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Everything posted by dollarfiveo

  1. 13/28 does more damage but definitely isn't better than a hybrid build that goes further up the lightning tree
  2. assuming the hybrid spec is 0/20/21 (which is really close to what it should be for pvp), lightning has less force, less survivabilty, and does far less damage when people focus you
  3. if you dont have it on your bars for pvp you're kind of really dumb
  4. you seem like an ******e that isn't very good at video games
  5. the problem is lightning strike hits for like a third of force lightnings damage and without a wrath proc up chain lightning hits for the same as force lightning single target. so yeah, that spec isnt good
  6. anddd that's the problem. if you want power as a sorc you pretty much have to take alacrity too (you can get power/surge mods from some other classes' gear but it takes a longgggg time)
  7. no you want to be able to cast quickly in pve as well. it's really hard to run out of force anyways if you know how to play your class
  8. god this forums going to have 50 stickies with everyone requesting a sticky for their own personal thread
  9. the idea that having the shield aoe talent ruins every resolve bar on the enemy team is total bs
  10. knockback root and aoe blind on shield break are the two best survivability talents we have. no idea why people dont pick them up more often
  11. you're kind of forgetting all the abilities marauders have like sprint, cloak, slow
  12. if you have lightning barrage, which you should, affliction should be up just about all the time
  13. also lightning barrage is some of the strongest burst we have
  14. pretty much. and it's not like it's that hard to just... not do damage to people once you knock them back
  15. rofl lackluster root? how is a 5 second aoe root lackluster on a 20 second cd. and "manage my force myself" ?????? that doesn't really make any sense. managing force=doing less than you could if you had more force.
  16. the hell does it have to do with playstyle? it's just better
  17. surge adrenal is pretty awful. surge only needs like 350 rating to get like 90%. you should have a fair amount on your gear. the adrenal gives 560 rating, of which a majority of it is wasted. stick with the power adrenal. when you have that much of one rating, power is the only one that won't experience significant diminishing returns
  18. sorc dps survivability might be fine if you spec a certain way (although if more than one person tries to focus you and knows what they're doing, you're going to die faster than any other class by far,) sorc healers have nothing and are far and away the easiest healer to kill
  19. i know all the tools we have. but we still die too fast to melee
  20. does too much aoe damage, that's about it. needs more personal survivability though
  21. why do you type in that awful color also lightning tree is pretty clearly designed around using lightning bolt and madness is supposed to focus on force lightning. saying the madness talent belongs in lightning is kind of silly assuming you stick with the basic plan bioware has for the trees. but this topic has been done to death and you really just picked an awful color with a lot of useless stuff posted
  22. *or if you use chain lightning on cooldown. great post though. keep up the great work.
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