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5k crits, and the myth sorcs don't have burst.


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I have gave up on sorc about giving any kind of high crits.. crits and burst is useless compared to other classes. Even how boring it is in wz:s, ill just stand behind ppl and shoot force lightning only to get 300k dmg medal. tab, click, tab click and so on.. at 1v1, i dont even try ( exept enemy dont have much pvp gear ), just mostly stand still and watch couple second those constant 4-6k numbers over my char.. So, if u want play only healing class, take sorc.
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I have gave up on sorc about giving any kind of high crits.. crits and burst is useless compared to other classes. Even how boring it is in wz:s, ill just stand behind ppl and shoot force lightning only to get 300k dmg medal. tab, click, tab click and so on.. at 1v1, i dont even try ( exept enemy dont have much pvp gear ), just mostly stand still and watch couple second those constant 4-6k numbers over my char.. So, if u want play only healing class, take sorc.


All I can say is that I have had a completely different experience playing my character than you.

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im gonna need video evidence


im full champ with 4 pieces battlemaster geared



with rakata willpower stim, rakata surge adrenal, 220 crit/surge relic, wrath proc +20% dmg, and warzone expertise buff i can barely hit 4k on badly geared light armor wearers and thats a stretch


this is all with a 7/18/16 build (which also maximizes aoe dmg)


and the biggest crit ive seen since the stacking adrenals nerf patch is 4.2k



regardless of me arguing wether 5k is attainable or not with you..


i think we can all agree the stars have to align to even crit for 4k let alone 5k


lets also focus on whats important, not how much u can crit on bads but how much u can crit vs equally max geared players


best case there is a max geared sorc, there youd see about a 3.5k crit and it goes downward as the classes armor types go up


now even SINCE the nerf patch operatives still crit me and my 600 expertise for 5k repeatedly



this class has probably the lowest single target burst out of all the dmg classes. go 1v1 with a sniper in the open if u want to see OP burst



simply put, you're doing it wrong. my gear is a little better than yours, but there is no reason you shouldn't be dishing out 4k-4.5k+ cl crits regularly.


i've actually hit a new 50 as high as 5225, and ive acquired a few considerable gear upgrades since then, so i wouldn't be suprised at all if im capable of 5500+ when the stars align now.


to _minmaxer_ : this is the first sorc 'guide' that explains how to play the class right, kudos. furthermore ive been running 7/13/21 for the longest, gonna have to give the build you've outlined here a shot, i think you are on to something with the not casting of CD in lieu of CL, so i dont mind dropping deathmark - however what concerns me is you dont have any points in the knockback root, so im a little leery of how im gonna deal with those pesky stealthers now, but we'll see. i think the extra utility gained by the points in the healing tree will make up for it.


p.s. i dont have a screenshot of the 5225 hit, but when i dropped my first 5k my epeen grew a couple inches so i took a screen of that, if theres any doubters in the crowd that this type of burst is possible i have no problem uploading.

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knockback root and aoe blind on shield break are the two best survivability talents we have. no idea why people dont pick them up more often


Resolve bars. I'm against uncontrollable filling of resolve bars. I'm grateful that snares don't contribute else I'd never be able to use Force Lightning.

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simply put, you're doing it wrong. my gear is a little better than yours, but there is no reason you shouldn't be dishing out 4k-4.5k+ cl crits regularly.


i've actually hit a new 50 as high as 5225, and ive acquired a few considerable gear upgrades since then, so i wouldn't be suprised at all if im capable of 5500+ when the stars align now.


to _minmaxer_ : this is the first sorc 'guide' that explains how to play the class right, kudos. furthermore ive been running 7/13/21 for the longest, gonna have to give the build you've outlined here a shot, i think you are on to something with the not casting of CD in lieu of CL, so i dont mind dropping deathmark - however what concerns me is you dont have any points in the knockback root, so im a little leery of how im gonna deal with those pesky stealthers now, but we'll see. i think the extra utility gained by the points in the healing tree will make up for it.


p.s. i dont have a screenshot of the 5225 hit, but when i dropped my first 5k my epeen grew a couple inches so i took a screen of that, if theres any doubters in the crowd that this type of burst is possible i have no problem uploading.


Thanks for the kudos. I figured some people would find what I had to say useful, but the reaction was better than I expected. I guess all the L2P or "pics" players just hang out on the PVP forums.


I think you will find the instant heal makes up for loss of root. It makes you basically unkillable by one person if you have an object to LOS with. When fighting melee I make sure to snare before knockback, otherwise they are basically on top of you again by the time the GCD has refreshed. I can't see myself going back to stun bubble and knockback root after getting used to having the heal.

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I can post my complete self-buffed stats when I have access to my character.


Edit: Stats with Rakata stim (136WP and 56 power) and self buff


1286 Endurance

1587 Willpower

625 Expertise

319 Power

1217 Force Power


670.7 bonus damage

483.3 bonus healing

30.36 Critical Chance

83.61 Critical Multiplier

4.97% Activation Speed


hmm my stats are higher in everything (higher wp, exp, bonus damage, crit multiplier) and i've never even got close to a 5k crit since they stopped adrenal/expertise/relic stacking.


I guess not getting close isn't quite the right term, not seem that close is probably more realistic.

Edited by Adzzy
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hmm my stats are higher in everything (higher wp, exp, bonus damage, crit multiplier) and i've never even got close to a 5k crit since they stopped adrenal/expertise/relic stacking.


I guess not getting close isn't quite the right term, not seem that close is probably more realistic.


What relic are you using? Using a power relic at the same time as red buff/pvp stim is where the big numbers come from.


Edit: Casting chain lightning from Wrath proc for 20% and certain damage increasing talents also have an effect on the damage. In short, talent specs do matter as much as stats.

Edited by _Minmaxer_
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Stun and run. I can't count the number of times people have caught me low on health thinking they have a free kill. I stun them, they stun break, then eat the full 8 second duration of my whirlwind as I run away and heal.

Ohm of Hedarr Soongh


so resolve factors into this how...? since electrocute puts them at full resolve and what not. you can really wait the about 5-8 seconds (about what, 4-6 abilities/gcd's?) for their resolve bar to fully cool down for them to eat a FULL ww while youre at low hp? granted you have the insta heal, but thats REALLY hard for me to believe that you can get away with.





im gonna need video evidence


im full champ with 4 pieces battlemaster geared



with rakata willpower stim, rakata surge adrenal, 220 crit/surge relic, wrath proc +20% dmg, and warzone expertise buff i can barely hit 4k on badly geared light armor wearers and thats a stretch


this is all with a 7/18/16 build (which also maximizes aoe dmg)


and the biggest crit ive seen since the stacking adrenals nerf patch is 4.2k



regardless of me arguing wether 5k is attainable or not with you..


i think we can all agree the stars have to align to even crit for 4k let alone 5k


lets also focus on whats important, not how much u can crit on bads but how much u can crit vs equally max geared players


best case there is a max geared sorc, there youd see about a 3.5k crit and it goes downward as the classes armor types go up


now even SINCE the nerf patch operatives still crit me and my 600 expertise for 5k repeatedly



this class has probably the lowest single target burst out of all the dmg classes. go 1v1 with a sniper in the open if u want to see OP burst


i see that people are poo pooing this, however this is also my exact experience, and clearly if we dont spec heals our survive ability is garbage. oh but bubble you say! 3k absorbed every 20 seconds? please. marauder bubble+stealth, entrench, jug immortal tree, rage spec smash crits for 6.5-7.2k, sin immunity+3.5-5k crits on a regular basis, bubble is a JOKE. oh but blind! right, because the stars will align so your affliction is off of him, right? so youre making SURE you slow dps down to kill your target slower so you can get that valuable 3 sec blind that breaks on dmg (occurring in 1-2 hits about 2-4 seconds from now, and if dmg is THAT high youre probably running) that you spent a minimum of 17 points for? good talk. the other joke is the healing from death field. our class has awful burst in my experience to sum up. im also a 1/17/23, full champ and even with all of the straight dmg bonuses, i cant get anywhere near 5k. yet ill get 500k dmg in warzones, just not the burst.


(proof! proof! etc. believe me or not, idc, why even waste my time and bother to make this up, if it wasnt true, nay-sayers?)


grats that you can, AND live in the process, thats just been my direct opposite experience.

Edited by Nerdock
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so resolve factors into this how...? since electrocute puts them at full resolve and what not. you can really wait the about 5-8 seconds (about what, 4-6 abilities/gcd's?) for their resolve bar to fully cool down for them to eat a FULL ww while youre at low hp? granted you have the insta heal, but thats REALLY hard for me to believe that you can get away with.







i see that people are poo pooing this, however this is also my exact experience, and clearly if we dont spec heals our survive ability is garbage. oh but bubble you say! 3k absorbed every 20 seconds? please. marauder bubble+stealth, entrench, jug immortal tree, rage spec smash crits for 6.5-7.2k, sin immunity+3.5-5k crits on a regular basis, bubble is a JOKE. oh but blind! right, because the stars will align so your affliction is off of him, right? so youre making SURE you slow dps down to kill your target slower so you can get that valuable 3 sec blind that breaks on dmg (occurring in 1-2 hits about 2-4 seconds from now, and if dmg is THAT high youre probably running) that you spent a minimum of 17 points for? good talk. the other joke is the healing from death field. our class has awful burst in my experience to sum up. im also a 1/17/23, full champ and even with all of the straight dmg bonuses, i cant get anywhere near 5k. yet ill get 500k dmg in warzones, just not the burst.


(proof! proof! etc. believe me or not, idc, why even waste my time and bother to make this up, if it wasnt true, nay-sayers?)


grats that you can, AND live in the process, thats just been my direct opposite experience.


Electrocute used on someone with an empty resolve bar does not make them immune to CC. (There is a guide stickied in the pvp section that gives exact resolve values.) That is why stun into whirlwind works. I agree with you that the blinding bubble isn't all that great, and personally, I am off the same opinion of the knockback root. Yeah, other classes can do a lot of damage, and have defensive cool downs that make our life miserable but I haven't seem them do anything that isn't comparable in power level to some of the stuff we can do.

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What relic are you using? Using a power relic at the same time as red buff/pvp stim is where the big numbers come from.


Edit: Casting chain lightning from Wrath proc for 20% and certain damage increasing talents also have an effect on the damage. In short, talent specs do matter as much as stats.


battlemaster power relic, and yeah off wrath procs, with the 6% talent, maybe i just dont run into many undergeared players at my hour, i dunno, i'm guessing its probably because i don't force suffusion, but then realistically i'd never give up the root on kb and blind on static barrier for that extra hurdle to 5k


i could use a power adrenal but i personally prefer to save my adrenal for armor when an assassin jumps me (since they lack any real armor penetration (recklessness, polarity shift, power relic, armor adrenal is my "solo fight" macro))

Edited by Adzzy
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I tried this spec a while ago, and while the instant heal does make a big difference to my own survivability, I found the loss of knockback root and aoe blind to be huge in terms of utility. When applied at the right moments, these two forms of cc can change the entire outcome of any of the warzones - freezing opposing players before the bend in the voidstar, knocking them off the ball carrier and rooting them two levels below in huttball, etc. I just can't decide which I like better.
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