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PvErs leave PvP alone


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i see alot of post & threads "gear in PvP takes away skill" etc.


No endgame PvP gear = PvPers will find a new game which rewards their time

"The skill is your reward" are you serious id like to see how long PvErs Raid for with out loot drops from bosses!

"Its not fair i PvP & die" really who would have thought that you could die in PvP?

"full BM are to hard to kill" i think thats the point of ranking up you valour to not DIE

"Thiis game favours gear over skill" welcome to the real world the 1 with the biggest stick wins, you wouldnt take a spoon to a gun fight!

the list goe all all i see from these types of posts is




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I don't PvE at all in this game beyond my class quest. The only FP I've done with others is Black Talon. Maybe I will end up doing PvE stuff....but for now, I only PvP. That's pretty much all I ever do.


I hate PvP gear progression. I want to fight people on equal standing. I don't want to win a fight because I have more time to grind out PvP gear. I want to win because I outplayed my opponent.


The PvP gear grind is just a necessary evil in my book, and I'd be thrilled to play an MMO like TOR or WoW that got rid of it altogether. Of course, they won't, and I don't kid myself about it. I know exactly why they put gear grinds into games like this. Personally, I'd like to break out of the Skinner box so that I can just have fun with the PvP.


I'm sorry that you feel like you can't win without having a gear advantage. It must really suck to be you.

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PvP gear progression is legitimate when a free starter set exists.(With expertise) I can honestly PvP fine and can deal with slight advantages in gear but, the game is 100% worse when people in endgame PvE gear want to do my PvP and think they deserve to win because they have that gear.
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ill agree to taking away PvP gear when they take away PvE gear.

all those that say i want a equal fight based on skill i lol there is no equal in MMOs class are different & so are people so it will never be equal.


EG: im gonna fight my RL clone we rolled the same chars join a WZ its hut ball oh snap we solo qued lets fight each other! ok

-fight starts

clone 1 wait dont attack me yet!

clone 2 why not?

clone 1 i blew a CD fighting someone else i want a redo

clone 2 ??

clone 1 yea its not fair you still have a cd!

clone 2 *** go PvE since you dont know how to PvP

clone 1 fine atleast PvE takes skill & it gets me gear!

clone 2 **** off my server noob

clone 1 fine ill reroll on a PvE server!

clone 2 fine i hope you do!

you can see this wont end anytime soon.........

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Why take away PvE gear when you can just make everyone run around naked in PvP? It's not like the NPCs are gonna whine about you having 10x more hp and doing 10x more damage or whatever.


People say the PvP in this game is a joke, and an afterthought, so then, if that were to be true, does PvP reward you with PvP gear just as PvE rewards you with PvE gear?


Personally, if I'm going to be playing against another person, I don't think I should have any statistical preset advantage. I'm wearing a helmet! I do 1.15 times as much damage as you do!!!

Edited by Zunayson
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ill agree to taking away PvP gear when they take away PvE gear.

all those that say i want a equal fight based on skill i lol there is no equal in MMOs class are different & so are people so it will never be equal.


EG: im gonna fight my RL clone we rolled the same chars join a WZ its hut ball oh snap we solo qued lets fight each other! ok

-fight starts

clone 1 wait dont attack me yet!

clone 2 why not?

clone 1 i blew a CD fighting someone else i want a redo

clone 2 ??

clone 1 yea its not fair you still have a cd!

clone 2 *** go PvE since you dont know how to PvP

clone 1 fine atleast PvE takes skill & it gets me gear!

clone 2 **** off my server noob

clone 1 fine ill reroll on a PvE server!

clone 2 fine i hope you do!

you can see this wont end anytime soon.........


Then just make the gear the same...

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ummm no PvErs dont want pvp stat gear as they think they are gods because they raid & you are a noob who shouldnt be on their server if you dont raid like them!


fine take away expertise but buff the PvP gear so we can raid in it as we all pay the same each month so why not get access to content based on time spent overall playing why split us in the 1st place = people are elitists

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ill agree to taking away PvP gear when they take away PvE gear.

all those that say i want a equal fight based on skill i lol there is no equal in MMOs class are different & so are people so it will never be equal.

Yes, this is obvious, but it completely misses the point.


Personally, I don't want my gear to give me a massive advantage over other players. That's not fun for me. Hell, I used to keep a set of lower tier gear in WoW for random BGs and world PvP outings for this reason. It was pretty rewarding to 1v1 another person who played the same class as me when they were dressed in their arena purples, and I was just rocking my PvP blues.


I'm not one to demand that they remove PvP gear from the game. I know that will never happen. I just wanted to point out that you don't speak for all PvPers.

Edited by belialle
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No endgame PvP gear = PvPers will find a new game which rewards their time


Like guild wars 2?


Na, it doesn't have a mindless gear grind... it must be made for those damn PVE'rs right!?


Newsflash - Pointless gear grinds aren't PVP. And are generally only added to PVE MMO's where PVP is tacked on as an afterthought, in an effort to keep precious little cupcakes like yourself paying a sub whilst your chase you widdle carrot on a stick.


But it really cute that you think you are a PVP'er.


"To hell with meaningful world PVP, to hell with actual PVP content, to hell with competitive PVP... give me PVP GEAR GRINDS YO, cause dats where da hardcore PVPrs be at BRO!!!!"

Edited by Jebi
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Gear is a necessity because different class specs value different stats in many different cases. I love number crunching to change my playstyle based on a new spec or if I'd like to see more crits or more of something else. The game needs gear as a necessary evil but, there's some good in it too.
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its called getting payed for you time would you work if you didnt get payed you say un fair??

how is it un fair that someone spent ages farming valour on their days off to get some nice new gear to not be rewarded for their time vs someone who just hit 50 with a overpowered noob class who expect to have a fair fight? if this game was 1v1 yea sure why not but its not

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People who whine about PvP gear giving people who PvP an advantage in what they've spent their gaming time doing need to think about the fact that their PvE gear makes them better at PvE'ing because that's what they spend their time doing. If you wanna do this, give PvPers all that gear that you spent those long hours progressing in Ops to get. 1 for 1 exchange, so a full Battlemaster will have full, what is it? Rakata is top tier, right? Yeah, Full Rakata gear without ever setting foot in an Op. Because that's EXACTLY what you'd be doing. Edited by Anatlos
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its called getting payed for you time would you work if you didnt get payed you say un fair??

how is it un fair that someone spent ages farming valour on their days off to get some nice new gear to not be rewarded for their time vs someone who just hit 50 with a overpowered noob class who expect to have a fair fight? if this game was 1v1 yea sure why not but its not


So you don't play this game for fun (That should be your reward for paying Bioware). Instead, you know it to be a grind to simply get the best lewtz, the best shiny gold star, and the best E-peen?


PvP isn't competitive in MMOs, or so I heard. Hell, what do I know, this is my first MMO.


EDIT: I think the argument is based on PvP gear unbalancing geared and not geared people when playing. Obviously, if two equal geared people are playing, it doesn't matter too much. However, why should I, a less geared player, have a huge disadvantage under another person simply because Bioware's spent less time in my wallet? It does not make sense to me that he gets to use a reward he got to put himself at an advantage. He's been running races longer, the reward was better racing shoes that make him run faster, simply because what he's wearing, but not because he runs faster due to more muscle/better pacing, but a simple advantage that has nothing to do with skill/what it's measuring. In this analogy, the running shoes are the expertise gear, the races are WZs, and his running ability is his skill.


So, he should get complete non-skill-related handicaps because he's played longer? Right. I don't see how you can think like this. Putting yourself above as a reward? Really?


I'm okay with having rewards, but don't have those rewards affect future experiences. Okay, the reward for the marathon was a new car, but that won't help him next time. The poster below me states that in past MMOs, rewards were access to new content. This new content wouldn't help them progress over other players due to previous wins/experiences that are not-skill-related. Yes, PvE gear to make me better than the silent NPC whose not intelligent. The thing is, I don't want to be placed at a disadvantage - and by the fact that I'm considerate - don't want to be at a non-skill-related advantage over others.

Edited by Zunayson
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Gear is a necessity because different class specs value different stats in many different cases. I love number crunching to change my playstyle based on a new spec or if I'd like to see more crits or more of something else. The game needs gear as a necessary evil but, there's some good in it too.


Funny all the real MMos pre wow were not about gear. Gear was jsut something fun to look for when you were out exploring, or grouping. PvP was about killing, taking from others an keeping for yourself, winning for your realm so you got access to special dungeons, or access to abilities.... all sorts of things. but gear... was irrelevant. You only see gear as a necessity because blizzard taught you all that it has to be that way.

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I remember WoW before resilience was introduced. I rocked up with my full PvE BWL gear and half of Altarec Valley died to my multishot, Aimshot one shot kills etc. It is a necessary evil to have PvP gear.


That is the reason why there has to be separate stat/gear for PvP and PvE


As for the gear progression/grind/acquisition, well this pretty much follows the basic ideology of any MMO. Put in the time, pray to the RNG gods and you will profit.


Truth be told, as ridiculously annoying and painful it is to do your X games to be able to buy the bag only to get nothing or another duplicate is, it really is no different than clearing an instance and the boss not dropping what you came for.


Also, this whole exercise creates incentive to continue to play provided it does not turn the player away first.


If pvp was some kind of open door, not specific gear needed, lets see who is better event;


-a, people will always work out a way how to get upper hand by putting in extra effort (and those who are not able/not willing to put that effort in will complain that it is not fair)


-b, if this scenario literally meant everyone is "naked" or EQUALLY geared. This kind of competition simply for a pat on the back would soon become boring as there would be no physical/digital incentive to keep going.

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People also should stop thinking that the people "with" the PvP gear didn't do the same thing you're doing. The only thing you can do about it is do get the gear. Once you get the gear, you truly find out who's better or worse.


It's not like PvP gear doesn't have a cap too. You will catch up. Really fast.

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People also should stop thinking that the people "with" the PvP gear didn't do the same thing you're doing. The only thing you can do about it is do get the gear. Once you get the gear, you truly find out who's better or worse.


It's not like PvP gear doesn't have a cap too. You will catch up. Really fast.


Thank you!!

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lol GW2 free to play garbage which makes you buy patchs i tried the 1st guild wars i quit when i found out i didnt have a jump botton!


You obviously no nothing about GW2, sicne you just want to bad mouth it.


GW2 is nothing like GW1. GW2 is an "actual MMO" more so than Tor. No silly mass instancing, no farming shinys in battlegrounds. WORLD!! pvp.. real pvp as in before wow destroyed it.

Totally persistent world with only a very finite number of instances. Being free to play means nothing.


I used to pvp everyday an do nothing but in tor, world pvp not silly illum rubbish. after 300+ kills an zero progression now all I face is exploited an speed hacking pvp geared farmers...It is a pointless exercise now.

Edited by BegaTasty
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