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Strongest 1v1 classes in pvp


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Juggs don't fight 1v2, they fight 2 1v1s back to back.


They are the most capable of it, mostly due to mitigation and more CC than they need. You can intimidating roar one opponent and fight the other.. whenever he breaks, you can backhand him. whenever they do end up both being out of CC, you can use your defense CD's and CC the other guy with force choke and then force push. They simply have enough CC to keep two people occupied by themselves..

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They are the most capable of it, mostly due to mitigation and more CC than they need. You can intimidating roar one opponent and fight the other.. whenever he breaks, you can backhand him. whenever they do end up both being out of CC, you can use your defense CD's and CC the other guy with force choke and then force push. They simply have enough CC to keep two people occupied by themselves..


I like the way I said it better.

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I don't find hybrid Assassins to be too troublesome. I have to start the fight with a full healthbar and such, but they don't have the DPS of a true DPS assassin, and Annihilation outlasts the tank tree.


I find full DPS spec Assassins more dangerous because they can lolcrit Shock/Project for over 9000.

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....like someone above said the only ones who even get close are hybrid assasins who know how to play


And us hybrids are getting nerfed soon so gg after 1.2. It was fun while it lasted but we'll see who is next up to the nerf bat...BW seems to be nerfing/adjusting things in mindless random

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One of these 3 is best:


Watchman Sentinel

Vanguard(several viable specs)

KC Shadow


The Sentinel seems to edge out the Vanguard most of the time. The Vanguard seems to edge out the KC Shadow unless he re-stealths right after the Vanguard blows all his cooldowns. The KC Shadow can beat the Sentinel with the same tactic. But without the stealth tactic of sitting and waiting around for 15secs, the other 2 top the KC Shadow. So in real PvP were doing nothing for 15secs isn't a great option, and your re-stealth isn't up, KC Shadow is ranked 3rd.


The Sentinel and KC Shadow seem to beat all other classes 1v1. The Vanguard beats all other classes except very well played heal specs. The Vanguard lacks the self heal that the Sentinel and KC Shadow have, and can be slowly(very slowly) whittled down by healers.


Note: The # of Sentinels on the skill lvl to be considered in this group is FEW and far between. An above avg. of any class seems to crush avg. played Sentinels(Marauders) into the ground.

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I don't find hybrid Assassins to be too troublesome. I have to start the fight with a full healthbar and such, but they don't have the DPS of a true DPS assassin, and Annihilation outlasts the tank tree.


I find full DPS spec Assassins more dangerous because they can lolcrit Shock/Project for over 9000.


No one skill they use does 9k, the 9k rolls are actually 3 skills used back to back, which require a large amount of build up. If you know how they work you can kill them before they ever get the chance to use it since dps sins are mega fragile or you can simply pop your def CDs when he starts rolling and wait for his temp buffs to wear out.

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Hard to say which class is best 1on1, but as everyone has stated, sentinel/marauder is quite strong 1on1 in multiple matchups. There are a few classes which will definitely beat a sentinel/marauder nearly every time if they are played well, one being a kinetic shadow / darkness assassin. Tank shadows are probably the best 1on1 class in the game, but they have more trouble against healers then mara/sent.


1. Kinetic Shadow / Darkness Assassin (wearing DPS pvp gear)

2. Focus Sent / Rage Mara

3. Focus Guardian / Rage Jugg

4. Scrapper Scoundrel / Concealment Operative

5. Hybrid Vanguard / Hybrid Powertech

Edited by sabresandiego
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And us hybrids are getting nerfed soon so gg after 1.2. It was fun while it lasted but we'll see who is next up to the nerf bat...BW seems to be nerfing/adjusting things in mindless random


yea well i think every class is fine, you got your noob classes and you got your pro classes........95% of the playerbase sucks anyway and they are gonna complain no matter what, they have no composure, bunch of "s" gamers who mash attack attack and click on cooldowns


personally i feel like pvp balance isnt far from spot on, the playerbase is terrible though and will always use gear as an excuse, then once they get the gear its "omg that class is OP"


i dont fear a single class or a single player in the game....there are 2 assassins i look out for, 1 OP, 2 powertechs, 0 snipers, 1 mara, LOL mercs, 0 juggs, 3 sorcs on the imperial side of my server...... 9 players out of the entire playerbase on my server that i even need to remotely care about in terms of preparing for battle.


i dunno what the solution for most of the playerbase crys will be, i just hope bioware doesn't cave into all the terrible players...... good players adapt, learn, they dont complain.....if anyone that read that statement does not agree, well they are part of the terrible playerbase

Edited by Vegathegreat
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They are the most capable of it, mostly due to mitigation and more CC than they need. You can intimidating roar one opponent and fight the other.. whenever he breaks, you can backhand him. whenever they do end up both being out of CC, you can use your defense CD's and CC the other guy with force choke and then force push. They simply have enough CC to keep two people occupied by themselves..


would be awesome if you could chain CC that that, unfortunately the aoe stun gives full resolve bar.

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Anyone who thinks there's a better pure 1v1 class than Marauder/Sentinel is purely misinformed. Marauder/Sentinel will beat every other class in this game on a 1v1 when both classes are played properly, regardless of the opponent's spec. Edited by Maxxacre
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Anyone who thinks there's a better pure 1v1 class than Marauder/Sentinel is purely misinformed. Marauder/Sentinel will beat every other class in this game on a 1v1 when both classes are played properly, regardless of the opponent's spec.


I highly doubt that.



When I'm going 1 on 1 duels.. I always use IGC.. even though I'm pyro spec'd.


In IGC, using IM to proc flame effect... pop adrenal/trinket and explosive fuel (25% crit for 15 seconds)


TD 3.2k -> railshot 4.3-5.1k -> rocket punch 2.2k (armored target) -> flame burst 2.3k (Unmitigated elemental) And if either the rocket punch of flame burst proc another railshot (which they more than likely will, 45% and 30% chance) there goes another 4.2k-5k railshot.


I've never seen a single person able to live through me popping my Biochem adrenal/trinket and explosive fuel. I might be squishy.. but every 3 minutes, whoever I pick out on the battlefield IS GOING TO DIE, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. They ARE goning to die. If they manage to escape my dots are ticking for 1500, grapple... If they try to attack me, I'm sitting at 52% mitigation from armor, 5% base mitigation, etc... always have a shield I can pop for another 25% mitigation.. No real reason NOT to run in IGC


Never seen anyone last more than 5 GCDs with everything up


I use a mix of Rakata/Columi with expertise pieces thrown in to get to 7%, the rest is ALL PvE gear because the increase in power is better than the increase you get using expertise.

Edited by ericdjobs
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Here's a question for the guys who swear by Marauders. You're aware that Undying Rage only makes sense to use when you're losing since it sacrifices 50% of your current health? If Marauders are so powerful, why do they almost invariably depend on a cooldown that is only useful when they're losing? Yes the cooldown can single-handedly turn around a losing battle because it's that powerful, but using Undying Rage also implies you'd have lost without it for sure.


Although there's really no true 1on1 in WZs, most of my fights against Marauders will start with me winning easily until they use Undying Rage. A lot can happen in that 5 seconds of near invulnerability but I'm definitely always winning until that point. I've some theories as to how to deal with it (i.e. spec for instant whirlwind? kite some more? KB?) though I don't think there's a reliable counter, but it's not uncounterable either. Yes I usually get killed by ANOTHER guy while the Marauder is in his invulnerable phase, but then that's no longer a 1on1.

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i dunno what the solution for most of the playerbase crys will be, i just hope bioware doesn't cave into all the terrible players...... good players adapt, learn, they dont complain.....if anyone that read that statement does not agree, well they are part of the terrible playerbase


This argument is know as begging the question, a rather obvious fallacy that any first year college student should know. Are you saying that all good players are mentally challenged?


Or perhaps just ignorant in basic logic?



Evaluating problems and seeing imperfections, and offering constructive criticism is part of Critical Thinking, something that Science does on a regular basis. Perhaps anyone with a brain is a "bad"...lol


Following the rules without question is what good slaves do. Just because someone complains does not mean they are bad, they might simply have a head on their shoulders and want to see the game improved. Just because some peoples complaints are unjustified is irrelevant.


If your car broke down 2 weeks after you drove it off the lot, would you complain? If you would your a bad! If you disagree with me your a bad!


See we can all play the logical fallacy game.

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Real list:


1. Mercenary/Commando Healer Hybrids (Pretty much unkillable)

2. Sorcs / Sages

3. Rage Juggernauts / Knight equivalents (LoLSlam)

4. Marauders (99% dmg reduction, cloak etc. lol?)

5. Operatives / Smugglers if they get the jump on you.

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