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PvP in SWTOR. Thank you Bioware.


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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.

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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


So you think illum 30 vs 30 is fun? omg! major lag and faction imbalances. Wow is lightyears above SW:TOR PvP

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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


The one part I will post about here to agree with is the fact: SWTOR is far better balanced then WoW in terms of pvp classes.


WoW is an unbalanced mess and has been for years.


SWTOR was just relreased and over all is fairly well balanced. that is a feat.

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must be a troll/sarcasm thread?


ilum fights i see are 50imps vs 5-10reps


that's not pvp that's farming


wz's.......all 3 of them lol, not even worth mentioning


world pvp......err what world pvp?

Edited by Evuke
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This is the absolute worst most bug ridden unbalanced frustrating game I have ever played...


I see people bashing quit threads but I completely understand where the people are coming from, why they quit and why people make so many rage posts.


This game is so frustrating because the things that are wrong are things even armature companies in the free to play market have figured out.

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Its actually kind of an ironic troll. Like even though he could be coming on here to legitimately compliment the game, I still laugh because it is honestly hard for me to even imagine that someone is complimenting the game on the things that he is.


If you enjoy it more power to you, but to me....lol.

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No one is EVER satisfied with PvP no matter the game. From WoW to DarkFall. I do agree with the OP that PvP in at least 10-49 is balanced. Albeit leveling is very slow from PvP only.


BTW serious question -- Isn't Ilum free for all?

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Every serious PvP player knows that this game is a biggest joke in terms of PvP, but average Joes praises brings the cash in so it doesnt really matter.


I'm a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging.


"Oh but all the knockbacks, they so annoying! ****" - Get a life friend. I like the knockbacks, being knocked down a level, pulled up a level etc, why, because it means my 'press button 1, then 3 .2 second later, button 2, that means cd down at optimum time, taking into account latency blah blah blah' goes completely out the window. There is no optimum super rotation/priority in this game. Thats why i love it, you have to adapt, you can't use macros, because your situation is always changing, and that is out of your control.


"This game is a stunfest, its so annoying..." - Oh well, yet again you will have to stop relying on a precision egineered rotation/priority.


"But god its unbalanced, i mean that class is so OP..." - again, i kill all the other classes, and all the other classes kill me. That there is balance. I stand a chance, a good chance against all other classes.


"That one button uber class attack rocket thingy, i mean thats just so lame..." - I love tracer missile lovers, they taste nice.


"****, sorcs, so OP, they just lightening spam me to death" - only ever happened to me when i am outnumbered by them. But if i am outnumbered by any class, i am beat.


The bugs, yes there are bugs, and they will be fixed.


I am a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging.

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wow, what server are you on? I will switch asap. I agree on balance though, with los, environment, gear taken into consideration, I think its very balanced. I know alot of people think its imbalanced cause

1. They are undergeared going up against a BM with all his adrenals and heals(bad idea in my opinion to attach skills to two crewskills, if you want to be good you better be biochem/cybertech)

2. There a caster(merc) and try and fight with obvious environments issues, like corners, or poles that break LOS. Or their the opposite and try to take a ranged class out in the open lol

3. Don't realize that they are playing their character wrong(not an insult, just takes practice)


ilum, uhm not on my server, my server you ride in circles with 50 other imps, or you stand at the entrance to the rep base and pray some of them run into you to die. I know alot of people are loving ilum on my server right now, cause if you win trade you can knock out your valor very quickly, but I don't find it even remotely amusing.

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I'm a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging.


"Oh but all the knockbacks, they so annoying! ****" - Get a life friend. I like the knockbacks, being knocked down a level, pulled up a level etc, why, because it means my 'press button 1, then 3 .2 second later, button 2, that means cd down at optimum time, taking into account latency blah blah blah' goes completely out the window. There is no optimum super rotation/priority in this game. Thats why i love it, you have to adapt, you can't use macros, because your situation is always changing, and that is out of your control.


"This game is a stunfest, its so annoying..." - Oh well, yet again you will have to stop relying on a precision egineered rotation/priority.


"But god its unbalanced, i mean that class is so OP..." - again, i kill all the other classes, and all the other classes kill me. That there is balance. I stand a chance, a good chance against all other classes.


"That one button uber class attack rocket thingy, i mean thats just so lame..." - I love tracer missile lovers, they taste nice.


"****, sorcs, so OP, they just lightening spam me to death" - only ever happened to me when i am outnumbered by them. But if i am outnumbered by any class, i am beat.


The bugs, yes there are bugs, and they will be fixed.


I am a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging.



So your saying that normal WZs are challenging? kk. But on serious note, this game doesnt have any endgame on PvP part, yet, well maybe rated WZs for premades only, will change that.

Edited by Forsbacka
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