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Gunslingers are overpowered.


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I'm a healer, and I would say I have a healthy fear, and respect for gunslingers and snipers.


If unabated, they are a serious problem for me, and they'll force me to zone away and survive, or stay to heal other people and probably die.


I feel like the interaction is good though, and doesn't need any kind of nerfing at all. It doesn't take too much disruption from teammates to unsettle them.


Again this is speaking as a healer, other classes have interactions with them but from what I've heard, it's quite problematic for snipers etc.


If anything they're probably liable for some utility or survivability buffs.

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I notice how OP the snipers are the other day.


So I was in a war zone and guarding the door alone. No one was making a move for the door, so I figured great time to grab a beer. Right? So I AFK (I didn't tell the grp. That be silly). When I get back I'm at 30% life. I rush to my seat ( not too fast or I'd spill the beer) but I was too late. I was dead.


Point is no class should be able to almost kill me in the time it takes to grab a beer. Nerf em!

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Never expected that someone would say about Gunslinger or Sniper being overpowered... is world ending?

The day pigs flew...


They should replace all of our weapons with supersoakers. We already look like Mexican bullfighters, lets just make us even more laughable!

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I play a sniper, I cant that its the least played class. Played in the right hands, we can 1v1 and support like a boss ^_^ People just don't know to manage their CD's : / One good stun on a target without trinket and I can reduce their hp from 100% to half. More if its a squishy target.
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People cry about Sorc. and OPS being OP. But seriously the hardest guys to kill in Huttball are the Snipers / Gunslingers. If they know how to play their class and camp out on the platforms, they can be near impossible to kill. Massive damage output, multiple stuns. AOE knock back with root. Can't force leap behind cover. When played right this class can decimate their opponents.




There aren't a ton of snipers/gunslingers period, let alone good ones, but the few there are can be nasty.


I don't know if I'd say they're overpowered, (besides, this thread was obviously started by a troll) but Snipers/Gunslingers are not weak at all when played right.

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I dont know what to think about this. I have been playing a gunslinger up to 50 and they do seem very good, but I will hold judgement until I reach 50.


I would love to take the word of someone on the forums who knows what they are talking about, but unfortunately you are all a bunch of ignorant bads.

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when I see posts like this I always wonder if the OP's are geared for PvP.


On my main I mostly just PvE. But I do participate in the daily PvP quests but my main has zero pvp gear yet and only Valor rank 12.


Because of my lack of PvP gear and also lack of PvP expierence I get totally creamed in PvP. I get two and three shotted all the time.


But Im ok with it. I know its less that my class/build is poor. Or that other classes/builds are simply over powered. Its just simply the fact that I am totally out geared. And probably that I just suck at pvp also.


I'd like to see what these kinds of OP's have to say in a month or two when they are actually geared for PvP.


Im willing to bet they wont be singing the same tune when they get thier PvP gear and someone comes to these forums screaming for a nerf of thier class when its the OP's that are Under Geared for PvP.

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So OP bro.


Immobile Spec/White Damage Spec(Deflect Deflect Deflect)

Immobile Spec(yay Low Yellow Damage)

Outta Energy DoT Spec(cleansed...GG no damage)


If you want to play an OP class play a Sorc/Sage.


Oh noes the slinger is hertzing me, DoT, Dash, LoS, Heal to full. You too can be a pro and a winner.


So please Bioware if you decide to nerf this OverPowered and Underplayed class, just remove Smugglers and Agents from the game. That way we can all play glowsticks.

Edited by Kyrandis
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I'm a battlemaster gunslinger (or was, I'm rerolling a marauder to another server). My gear is 3 parts short of full champion, missing a 2nd trinket, main hand and bracers. I like the class and I was considering rolling a sniper but ended up deciding to take a completely different approach with a melee char for some diversity.


Imo the class is fine, as long as they fix the bugs that hinder the gameplay a lot, meaning ability delay, ability unresponsivness (hate spamming a skill that never activates) and cover problems, for example channel spells sometimes only using the last 1 or 2 ticks after rolling to cover and some general bugs like cc going through the cc-immunity skill etc. When, and hopefully soon, that all is done a gunslinger will instantly be a slightly better.


This class is not worthless like many people feel it is. I can beat anyone in damage boards because that's what this class does. Even 1v1 aren't so bad when you learn a few tricks (like using your aoe against melee. For me it ticks for 1,3k and crits over 2k and is yellow damage). I play markmanship (the single target dps spec) and I have accepted the fact that it cannot kite and the best thing is just to stay in cover. You have great damage, you are un-cc'able and you still have a knockback in aimedshot, another knockback, stun, legshot and flash grenade to keep the enemy momentary off you.


I don't know why sages/ sorcs seem to say that this class is a free kill for them because from my experience this class destroys them. When I pop my trinket and 15% alacrity cd and pull up a rotation, interrupt their chain lighting and possibly interrupt it a second time with flash grenade (often not usable because of the said animation delay it being a grenade) to a light armor and they are just dead. Unless there is a pillar.


And that's the biggest counter. That's a reason why this class would be unusable in an arena and I think this class is the biggest reason why there will never be arena. It would need a total revamp. But in battlegrounds it works, no matter how much people cry about it, it is good.


This class has a great damage but in cost of defenses. Maybe make our absorb bubble a bit less useless (wasting a global cd for, wait for it, 1,5k shield feels pointless) and do give us some armor penetration talents. In contrast, if all our damage was yellow, everyone would be crying how ridiculously op this class is and truth to be told, it would be.


So in short, I don't feel this class needs a lot. What I personally only miss is fluid wow-like gameplay in pvp, some help for the white damage from armor penetration and maybe slight buff to some of our defensive skills. Then the class would be more than fine. I feel like it is already, but I haven't played sage/sorc or commando / mercenary to see if the grass is greener on their side.

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TROLOLOLOLOL !!! Hear that, OVERPOWERED. In any 1VS1 a GS (sharpshooter spec) has to have all CCs out of CD to hope for a win (all other things being equal - like gear and level). No chance in 1vs2 (which is normal IMHO), not even to escape. For the record, I don't think is UP just a bit bugged at its core feature - cover.

Yeah, leave a GS unchecked on the field and you'll get padded with blaster bolts but if you put some hurt on him and make him lose a few GCDs on defensive actions then his rotation loses synergy and a lot of DPS. If BW manages to eradicate the bugs that pests GSs the class will be just fine in the right hands.


P.S. I don't know if inability to drop into cover when rooted is working as intended but it's the doom of the sharpshooter GS if his opponent has a clue.

Edited by LokoCrackhead
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Please nerf them. They can 3 - 4 shot any other class without criticals.


I'm sorry mate, but us GS and Snipers are the hardest class to play and the easiest to kill.


If you cant kill a lone sniper or GS 1 v 1 then you really need to go back and have a look at your play style and how you are using your skills.


The only way we can survive is if we have support. Rolling into cover solo is a sure fire way of getting killed quick.


Support and protect a slinger / sniper = win for the team.

Edited by Efir
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The Gunslinger is not op or up, simply you must be well equipped and very fast in skills execution: i am rank 65 with 671 expertise (8 battlemaster pieces and others champion) and with a healer you can make a huge amount of kills. After leg shot you only have 3 or max 4 sec to enter in cover,to use your rakata and skills buffs, and your rotation, it require to use key numbers and not mouse click. Trickshot have a 1,5 second window for to be used after scoring a critical hit, it is a class for really fast players, infact in the entire republic i only had saw a very few liv 50 gunslingers.


p.s. gunslinger's distraction is understimated in any case, you can interrupt all actions every 12 sec and denied the skill interrupted for 4 sec, in 1v1 it is a great advantage,i repeat: it is a class for fast players.

Edited by Killalott
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Sir Killalott , we are doing our best :). Sometimes our best is enough other times it isn't. All in all, I love my GSs hat and I'd be a happy kitten if BW deals with the few frustrating bugs that plagues the class.


I second this, i love my GS.


If you can play GS or Sniper well, you are a skilled player.

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