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Sentinel - A "how to play" guide.


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The goal of this thread is to give some insight in how to effectively play the Jedi Sentinel Advanced Class.


You should read this guide if you:


- Are unsure what the different talent trees can provide

- Generally struggle with ability use

- Find PvP hard

- Find PvE hard


You do not need to read this guide if you


-already levelled to 50, do fine in PvP and/or PvE


This is not a thread meant to initiate a discussion about talents.


For starters.


Start by speccing Watchman, pop Juyo form and go to town :) If you feel competent enough to argue why one of the other trees are better, go ahead. Have fun. You probably arent in the target zone of my post. I still think Watchman is the way to go while levelling.




Watchman can provide a few things that are invaluable for a sentinel in PvE solo play and PvP. Good mobility (Reduced CD on Force Leap) and good self healing (Or.. as good as it gets..) and solid damage through dots. The tree revolves around DoTs, so you just have to learn how to use them. You also get an extra survivability tool when Force Camoflague is a 100% damage reducer. PLUS. You get another interrupt with 0 yard minimum range force leap.


When you start doing alot of flashpoints/raids with friends or pugs, consider a respecc away from the "egoistical" abilities of Watchman that you will not need when you are behind a mob with a solid tank in front, keeping aggro while you tear a new a-hole in its backside.


The Class. A Reality check.


The Jedi sentinel can be compared to many other classes in various games. Let's focus on what it is in Star Wars The Old Republic and go from there.


The Jedi Sentinel/Marauder is a pure dps class. Meaning it does not have the option to either specc into tanking or healing. This provides us with 3 different talent trees, all focused on damage dealing and personal survival. We can not taunt or do targetted focused healing of any kind. We deal damage. Take pride in that fact, and never forget that your role as a damage dealer is to deal tons of damage, stay out of trouble, which means - Require as little attention from tanks and healers as possible.


The best dpsers are those that facilitate the content. Tanks and healers will notice who is good and who is a liability.


We can only use medium armor, and we have little to no defensive stats. All we can do to survive if we get negative attention is to use one of our multiple survival cooldowns:


Rebuke - Rebuke is fantastic. Learn to love and learn to use it right. Pop it when something is hitting you, or you know you are about to get hit by something bad. When you take damage, the duration is extended by 6 seconds. This can happen moree than once, but the total duration can not be longer than 30 seconds. THat is pretty decent when the cooldown on the skill is 60 seconds.


Saber Ward - 3 minute cooldown, 50% more melee and ranged defence, 25% damage reduction vs. force and tech. since we dont have much defence vs. ranged and melee, should be used vs. casters and tech users in PvP.


Force camouflage - When you specc watchman you can get talents that makes Force Camouflage a 100% damage reducer for the duration. It is THE get out of jail card, as it also increases movement speed. Pop it to run and hide. Most of the time, someone will follow you and your team gets an easier time with the remaining enemies. :)


Transcendence - When you have 30 Centering, you can use transcendence. THis increases movement speed and melee/ranged defence for your team. A solid option.


Zen - When you have 30 Centering, you can use Zen. When in Juyo form, Zen makes your burns crit. This is awesome. Not only does this buff your damage on whoever you are killing, but you specced watchman and your burn critical hits HEAL you. Thus this is both an offensive and defensive cooldown.


Guarded by the force - This. is. Awesome. Pop it when you are low (but not too low. A 1k hit will still hit you for 10 hp. 99% damage reduction.)



How to play watchman:




All stats are good, and unlike in other games, you cant really cap a stat.


Since we dont have any damage meters or other ways to run tests on our damage, it comes down to "feel" of how stats play.


I like to keep accuracy at about 100% (with Steadfast) and stack crit. Which is better, surge or power or at what level surge and power is better than crit? I dont know.


It sucks to miss, and crits are good for more than just damage.


My own prio: STR>Acc>Crit>Surge>Power


For PvP gear, Expertise is like Endurance. You just get the "right" amount. <3


Gaming "technique" ?


You can not do much without focus. So at lower levels, you will have to Use Strike/ Zealous strike to gain focus and Slash to get rid of it. Try to never let any of the 6 focus Zealous strike provides to go to waste. Meaning, you dont use Zealous strike at 7 focus. (ALthough you do want to use it whenever it comes off cooldown). This points us in the direction of the need for a "rotation" of skill use.


Rule number one: Keep your burns on the enemy. That is Overload saber and Cauterize.


Rule number two: Use other abilities when burns are on cooldown.


Rule number three: Use Rebuke when taking damage. Use Riposte when it lights up and Rebuke is on cooldown. (You specced Recompense - which makes riposte subtract 6 seconds on your rebuke CD.)


Single target:


Apply burns. Spam Slash, Merciless slash, Master strike. Keep burns going. Your talents can proc to give you new focus, so you dont really have a perfect rotation. I will add a priority list at some point. :)



Gain focus -> Overload saber -> Cyclone slash. Good times. Stacking dots on all mobs is awesome.


It burrrrns... Whyy?


Your burn critical hits will heal you. They will eventually also give you focus back. They also deal a lot of damage because they ignore armor. Burns are just as good on light armored as heavy armored players. Burns also are a DoT, so you keep doing damage if someone runs away, hides, or CCs you.



PvE role:


Sentinels in PvE deal alot of damage. Our talent paths deal damage in different ways, DoTs, bursty procs and just.. slashing. If you go full out on something, you will eventually steal aggro. This aggro can be dropped every 45 seconds as soon as you obtain Force Camouflage. Be aware - When soloing, Force Camoflague will give your companion aggro, and it may take some time for you to regain it. Use with caution.


Rule number one: Dead DPSers do not deal damage. Thus. Not standing in fire > deal damage.


PvP role:


Again, the sentinel is a damage dealer, but since you can not choose who to tank and who not to tank in PvP, sentinel luckily has a few abilities that increases your chance to survive. If you force leap into 3-4 enemies, have no survival cooldowns available, you will be sorely disappointed. You'll get creamed. End of. What you should do is to use your mobility and be a team player. Pick off healers that hide behind a pillar and heals the enemy team. Use Crippling throw to nerf the healing on enemy ball carrier or whoever is in the midst of things, killing your team. Use Leg slash to snare the enemy, and use force stasis on someone who is about to interrupt a bomb placement. Use your AoE attacks to interrupt Enemy bomb placement or diffusing. Be creative. Know your class, and be aware of your weaknesses.




Sentinels have:


Force Kick - The standard "Kick you to interrupt your cast" thing.


Force Stasis - Will interrupt just fine.


Force Leap - Stuns for a short duration. (Watchman can pecc to 0 minumim range.)


Blade rush - Stuns standard targets for 4 seconds.


Force Sweep - Stuns weak and standard targets for 1.5 seconds.


That is alot of possible interrupts.


Use them.


Have fun.




Edited by Malloron
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Thx man that helps a lot :)


But I would like to have 2 more question.

1. If a Sentinel dies but the dots are still on the enemy will the dots stay on him or deactivet when the sentinel dies ?

2. Whats the most importen secondari stat for sentinel? Power , Crit, ... ?

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Im not sure if DoTs stay. I allways just assumed they do. Like. If I have to, I do suicide missions to DoT people up so they wont place bombs / defuse etc.


About stats: I updated the OP, but I dont really think we have any way of determining which stat is "best" aka. "gives more dps.


I like Crit because Watchman has talents that adds crit multiplier. We also have healing on critical hits etc.


100% crit is not a bad thing.


But would I want 75% crit and 25% More surge? Yes, I would.


So. Before Bioware gives us some damage meter. (please do already <3) we cant say.


I like crit. And Accuracy, and power/surge.


My preferred choice of stat combo is crit/acc. I take whatever I can get of power and surge.

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The goal of this thread is to give some insight in how to effectively play the Jedi Sentinel Advanced Class.


You should read this guide if you:


- Are unsure what the different talent trees can provide

- Generally struggle with ability use

- Find PvP hard

- Find PvE hard


You do not need to read this guide if you


-already levelled to 50, do fine in PvP and/or PvE


This is not a thread meant to initiate a discussion about talents.


So. The Class. A Reality check.


The Jedi sentinel can be compared to many other classes in various games. Let's focus on what it is in Star Wars The Old Republic and go from there.


The Jedi Sentinel/Marauder is a pure dps class. Meaning it does not have the option to either specc into tanking or healing. This provides us with 3 different talent trees, all focused on damage dealing and personal survival. We can not taunt or do targetted focused healing of any kind. We deal damage. Take pride in that fact, and never forget that your role as a damage dealer is to deal tons of damage, stay out of trouble, which means - Require as little attention from tanks and healers as possible.


The best dpsers are those that facilitate the content. Tanks and healers will notice who is good and who is a liability.


We can only use medium armor, and we have little to no defensive stats. All we can do to survive if we get negative attention is to use one of our multiple survival cooldowns:


Rebuke - Rebuke is fantastic. Leanr to love and learn to use it. Pop it when something is hitting you, or you know you are about to get hit by something bad. When you take damage, the duration is extended by 6 seconds. This can happen moree than once, but the total duration can not be longer than 30 seconds. THat is pretty decent when the cooldown on the skill is 60 seconds.


Saber Ward - 3 minute cooldown, 50% more melee and ranged defence, 25% damage reduction vs. force and tech. since we dont have much defence vs. ranged and melee, should be used vs. casters and tech users in PvP.


Force camouflage - When you specc watchman you can get talents that makes Force Camouflage a 100% damage reducer for the duration. It is THE get out of jail card, as it also increases movement speed. Pop it to run and hide. Most of the time, someone will follow you and your team gets an easier time with the remaining enemies. :)


Transcendence - When you have 30 Centering, you can use transcendence. THis increases movement speed and melee/ranged defence for your team. A solid option.


Zen - When in Juyo form, Zen makes your burns crit. THis is awesome. Not only does this buff your damage on whoever you are killing, but you specced watchman and your burn critical hits HEAL you. Thus this is both an offensive and defensive cooldown.


Guarded by the force - This. is. Awesome. Pop it when you are low (but not too low. A 1k hit will still hit you for 10 hp. 99% damage reduction.)




If you are in doubt - Specc Watchman. Watchman can provide a few things that are invaluable for a sentinel in PvE solo play and PvP. Good mobility and good self healing (Or.. as good as it gets..) and solid damage through dots. The tree revolves around DoTs, so you just have to learn how to use them.


When you start doing alot of flashpoints/raids with friends or pugs, consider a respecc away from the "egoistical" abilities of Watchman that you will not need when you are behind a mob with a solid tank in front, keeping aggro while you tear a new a-hole in its backside.


How to play watchman:




All stats are good, and unlike in other games, you cant really cap a stat.


Since we dont have any damage meters or other ways to run tests on our damage, it comes down to "feel" of how stats play.


I like to keep accuracy at about 100% (with Steadfast) and stack crit. Which is better, surge or power or at what level surge and power is better than crit? I dont know.


It sucks to miss, and crits are good for more than just damage.


My own prio: STR>Acc>Crit>Surge>Power


For PvP gear, Expertise is like Endurance. You just get the "right" amount. <3


Gaming "technique" ?


You can not do much without focus. So at lower levels, you will have to Use Strike/ Zealous strike to gain focus and Slash to get rid of it. Try to never let any of the 6 focus Zealous strike provides to go to waste. Meaning, you dont use Zealous strike at 7 focus. (ALthough you do want to use it whenever it comes off cooldown). This points us in the direction of the need for a "rotation" of skill use.


Rule number one: Keep your burns on the enemy.


Rule number two: Use other abilities when burns are on cooldown.


Rule number three: Use Rebuke when taking damage. Use Riposte when it lights up and Rebuke is on cooldown. (You specced Recompense - which makes riposte subtract 6 seconds on your rebuke CD.)

It burrrrns... Whyy?


Your burn critical hits will heal you. They will eventually also give you focus back. They also deal a lot of damage because they ignore armor. Burns are just as good on light armored as heavy armored players. Burns also are a DoT, so you keep doing damage if someone runs away, hides, or CCs you.



PvE role:


Sentinels in PvE deal alot of damage. Our talent paths deal damage in different ways, DoTs, bursty procs and just.. slashing. If you go full out on something, you will eventually steal aggro. This aggro can be dropped every 45 seconds as soon as you obtain Force Camouflage. Be aware - When soloing, Force Camoflague will give your companion aggro, and it may take some time for you to regain it. Use with caution.


Rule number one: Dead DPSers do not deal damage. Thus. Not standing in fire > deal damage.


PvP role:


Again, the sentinel is a damage dealer, but since you can not choose who to tank and who not to tank in PvP, sentinel luckily has a few abilities that increases your chance to survive. If you force leap into 3-4 enemies, have no survival cooldowns available, you will be sorely disappointed. You'll get creamed. End of. What you should do is to use your mobility and be a team player. Pick off healers that hide behind a pillar and heals the enemy team. Use Crippling throw to nerf the healing on enemy ball carrier or whoever is in the midst of things, killing your team. Use Leg slash to snare the enemy, and use force stasis on someone who is about to interrupt a bomb placement. Use your AoE attacks to interrupt Enemy bomb placement or diffusing. Be creative. Know your class, and be aware of your weaknesses.




Sentinels have:


Force Kick - The standard "Kick you to interrupt your cast" thing.


Force Stasis - Will interrupt just fine.


Force Leap - Stuns for a short duration. (Watchman can pecc to 0 minumim range.)


Blade rush - Stuns standard targets for 4 seconds.


Force Sweep - Stuns weak and standard targets for 1.5 seconds.


That is alot of possible interrupts.


Use them.


Have fun.






You wrote all this above,


When all you had to write was this -


Kill your target fast, or your DEAD, full stop.



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Well. Applying your logic, I could have written:




Log in to game.


Take 1 spoonful of L2P juice.






But that wouldnt be very informative or useful, now would it.

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Well, the most interesting thing about this guide is that it doesn't even mention its inherent assumption: if you're playing a Sentinel and are interested in effectiveness, you use the Watchman tree.


If your basic character design was built around Ataru form, you've got to learn to play with what appears to be around a 25% DPS penalty, far fewer interrupts, and a mobility disadvantage, which ups the difficulty considerably.


One of my biggest complaints isn't even about the hard-mode nature of Combat, but that Ataru, the acrobatic form, is less acrobatic than either of the other two trees. This could be mostly resolved by switching out Displacement (Combat saber throw immobilize) for Close Quarters (Watchman force leap range) and switching out Debilitation (Combat Master Strike immobilize) for Blurred Speed (Watchman force leap cooldown) and then doubling the effect of Blurred speed so you spend much more time in the air and give a reason to put points into Focused Leap. (To finish polishing this, you'd also need to tweak the tiers of some of the powers a bit.)


This would solidify Juyo form as the "you will stand there and take it!" and Ataru as the master of mobility, which is much more thematically appropriate for both classes. It also fixes the interrupt imbalance, since Juyo still has Watchguard, and Ataru can now use the leap.


(I suppose I should really have stowed this in a separate thread to give it some visibility. Maybe I'll do that later.)

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Im not sure if DoTs stay. I allways just assumed they do. Like. If I have to, I do suicide missions to DoT people up so they wont place bombs / defuse etc.


About stats: I updated the OP, but I dont really think we have any way of determining which stat is "best" aka. "gives more dps.


I like Crit because Watchman has talents that adds crit multiplier. We also have healing on critical hits etc.


100% crit is not a bad thing.


But would I want 75% crit and 25% More surge? Yes, I would.


So. Before Bioware gives us some damage meter. (please do already <3) we cant say.


I like crit. And Accuracy, and power/surge.


My preferred choice of stat combo is crit/acc. I take whatever I can get of power and surge.


DoTs do stay on the target for their remaining duration as I've died in pvp and watched to make sure before posting this. It is a good way to get that assassin medal if you are about to die and so is he, throw some DoTs on em and then watch you both get the medal lol.

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Malloron, great OP, it would've helped me a lot when I hit the thirties on my Sentinel.


For the sake of being very specific: you said we need to keep our burns on the mobs, and that means using Overload Saber and Cauterize as often as humanly possible. OS has a 12 second cooldown, so every 12.1 seconds we need to re-apply.

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This is a great thread. But, you did not discuss the other two trees. It seems that everyone goes over (and recommends) the Watchmen ablities, but does not discuss Focus or Combat. I was hoping to see a details discussing each of the trees.


I can offer a different view on the Sentinel; I'm currently a lvl 45 Combat Spec. I tried my hand at Watchman and simply found every PVE encounter to be a chore. I talked it over with a few of the lvl 50 Sentinels in my Guild and they all suggested specing Combat until lvl 50 and then switch over to Watchman for raids and PVP. I'm not going to slam this post, in fact I think it's an excellent perspective on the class, however I will say that everyone is going to find a different style they enjoy. Mine so happens to be dealing out massive critical damage :).

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In my opinion Jedi Sentinel is made be be effective on whatever spec you want to play. Simply you just have to learn to play play it. For example I was leveling on Combat spec and I was also doing some pvp on it. There are defensive as well as good offensive talents on there and if you learn how to use them I don't see any problem do to fine in both pvp and pve. I change to Focus to try the pvp with it and also liked it. Good dmg as well as some survivability. Now I am trying Watchmen spec and it is good also. My point being that although it might be well to give Sentinel a bit more, it is a grate class and he can do a perfect job in both pve and pvp.


Good job on the guy who created this guide. It is very well done for new players who are struggling with the class.

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I can offer a different view on the Sentinel; I'm currently a lvl 45 Combat Spec. I tried my hand at Watchman and simply found every PVE encounter to be a chore. I talked it over with a few of the lvl 50 Sentinels in my Guild and they all suggested specing Combat until lvl 50 and then switch over to Watchman for raids and PVP. I'm not going to slam this post, in fact I think it's an excellent perspective on the class, however I will say that everyone is going to find a different style they enjoy. Mine so happens to be dealing out massive critical damage :).


Thanks for the feedback. It's been very difficult to find info on the Combat or Focus tree. Everyone wants to talk about Watchmen, which makes me think they are inferring everyone is already lvl 50 and/or PvP'ing. There needs to be guides that offer new players input on each of the trees, so they can make informed decisions.

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Thanks for the feedback. It's been very difficult to find info on the Combat or Focus tree. Everyone wants to talk about Watchmen, which makes me think they are inferring everyone is already lvl 50 and/or PvP'ing. There needs to be guides that offer new players input on each of the trees, so they can make informed decisions.


You're welcome, just trying to offer a different point of view. Watchman certainly has its advantages, but for me and my style of play I simply couldn't generate enough focus to keep my DOTS up. Without a doubt I was doing SOMETHING wrong, so I specd back. Combat has some great advantages, especially when you're in the low-mid 40's. Spamming your blade rush ability, after you pop zen on the ataru form basically melts hit points off of a target. Im PVP i'm a wrecking machine once I get a 30 stack of centering :p

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Good stuff mainly, but your bit about stats is way off I'm sorry to say.

Both crit and surge suffer from diminishing returns. Which means the more points you get, the less it will increase the percentage chance. There is also caps on them.

So you cannot simply keep adding crit untill you are at 100%.

At low point levels they are both valuable. Especially surge. If you have zero surge and add 100 points of surge, it will increase your crit damage by a lot. But it will drop off very quickly.

So basically you want to get both crit and surge untill a certain point, and then after power will be more valuable.

All this info is in the sentinel primer thread...


In addition, the talents to increase crit damage (surge) do not contribute to this diminishing returns.


Also, we do have abilities to autocrit - Zen. Ok it's DoT only, but stil. Later on with valour and defensive forms you will build centering very fast, so you be able to have Zen up a lot. Which reduces the value of crit.


So to summarise. You can not give a basic list of stat value that will be true at all gear/stat levels. You cannot say str>crit>surge>power or any varition there of. Ever. It all depends on what stats you actually have as to what is most valuable for you at that time.

My general advice is to try and balance your stats. Get some crit, get some surge, get some power. Do NOT stack any one stat.

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Im a sentinel, I play in ataru form, and I own?


I understand why people play watchman, but if you get good with the ataru tree, it is very, very lucrative. I'm always top 3 damage in pvp (currently level 44).


It's a hard form to master, but if you give it enough time, and learn the rotation (which is pretty easy) then its a great class. You can even constantly ground opponents (4 ways to do this) So they cant get away.


If the ataru change tree were to change anytime soon, i'd probably quit. (and reroll a different character all together)

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Good stuff mainly, but your bit about stats is way off I'm sorry to say.

Both crit and surge suffer from diminishing returns. Which means the more points you get, the less it will increase the percentage chance. There is also caps on them.

So you cannot simply keep adding crit untill you are at 100%.

At low point levels they are both valuable. Especially surge. If you have zero surge and add 100 points of surge, it will increase your crit damage by a lot. But it will drop off very quickly.

So basically you want to get both crit and surge untill a certain point, and then after power will be more valuable.

All this info is in the sentinel primer thread...


In addition, the talents to increase crit damage (surge) do not contribute to this diminishing returns.


Also, we do have abilities to autocrit - Zen. Ok it's DoT only, but stil. Later on with valour and defensive forms you will build centering very fast, so you be able to have Zen up a lot. Which reduces the value of crit.


So to summarise. You can not give a basic list of stat value that will be true at all gear/stat levels. You cannot say str>crit>surge>power or any varition there of. Ever. It all depends on what stats you actually have as to what is most valuable for you at that time.

My general advice is to try and balance your stats. Get some crit, get some surge, get some power. Do NOT stack any one stat.


I do not disagree with you, but I think you forget one thing. We dont really have a way to determine which stats offer the biggest dps increase. Hence, neither you nor me can give factual information about which stat to stack and which to shun. I think getting upgrades with higher rating is the way to go, and just keep an eye on what sort of percentages you have.


Does SWTOR use a single roll system? Or is it two roll? Do we know?


WHen crit % increases, surge value goes up. But if you need to hit before your attack is determined to be a normal or a critical hit, accuracy is the way to go until cap. Furthermore, accuracy in this game doesnt stop being valuable at 100%, because accuracy above 100% reduces your opponents defence stats.


Basically these things are hard to calculate without some dps meter tool. Not very much use to sit there and spam one single type attack and manually write down what the values are with different types of gear stats.


So I didnt want to give a stat priority, and I only posted what my personal idea of the matter is. THis thread isnt about that, and I hope the post would be read, appreciated and at some point after reaching 50, a player would have his own opinion that is educated and on a higher level of understanding than this post attempts to offer.





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Im a sentinel, I play in ataru form, and I own?


I understand why people play watchman, but if you get good with the ataru tree, it is very, very lucrative. I'm always top 3 damage in pvp (currently level 44).


It's a hard form to master, but if you give it enough time, and learn the rotation (which is pretty easy) then its a great class. You can even constantly ground opponents (4 ways to do this) So they cant get away.


If the ataru change tree were to change anytime soon, i'd probably quit. (and reroll a different character all together)


Combat is fun, more straightforward, perhaps than WAtchman.


Same as for many other discussions, Id like to have a dps meter to check the difference between the two.

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Yep, can easily rake up the kills with an ataru sentinel.


It's even more fun once you pop your centering (to whichever you choose) , adrenal and the surge from your relic. Then hit bladerush x2 and blade storm - which crits for a lovely 3k-3.4k at level 44....


This 3.4k damage following from the opening of a leap, masterstrike (which grounds the player) a zealous and you've maxed your force which gives you the chance for the super crazy crits with the rush and storm. and if they haven't died by then an easy force stasis usually clears up whats left (if anything).


And EVEN after that if there still alive (surely not) then just use awe to stun them where your cooldowns have just finished and repeat.


Ataru Sentinel :jawa_biggrin:

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  • 2 months later...
Well, the most interesting thing about this guide is that it doesn't even mention its inherent assumption: if you're playing a Sentinel and are interested in effectiveness, you use the Watchman tree.


If your basic character design was built around Ataru form, you've got to learn to play with what appears to be around a 25% DPS penalty, far fewer interrupts, and a mobility disadvantage, which ups the difficulty considerably.


One of my biggest complaints isn't even about the hard-mode nature of Combat, but that Ataru, the acrobatic form, is less acrobatic than either of the other two trees. This could be mostly resolved by switching out Displacement (Combat saber throw immobilize) for Close Quarters (Watchman force leap range) and switching out Debilitation (Combat Master Strike immobilize) for Blurred Speed (Watchman force leap cooldown) and then doubling the effect of Blurred speed so you spend much more time in the air and give a reason to put points into Focused Leap. (To finish polishing this, you'd also need to tweak the tiers of some of the powers a bit.)


This would solidify Juyo form as the "you will stand there and take it!" and Ataru as the master of mobility, which is much more thematically appropriate for both classes. It also fixes the interrupt imbalance, since Juyo still has Watchguard, and Ataru can now use the leap.


(I suppose I should really have stowed this in a separate thread to give it some visibility. Maybe I'll do that later.)


Just saw this and have to say that it totally resonates with me. This makes so much more sense, and its sad that it seems to have gone over everyone's heads. I think this is still relevant post-1.2 and would help a lot in balancing the trees.

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