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No one will remember if a game is late, only if it's great.


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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.

Edited by Gilbara
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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.


Full agreement here 100%

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But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


Once again, ppl ranting with nothing to back up their claims.


Also, why compare the launch to Diablo 3? Why not WoW?

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I think it's funny how people think a game's launch has anything to do with the success of its future. You can release a total pos and polish it over time. Bottom line is that if it becomes the best mmo on the market in 1 year, people will be playing it regardless of how it performed at launch.


This is shown in pretty much everything we use/buy today. You can whine, you can cry, but in the end if there is nothing better, you will be using it. :o

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Actually Im glad they did not wait another year to release it just to polish, they can do that in the updates (unlike non-subscription games like dia) . At least I can play now. Its not as if SWTOR is only half a game. It functions well, no MMORPG is ever bug free.
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Another hyped affair that failed to deliver anything amazing.


Well, not quite the analogy I was aiming for.


DNF was in development hell simply because 3DR kept reducing it back down to engine code because they wanted to polish it and make it 'great'. Problem was, the longer they kept doing this, the more development occurred in other games that were released forcing them to 'go back to the drawing board' many times, sinking millions more dollars into it to the point of bankruptcy...then being shuffled around to other developers.


Now that it was released, it came with about as much positive reviews as a Bieber concert to middle-aged males.


Being in development longer doesn't always make for a better game...and honestly, if anyone really thinks that TOR was rushed doesn't actually know the purpose of that phrase.

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Actually Im glad they did not wait another year to release it just to polish, they can do that in the updates (unlike non-subscription games like dia) . At least I can play now. Its not as if SWTOR is only half a game. It functions well, no MMORPG is ever bug free.


No no no , i did that with Star Trek Online , not again , pay for beta testing essentially is what you say.


Keep paying a sub while the major stuff gets incorporated , nahhhhhhh.


Bugs etc no problem id sub 7+ months and beyond but not for standard stuff that should have been in the game from day 1.

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The first 3 months after any MMO launch are filled with a billion jillion bugfixes and additions. The MMOs that don't have this pretty much end up DOA.


Generally NOT additions of stuff that should have been in (and ARE) in most recent MMOs.

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.



And those of us that think the game is great far, far outnumber those that don't. So they did well.

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I cant believe people think this way. Bioware DID NOT rush


They were forced to release earlier then they wanted to just like the last 10 or more games


Can you not understand the fact that investor control dates because they want their money after a certain point in time.


If you cannot understand a point as simple as this I dont know what to say

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No no no , i did that with Star Trek Online , not again , pay for beta testing essentially is what you say.


Keep paying a sub while the major stuff gets incorporated , nahhhhhhh.


Bugs etc no problem id sub 7+ months and beyond but not for standard stuff that should have been in the game from day 1.


But...those who prefer can join later. Its not the same as being there from the start, granted, but its better than letting 1.7million (there it is again) people wait. Plus this way they can adjust to the needs of the general public better without needing constant mass beta.

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But...those who prefer can join later. Its not the same as being there from the start, granted, but its better than letting 1.7million (there it is again) people wait. Plus this way they can adjust to the needs of the general public better without needing constant mass beta.


Yeah i agree some may join later, but the difference between it being a mega MMO and a mediocre one are made within the first 3 months or so.


Age of Conan, totally flopped at launch , people left, some people came back, even though its a couple of years down the road its gone F2P.


If it dont get better significantly in the next two months there wont be no coming back (and i believe thousands with same view), ill have moved on.

Edited by Urko
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The claims are self evident in all the fixing/additions that are necessary.


Well he uses terms like "many" just how many is "many"? 5? 100? He said that "many" seasoned MMO players have left the game, what does he have to back this up and how much is "many"? I'm a seasoned MMO player, and I am not leaving, and I know about 150 other seasoned MMO players that are not leaving either (My guild which was created in UO). So I can say that many seasoned MMO players are staying with the game.


He wants to use his example about Blizzard. Well, where was Blizzards values when it came to WoW's launch, that game was in a horrendous mess, by far the worst launch in MMO history, and the buggiest game in MMO history as well when it launched. Yet they had the same values about releasing a game when its done back then, but they didn't apply it to their MMO? Why? What is is about an MMO that they couldn't wait till it was "done"?

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Well he uses terms like "many" just how many is "many"? 5? 100? He said that "many" seasoned MMO players have left the game, what does he have to back this up and how much is "many"? I'm a seasoned MMO player, and I am not leaving, and I know about 150 other seasoned MMO players that are not leaving either (My guild which was created in UO). So I can say that many seasoned MMO players are staying with the game.


He wants to use his example about Blizzard. Well, where was Blizzards values when it came to WoW's launch, that game was in a horrendous mess, by far the worst launch in MMO history, and the buggiest game in MMO history as well when it launched. Yet they had the same values about releasing a game when its done back then, but they didn't apply it to their MMO? Why? What is is about an MMO that they couldn't wait till it was "done"?


So as a well seasoned MMOer (ive played WoW for 6 years and left it) and played most others around.


The graphics issue for one , you think the majority of seasoned MMOers are content with these textures on the gear ?

Edited by Urko
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