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Everything posted by Dukorse

  1. there isn't one. you need to get a physical key (or iphone).
  2. early or late. pre-ordering a game before release, before all the reviews shows faith in the product and the developers. should be rewarded as such.
  3. he makes money playing games, everybody in here wish they had his job. until i get in, i'm watching the stream, keep it up
  4. not getting in because of technical issues is understandable. not getting in when everything is up and ready, just because the devs won't let you is laaaaame. oh well, hope to be in on friday so i can play all weekend.
  5. Can't imagine any developer doing a lauch like this again. There so much critizism towards bioware for it. even if its a success on a technical level, the PR side of things looks really bad. If they had been more clear on when people would get access i think most of the backlash would have been avoided.
  6. part of the fun with wow was changing out gear and specs to see how high you could push your dps/healing etc. A recount-type addon is great for this. as for elitist, as long as you clear the encounters you shouldn't care if anyone whines about your dps. If someone is clearly doing much less DPS then they should, they should be told so.
  7. dec.12th, wasn't sure i wanted to get into another mmo after quittng wow but i'll give it a go for a while
  8. don't roll a pvp server if you don't like getting ganked then. you'd get ganked anyway even if everybody started playing at the same time.
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