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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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There are elements of the game that I quite enjoyed but it most certainly isn't worth a monthly subscription of any price as it stands right now.

Subscription cancelled.

Having to spend hours upon hours researching and tweaking my pc to try and get this to run smoothly was not totally wasted though...It's made a slight improvement to the performance of another certain MMO.


oh Blizzard, why did i ever leave you?

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Sadly no.

I want to love it, oh god do I want to love it, but it's rushed and tedious.

It's lacking features, little endgame, horrid pvp, bugs, quests are all either kill x enemies or gather x items from nodes, and it is so very very very linear. I'm an altoholic and I haven't gotten an alt above 20 because it's torture doing the EXACT SAME QUESTS outside of the class ones.


EA you let your greed ruin what could have been a WoW killer if you had only put some more work into the actual gameplay instead of blowing your load on the voiceovers and rushing it out.

Now I'm going back to WoW and EA I hate you so much for forcing me to.


*sound of weeping fading off into the distance*



Yes, I did consider going back to Rift but that has its own issues

Edited by ShardTosk
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I don't care either way. But I'm glad though this thread proves it's not "just the same handfull of trolls not liking the game" like the fanbois state all the time.


No, it most certainly isn't, is it.


I'll update this after I finish some studying. It is going to be a looooong count this time. Not looking forward to it.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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No, it most certainly isn't, is it.


I'll update this after I finish some studying. It is going to be a looooong count this time. Not looking forward to it.


Just be like the fanboiz and make up numbers its so much easier. :D

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Yes. :cool:


There are many ways it can be improved but I'm very satisfied at the moment. Will be renewing my subscription this month and for the foreseeable future. :o




Just IMHO but people are giving up waaaaaay too early on this. I remember the days of vanilla WoW and it had loads of problems and balance issues. Remember the naked rogue exploits looooong after release? Bioware doesn't have anything close to being that gamebreaking, at least nothing I've seen or heard about.

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Just IMHO but people are giving up waaaaaay too early on this.

PvP and bugs will be fixed by patches and I'm sure 50's will get more to do as time goes by but the lack of content 1-49 and tedious quests will require a bloody expansions worth of stuff. We'll be gone by then.

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Game in its current form is a single player game that allows you to play online with others. Few real MMORPG aspects. Nothing for roleplayers, vanity items, clothing/costumes, no dancing, no music playing, no Pazzak, no reason to be in town other to sell, pick up quests and spam for a group.


Crafting is generic and the game wouldnt miss it if it wasnt even there.


Once the story ends there is nothing but dalies, flashpoints and pvp...nothing else...this game is missing the MMORPG basics that many games release with.

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As of the changes yesterday, a big fat NO. I'd expect a new MMO to have bugs in it and stuff that needs heavy tweaking for a while since that's what happens with new launches even if tested offline. But lately I've been feeling that customer support just doesn't exist, our complaints and suggestions are being unanswered, the latest patches haven't really addressed many of the major bugs and have mostly been to do with cosmetic changes, and this new and horrible patch which most people HATE and want it either removed or an option to switch off the strobe effects on the GCD is being ignored and quite frankly is the last straw and putting me off this game. I haven't been able to play SWTOR all day because of the current state it's in with this eye-straining strobe. Complaining doesn't seem to reach any ears except our own so I'm quitting unless this gets dealt with soon.


We need people to listen to us. We're paying for this so we have our rights to voice our opinions and have them listened to and tested to see whether it would work or not. We need a real voice to talk to us when we have an issue that we need addressing by a real person and not just the protocol droid which takes days to respond and spewts out the same copy n paste and closes the query without any resolution.

Edited by MJHoyle
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There are problems, but I view them as minor. Having a blast in the game, loving the stories and running flashpoints with friends. I'm in no rush to hit end game and have alts of nearly every flavor to slow things down because leveling is ridiculously fast. By the looks of things, I think when I get to 50, the answer will change from a yes to a no.


We need more "downtime" within the game, something to do when the class story and planet stories are done, and we are either bored with or not interested in pvp. If I may share an excellent thread in which the OP of said thread addresses my concerns exactly


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520 for NO

519 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.






Special notices concerning this thread. Please read:




This update was by far the most difficult. There were many people who attempted to vote twice that I caught, many did not clarify their answers adequately, and there was WAY too much back-and-forth.


Please remember to keep your answers to a simple yes, no, or undecided and a paragraph of reasonable length of why you feel this way.


(Bolding and/or coloring what your answer is will help me to count.)


As always, I counted several times for each category separately. While others have raised questions about my accuracy, I assure you it is as accurate as I can humanly make it. Would this thread mean anything if I skewed it? NO. I have not, will not, and will NEVER purposely alter the results. Your thread is in good hands, and your tally is a accurate as possible. You can feel confident that your results reflect exactly how everyone has voted.


Thank you.


Continue on.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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- Random crash

- low FPS

- too much bug

- fail patchs


- Illum, enough said

- Camera

- No combat log

- Tab

- retarded game mechanics (random champ/bm bags, out of combat, shield, defense, armor types, trauma, interupt etc etc)

- overwhelming leveling boringness ( WAY too much travel, mount too slow, too much of a gap between what the story tells you and what the next pack of 3 normal and 1 strong random soldier do )

- Absolutly no feeling of a persistent world, a persistent republic fleet maybe barely.

- Broken flashpoint bosses

- Warzone too small and uninteresting

- Overall clunky unsmooth feeling of animations/combat

- Boring space mission

- Epic gear fest


- light saber

- blasters

- soundtrack

Edited by Vindor
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While it's nice that swtor has a smooth launch, it is now clear that the endgame crew is inexperienced, or they refuse to look through other MMOs and Bioware's other game to figure out why they succeeded or failed, or that they are just bad analyzers.


Or some combinations of the above.


Various changes to ilum and bag RNG system are the biggest problems; they tried to fix it numerous times, changes to ilum never fixed the real issue, and changes to the bag system is now clearly unfair towards new level 50 players. Warzone design is problematic too, while warzone can be fun pug vs pug, when rated warzone comes out, the 'defense is too easy' problem will start to show.


I can tolerate a launch that is sort of buggy;

however, I absolutely don't like that the game is so far away from its potential simply because some of the devs are stupid.

Edited by Sraom
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No, too buggy as it stands right now.


I still have half a dozen quests that I can't get rid of, there's still a trace of ability delay and the new UI flash thing is annoying to look at and giving me a slight headache.


Pre 50 the class storyline and quests helped overshadow the problems, but now that most of my time is spent farming dailys and pvping the loading times, lack of fluid combat, and overall mediocre performance is starting to stick out more and more.


I absolutely loved this game from day 1, but now it's wearing off :confused:

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