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SWTOR : 10 Years Domination


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That is because it was linked with one of the most famous franchises in the world. Being related to SW will not save it if the devs fail to address the players major concerns or if this legacy idea is a complete failure.


And i wouldnt believe all the facts that Bioware give you to be solid truth...


This is an investor press release following their quarterly report. They are bound by US law to tell the complete truth in it.

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no, not at all. in fact, i think mmo is a dying genre (payed mmo)


I Agree.

Just knowing where the languages are going with programming as we see with mocrosoft Star Wars kinetic,Virtual gaming is right around the corner.This is going to be the new wave/hype of gaming for the future is here now.

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Domination? No. That kind of longevity? Sure! MMO's are remarkably hardy beasts. even those with contraversial pasts end up with a core group of players that tend to make them viable financially for years.


WoW and its huge populatiojn numbers are really an anomoly in the genre and I doubt will ever be matched. But that does not mean TOR will not become a significant cash cow.


That all being said it appears the F2P model seems to be the way the industry is turning as it allows players more freedom in choosing and playing a game and more options in how to send their money.


It also opens up additional revenue streams for the host company. So while i feel TOR's future is as bright as any game out there I do wonder if the monthly fee system will last. DCUO and STO's move to F2P model are actually pretty predicatble and both were set up initially with the ability to switch to that model through there already existing marketplaces. Both have seen amazing jumps in populations and revenue since they switched


SOE continues to transition their other games to the F2P model with EQ2 and EQ now switching to it. I would assume EQ Next and Planetside 2 will probably be F2P at launch. Although we know that to get all the facets of those games you still have to pay.


Even WoW is now Free through the first 20 levels. I do wonder if TOR might tweak thier subscription model down the line but I would not be surprised if it lasted a good long while. Swg went 8 years, EQ has been out fo 10+ and EQ2 is approaching 7 and WoW just celebrated 7 as well. LOTRO has been out for 5. Lesser titles like EvE Online. AOC, CoH and such are all still going strong with a core base of players.


So I can see this game lasting a while. The only wild card is really Lucas Arts who, quite frankly, are just not all that good at managing games. People overlooked the fact of how much their management of the IP contributed to SWG's difficulties.


Any MMO that has a licensed IP, (TOR, DCUO STO, LOTRO) has the difficulty of serving two masters. One of WoW's major benefits development wise is that Blizzard owns it outright. SOE has that advantage with the EQ series as well.


You have to consider the relationship between the owner of the IP and those who afre licensed to run the game when making any estimates on a games lomgevity. For example, SWG would still be going today if LA had not made the decision to pull the plug.

Edited by Boscohark
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Domination? No. That kind of longevity? Sure! MMO's are remarkably hardy beasts. even those with contraversial pasts end up with a core group of players that tend to make them viable financially for years.


WoW and its huge populatiojn numbers are really an anomoly in the genre and I doubt will ever be matched. But that does not mean TOR will not become a significant cash cow.


That all being said it appears the F2P model seems to be the way the industry is turning as it allows players more freedom in choosing and playing a game and more options in how to send their money.


It also opens up additional revenue streams for the host company. So while i feel TOR's future is as bright as any game out there I do wonder if the monthly fee system will last. DCUO and STO's move to F2P model are actually pretty predicatble and both were set up initially with the ability to switch to that model through there already existing marketplaces. Both have seen amazing jumps in populations and revenue since they switched


SOE continues to transition their other games to the F2P model with EQ2 and EQ now switching to it. I would assume EQ Next and Planetside 2 will probably be F2P at launch. Although we know that to get all the facets of those games you still have to pay.


Even WoW is now Free through the first 20 levels. I do wonder if TOR might tweak thier subscription model down the line but I would not be surprised if it lasted a good long while. Swg went 8 years, EQ has been out fo 10+ and EQ2 is approaching 7 and WoW just celebrated 7 as well. LOTRO has been out for 5.


All games that go FTP have resigned themselves to no longer having a successful game, and just want the game to continue in a highly diminished capacity. Point in case, LOTRO and WoW.

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All games that go FTP have resigned themselves to no longer having a successful game, and just want the game to continue in a highly diminished capacity. Point in case, LOTRO and WoW.


Wait what? how is wow free to play?


And don't tell me you consider the 20 level free trial a free to play...

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Wait what? how is wow free to play?


And don't tell me you consider the 20 level free trial a free to play...



If WoW actually did go freemium you could kiss the entire P2P market goodbye. It would be an effective, but incredibly vicious corporate maneuver by Activision.

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Would you see this coming?:cool:


Not a chance. I love this game, but the perfect storm of circumstances that brought wow to prominence won't happen again for mmos I think.Too many other devs looking to rake in some of that mmo cash, and too many short attention spans in the current mmo player base. MMOs will be come revolving doors just like many single player games. People will play for a bit, move on to the next big thing, maybe come back for xpacs, but the days of millions of subs that don't skip a month over a period of years is over.

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What does starcraft have to do with MMO's? Should we compare MMO's to pac man or Mario Brothers? There still around. Or how about we fire up a game of Pong? It's been around since the 70's, even Ultima Online is young in comparision.


As bad as STO is, it is not gone. Not yet. F2P yes but so is LOTRO which was a better game.


The Strength of the Star Wars Brand Name will keep this game going for a long time. Hey we may even see that rumored TV show before this game goes away.


Star Wars: Underworld, yeah heard about that. But you just answered your own question.

You can compare the old school games to what MMO games are going through right now.


Starcraft revolutionized gaming by introducing a sound, interesting, visually appealing, plot, and the joy of Multy gaming. I remember being in a Cafe all day long to play Starcraft with my friends. It was huge worldwide.


Everquest (EQ) series were huge. They adopted by providing unique experiences to their base. Then came WoW. You will often see peps posting about how the game feels like WoW. Well, WoW did a great job creating a game that take your interest by providing you new ways of experiencing the game.


In order for BW to make this game a success they need to improve the players' experience to a much higher level than their predecessors. Wow has set the standard waaaay too high. I doubt that it will be reached any time soon. Not this game anyway. SWTOR is okey.

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If WoW actually did go freemium you could kiss the entire P2P market goodbye. It would be an effective, but incredibly vicious corporate maneuver by Activision.


They will probably go f2p when Titan is out and the numbers of players in WoW drops down to the same level as other MMOs.

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TOR will be another LotRO, or Rift.


Good games, but no where near the subscription base of WoW.


WoW is a strange beast, people have so much time invested in it that they don't want to start over with a new MMO. It's not that other MMOs are bad, it's just that WoW was the first theme-park MMO with mass appeal.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if Blizzard decided to turn off the servers, I wonder which game people would gravitate to, or if they would just give up on the MMO genre.


I think WoW has made the transition from MMO to Social Media. It is in a category all its own.


I think the above poster is correct, it will not over take WoW but will be good for a while.

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I think WoW has made the transition from MMO to Social Media. It is in a category all its own.


I think the above poster is correct, it will not over take WoW but will be good for a while.


There is no doubt that WoW is a unique beast. A company owned IP as opposed to a KLicensed one gave Blizzard so much freed0om. Add to the fact they were able to build on the Audience the earlier Warcraft strategy games.


As a brand WoW had entered the general pop culture arean that evem people who do not do online gaming know of it. In fact when i mention I am playing another on line game i am often asked "Oh is that WoW?" by those who do not game.


From a subscription basis it is best that all developers stop measuring against WoW because it is such a glaring exception.

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What does starcraft have to do with MMO's? Should we compare MMO's to pac man or Mario Brothers? There still around. Or how about we fire up a game of Pong? It's been around since the 70's, even Ultima Online is young in comparision.


Because they're all part of the same medium, i.e. gaming.


You can make the comparison with any form of entertainment really. The Simpsons is a prime example of long lasting entertainment. It was entirely relatable not because everyone had an incredibly stupid father, a smart sister, and brat of a brother, etc., but because it parodied sitcoms that were very much part of the cultural subconscious (Family Matters, for example). Combined with the fact that the family never ages, thus allowing the writers to make the Simpsons a timeless family, and the fact that the core of it is your average nuclear family with a blue collar father and a stay at home mom, it's no brainer why the Simpsons have lasted for so long. As long as the writers continue to make good jokes that are relevant to our time, it will stay alive.


What made games like Starcraft and Mario fun throughout the ages is that a) the core gameplay was fun, and b) the experience changed and evolved over time. In the case of Mario, dozens of new games with new features came out every few years to change your experience while holding the same core gameplay (at least up to Super Mario 64 when the franchise made the transition into 3D).


In the case of Starcraft, the strategy involved in playing a match of Starcraft was deep enough such that each game can be vastly different depending on race matchups, what your opponent decides to do, etc. Because of the varied, varied options in strategy and tactics, the game developed a huge metagame.


Another example of this is League of Legends. By itself, with scores of champions, and thousands of different possible team matchups and so many items to buy and strategies within each champion, each match of League of Legends has the potential to be quite different. (If you go to their forums, their meta is thriving quite well; in fact, Europe and NA have two very different metas). If you add in the fact that Riot releases a new champion every 2 weeks, then it's easy to see why League of Legends will last for years to come.


How does this apply to SWTOR? Well, it tells us that you need 2 basic things to keep a game thriving. A) Solid, core gameplay. B) New, different experiences.


The core gameplay is pretty good. There are still some bugs and tweaks that need to be dealt with, but it's not terrible by any means.


As for different experiences, this is a matter of shelving out new, interesting content with interesting game mechanics that can change the way you deal with a boss/warzone match every time you do it. For example, what if the boss does something to the tank instead of a damage dealer this time around? What will your reaction be?


This can also be done by adding new mechanics when you reach a higher difficulty mode. The Ulduar raid in WotLK did a good job with this imo.


They also need to make sure that there are multiple ways to play each class instead of just 1 "best" way and "best" spec.


They did alright with there being varied story, but it could have been done better. The fact that all of the world quests are the same per faction means that some variance in content will be lost.

Edited by cdstephen
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the game posted 1.7 mil active subscribers just in a month after its release, and there are a lot of numbnuts STILL saying how the game will be a 'niche' game ? with all the NON-mmo player people, who know nothing about mmos coming into servers daily and asking questions ?


and the reason is 'wow is a strange beast' ?







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TOR will die off fast in a month or two if end game content doesn't kick it up. They actually did a wonderful job with Kaon. That instance was the best instance I've ever played in an MMO. But other than that game is just a huge let down. I'm so tired of the GCD in this game it's not even funny.
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the game posted 1.7 mil active subscribers just in a month after its release, and there are a lot of numbnuts STILL saying how the game will be a 'niche' game ? with all the NON-mmo player people, who know nothing about mmos coming into servers daily and asking questions ?


and the reason is 'wow is a strange beast' ?








Not only that; it is the fastest growing MMO of all time 3 GOTY awards and over a hundred and fifty industry awards over a hundred servers that are mostly heavy or full.....yet to read these forums the game will be shutting down tomorrow because it failed to please the fourteen astroturfers and their alts. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I'm not sure if TOR will ever reach 10 million subscribers (it's not out of the realm of possibility in 2-3 years), but I can easily see it with 3-5 million subscribers. I also can't imagine this game going under for pretty much any reason other than a dimensional gateway opening up, offering millions of Star Wars fans around the world the chance to be transported into the Star Wars universe itself.
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Not only that The fastest growing MMO of all time 3 GOTY awards and over a hundred and fifty industry awards servers over a hundred servers that are mostly heavy or full.....yet to read these forums the game will be shutting down tomorrow because it failed to please the fourteen astroturfers and their alts. :rolleyes:


2 of which were awarded when? 2009?

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MSNBC 12/11

Abelgamers 1/12

Gamespy/ 2/12


None of those were 2009


Gamespy at least gave it some time. MSNBC game of the year with what a few days after the game came out? GOTY honestly isn't shocking due to the SW skin. I'm sure Pandora will outsell TOR in the first 24 hours just like Cata did.

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Swtor is going to be like rift, few hundred k player base to keep the game healthy. Personally, I already cancelled my account.


My understanding is you cannot post to these forums if you don't have an account. Did they change this or are you full of crap? Or will you get the rest of your 30 days to tell everyone you are leaving? And was the first 30 days not enough time to figure this out or will we see you continue to post a month from now?

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I'm not sure if TOR will ever reach 10 million subscribers (it's not out of the realm of possibility in 2-3 years), but I can easily see it with 3-5 million subscribers. I also can't imagine this game going under for pretty much any reason other than a dimensional gateway opening up, offering millions of Star Wars fans around the world the chance to be transported into the Star Wars universe itself.



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I'm not sure if TOR will ever reach 10 million subscribers (it's not out of the realm of possibility in 2-3 years), but I can easily see it with 3-5 million subscribers. I also can't imagine this game going under for pretty much any reason other than a dimensional gateway opening up, offering millions of Star Wars fans around the world the chance to be transported into the Star Wars universe itself.


The only flaw I can see there is you aren't transported there for long. Without any sandbox elements the game is too linear. The universe needs to be more alive and have a reason for going there. I think the game will be around for years to come, but without changes it's not going to achieve figures anywhere near those you mentioned.


Generally the MMO genre has become far too stale, people might tolerate that in a f2p but probably not in P2P.

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