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[Poll] Most boring planet?


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The worst i've experienced so far is Taris, very confusing to navigate and never ending. Also after having to deal with Rakghouls in KotOR i got bored of them pretty quick. Im nearly done with Corellia and i may change it to that soon because its even worse than Taris to navigate the mobs are spread out to a point but then there are some really frustratingly congested areas at the same time, theirs also hardly any quick travel points.


Voss and Tython have been my favourites so far.

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All of them? They are all empty, lifeless and sterile while being littered with phases so you don't forget you are playing a single player game while paying for an MMO


in January there were 2 console games that i really like the look of, and if i was not playing SWTOR, i would have bought them.


1 month of SWTOR


2 full price console games


hmm seems playing SWTOR has saved me money.


ok but now to the real point tho. SWTOR is being patched weekly and we get a content patch every couple of months or so. single player console games do not, and that is why you play a monthly sub. you might not feel like this is very "MMO" like. but you can't blame SWTOR or BW for that, they are merely giving the players what they want. they have 1.7m subs this is not 1.7m hardcore MMO players, in fact much is made up of casual players that like to team up when they got time, but like to play the story solo when they don't. sorry to tell you this, but this is the direction MMOs are taking, this is the direction the next big MMO will also be taking.


why ??? popular demand. that is how you pay the bills

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I voted Coruscant. Why? Simple: So much completely pointless walking from quest objective to quest objective, and it's not even interesting - sure, the world has a storyline, but it's a boring one that feels bereft of action or reason.


Dromund Kaas I can stomach multiple playthroughs because it's full of Sith artifacts, a cult infiltration, the defeat of a rogue Sith lord, etc., etc. It's got things going on the instant you leave the spaceport, whereas for Coruscant it's 'Go talk to senator x, then go to x location and talk to x person, and THEN maybe you'll get to accomplish something if you just take the long flight to x location and speak to x."

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Most boring? Nar Shaada...It's nothing like it was in the 2nd game...I felt none of the night life or anything going on there that made it the "smugglers moon" (or is that from mass effect lol I cant remember haha...)


Worst planet? Belsavis simply because of its lame design...


Best? Taris Republic side was pretty awesome to venture too...Seeing Revans speeder...then Endar Spire...and finding out what happen to the people who went to the promised lands...Good stuff!

Edited by Vicen
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Corellia is #1 most boring by far.


The poll results are surprising to me. Nar Shaddaa and Taris are easily two of the most fun.


Edit: I see what's happening now. The OP really should've put Taris (Imperial), Taris (Republic), Balmorra (Imperial), and Balmorra (Republic) on the list. Taris for Republic has the best story of any zone in the game.

Edited by silkforcalde
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When I was questing on Dromund Kaas, I said to myself, "There is no possible way any of the planets in this game could be worse than this one."


Then I got to Balmorra.


I wanted to die.


Thankfully Nar Shaddaa was a vast improvement. I wish it actually felt like Nar Shaddaa though - 95% of the time you weren't anywhere near the classic Nar Shaddaa atmosphere.


But yeah, Balmorra.

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All of them? They are all empty, lifeless and sterile while being littered with phases so you don't forget you are playing a single player game while paying for an MMO


yah the whole single player thing is getting old dude..


bioware even told us, you can solo this game if you choose to. There are still lots of things for people to do together, but we aren't forcing you to group like in other mmos. MMO is massively multiplayer online meaning you are playing online with a massive amount of other people..it doesn't say you need to group anywhere...

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All the planets are bad in this game. The overall design from day 1 was bad, at it's core they did it wrong.


Nar Shadaa was my biggest dissapointment though. A real casino where you can do at least 1 friggin gambling minigame? NO


An actual dance club that had more than a couple NPCs dancing nonstop and a band? Nope. Cant interact with anything or do anything.


All bad. Just a bad game all around. A linear, go here, collect this, kill this, nothing to do, no flare, no charm, nothing more than the bare bones junk. There is nothing special in this game that sets it apart from anything else besides the voices and that gets old after the first character.

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Obviously the most boring planet is Earth. That's why we're pretending to be somewhere else.


Yup, Earth is always too populated. The planet use to be all nice and green and beautiful, but all of a sudden we got big buildings and overpopulation all thanks to those nasty developers. And then they made items so darn expensive.

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