

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1. /who: Yes you can do that kind of stuff. Type /who first, then in the box at the top type the name you want, or the planet. Whatever.


2. By button under escape being un-bindable, I assume you mean the tilde key? ~` Mine is bound to my interrupt and it works fine.


3. I think a recommended price is a good idea. It is a fast-and-easy way for players to drop stuff off on the GTN without searching everything first. You also know you're not putting anything up for less than a vendor would give.


4. Galaxy map too hard: Is it really that tough to remember Corellia is in the Core section and Tatooine is in the outer rim? I'm a star-wars nerd so maybe I can't see how this is hard to remember.


5. At least for me, my fames per second on the fleet is over 90 and I play on high. If framerate is choppy on the fleet, you should probably turn down some settings.





There are lots of things I absolutley HATE that really make this game feel like a Beta.


More specifically, here's what:



- The /who command is broken.

- The button under Escape cannot be unbound and - even worse - is bound to Customer Support! It causing that annoying window to pop up; often at the most inconveniant time. A lot of other keys cannot be bound either. Ctrl+D is another of my favorite keybinds that doesn't work (it can be bound but won't respond when you press it).



- You can use "Ctrl+ right-click" to preview armor , but not weapons. I'm forced to spend X commendations or credits on a weapon I might not like. The fact that the item can not be refunded within a certain time period makes it even worse.



- The chat-bug puts you in /General by default, making you say the most out-of-context nonsense ever. Having to re-type it to whoever you ment to say it to is also annoying.



- You can't see if a cooldown is finished or not. The difference between a finished cooldown, and an _almost_ finished cooldown, is displayed by nothing more than a tiny tiny line at the bottom of the icon - which is virtually invisible.



- The Galactic Trade Network. It's frustrating to have to sit and choose 3-4 things from the drop-down menu every time you look for something. Why not let me search on a name, straight away? On top of that you can't jump between the boxes using Tab so you have to click it manually. (I also dislike the "reccomended" sales price which only interferes with the free market economy. The ONLY thing it should do is put the recommended price at the price you'd get for selling it to an NPC vendor to make sure you don't make a loss.)



- Certain missions can't be abandoned. No, not class the missions, regular ones. With each character, I have a handful of gray that I can't abandone becouse the button is grayed out.



- Zoning takes ages. I have to run

1) Through a big space station to the hangar 2) Through the hangar itself to my ship 3) To the galaxy map inside the ship 4) Back down to the ship's exit 5) From the ship through yet another hangar 6) Through a pointless coridor, sometimes 7) Through a pointless orbital station, sometimes 8) Through a space station on the planet only to at last 9)... get out on the surface on the planet.


ARRRRRRRRGH! It makes me want to rip my hair out! Why isn't it just like in KotoR?!?! Simply; Hangar -> Planet -> Done! (And use same hangar for all classes for god's sake, so we don't have to find 1 out of 4 doords on the map every single time)



- The FPS at the Space Station is extreamly low. Umm, bioWare, if you already use "shards" in the game to handle such things - why not shard harder/more at the space station? Most people just use it to find people for instances anyway. As soon as they're grouped, they'll run inside the instance and meet up inside it anyway.



- The "Smart Camera" turns the view around automatically and makes PvP so damn frustrating. Doesn't BioWare have anyone on their devs team who PvPs? The option to turn off that camera should have been there since day 1.



- The Developers are too lazy to create unique icons for class-abilities. Abilities are associated with an affect - and that's the whole point of using icons in the first place. So if "Call on the force" for my Jedi Knight has the exact same icon as the "Combat Technique" stance for my Jedi Consular - It creates unecessary confusion. My Trooper's "Blitz" uses the same icon as my Smuggler's "Blaster Whip". My smuggler's "Tranquilizer (Sap)" has the same icon as my Trooper's "Taunt". And the list goes on... with lots of abilities. - Why don't the developers just AT LEAST change the color? It should takes no more than a few _minutes_ in photoshop.



- The absurdly long loading screens. Everywhere I go and everything I do, I have to sit through a 2-3 minute loading screen. It makes the Wold/Univerise (or whatever you want to call it) feel extreamly fragmented. If wow has an open seemless world then this game is the exact opposite. Why is it that I wait 20-30 seconds in WoW - to run around in a vast, open, seem-less world of an entire continent - yet I have to sit through several minutes

of loading screens to visist 1 single planet in this game?



The galaxymap. I hate it. Both how fugly it is and how idiotic it is. Rather than simply putting the _planets_ on the map - in different colors and shapes that can be immideatly recognized and remembered - they chose to put exactly identical.. "whatever the hell they are" - four little triangles forming a a crosshair or something. It forces the user to hover the mouse cursor over each one of them EVERY SINGLE TIME he want to travel somewhere until you find the damn planet you want to go to. The stupidity of this is just baffeling.


Even the idea of dividing it into different regions/sectors is questionable. You could easily fit those 16 planets into 1 screen. It's just pointless and unpractical to have to zoom and out all the time. The two top sectors only have 1 planet each. Pointless...



- I hate it that the FPS issues in warzones compleatly suck the fun out of PvP. It's such a vital part of the game that goes missing : (



- I hate it that there are still so many annoying bugs. I run up to nodes that can't be harvested. Certain keys cannot be bound. If I drag a Relic to the action bar, then poof it's gone the next time I log on, or the UI is reloaded (even if I lock the action bar). Sometimes when I do a WZ for the daily quest, the victory doesn't count. Using "Backblast" on my Scoundrel triggers the cooldown on "Blaster Whip" (visually). If I quit the game my desktop is messsed up, icons missing and the background gone. And so on...



- I hate it that the frame rate is so bad. I hate it more than anything else. It's gamebreaking. I'm not going to ask why this wasn't fixed in the beta. Hell, I wanna know why it wasn't fixed already in ALPHA. Who in their right mind would find this acceptable and build an entire game on it for years, only to release it and THEN worry about fixing it?! The FPS-issues are in every single part of the game.





What are your thoughts on this stuff? Do you feel the same way?

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I can do without the condescending ********, thank you very much.


What I'm getting at, is that the OP used comparison. We all do, and we always will, all the time. I don't see how it should be different with MMOs. Mainly because we aren't talking about whether or not we enjoy the game, we're talking about whether it feels like a beta. And it MIGHT, but that would be bad news for every other MMO, because they had MANY more bugs and problems.


In fact, if we don't compare it to other games, we can't say it's a beta, because bugs might not be viewed as bad without comparison.


So, from a logical standpoint, comparing something is human nature, and it shouldn't change because it helps to solidify TOR as a solid game for an MMO launch.


Would it be possible for you to move on to disrupting another thread. I like this one. Many MMOs had a smoother launch than this one, and remember this one didn't even get a release in half the world, it didn't seem so smooth to me when I had to wait 10 days to get a physical box sent over so I could have the code to put in the website so I could play the game I already had installed.


Rift was much better, by far. Aion was better. Lotro was better, in fact one of the smoothest. Warhammer was even better bug-wise despite the game itself being a little bland. About a million billion smaller korean titles were better. There are a few that have been worse but not many. This game has both game-breakingly huge bugs like the FPS issues, broken class quests etc. And thousands of tiny irritating ones.


And besides that we all know it was released early. "Pick a legacy name for now, we'll be added the actual system later."



damn it, why do I feed the trolls.

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nice to see you are still spending your free time on the forums for a game you hate. Must be a fullfilling life you lead......


I think atleast for now all the unhappy or hateful posts you see from ppl are from ppl that want to play the game and are posting out of frustration and a hope for improvement. Unlike many other games with years of issues eating away at some SWTOR is new enough and has a strong enough following that they just want to be able to do the things they have been waiting so long for. Right now the game is great for many but problematic for throngs of others.


Right now the game is like getting a million bucks for most but the unhappy ppl got it in pennies with no way to convert it. You can look at the fact that you have a million bucks or focus on the fact that you now have 100,000,000 pennies that are almost worthless.

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I beg to differ.


I can almost excuse comparing it to Rift, seeing as Rift isn't so old yet. However, compairing it to WoW, which seems to be your primary thing to compare this launch with, is not good enough. Because WoW had it's launch 7 years ago.


If we try to follow your lead then, it would be to invent a new car, and when you need to test drive it, you compare to a 7 year old model. You wouldn't do that and you shouldn't do that.


Judge TOR for what it is. Not what it can be in comparison to other MMOs.


Maybe it's just me, but none of the problems I've had with this game has been related to any other MMOs. I tend to view upon things with "fresh eyes". I react on the feelings the product gives me - I do not need to sit down and say "Oh well, this quest was good, but there was a quest in another game a lot like it just much better handled!".


It's very simple not to compare games to eachother, cause they are yet still different and that's exactly what you should react upon. View TOR for what it is and react on it and the feelings it gives you.


Did I ever say I didn't react and think of TOR with my own viewpoint?


You seem to be confusing this thread with something else. We're discussing whether or not TOR is a beta product, not whether we enjoy it, or why.


Nor do I compare individual quests. I compare the game AS A WHOLE. And not just to WoW, I compare it to Rift, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, TES, Fallout, etc. etc. But you seem to only focus on my comparison of WoW. True, I did use WoW as an example, but only to show that a game with **** for a launch turned out to be the most successful game in the world, pretty much.


To say that because WoW is seven years old makes it impossible to compare is foolish. It's the main benchmark for most MMOs, especially with games that have a very similar model, like TOR and Rift. TOR is, by far, much more polished than more recent games, as well, save for Rift. But Rift's main impressive quality was the launch's polish.


And, as a little fun fact, I have an 11 year-old car that looks like it drove head-first through hell while being driven by a paraplegic, blind ferret, and it runs better than several newer cars my friends have. It's become the benchmark for whether or not your car is a piece of ****. The same applies to WoW.


WoW may be several years old, but it's still so successful, despite it's early flaws and ********, that it's living proof that launches can be terrible, and still be successful.


What I'm getting at, is that TOR has a very flawless launch, compared to every other MMO besides Rift.

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2. By button under escape being un-bindable, I assume you mean the tilde key? ~` Mine is bound to my interrupt and it works fine.


Must be a local issue then. It doesn't work on a lot of european keyboards. If I ask on a Space Station on a European server they'll tell me the same thing - it doesn't work. It brings up Customer Support regardless of what you do.


If you accidently hit it while in combat, you're looking at 5-6 seconds of "Are you sure you want to cancel this ticket?" [Yes]- [No] and having to close 2 windows to get rid of it.


The Root of the problem is that "Customer Support" is bound to a key in the first place. Why the hell would the devs feel the need to create a default bind for something you'd use once every month at most? :confused:

Edited by Viconiuz
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Must be a local issue then. It doesn't work on a lot of european keyboards. If I ask on a Space Station on a European server they'll tell me the same thing - it doesn't work. It brings up Customer Support regardless of what you do.


If you accidently hit it while in combat, you're looking at 5-6 seconds of "Are you sure you want to cancel this ticket?" [Yes]- [No] and having to close 2 windows to get rid of it.


weirdly enough it was never customer support for me, it's always been the button that changes the little companion bar into the big one.

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- The button under Escape cannot be unbound and - even worse - is bound to Customer Support! It causing that annoying window to pop up; often at the most inconveniant time. A lot of other keys cannot be bound either. Ctrl+D is another of my favorite keybinds that doesn't work (it can be bound but won't respond when you press it).





I find this interesting every time I see it pop up in a forum post. I'm assuming you mean the ` key...which I have remapped to my action bar with no problem. Just to double check I logged in and completely unbound it. Then pressed it. And <drum roll> it unbound just fine.

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@shurken: If you didn't play through Zul'gurubs release in WoW, you cannot complain about bugs or polish.


@areto: I'm not a troll, I assure you. If having my own opinion means I'm a troll, than the world has met it's end.


Sure, TOR isn't perfect, but comparing it to MOST MMOs (I didn't play those other games for long, and most of them were a while after launch), it has had a very good launch. MMOs are going to be extremely buggy, because of the circumstances. The bugs TOR does have aren't bad (the worst I've seen is those green lasers filling up the sky), and are rarely game-breaking. As opposed to recently released games that AREN'T MMOs (Skyrim), and other MMOs (WoW's Blood Plague [well, that was months after release]).


Also, using the Legacy system as an insult is foolish. Or was WoW launching without battlegrounds (while it was advertised on the box, if I remember correctly) totally legit and not releasing without what they were supposed to?

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