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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Professional WoW player streaming SWTOR


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It is indicative of our culture that this professional would be crapped on by so many players for his field of expertise being gaming.


100 years ago the common perspective was the exact same for team sports and the people that played them. They were something for kids, fans and hobby enthusiasts. The sports players were laughed at by the "real professional" for their "Job" being a game.



Now look at those sports players getting paid millions of dollars per year.

That's probably coming for video gamers sooner than you might think.

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WoW's community has always been about rushing content and the like, what they wanted has pretty much killed the game from what it used to be.


So no, I don't think there's any positive to having them come here.


This game is based on story, and a "Pro" won't like that.


This. Many people came here to escape this stuff.

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WoW's community has always been about rushing content and the like, what they wanted has pretty much killed the game from what it used to be.


So no, I don't think there's any positive to having them come here.


This game is based on story, and a "Pro" won't like that.


So little knowledge of mmo philosophy... I am sure you still believe in Santa?

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It is indicative of our culture that this professional would be crapped on by so many players for his field of expertise being gaming.


100 years ago the common perspective was the exact same for team sports and the people that played them. They were something for kids, fans and hobby enthusiasts. The sports players were laughed at by the "real professional" for their "Job" being a game.



Now look at those sports players getting paid millions of dollars per year.

That's probably coming for video gamers sooner than you might think.


I still think it is rediculous that atheletes are paid millions to play a game for a living. Someone being a professional video game player is just a new low for modern society. Oh and no thanks, I really don't care about his streaming video feed of his professional gaming experience or whatever.

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i have to ask but... what on earth is a: Professional WoW player?


that just screams to me some one with out a job who eats my tax money or am i wrong?


I fear for society when people don't even know what "professional" means. Hint: it doesn't mean unemployed.

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Replying just bumps this guys thread up guys. Close it, report it if you feel strongly enough.


we don't all get butthurt so easily. some people actually enjoy streams like these. watching you guys argue over this childish conversation is the real entertainment though.


why close something that is entertaining?:confused:

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If you read Mark Twain's "Two Ways of Seeing a River," then it will give you a lot of insight as to the dislike for so called pro gamers that you see, I think.


More power to him if he makes money playing a game, but I'd avoid it because it's a good way to ruin such a fun hobby.

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