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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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What? being a ranged class in toe to toe melee is not strong in your opinion? you really have no idea what you speak of.


I just don't like chasing targets down. I don't like melee classes (in this game) for PvP. So i play a Powerthch (tank), a sorc (DPS) and a sage (DPS). I know i get DPSed down all the darn time so I have no idea where this "unkillable" godlike sage/sorc is :D


I think the animation delay will be worked out eventually, i just don't thin it is as game breaking as some are making it out to be.

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People find it annoying when they have won the fight then they dont get the kill. Of course they forget that they burst most of our health off in a couple of attacks and our only defence is to run away.


Then they didn't win the fight now did they? :rolleyes:


A good pvper knows the fight isn't over until the other player's name is grey.

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No it doesn't.


We have 4 spells that are listed as internal dmg.

1.) Weaken Mind

2.) Sever Force *requires 30 pts in Balance so the Hybrid specs can't get it*

3.) Force in Balance *requires 10 pts in Balance*

4.) Turbulence *requires 30 pts in TK spec, which atm no Sage uses since TKmomentum is bugged (Sorcs still can but likely don't)*



Our spells that are kinetic and do not bypass armor when dealing dmg:

1.) Mind Crush

2.) Disturbance

3.) TKthrow

4.) TKwave *Requires 10 points in TK spec*

5.) Project

6.) Force Slow

7.) Force Wave

8.) Force Stun

9.) Force Quake


I would add that Sorc skills are "energy" type and is also mitigated by armor.

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Say what you will NO class should be able to pump out 350k Dps and heal at all. But, you see it all day everyday 350k damage 150k healing. Yes I know the hordes of posters need to l2p..




You have zero idea where that heal is coming from; before each fight ill try and bubble everyone i can. The bubble will stop 2-3k damage and counts as healing. It doesnt even have to be destroyed to count as healing, just run out.


So on a team of 8 i can have 20K healing seconds out of the door. Everytime i die i bubble anyone else in the respawn zone, which will easily be another 30k "healing". Every 20 seconds im casting it again - 20K easily again.


A few shockwaters later and a sorc can easily be at 100K health healed and never actually use a healing spell.

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After sorc/sage gets nerfed who is next? Bounty hunters? Marauders?


I think, its to early to call for nerfs. This game is to young to start nerfing every class into the ground before we all get to experiment with them. Test things out with your build, try some different tactics if your getting beat by a certain class.


Or come here and cry for nerfs. Then come back and cry about nerfing someone else a week later, and then do it again. I wonder how many of you guys crying to nerf sage/sorc were also crying to nerf the agents/smugglers. This will never end with some of you...


If you think your class is weak then post why its weak, and ask for buffs. I'm sick of the nerf this class, nerf that class threads. You guys need to play better.


Too late to say that now since OPS/Scoundrel got nerfed. The QQ already won the battle.

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I just don't like chasing targets down. I don't like melee classes (in this game) for PvP. So i play a Powerthch (tank), a sorc (DPS) and a sage (DPS). I know i get DPSed down all the darn time so I have no idea where this "unkillable" godlike sage/sorc is :D


I think the animation delay will be worked out eventually, i just don't thin it is as game breaking as some are making it out to be.



In PVP it is a HUGE deal.. If me and a sorc are both one hit from dying, and I get the INSTANT cast off I should win, not him because his instant is more instant then mine. Shoot it is not even a double kill because my rock will stay floating in air after I am dead.

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Then they didn't win the fight now did they? :rolleyes:


A good pvper knows the fight isn't over until the other player's name is grey.


In a group fight they did. The sorc isnt doing anything anymore and will need 10-20 seconds to get back into the fight. A good team PvPer knows when not to waste time making someones name go grey :rolleyes:


One GCD from a group of 4 and the sorc is running to the hills, if not dead because i can use my root.

Edited by da_krall
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I wreck sorcerers on my sentinel (which from what I've gathered from the forums it's the weakest melee class.... It's not sentinels are amazing if played right.), and yet I own people on my sorc this just sounds like l2p. Also someone brought up the time delay between sorc/sage now I don't have a sage, but I've noticed my sentinel's abilities use to be slower and since the last patch they hit just as fast as a Maruader. There are plenty of ways to beat a sorc focus on your abilities that slow, snare, stun, interrupt, and stay on top of them and it's gg.
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I can't believe that Sorcerers haven't been nerfed yet. After all, as the only class that can use a 31/31/31 spec they are way to OP.


I tend to use the 69/21/58 spec on my sorc, cause I like the extra healing and DoTs.


I used to play the 41/99/88 spec, but TK has some bugs atm.

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Yes sorc/sage can be op and the one button spammers can be annoying and powerful. Though they can be easy to kill also.


These post are funny as other classes mentioned are op also sometimes. though the number of sorc/sage players is very large meaning they are very strong and can be very easy to do good.


Personally from a operatives perspective bounty hunters/troopers seem very OP right now. Tracer missle spam is a joke. They are very hard to burn down in heavy armor and hit just as hard as a sorc. Did I mention some can heal and some wear heavy armor do insane dps and oh wait they get a gold shield bubble. Yea how is that OP?

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Yes sorc/sage can be op and the one button spammers can be annoying and powerful. Though they can be easy to kill also.


These post are funny as other classes mentioned are op also sometimes. though the number of sorc/sage players is very large meaning they are very strong and can be very easy to do good.


Personally from a operatives perspective bounty hunters/troopers seem very OP right now. Tracer missle spam is a joke. They are very hard to burn down in heavy armor and hit just as hard as a sorc. Did I mention some can heal and some wear heavy armor do insane dps and oh wait they get a gold shield bubble. Yea how is that OP?


What one button can sage/sorcs spam? I would love to know this....


also just because there is a large number of a class does not logically mean they are strong or even OP.

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What one button can sage/sorcs spam? I would love to know this....


also just because there is a large number of a class does not logically mean they are strong or even OP.


There is a spec for madness sorcs and whatever the sage equivalent is that lets them spam one button if every single player on the enemy team has forgotten what an interrupt is.

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There is a spec for madness sorcs and whatever the sage equivalent is that lets them spam one button if every single player on the enemy team has forgotten what an interrupt is.


Oh, you mean project, yea, because that is anywhere near as damaging as something like tracer missiles... You may be able to crit for 1800 with it on a good day.

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I think its a good build for low levels or something, combines CC with damage, not very complicated talent wise.


But yeah, i never understood what the big deal was.


I also dont see many tracer missile spammers, though i will admit my ignorance to their trooper counterparts so i cant comment on that.

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This Guy made me laugh! Talking about Trouble with BH/Trooper and how easy Sorcs are to kill when interrupted. I guess he never thought of interrupting a BH/Trooper before.


I dont see a problem with them, they are squishy. I have more trouble with BH/troopers.


There is a spec for madness sorcs and whatever the sage equivalent is that lets them spam one button if every single player on the enemy team has forgotten what an interrupt is.
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This Guy made me laugh! Talking about Trouble with BH/Trooper and how easy Sorcs are to kill when interrupted. I guess he never thought of interrupting a BH/Trooper before.


again, the 1 button spam of a sorc/sage is 1/2 the damage of that of the BH.......

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